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James 5:16

Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.

Ennlin was not sure what to do. Alexa was bound within the back wall of the confession stand with all of her goods on display for anyone who strolled in. In this case "anyone" was equally almost nude, dressed in but her harness, heeled boots, gloves and headdress. Part of her wanted to just quietly leave the confessional and forget about the mildly shocking sight in front of her, but a curious part of her wanted to try touching the wall-encased nun and see what would happen.

Ennlin pulled off her right glove and tentatively reached out with a trembling hand to put it down on the nude nun's upturned thigh, essentially touching her below her buttocks if she had stood upright. 

Alexa moaned and squirmed but could hardly move as the holes in the wall where her head, tits and pelvis stuck through restricted her so much, she basically merely shook her tits, winked with her pierced pussy and made the fleshy tube protruding from her anus twitch.

"Please don't keep me waiting. I had to keep a straight face the whole time and all the confessions were over way too quickly!", the muscular woman pleaded and started to continuously whimper softly.

Alexa's tits were glistening with a greasy sheen, probably due to the flask of oil on the shelf next to them. Her pussy, warded off by little else than the red silver cross, seemed to be off-limits, but touching her there might prove most effective to sate her needs. Especially since Ennlin did not dare touch the cum dripping rosy red thing hanging down from her anus and pointing to the floor like an ugly slimy worm that vomited out cum every few moments.

“What happened to your butt?”, she asked shyly as she started to slowly pet the blindfolded nun’s upturned thigh.

“I can’t see, but my ass is probably prolapsed.”, she said and clenched her anus a few times as if feeling for it. Obviously, she could not do anything about it with her hands bound on the other side of the wall.

Pitying the nun, Ennlin slowly slid her hand toward the captured confessor's groin who showed her appreciation with a hoarse moan. Her fingertips tickled the nun's hairless pussy lips which moved as her snatch continuously clenched and relaxed.

"You are really wet. Do you like being like this?", she whispered coyly to the nun, not sure if it was allowed or not, and slipped her finger over the nun's clit with agonizing slowness which made the red cross jangle and clink with the other piercings imbedded the nun's engorged outer lips. Alexa growled in a mix of pain and pleasure, tilted her pelvis towards the hand that promised ecstasy, and mewled as the pain overwhelmed pleasure. 

"Please, not my clit! It's too oversensitive.", she said through a whine.

Ennlin was taken aback. Judging by her own feelings she would have surely gotten herself off like this. Obviously the nun had been felt up a bit too much there. Ennlin had to try something else. The aspirant dipped one finger between her folds in hopes of finding a pleasurable spot inside, but the entrance was obstructed by something soft and stretchy.

Alexa was a virgin.

How was this possible? Was the cross that kept tugging on her clit and swinging in front of her holes really that powerful? How could it be no one had dared to claim her virginity.

The nun kept whimpering but she gave no indication that she'd be opposed to having her virginity taken. Or was she sure enough the aspirant would not dare as well? She simply rocked forward as far as she could within her restraints. The nun almost took her own purity herself with the sudden jerk, had Ennlin not moved with her groin in order to remove her hand.

The aspirant could not risk it. She would have to live with her for a long time to come. Also, a nun's virginity was supposed to mean something, even though this convent’s rules were seemingly lax, to say the least.

Ennlin looked down to the slimy worm and swallowed hard. Reluctantly, she let her hand slip down onto it with averted eyes and a furrow in her brows. The aspirant was surprised at how warm it felt, though it was sticky and slimy like a frog.

The raven-haired aspirant was rewarded by another hoarse moan: "Ahh! Right there!”

Was this… ‘thing’ really this sensitive?

“I’ll just stroke you off then...”, Ennlin blurted out awkwardly and began petting it in disgust. At least Alexa could not see her face.

“No! Can you please push it back in? I can’t do it myself, you see?”, the nun asked and made the prolapse jump as she clenched her sphincter, adding: “And then just use your hand.”

‘She surely meant fingers’, was Ennlin’s thought as she picked up the slippery worm. Pushing it back up the nun’s anus was surprisingly easy even though it was dripping with cum. Within moments the nun’s butt looked pretty normal, though extremely agape. As the aspirant was finished tidying up Alexa she dipped a finger inside, but the toned nun merely whimpered as if she was still anticipating Ennlin’s move.

She added a second finger and pushed upwards toward her pussy. Alexa’s ass went from a gaping oval to more of a slit shape, but it was still loose enough to take about twice as much fingers before any kind of stretching happened. Ennlin worried, that her ass would look like that too, one day.

As if to distract her from exactly that thought, she felt how the muscle around the base of her fingers forcibly tightened and Alexa moaned gutturally and raw like this was closer to the thing she wanted to be done.

With a gasp Ennlin pulled her fingers from the toned nun’s ass and was surprised that her anus was now tightly sealed. The puckered, wrinkly ring of flesh looked as well trained as all the other muscles, which gave the nun her barbaric features. Ennlin concluded Alexa did not just look strong on the outside, inside probably she was too.

“More please.”, the nun pleaded with a sad whimper.

Ennlin took a breather, then she pushed all four of her slickened fingers against the resisting asshole with only her thumb not joining the other fingers inside. A lusty howl was the reaction as the tight ring was slowly spread open by the aspirant’s hand. Wiggling her fingers turned the nun’s moans into squeals of pleasure.

Between raspy breaths, Alexa bid her: "Please go deeper."

Ennlin’s had been playing with the lower end of the cross as her thumb reached it barely. She then folded her thumb in and expected a bit more resistance as she pushed forward. Unexpectedly, it slipped right in. She sunk in up to her wrist until a soft-skinned bend in the nun's intestines stopped her. 

Something akin to a bear's roar by the bound nun showed the startled aspirant she was on the right track. A bit disgusted by having her hand shoved up a girl's ass, though amazed at how she liked to actually give pleasure, Ennlin pulled out until she could see her own knuckles again. Her fingers were tightly hugged by the nun's sphincter, which in its tightened state seemed again to be another sign of approval. The ring put up little resistance even though it was dragged in with the next inward push until it slipped back over the young woman's knuckles.

Alexa cried out in delight as Ennlin's hand poked the bend again. The aspirant thought she might have even poked too hard, so she decided to fold up her fingers on the next push, essentially fisting the nun as she moved on.

She slowly started pumping her fist in and out feeling the skin inside her shift with every move, which was usually accompanied by lusty moans and sighs as her fist retreated.

Pulling out her sticky hand, Ennlin found it still slippery with the cum of all the people who had confessed their sins to God, and my extension Alexa. She pushed it back in earning a moan and another sigh in the return. Ennlin, becoming a bit more forceful with every thrust, found her fist bouncing against that bend ever so slightly again and again until it gave way with the nun grunting with accomplishment.

Ennlin worked up quite the sweat as she pushed the nun to her obviously deserved orgasm, but Alexa urged her on as she moaned in pleasure every time the aspirant's fist drove the deepest, past the bend, slightly shifting the skin inside with her arm.

The cries and signals the bound nun sent out plateaued with Ennlin realizing that getting her off might be more work than anticipated.

"Please… deeper.", Alexa quietly said and as Ennlin complied she felt her knuckles bump against something. At first, she thought it might be the nun’s excrement, but this object was rather hard. Also, she knew she had washed herself inside as well. At least she said so and had missed breakfast as a direct consequence.

Anyways, Ennlin pulled out her hand completely to check, much to the disappointment of the nun who started whimpering again.

Her hand was clean, besides the cum of course. The aspirant reinserted her hand in search of the object and as she got as deep as her elbow she touched it again. It was round and maybe the size of her fist. It had gaps big enough hold on to it, but as she tried to pull it out something creepily caressed her fingertips. Startled bad enough, Ennlin lost her grip and the ball slipped further around the next bend. 

"Yes!", the nun moaned and only then Ennlin realized she had been crying out her approval for quite a while now.

As she pushed in her elbow to maybe get around the next corner the naked aspirant realized she had Alexa on the edge of orgasming.

"Yes, deeper!", she cried out with Ennlin groping around the deepest parts yet. Sadly the ball was gone, probably slipped up beyond her reach.

Her disappointment was not shared by the nun whose mind was focused on orgasming so much that she moved up her pelvis by the inch or two she could move, effectively pushing Ennlin's arm up her own ass enough to finally get herself off. 

Her low growl developed into a raspy cry as her insides kneaded the aspirant's arm like dough. She convulsed within the confines of her bonds and suddenly splashed Ennlin's face and shoulder with an unending stream of girl cum until the aspirant could free herself and get clear of the squirting nun's blast.

After a few moments of rattling her confines Alexa’s orgasm was over and as she was taking a few breathers she said: 

"Thank you, Ennlin, we should so that again sometime... Maybe when I can see you.", she smiled and her voice had reverted back from the raspy cry to her usual high pitched upbeat style of talking.

"I'd love to.", Ennlin more whispered than said, "Do you need me to get you out?"

"No, Charlotta will get me when it is time."

- - - - - - - - 

A little later, at lunch in the refectory, Ennlin reminisced over the happenings of the morning. A bit distracted, she poked at the warm dumplings with her spoon as she imagined herself naked in front of the congregation at the Holy Mass.

Mass had been overwhelming at first, but Ennlin somehow got comfortable even with all of the congregation’s eyes on her. Maybe being naked around the kindred spirits of the convent was not that bad after all in comparison. The thought of showing her dedication to the others lifted her confidence and would probably do even more so when she will be totally acclimated in the future.

Ennlin was sitting next to Maggie who had stayed at her side all the way from the chapel. It turns out, she had been missing from Mass because she had staffed the second confession stand, and had been released by Charlotta afterwards. 

Maggie hungrily dug into her meal and seemed oblivious to the general feeling of daunt in the room.

The aspirant looked around and found the others way more flushed than usual. The whole refectory was eerily quiet except for the mostly inaudible whispers from Frederika, who was talking with Detty and Agneta on the quiet, but no less obvious.

"What's wrong?", Ennlin asked her guide in a whisper.

Maggie smacked her lips in annoyance, but that faded quickly just before she answered:

"Oh, right. You don't have piercings yet."

She deliberated for a second and continued: "Our piercings can sense the presence of demons and start to vibrate as soon as any demon is around. The convent is supposed to be free of demonic influence, but we can feel it through these vibrations right now."

"What? How could this happen?", Ennlin asked in a moment of terror. 

She could not feel any aura like her father's, which, at the time, she only had realized when that aura went away.

"I don't know. Agneta and Rika are probably talking about that right now.", Maggie nodded over to the whispering nuns.

Bashfully, Ennlin did, too. Her eyes locked with Agneta's, who, by the looks of it, had been told to do something with the young raven-haired woman. The guard nodded to the librarian and the mother superior each and came straight over. As she moved, her tits jiggled with every step, both crowned by hard pebbly nipples that looked like rose colored cherries, delicious and plump. For a moment the aspirant thought she saw the plump nubs quiver from the vibration coming from the adorning piercings, but she might just have imagined it. Unconsciously clutching her own juggs Ennlin tried to imagine how it would feel getting them done and simply wearing them, like they were on these magnificent breasts she was staring at, especially now that they were supposed to vibrate.

"Hey, new girl, come with me.", her voice cracked in the usual manner, but still implied a sense of urgency. Ennlin, now realizing she actually was hungry, quickly scooped a whole dumpling in her mouth and repeatedly nodded while getting up.

Maggie only glanced at them once before occupying herself with her food again and grinned happily, as if not being responsible for the aspirant was a load off her shoulder.

Ennlin followed the guard outside the refectory, her wide hips and thick buttcheeks were an enticing sight as they swayed with every step along the way. The aspirant could even see the guard had her juices running down her inner thighs that glistened in the sunlight. She was surely excited about something.

"Since aspirant's usually don't get to witness an inquisition, Rika thinks this might teach you a few things."

Agneta walked along the cloister and did not bother turning around to the aspirant while heading on. Ennlin had trouble keeping up.

“An inquisition? Like in the book?”, Ennlin got excited and intimidated at the same time. 

“Uhm, yes.”, Agneta stopped and faced Ennlin suddenly, pulled up one brow, as her massive breasts swayed left and right while settling down from her abrupt movement. Seemingly unaffected by her own juggs swinging mesmerizingly, realization hit her: “Oh, you had that silly alphabet that Mother Jutta made for newbies.”

Overly playful, she put one finger on her plump lips as she looked up. It was plain to see she remembered the book well as she continued with her voice kind of chopping off every other higher syllable: “Just like in the book, but it’s not merely pointing crosses at people. Demons can be quite tricky to locate, so we’ll have to figure out, who is possessed and then exorcise her.”

Agneta practically oozed confidence and Ennlin was swept up in her poise. As the busty nun turned back on her way, Ennlin could see her tits peek forth from each side of her body as they settled down into her walking rhythm.

She figured they were heading straight back towards the chapel since the only outside contact was at Mass. There Agneta would probably start her inquisition with whatever comes before pointing the cross at the demon.

She followed the guard with her eyes fixed on her juicy asscheeks which bounced each with every step as far as her harness allowed.

“What do you expect to find at the chapel?”, the aspirant asked with her eyes still following the movements of the nun’s bouncy buttcheeks.

This time without stopping Agneta blurted out: “My, you are sharp.”, Ennlin was not sure if that was sarcasm or she truly meant it, but she kept her mouth shut as Agneta carried on, ”I am looking for a clue of sorts. I don’t believe a demon would voluntarily enter our House of God since they are supposed to feel a considerable amount of pain upon entering. Jutta told me, it has to do with our evaporated sweat that has the same holy properties all other blessed juices do. Well, as long as we wear the sanctified piercings, of course.”

“Of course.”, Ennlin mumbled.

They passed the gate to the chapel and her cracking voice started to echo, forcing her talk slower: “So the most likely explanation would be someone planted a demon larva. As with any other demon, it possesses its victim as soon as an orgasm is achieved, so that limits the number of our suspects.”

Agneta proceeded to the spot where she had been standing most of the mornings ceremony, to recollect the other nuns’ whereabouts at the time.

“I had my eye on everyone as Mass went on and I would have noticed anyone succumbing to lust. Anyone but the confessors.”, she looked to the confession stands, lost in thought for a moment, but stopped to add a side note: “You were actually pretty close to creaming yourself, too, but you had it under control after you passed that strange woman in the third row.”

The guard turned out to be quite observative. She made her way to the first stand where Maggie had done her duty.

Agneta mumbled to herself more than Ennlin: “Luckily you and Theo were supposed to clean up the confessionals AFTER lunch. That means nothing is disturbed yet.”

She pulled open the curtain separating the booth from the rest of the chapel. With the backroom unlit, the holes for the nun’s pelvis, breasts and head looked each like a yawning abyss. The rest of the tiny space looked like a mess. Bodily fluids were everywhere, but mostly on the ground. Ennlin could not make out if any of them were sweat, cum or a nun’s juices, but it reeked of sex.

The aspirant was busy picking up her jaw off the floor, as she looked at Maggie’s soiled confessional booth. She hadn't noticed this in Alexa’s confession stand earlier. A sliver of jealousy bit at her as she imagined Maggie being fondled by other people, but her mind could not make up itself about if she wanted to trade places, have Maggie at her mercy like this or none of the above.

Agneta knelt down, unceremoniously pulled off one of her gloves and drove her index finger through the thick puddle on the floor only to slurp up the big, thick droplet and lick her finger clean afterwards. 

Ennlin was taken aback once more. She barely withstood smelling the rich odor of sex and cum, tasting it would have been a whole other torment. However, Agneta acted as if nothing significant had happened. Contrarily, she even sluiced the liquid around in her mouth with closed eyes and a furrow of concentration separating her brows.

She swallowed and said: “Nothing out of the ordinary. Maggie must have been exceptionally horny, but she did not cum. That said, I can’t find anything unusual here. Let’s have a look at the other confession stand.”

Ennlin led the way as to not let Agneta see her still perplexed face. The seemingly normal investigation process of licking bodily fluids off the ground took the aspirant by surprise. She would never ever taste unknown stuff like that, would she? According to Detty, an inquisition was a regular activity for a nun, so she might have to some time in the future.

“You taste the next puddle and tell me what you think.”, The guard said before Ennlin could open the curtain. 

She froze. 

Agneta wanted her to… taste it? That future had come way too soon.

“Ha! I’m just messing with ya!”, Agneta chuckled, “It’s not often I get to use the sense I pray for. Well, for something constructive I mean.”

The guard chuckled and stepped past the aspirant to push the cloth to the side.

“Uhh, what have we here?”, She said with a demonstratively pondering tone.

On the floor in the middle of a puddle lay a hollow, fist-sized ball that was made of metal strips held together by tiny painful-looking rivets. 

“This, my humble student, is an ‘ovum progenesis’. Better known as ‘tentacle ball’. Cults use these things for breeding demons in the intestines of their followers until they are possessed.” Agneta explained.

“Oh no, that’s horrible.” Ennlin covered her mouth, still staring at the empty hatchery shell.

“No. The horrible part is, if used with a special serum, these tentacles can turn the victim’s intestines as sensitive as her clit. Essentially guaranteeing that whenever something is shoved up there she creams herself.” she added while kneeling down.

Had had happened to Alexa?

A swipe of her finger through this puddle produced a similar wad of slime that she eagerly slurped into her luscious mouth. The guard almost immediately swallowed and confirmed what Ennlin had suspected as soon as she laid eyes on that metal sphere:

“Yeah. She came hard. Just once, but really powerful and that probably with that ball inside her.”, Agneta said and looked a little unsure for a moment.

“That’s…  when it hatched and we started feeling the vibrations in our piercings.”, she added. 

Ennlin could not take her eyes off the ovum. The pattern of the metal sphere surely looked like what she felt deep in Alexa’s ass just before she came. It dawned on the young aspirant now. 

It was her fault. 

Because of her, a demon has infiltrated the convent and now, until it is captured, it can do as it pleases. She grew quiet and imagined all kind of ways she would be thrown out of the convent or would end up possessed.

Noticing Ennlin’s sudden dead silence, Agneta stood back up and asked: “What’s going on?”

The aspirant quarrelled with herself to speak the truth. A glum feeling grabbed hold of Ennlin’s heart and cold sweat began running down her exposed breasts. She felt her nipples harden. Not because of arousal, but because of… uncertainty?

She feared that her life as a nun was over before it began. 

“I think I did that.”

“What?”, the guard’s voice cracked harshly as if to emphasize her confusion.

“I think, I hatched the demon.”

“Why would you do that?”, Agneta showed little sign of genuine surprise. The young aspirant’s mind, however, was fixated on her own misgivings.

“I didn’t know. I sorry...”, Ennlin, with tears already running down her cheeks, broke off into a pitiful wail. “I’m sooo sorry!”

“Don’t worry, sister. I will make this work.”, Agneta’s confident smile gave the aspirant back a little hope, but she was still quietly sobbing with her tears running freely.

“Did she say anything after she came?”, the inquisitor asked.

“No, only that I should not worry about her, because Charlotta would get her out.”

“That’s bad. That means Alexa and Charlotta could be possessed. You, wipe off them tears and wait here for Charlotta. Keep her busy. I’ll find Alexa and try to exorcise her.”

- - - - - -

Charlotta entered the Chapel with the bells tolling overhead, followed by a demurely ground fixated Theodora, who only looked up as Charlotta asked:

“Oh Ennlin,... where... where…  is Agneta? Oh… aren’t you supposed…  to stay together?”, she had trouble enunciating her question. Ennlin could not make out if she was worried or relieved.

If the pregnant looking prayer trainer was possessed, she did not show it. Ennlin was not sure what that would entail, but she still looked like she had to fight hard not to cum right then and there. Her teeth were clenched and a small amount of spittle ran down from the corner of her mouth. The was flushed, beet red, down to her cleavage and still posed a weirdly appealing erotic sight. Ennlin realized that her piercings had to be vibrating too, making her ongoing exorcism all the much harder. Speaking of hard, Ennlin's gaze fell on her bulging strawberry sized nipples which proudly held out their piercings like they were intended as a gift. They presented themselves on the peak of her plump breasts, ripe for her  lips to wrap around them and suckle. As she saw clear fluid dripping off the cross below her pregnant looking belly, the aspirant found it strangely dangling from side to side which was caused by her left thigh boot clad leg and foot tapping the ground.

Ennlin was gawking again.

“A-after seeing the confession stands Agneta told me to stay and help you clean up.”, the aspirant answered, “She wanted to handle the exorcism herself.”

It wasn’t a complete lie. She had intended to help the prayer trainer, as soon as she’d seen the mess in there. Partly because she had caused some of it, partly because Theodora and her were the cleanup crew of sorts as it seemed.

Theo interjected: “I’m here to do that.”

After a short glance to the other nun, who surprisingly lacked mop and bucket, but still sported and equally 7 month pregnancy belly and plugged nipples, Charlotta took the word again.

“You should have… Ah!...”, she really had trouble composing herself, “...stayed with her, aspirant. Did she also tell you to waste my time?”

“Y-Yes...”, it hit Ennlin like a quarry stone.

Moaning lewdly the prayer teacher schooled her: “Oooh…, she tricked you. She pr… probably made you believe I was possessed.”, Theodora snickered behind her.

“So, it was Agneta who let Alexa out of the confession stand and got possessed?”, Ennlin asked in disbelief. 

Charlotta moaned again before saying:

“Well… at least you know how to use your head.”, Charlotta mused and Theodora chuckled cutely, but the prayer teachers disapproved: “Unlike you, Theo… Aaah!... Remember, you are here without utensils because you don’t.”

A question started to form in Ennlin’s mind about this, but got smashed by the strict nun, whose demon seemed to seize its squirming, letting his exorcist formulate her following order for the aspirant without interrupting her: 

“You will go to the stables in the west wing and find Alexandra and Bernadetta. If Agneta is there keep HER occupied and tell Detty she guessed right. Now go. Quickly!”, she said as she collapsed to her knees and began praying between moans, heading the aspirant no further explanation.

“Sister!”, Theo jumped forward with her tits settling down a second later as she caressed the nun’s bloated stomach, which dented outwards now more viciously than any time Ennlin had witnessed yet.

Ennlin froze until Theo shooed her out of the chapel: “Go!”

- - - - - - -

On her way to the stables, Ennlin had thoughts only for her recent failures. It was her fault the demon was hatched, and she let it get away. Of course, she had no means of exorcising the demon, since she did not produce any blessed fluids yet.

Stronger people than her had to sort out her mess now.

Since Detty was exorcising her own demons like Charlotta, with her breasts noless, she might have an equally hard time extracting the demon, wouldn’t she? On top of that her piercings were surely vibrating as well.

- - - - - - 

Ennlin found the stables mostly because of the smell, somehow the fragrance of honey and hay lead her there. Contrary to her expectation she smelled no dung or droppings.

The stables were actually pretty roomy, almost as big as the chapel. Wooden panels blocked part of the view to the back of the room, but the ceiling showed how far back it went. The usual tiling went only to about a third of the room, where the enclosures for the animals began. 

Ennlin entered and only heard Agneta chanting. She carefully snuck to the first of the wooden panels to peek past them and saw that not all enclosures were closed off like this. The aspirant saw the three of them standing behind the huge horse at the entrance of its pen in the very back.

Agneta’s and Detty’s butts were turned to the aisle. Both were looming over Alexa who knelt on the floor, partly obscured by a wooden panel and Boris, the draft horse. The guard held out a rosary towards Alexa and chanted in Latin, which the aspirant did not understand.

Now that Ennlin knew, Agneta, or rather the demon inside her, mocked an inquisition to trick Detty, who wasn’t aware that a tentacle coming from Agneta's ass was heading for her groin.

It slithered down Agnetas leg and came up through a ray of light glistening in purple and black.

With only seconds to react Ennlin fell into a sprint towards them and cried out: “Detty, Lotta said you guessed right!” 

She wanted to catch the tentacle before it reached Detty but they stood too far away.

“You?”, Detty took a step back into the aisle and prepared for a fight as Agneta turned with the tentacle coiling back around her leg.

In the same moment, Alexa reacted as well: “Boris! Kick!”

With a whinny, the massive draft horse’s hindquarters jumped up and delivered a devastating push with its hooves. They hit the unprepared guard squarely in the back and sent her flying into Detty. With both of them tumbling into the opposite pen Ennlin lost sight of them and with that also of the tentacle.

She saw Alexa get up as she neared the pen and heard Detty curse: “Oh, no, fuck! Fuck fuck fuck! Aaaah!!!”

As Ennin came around the last panel she saw Agneta was unconscious near the pen’s door and Detty thrashed around on the ground in orgasmic delight. The tentacle was still partly visible as it buried into her pussy. It thrashed around, just like Detty, but got shorter by the second.

“Quick! Pull it out! Detty is about to come!” Alexa called out somewhere behind her.

Ennlin froze.

What was she to do once she had it? She did not know. She did not want to do the wrong thing again.

Alexa pushed the aspirant to the side so that she toppled on top of Agneta's unconscious body. The beastmaster herself crashed to her knees right in front of the librarian. She caught just enough of the tentacle to pull at it, but the slimy black and violet eel slipped from her fists twice before she had it tightly in her right hand and pulled it from Detty's wet pussy. The tentacle immediately refocused and coiled down her toned arm and toned back to get at the muscular nun's butt. It was long enough on both ends to go down to the beastmasters slim waist, but luckily could not go further.

“Silly bastard. My ass is off limits to you.”, Alexa said in her cute voice that seemed to misfit the amazon holding the tentacle over her head.

With Detty panting heavily, laying on the ground in orgasmic haze and Agneta unconscious, Alexa called Ennlin over, who only unfroze as she heard her own name.

“Ennlin, get over here and help me.”, she brought her other hand up to where she held the earthworm like tentacle by its midsection and clasped it with both hands.

Ennlin heard a shrill squeal from the tentacle as the nun pulled it apart, and casually said: “Touch my cunt.”

“W-what?”, the aspirant was again taken aback. The buff nun with the cute voice used the same harsh language as Maggie did. She tried not to let it distract her from following her orders through and pulled off her gloves.

Ennlin tentatively reached out to cup the nun’s mound, careful not to pull on the clit bound cross to hard, and asked: “Like this?”

She felt up the strong nun and was surprised how slick and warm she was there. Touching her groin felt like it was perfectly molded to fit her upturned hand as her fingers squished the cross between the sensitive folds. Her hand was soon soaked in Alexa’s juices, which slowly ran down the aspirant’s arm. Ennlin inadvertently took a whiff of the beastmaster's aroma. She smelled of fresh sweat, berries and straw, the stench of cum and sex seemingly had stayed behind at the confession stand.

“The other hand, too, and coat your arms with it.” Alexa urged her.

“Really?”, Ennlin asked, but complied a little less hesitant.

“Yes. Trust me... Now hold this.”, Alexa held one tentacle over to the aspirant, who again grew painfully conscious of her own nudity and hesitated for a second, but grabbed hold of the tentacle nonetheless. She expected the tentacle to be cold and wet but was surprised as she felt its silky and warm midsection. The thing immediately squirmed and twisted, coiling down her arms almost to her shoulders. It slipped in her hands but clutching it tightly bunched each side up, which effectively stopped it from slipping out of her grasp.

Alexa focused on wrangling the other tentacle, winding it around her arm and, to Ennlins surprise, added:

“Oh, yeah, don't let it near your erogenous zones."

Instinctively she held it up and away, but before the stable girl had finished her sentence the tentacle already brushed over one of the aspirant's exposed inverted nipples making it tingle with excitement. 

A warm blast of lust flooded through Ennlin.

Immediately she wanted this thing inside her. She had to get off with it. She looked at it intently and contemplated letting it in her pussy. She could feel herself getting wet and a dull aching feeling of emptiness made itself known. It felt so natural to just stick it in, but…

...she should not let temptation get to her.

Alexa surely knew what she's doing, so Ennlin steeled her mind. The aspirant had to trust her and not let the tentacle touch anything else, even though it squirmed like mad and somehow she wanted it so badly.

Ennlin looked over to see the demon wrangler hold open her own nipple with two fingers. It stretched open, assisted by her breast’s own weight which spread the hole wide enough to easily feed the tentacle into her tit. Obviously seeking shelter in a bodily orifice, it eagerly tilted and stretched to slide inside the rosy nipple.

“Oh, fuck. Awww...”, Alexa could not contain a lust-filled moan, “This fucker feels so awfully good. I’m… Oh, no… I’m about to...”, Alexa clenched her teeth and collapsed to her knees as the tail end of the demon larva wagged like that of a happy dog.

“Oh, that was close... Hah… hng.”, she said under heavy gasps. The prospect of having her free will taken away again was certainly a good deterrent. She teared up, carefully holding up her breast. A moment later the monster furiously wiggled on its last stretch into the nun’s tit and Alexa, still on her knees, now cupped the opening with her palm as the rest of her tit overflowed the grasp of her arm.

It was easy to see, she had to fight another orgasmic wave.

“Ha,... ha,... Aww FUCK!”, she slapped the straw littered ground with her other hand in a soft thud and a few dribbles of her spit and tears landed on her hand.

Ennlin could see the tentacle squirm inside her breast, which stretched wherever the tentacle kicked out, but it seemed to get weaker by the second. Her newly inhabited tit now looked almost twice the size of the other. A few moments passed in silence. Only the rigorous gasps of the nun were audible.

“Finally my milk is letting down... God, that took ages!”, she waved her fist at the ceiling, as if to threaten a certain someone, but got up nevertheless.

Detty, having caught her breath, too, joined them and smiled in her usual indestructible cheerfulness. “Oh my, that looked intense.”

“It was… Ha… sure that is a normal larva?”, Alexa asked no one in particular.

“Are you two all right?”, Ennlin called out, which caused the second tentacle to pick up its furious squirming again.

“Look Detty, she’s a natural.”, Alexandra gleefully announced pointing as the aspirant.

The librarian promptly burst out laughing as she saw her desperately holding on to the demon spawn. Ennlin only now noticed that she had gotten wet beyond all recognition. Streamers of her juices ran down her inner thighs or dripped off her hairless pussy’s lips in long silvery strings. A tiny puddle had formed beneath her.

“Ennlin, you sure have a fluent style of handling demons. You will make a good nun.”, Detty chuckled.

The aspirant didn’t find this funny, but she had no mind to be mad about it either. Her body felt too horny. She needed to get off. 

Meanwhile, Alexa had rushed to the tiled section of the stables and retrieved one of her nipple plugs from a drawer. She plugged up her bloated and now mismatching bigger breast with the golden top-like device, which loudly squelched as it was pressed into her flesh. Now under pressure, milk first spayed from the sides of plug and slowed to a dribble until its widest part passed the entrance to her breast.

“Finally the vibrations are weaker. God bless you, sister.”, Detty praised the beastmaster, who smiled and called for the aspirant:

“Come here, Ennlin. You did well. Give me that thing.”

Relieved to be rid of the black and purple monster, but also sad because it felt like it was the pinnacle of her orgasmic desire, the aspirant looked down her own body. She blushed hard as she saw her nipples were standing erect and had left their hiding spaces. Lust burned in her core that overwhelmed the feeling of exposure until she realized her fingers were already fondling her own pussy and sliding around in her wetness. Her first instinct was to hide her groin but remembering her mantra she just took her hand away and opened her groin to the looks of the other nuns.

“Will this go away?”, she asked with a partly panicked, partly lust ridden gleam in her eyes as her fingers unconsciously rubbed circles around her clit again. 

“It will fade with time… Ha...”, Alexa moaned as she fed the demon into her other breast, which she held open the same way. It already dipped with milk that seeped from the crook of the tunnel in her nipple, spread open by her fingers and gravity.

Alexa was flushed, beet red and breathing like a message boy after covering a days march in an hour. Her breasts were equal size again, but the second part of the demon larva kicked equally as bad but got weaker more quickly. She let out a cute moan as she plugged the golden pear in, spraying milk in the process. She secured it with her piercings and said:

“Let’s get Agneta to the infirmary.”


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