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Ephesians 6:11

Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil.

Ennlin found herself in her bed on the eve of Sunday as she realized that the excitement of the inquisition made her almost completely forget her anxiety about being mostly nude. She had focused on the demon larva so intently, she only realized she was not wearing a tunic when she literally tried to take it off. Now that the larva was sealed away, all that remained was a slowly fading tingly feeling in her right nipple and her completely drenched pussy which still demanded for the tentacle to fill the void inside.

Trying to fall asleep, she tossed and turned until she gave up. It seemed there was no way to get any sleep tonight without jilling herself off and getting some relief. Unconsciously, her hand had found her soaked pussy on its own already and she welcomed how comforting it felt to touch her pussy lips. Circling her engorged clit and caressing her slick folds did wonders to sate her needs. The sparking feeling of an impending orgasm gathered in her core, that had been idly sitting just below the surface of her arousal since she had left the stable. These few slight touches were enough to bring her towards the edge. She concentrated on the high feeling of her bubbling climax, but her thoughts drifted to the tentacle over and over again and a feeling of emptiness remained.

She pressed on her clit in an attempt to wash away the exhausting feeling of void with an orgasm. A few rough flicks to her pleasure nub brought her to the brink. Without hesitation, she let her orgasm burst. Ennlin trembled as all her muscles contracted repeatedly and the high feeling tempered her. Sadly, the empty sensation deep in her core remained.

Ennlin stared up in frustration.

It was dark outside and the candle flickered with the slight shifts of air in her cell. She could see the flame dance as the light softly shone against the ceiling. Somehow it was hypnotic. Ennlin just stared at the ceiling, since there was no way she could fall asleep.

“Hey.”, Frederika said as she appeared in the doorless entrance of the cell.

“Mother Superior!”, Ennlin could not hide her surprise, but immediately realized she must be here because of her light still being on. “I’m sorry, I’ll blow it out.”

“No, don’t.”, Frederika looked at the aspirant in an air of consequence, but kept glancing at the ground insecurely. Nevertheless, she took a few steps closer to get to the aspirant’s bed. As she sat down on the bed frame, half of her bloated belly was dipped in shadow like a half-moon. which conveniently hid one of her hands in the dark.

Ennin sat up and scooted to the side a little to let her sit down. 

“You’ve had your first run-in with a demon today.”, she began cryptically.

“Yes…”, Ennlin could not deny it, nor the effect said demon had on her. Her hand wandered to her pussy under the blanket.

“Of course, as an aspirant you were unprepared and I am to blame for the burden you now probably carry.”, Frederika muttered. She licked over her dry lips and looked into the flickering candle.

Ennlin listened, but the distracting horniness was simply annoying. Her fingers caressed circles around her pleasure nub as the mother superior continued.

“Do you feel any different?”, the mother superior’s eyes did not swerve from the small flame.

“Yes, mother.”, Ennlin admitted this, but she hid that her hand tried to appease the deep abyss in her core that ached for pleasure. She concentrated on breathing normally as two of her fingers repeatedly tore over her clit without restraint.

“The void you are experiencing is the devil’s touch on your womb. It is manageable with the Lord’s blessing and His jewelry. Without, you are prone to ending up a worshipper of the demon-lord this worm was subject to.”

“A… Worshipper?”, Ennlin was unsure what that meant in exactly, but even though she thought she could handle it, she cautiously agreed with the experienced nun. Thrusting her fingers into herself did not help much and she might find herself searching for bliss elsewhere and, more frighteningly, elsehow.

“I can’t be responsible for you to succumb to a release the devil but promises.”, Frederika said as her eyes wandered down to Ennlin’s tits that showed the jiggly telltale signs of her hands’ movements under the blanket. One of the Mother Superior's perfectly shaped eyebrows crooked upwards.

Ennlin realized, blushed and stopped.

The mother superior looked her in the eye and said deadpan: “Ennlin, I’m afraid your aspirancy is over.”

Ennlin felt her heart stop for a second. There were tingles all over her body. Cold sweat ran down her back and between her boobs. Was Frederika throwing her out?

“If you had any doubts about becoming a nun, better get rid of them, because there is no way I am letting another day pass without you being pierced and blessed.”

Her eyes turned glassy within seconds after she said that and then occupied herself with the candle’s flame again.

“Even though I am just the Prioress, Mother Jutta trusted me with the mantle of her duties. Part of that is the safety of the Lord’s wives and daughters in these holy halls.”, her lips pressed on each other and a tear ran down over her high cheekbones, “I should have expected an infiltration...”

“Mother…”, Ennlin did not know what to say.

“Don’t call me that.”, Frederika hissed out through a sob and a fierce headshake.

“I can’t… I…”, she buried her face in her hands and sobbed again as something tumbled to the ground behind her with a ‘thunk’. Ennlin wanted to touch her naked back in condolence, but her fingers were so sticky… Instead, the aspirant tried to put it in words:

“Rika, don’t worry. I am really intimidated, time and time again, but I believe I actually want to be a nun. I like how salacious and lewd it actually is.”, Ennlin admitted with a shy smile, as the void inside her thrilled her to pleasure herself. She slowly drove her fingers through her folds again. 

“Nevertheless, I am responsible for taking away your right to choose. For that I am sorry. I will not let anything happen to any nun in this house of God until Mother Jutta is back.”, she affirmed, still with her face resting in her hands, “I just hope she’s alright.”

After she had mumbled the last part, Rika wiped away the tears and straightened up with a sniff. From Ennlin's point of view, the senior nun's big and unoccupied tits laid lazily on her bloated stomach, which made her look like a heathen fertility idol.

“Here, take this for tonight.”, Rika had trouble picking up what had fallen down to the floor due to her bloated belly, but managed it before Ennlin could even react to help her. Rika’s previously hidden hand now offered a wand that looked just like the cock faucet in the bath house in small.

“It will take the edge off the void until you have your piercings. You will get them done tomorrow.” 

She smiled as if she had not shed a tear

"I…", Ennlin bumbled as she took it and turned it over in the candlelight. It was a beautifully crafted jeweled piece of warm metal. She wasn’t sure of what kind, but in the orange candlelight, it looked like gold.

"Really?", Ennlin was baffled at the weight of it all sunk in.

Frederika looked at her with a strictness, only Charlotta had displayed before.

“It’s actually part of the monastery treasure. You will not lose the Lord’s Endowment. Also, no one should know you have it...”, the acting mother superior whispered sternly, “...and you will give it back when the void fades.”

Rika got up and turned to the exit in one fluent motion. Inadvertently she presented Ennlin with the wide plug that sealed the demon inside her butt. As the prioress stood, her fleshy buttocks formed two crescent shapes that hugged the stubborn plug between them. 

"Rest well. Meet me and Rose at the infirmary after breakfast.", she said while leaving the soon to be postulant's cell. She gracefully walked out with her buns sliding around it.

"Yes, mo… Yes, Rika."

Ennlin, still sitting in her bed, beheld the golden cock. She could not believe the moth… the prioress just handed her this kind of treasure. Maybe this was some kind of test. She understood it wasn't hers to keep and planned on returning it in time, but, meanwhile, she could get some fun out of it.

With the candle blown out, she found herself in the dark, still as aroused as she was before. In her current state, Ennlin was wanton constantly, all because of the empty feeling inside her. She laid back again and closed her eyes as she caressed her slick pussy with the golden member. The aspirant thought it should feel cold, but it was surprisingly warm, no different than her own body temperature, actually. The gold slab was slippery as an eel, without it being as wet. Maybe she would just keep it, she joked to herself. The perfect toy if you were horny and alone.

Well, alone she wasn’t. Her thoughts drifted to the others. Rika cared. Were it not for the bulgingly pregnant looking nun, who had stood statuesquely in her candlelight, she might not get any sleep tonight. Ha! That rhymed. Charlotta probably would not like that, but Ennlin guessed she cared, too, in her own strict and teacherly kind of way. 

Ennlin imagined it being Charlotta who guided the crafted cock up and down her slit, sometimes even teasing her anus. Pleasant tingles appeared wherever it touched her as she stroked her folds and circled her clit. It slipped through her folds messily and desperate as if driven by the demon inside Charlotta, which never seemed to cease harassing the nun’s insides. Ennlin brought her other hand to her clit and rubbed it like she did when Rika had interrupted her.

Thinking of interruptions, the twins came to mind, who still were on some mission. Ennlin thought about how rough they treated each other and how they enjoyed themselves anyway. The aspirant would probably be love sharing some pleasure with them, like the one she experienced right now. Maybe one of them would do... this…

She forcefully pushed the cock in in one fell swoop. It deliciously splayed her open and speared the void in her center. “Ah!”, she heard her own moan echo in the cloister.

In the pitch-black darkness of her cell, the faintest noise was amplified to her restricted senses. Also, the emptiness inside her core felt equally immense and overwhelming, that she could not deny her anxiousness. The holy cock had chipped away at it and even though it was just a tiny bit, Ennlin eased into the thought that it will fade in time. Like the animosity, Maggie harbored against her. Maybe. Her guide had hinted at liking her, at least at not wanting her to leave. Maybe they would be lovers sometime in the future. 

Ennlin thrust the crafted penis inside her like she imagined Maggie would. Rough strokes and tender retreats. She felt how every push shrunk the emptiness inside by a sliver. However, it returned with every pull. A frustrating feeling. Two steps forward and one step back. At least she could see the end, like her slowly encroaching orgasm that also heralded the end. For this session. She ached for the void shrink, so she decided to delay her climax. 

The raven-haired girl curbed her speed and remembered how Detty had teased the edge in the library when Ennlin came for her first lesson. She had been reading a raunchy book while sitting in the golden light of the sun. One leg sat upon the other as she knocked her cross against the seat in a slow and savoring rhythm.

Ennlin tried to keep the orgasm just within reach but refrained from letting it come, so she let her clit go and started kneading her breast. Detty surely had mastered this kind of edge play, because she was not afraid to touch herself while exorcising demons in her tits.

The aspirant imagined her own tits filled with demons. She supposed there should be a pleasurable tingle just underneath her usually inverted nipple, which peaked out from its hiding place as she was teasing it.

She remembered how Alexa held her nipple orifice open, with just two fingers, to let the demon bury inside. Ennlin hooked her middle finger in the nook above her nipple and pushed it back inside. As she moved her hand up and the force of her tit’s weight took over, her imagination immediately spun a tale about how it would be opened up to let anything inside she would have offered.

The tingle she had imagined increased and she shoved the golden toy inside her cunt with more vigor. She would let the demons fill her holes. She would make this world a better place.

Just like Alexa, the amazonian nun, who had looked so stunning as the tentacles settled in one of the only plump parts of her body. Her tits looked so unnatural, all blown up, sitting high on her chest. Unnatural, but in no way ugly. She exuded an air of purity and sainthood. Her plugs, sitting proudly on the cusp of her firm tits like armor, her muscles, equally as firm, steeled by hard work, so one could see the groves between them. Her cross clung to her big clit by the piercing that indented the skin of the sensitive, engorged organ, like its life depended on it.

Her pleasure nub probably was so big because the beastmaster was highly aroused at the time, but Ennlin believed it might naturally be bigger than all the other nun’s. Nearly the size of the tip of her thumb.

The aspirant’s clit cried for attention again. She let her hand slide down on the cock she fucked herself with, so her wrist pressed against her clit every time it went inside. She rocked it back and forth softly, trying to stifle the moans that made it to the cloister and echoed back.

Could Alexa hear her now? A seemingly random sentence of hers came to mind:

‘Boris? True, he is a big boy, but all the more careful for that.’

At the time the aspirant did not realize what it meant, but now she grasped how lewd the comment actually was. She was afraid to even think of this. Alexandra and Boris…?

Now that she started, she could not take her mind off it. Was Alexa having sex with her horse?

Ennlin felt her orgasm close in as her hand powerfully thrust inside, squashing her clit against her bones every time. There was no pain. She only felt a chip pop off the void at every stroke, as the wave of her release built up further.

She imagined Alexa bent over one side of the wooden enclosure of Boris’s stall as the horse pushed into the toned nun. The nun not making a noise but enjoying the forceful thrusts of her hung lover.

Ennlin could not fight off the orgasm a single second longer. She fucked herself with abandon and let the wave of bliss collide with her core.

She felt a significant chunk of the void plunge as she peaked. Trembling, her body refused to come to rest for a few seconds as the waves of her orgasm calmed.  Exhausted and happy, sleep took her promptly.

- - - - - - - - - 

As the aspirant arrived at the bathhouse the faucet was again not running. She occupied herself with undressing and pondered if the water had stayed warm enough through the night, because there was no way she could turn on the water by herself. Maybe it would be tolerable enough so she could bathe anyways...

Only as she finished to undress, wearing only her harness, she noticed Maggie and Detty in the water, both looking at her. The water was perfectly flat like ice, but the nuns did not show signs of them being cold or causing waves or even ripples.

“Were you in here all along?”, Ennlin was a bit puzzled, but when remembering that Charlotta could move without making a sound, this was no surprise, really.

“Yes. Join me, Ennlin, I have heated it up for you.”, Detty said with lascivious, half-lidded eyes.

“I was here first, though.”, Maggie said with a competitive smirk, licking her lips.

Both flashed each other a disdainful look but kept their distance.

Ennlin, nude but for her harness, sat on the edge of the water and slipped in. The bottom felt oddly cold, almost like it was frozen, but the water itself was lukewarm, almost not noticeable. Walking forwards was difficult, seemingly more than usual, like a wall of cloth hindered her. 

Detty held her hands out for an embrace as the water sloshed around the aspirant’s body. Ennlin fell into her arms and her hard nipple plugs made their presence known as their tits collided and squished around another.

Something hard brushed over her thigh. Her cross, most likely.

“You look nice, honey. You remind me of someone we met recently.”, Detty said, and Ennlin recognized the exact same words her exorcised father told her when he saw her in her self made nun’s attire.

“I…oh, God… who was new that who did we met?”, Ennlin, slightly puzzled, waited for an answer but snuggled her cheeks to the librarian’s. 

At once, she heard her father’s voice and she realized there were stubbles on the cheeks she was cuddling.

“Yes, God can’t wait, but get fully dressed first.” said the voice. Ennlin craned her neck and realized she was hugging her father. 

He was naked.

“What… is going on?”, aghast, she pulled away from her father, who somehow had replaced the librarian. He just stood there and smiled.

As the aspirant walked backwards she bumped into Maggie’s sizeable set of tits. She clasped her hand and pulled her to her side.

“Maggie, what’s happening?”, she asked as she turned, only to find she was standing next to her mother.

“My daughter, you make me proud.”, Lissa said as she pulled the raven-haired girl in for a kiss.

A lovers’ kiss. 

Her mother’s tongue invaded her mouth as Ennlin tried to push her away. Somehow she lacked the strength for a long moment and only found her voice working.

“Mopprr…!”, she yelled, but it was muffled by the set of lips pressed on hers. Her heart beat up a storm as it rumbled in her chest and her breathing hastened. 

Her mother teased the back of her mouth and the entrance to her throat with her tongue until Ennlin gagged, but her strength returned and she could push her mother off.

“Mother! What… what are you doing? What’s happening?”

Her parents did not say anything. Her Mother still held her hand and her father clasped the other. Both pulled at her.

“No! Let me go!”, Ennlin tried to let go herself, but her hands did not listen to her. They held each parent tightly as her arms were pulled in different directions. She struggled, churning and riling up the water, which somehow was not moving like normal water. Any of the overextending splashes and unproportional waves failed to leave droplets flying, but instead neatly pulled back into itself. Like the slag Theo and her had brought to the holy water fountain in a bucket day in and day out.

The water was matte black.

Ennlin could see eel-like worms drifting lazily through the slag. They slithered towards her with slight waves translating to the edge of the pool as their movements pushed the slag.

“No. Oh, no! No-no-no!”, she resisted even more, but her arms were exhausted already.”

As if they had listened to the frightened girl the tentacles stopped and came together a good yard in front of her. Bubbles of slag bunched up where they met as if someone was blowing air into the water with a tube. None of the bubbles popped, instead, they just piled up slowly.

Ennlin could feel tentacles teasing her abdomen and slipping along her thighs.

“No!”, with renewed strength she struggled and gasped as two spikes emerged from the frothy slag in front of her. A figure emerged like a tree stump when draining a pond, but instead of the water going down, the thing came up. Not to mention without causing ripples or waves as well. The figure was as black as the slag, but her contours were perfectly visible. Apart from the straight hair and the horns jutting from her forehead, she was kind of beautiful, almost childlike in appearance. Big eyes, cute button nose and sensual, plump lips on a somewhat smallish mouth made her look like… Ennlin had seen her somewhere before, but could not quite put her finger on it. As her huge breasts appeared, the aspirant had part of her thoughts confirmed. She looked unnatural, even by nun standards, but enticingly beautiful in an unsorted kind of way. 

...and frighteningly familiar.

The black of the slag faded and she gained color. Her skin was red and her hair white, covering half of her black eyes.


From Mother Jutta’s alphabet.

Ennlin remembered, she was a demon lord, but before her thoughts made sense instinct had kicked in. She thrashed about, kicked and pushed to get her captors hands off her wrists. Her struggle sprayed slag wetly on her face, but she did not care. She had to get out.

“Let me go!”, she cried, but her captors showed no reaction.

“Your ass is mine.”, Anna said calmly, seemingly unaffected, as she lightly held on to Ennlin’s face, her own tilting to the side with wide, mad eyes and puckered lips.


With a thundering crash, Ennlin was drowned in a deluge of water from apparently out of nowhere. She was disoriented for a second. The grasping hands faded and her surroundings changed. She was in the entrance hall of the convent, where she had been welcomed by Agneta almost a week ago, not in the bathhouse. She was not standing in hip-high water, she stood just drenched in front of the guard’s office. From left to right, Maggie, Alexa and Detty stood in her way. 

In her way? The residual thought puzzled her. She didn’t want out, did she?

“Ennlin are you alright?”, Alexa asked, holding an empty bucket.

“Wh… W-what…”, the aspirant was confused and at a loss for words.

“Ennlin you were sleepwalking.”, Detty said, no notion of her usual cheerfulness in her voice.

“No, I was bathing, and...”, Ennlin’s mind felt like mud. Her thoughts were sluggish and heavy.

“Enough of this. Get her to the infirmary.”, someone behind her said. She guessed it was Rika judging by the voice.

- - - - - - - - 

Ennlin woke up in an intensely clean smelling room furnished with four beds. Her pussy was drenched and she still felt the dark core that wanted her to get the tentacle and stick it inside her.

Instead, she occupied herself with her surroundings. She could see Agneta’s raging pink hair peeking over a fluffy pillow in one of the beds. The door stood open and granted Ennlin view to part of the adjacent room.

She could see a workplace, cupboards and shelves with various flasks and tinctures as well as a neat stack of linens. On the counter sat an empty tray, which was pushed up to some more bottles and flasks.

Ennlin heard a woman gag for a moment, then moan through her nose, until the rush of water filled out the room to which she seemingly washed her hands. She could be heard scrubbing carefully, rinsing and drying her hands until she eventually walked into sight. 

It was Rosemary who tended to her work in the infirmary. Seeing her from her side, Ennlin saw how surprisingly skinny she was, to the point that her voluptuous breasts did not look like they belonged. They were only slightly sagging and still jutting out forwards almost thrice as much as her body was wide at her waist. Her butt was perky though, more akin to the rest of her body, but still only slightly behind the other nun’s.

Rosemary arranged her tools like she obviously had done a hundred times before. Quiet, high pitched metallic sounds came from the adjacent room as if she moved cutlery. She checked twice that everything was in order, even tested a set of strange looking large pair of pliers. There was red metallic jewelry on the tray, clips and other things the aspirant could not discern the purpose of. 

The nun was quietly humming to herself. Her voice was clear, strong and kind of deep, but in a distinctly feminine way. The aspirant liked the tune, so she sat up, but felt her arm stop with a loud rustle of metal. Manacles were fixed around her wrist, connecting her to the wall near her bed’s headrest by a heavy-looking chain.

Figures. She remembered she had been woken up as she was about to sleepwalk out of the convent. She was sure she had never sleep walked before, which made her worry a bit. Her memory after the rude awakening was kind of foggy and she had not the slightest clue how she got here.

“Good morn’.” the deep and sultry sounding voice was a lot closer now. Rosemary leaned against the doorframe with her arms folded under her breasts and hands lazily sticking out from either side. Her boobs pointed perfectly into the aspirant’s direction and glistened where the piercings framed her nipples and areolas. Her legs had caught her cross between them tantalizingly pulling down the nub it’s anchored to.

“Morning.”, Ennlin could only gawk again. Rosemary was so provocatively beautiful.

“Bed comfy? Wann’ leav’?”, the nun said.

“Wha...? Yes… and no…”, she felt rushed.

“Gud.”, Rosemary was talking little and so fast, Ennlin always had to take a second to figure out what she meant. Her sentences seemed hastened and shortened beyond all recognition.

The nun opened the restraints and Ennlin rubbed her slightly reddened skin, where the metal had chaffed. 

“Yu’reddy?”, Rosemary said before nodding her head to the other room and swinging her hips with every step on the way over. The aspirant got up and followed the nun, eyes fixed to the comparatively small, tight butt.

“Ready for what, Sister Rosemary?”

“F’silver.”, she stated, pointed to a reclined chair in the middle of the room and got a tray ready, “Siddown’n’start’prayin.”

“You mean piercings?”, she asked and only received a pair of raised eyebrows as an answer.

Ennlin noded and realized she should have bit back the question. With a clit for a tongue probably everything the nun was saying was arousing to her. She wanted to ask about Agneta and maybe bathing or breakfast but did not feel comfortable with bothering Rosemary further. Her stomach growled and her heart started beating stronger.

“Netty’s fine.” she smiled openly, as she must have realized Ennlin had bit back her questions, “...n’call me Rose.”

Ennlin headed for the chair. It was a big oaken recliner that occupied the middle of the room. It had wide-set leg rests that were higher than the seating surface. Seeing these stirrups made her nervous for a second. If she was to place her calves in these her groin would be fully exposed. The arousal that the Void inside her had caused curbed her anxiety a little bit, nevertheless, she felt her heartbeat stronger as she sat down. 

She brought up her pain prayer from memory and started rattling it down, trying to not let anything distract her. Everything went so fast now. She felt her pulse quicken in anxiety, forgetting about the food in her stomach growled for, but still felt queasy. As she prayed on, she realized time passed and that something fluttered in her stomach.

“Put’cha legsup.” Rose ordered and Ennlin hesitantly complied. 

There was now enough space between her knees for someone to comfortably sit there, especially with a big set of boobs. She felt her face grow hot and her already hard nipples tighten. Luckily, the room’s other door was to Ennlin’s right, because...

“Good morning, Ennlin!” Frederika came in with Maggie and Doro. The latter, as a sign of her foul mood, only glanced at her with a contemptuous eye and left for the back room where the beds were. Maggie did not say anything but put a plate with biscuits, butter and jelly down on a nearby table.

“You’ll have breakfast after we are finished here, Ennlin.”, Rika said to the aspirant and without waiting for a reaction turned to Rose, closely observing.

“How are the new pliers, Rose.”, Maggie inquired.

Rose pointed mutely at the curious pliers, made a so la-la movement and shrugged.

“Yeah, we’ll see.”, Maggie agreed.

“Ready?” Rose asked again, facing the aspirant when picking up the pliers, which, now that the aspirant saw them up close she saw their special feature. There were holes set in the middle of the claws, which allowed needles to be driven straight through the held skin.

Ennlin wasn’t sure her prayers were anywhere sufficient yet, but to her own astonishment nodded anyways.

Rosemary picked out a needle and looked very concentrated as she prepared to center the first piercing perfectly in the middle of her nipple, which, due to Ennlin’s void fueled arousal, stood proud and erect. With a piece of charcoal, she marked a dot on each side of it and then clamped her nipple with the tool until it clicked. Ennlin was sure this should have hurt, but she merely felt the pressure of the claps as she frantically kept on praying.

Rose snapped her fingers and pointed first at Maggie, then at the tool she was holding.

"Feel that? Does it hurt?" Maggie took hold of the pliers as instructed and asked the soon to be postulant with a creepy smile.

“No.”, the aspirant answered and the smile faded.

“It will.”, she hopefully only jested, as she concentrated on holding the pliers just like Rose told her to. Worried, Ennlin picked up the speed of her prayers.

Taking a needle and placing it against the spot of charcoal on the skin that peeked through the plier’s holes, Rose began to drive it into Ennlin’s nipple. Ennlin bit her lip and stared down as the needle was driven clear through her skin. She almost forgot to keep praying at the frightening sight, and the feeling of pressure going into the center of her nipple and the needle spreading a canal open that had not been there previously. When the needle came out the other side, Rosemary left it like it was, sticking through from one side to the other as she removed the pliers. 

"Welldon.” she said to Ennlin, then pointed at Maggie, showed her the palm of her hand, followed by a closed fist and carried on to setting the pliers to the aspirant’s other nipple. Ennlin kept on rattling down her prayer. It worked, so letting up would probably to her detriment.

Magdalena helped again as Ennlin’s right nipple soon sported a needle as well. Ennlin thought she had endured her first piercing rather well. She was afraid to see if the deep areola piercings would hurt, but first, she watched them put the red silver studs where they belonged. Pushing the needle out with the jewelry, a drop of blood leaked from the punctures which Rose thoughtfully dabbed away. She secured the screw-on ends to the studs and stood back to examine her handiwork. The studs looked perfectly horizontal and were right through the center of each nipple. Ennlin’s nipples were even harder now, though the void seemed to begin fading. She pondered if, when her arousal was finally gone and her nipples stay adorned with the jewelry, would they still strain against going inverted again?

“I can’t wait to see how you take the big needle.” Maggie said and bit her lower lip.

When Ennlin looked over at Rosemary, she was preparing for the next piercing. As she looked down at her tits, she saw the pretty balls resting on either side of each nipple. While they started to dully ache, they did look stunning. She wondered what Rosemary had planned next.

The nun came over with two needles that looked like they were made for knitting. Ennlin’s eyes went wide with panic. No way could she take a needle that size going through her tit and not feel at least a little bit of pain. 

She started to shake and tried to pull away. 

Rosemary asked for Maggie to help and soon they held Ennlin tight against the chair with her right boob pulled out straight. Rosemary lined up the needle so it would drive straight down just behind her areola and exit from the bottom. This would mean the piercing, once in, would be vertical to her nipple stud in a crosswise measure. 

She looked up at the terrified and wide-eyed aspirant who had forgotten all about her prayers, then back down and began to quickly drive the needle through her flesh. The needle was large but extremely sharp. It went in smoothly and continued with firm pressure all the way through and out just about where she expected from the bottom. 

Like a static jolt, pain blasted from her breast, which reminded the aspirant of her prayer. Ennlin mumbled to herself in trance continuously repeating:

“God Almighty in Heaven, my body is the herald to your glory! Grant me the toughness to brave any agony to come.”

Once the needle was in, they left it and took the other prepared needle to repeat the procedure crosswise, parallel to her nipple piercing. The needle went in just the same. Ennlin could not believe how painful the second one of these was and she still had another two to go.

“God Almighty in Heaven, my body is the herald to your glory! Grant me the toughness to brave any agony to come.”

She stopped the prayer and quickly felt the pain returning, making her shake her head wildly.

"Keep praying, girl, it would not please God to let you walk around half done. Pray and He will give you strength. Rose, give her a minute until you ready the other needle.", Rika’s voice turned soothing, but maybe that was due to the trance-like state Ennlin was slowly waking from.

Magdalena caressed Ennlin’s breasts and pulled on the studs. "You did well praying against the pain. I am proud of you. Go on!" She kissed her on the cheek and straightened back up.

“God Almighty in Heaven, my body is the herald to your glory! Grant me the toughness to brave any agony to come.”

Rosemary turned back with the next set of needles. "Nex’two. Doin’well. Keep’itup.", she finished with a throaty moan muffled by her closed mouth. 

The nun looked flushed now. Had she talked too much?

Both nuns put the aspirant into a tight hold and repeated the same piercing on her other tit. Ennlin was able to hold back her scream, but as both needles were set in place she groaned in discomfort anyways. With tears running down her cheeks, Ennlin looked down at her tits and saw the four needles sticking out the top and the sides of her beautiful boobs. Rosemary went and got the silver rods that would slide through the holes as the needles were pulled through. The needles had a gap in the end that allowed the rod to follow behind the needle.

Taking the first rod, she lined it up in the notch in the needle and began to push it into Ennlin’s breast. It must have hurt from the moans from Ennlin, but soon both areolas had the rods in place with their balls solidly screwed on each end. Ennlin’s tits throbbed, but her prayers had curbed the brunt of the pain.

Ennlin got another pause to catch up with her praying, but her aching tits distracted her vehemently. She closed her eyes and time slowed down for her, as she returned into that trance-like state.

“Good, let’s get the rest done quickly.”, Maggie said and something gripped the skin above the aspirants clit after it had been poked with the coal stick.

Rose was now ready to begin the next set of Ennlin’s piercings. She had brought a tray with needles and rings and set it within easy reach. She sat on a stool and took her time inspecting Ennlin’s pussy, making her feel somewhat uncomfortable. Rika now moved to stand beside Rose and watched the procedures. 

"Now, one aft’ th’other." she paused and closed her eyes to take a breather.

Ennlin’s prayers seemed to be enough, since this time there was only the pressure of the needlepoint and the splayed canal when the needle was in. Looking down the aspirant could actually see her engorged clit as well as the stuck needle right in front of it. The nurse working at her nethers at amazed and frightened Ennlin both at once, what calmed her a little bit was how casual and sure Rose’s movements were. She set charcoal spots an inch lower, opened the pliers and reset them to clamp them shut again. She got the next needle ready, but was distracted for a moment like she felt the aspirant gawking.

Rose, looking up, made eye contact and said “Pray!”, followed by a long sigh through her nose.

“Didn’t you want to do one after the other?”, Ennlin asked, but only got a glower as an answer.

“She probably changed her mind. Let her do as she pleases. She’s doing very well.”, Rika casually said, which got the aspirant worried. How long was she actually doing this?

Again, Ennlin felt a tiny poke and the needle pioneer a canal right above her clit without any pain. Her aroused and engorged groin was wetter than ever, the aspirant realized as tiny sparks of pleasure zapped over her clit as the needle went through her skin less than an inch away. Was she liking this?

“Ennlin you are drooling. Keep it together.” Rika ordered her, to which Ennlin mindlessly wiped her mouth. The prioress just shook her head. The aspirant remembered she was on full display and immediately clenched her pussy to keep her juices from running out.

“I’m sorry.”, she meekly stated as Rose wiped up the mess.

“Don’t worry.”, Maggie said, “It’s just that no one here expected you to actually like this part.”

“I’m… I don’t think so...”, Ennlin wasn’t sure, but the Void probably had a big part in this.

Rose placed the claws over the upper part of Ennlin’s right pussy lip, squeezed the handle and pulled the lip outwards. A soft gasp came from Ennlin, which only made Maggie smile. The plier’s hole was now about a half-inch from the edge of Ennlin’s lip. The nurse took a needle and placed it in the claws guide hole. With one smooth thrust, the needle punctured Ennlin’s lip and exited out the other side. Ennlin’s breathed deeply as the needle went through - no pain yet.

A small amount of blood was wiped away by Rose who then released the claw and took a small one-inch diameter red silver ring from the tray. She promptly inserted this into the hole created in the lip as she pulled the needle through. It looked like the ring was specifically made because it had a wedge and nook on either open end. Once the two ends were snapped together, they could not be removed without cutting them apart. Rose now fitted the two ends against each other and using another pair of pliers, she squeezed until a click was audible from the lock catching. Hooking the ring with two fingers she tried to pull the ends apart. It quickly became clear that it was accurately made, meaning this ring would stay in Ennlin’s pussy permanently. It shined against Ennlin’s pink flesh from Rose’s point of view, who bent down and gave the ring a minute little lick. She hummed in accomplishment and smiled. 

“Sits just right.”, Maggie smiled.

Rose repeated the piercing procedure exactly as the one before. She placed one more ring in the same pussy lip, so there was one at the top and the other at the bottom. They were a half-inch in from the edge and about two inches apart.

Ennlin was squirming with each stab. With Rose admiring the results, she busied herself making her left lip the mirror image of the right. Maggie observed the whole procedure and caught Ennlin’s expressions of disbelief and shock with each ringing. When Rose had both lips decorated with rings, she sat back and stroked Ennlin’s pussy. The rings now kept Ennlin’s lips from closing flush. The rings pushed against each other keeping the lips slightly spread. Rose now went for Ennlin’s clit.

Rika tapped Rose on the shoulder. "I better do the clit to ensure it is perfect. We don’t want any mistakes that would make us repeat the piercing. I don’t think our little postulant could take this twice."

Ennlin was worried about what that could mean. She had control over her pain right now. Was it about to change?

She could see the disappointment in Rose’s face but she got up anyways, "If you think so, mother."

Ennlin’s clit was still fully erect. Rika worked way rougher than the nurse. She clamped the flesh way harder and before relocking them, reset the pliers twice for perfect alignment. There was no pain, but getting her pleasure nub handled popped the bubbles of arousal that had amplified the Void’s scream for pleasure, which went unattended until now. Moans of lust soon came from Ennlin and her pussy could not hold on to her juices any longer. Rika kept the delicious pressure on the pliers and reached for a needle. Rika turned back and perfectly aligned the needle to the side of the aspirant’s precious clit. 

Maggie had moved close to Ennlin’s head, who realized only at second glance that she was circling her own clit with her middle finger while playing with her breast with the other hand. Ennlin was aghast for a second and futility searched for indignation on the others faces, but Rika and Rose looked like they did not care.

Maggie could clearly see Rika at work. Her guide glanced down to meet her eyes with a smile.

“You are so deliciously unprepared.”, she said.

Ennlin was looking right up Maggie’s cunt and could see up close how her pussy dewed. As the soon to be postulant sensed the poking sensation of the needle she realized she had stopped praying since Maggie stood by her head. She almost got through one prayer:

“Oh no… God Almighty in Heaven, my body is the herald to your glory! Grant me th-... Ahhh!” 

The scream that erupted from her as the needle traveled into Ennlin’s clit only made Maggie cum on the spot.

It was pushed through Ennlin’s pleasure nub and Rika let it stay for a moment, then reached for the last stud and passed it through the clit as she pushed the needle through. She removed the pliers and just smiled at the aspirant.

Ennlin was allowed for the first time to look down at her newly decorated pussy. The pain slowly dug through her prayer at each ring hole and her clit was alive with throbbing agony. She didn’t have long to inspect her new rings as Doro peeked in from the bedroom.

“Someone forgot to pray, I hear. Serves you right, you dumb cunt.”, she insulted her in a tone dripping with viciousness.

“Doro, language!”, Rika warned her, pushed Doro through with her and closed the door behind her.

Rose instructed that Ennlin would need at least two days to let the ring canals heal. She spent some time applying ointment and showed her how to do it herself, leaving the small tub in the aspirant’s hand.

Maggie seemed to like her with the piercings. She could not take her eyes off of her, but kept quietly smiling, until she kissed Ennlin’s cheek and left.

It took Ennlin quite some time to get comfortable again as the occasional throb of pain from her pussy and breasts added to the strange feeling of having her lips and clit slightly open to the air which was not really annoying, but she noticed it more often than not. 

At least the Void was disappearing. To Ennlin’s daunting, it merely vanished, like someone pulled a curtain in front of it, instead of it filling out. Her arousal stayed at the forefront for now, but she would deal with when she had time to heal.


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