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Matthew 7:15

Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.


It was Sunday morning as Ennlin woke up to an unexpected silence. First, she wondered why she did not hear anyone sing the lauds. Even though it was Sunday, the day of rest and relaxation, the aspirant’s free time would not start until the Holy Mass in the chapel was done. That meant the nuns were supposed to eat, bathe, prepare for the Holy Mass and, of course, wake each other up.

But then, her waking thoughts were interrupted by Maggie who almost inaudibly had started singing and got louder by the minute. Her guide did not sing bad at all. Ennlin loved how feminine she sounded and almost forgot her regular harsh choice of words and abrasive intonation.


However, sometimes Maggie missed a note or had a bit too little air left to hold it until the end of a verse. A fact that would have made the aspirant terribly insecure about her own singing. Ennlin’s guide obviously took the mantra to heart.


There is no shame.


Other voices across the cloister joined Maggie in that first song, not only to make the aspirant realize she had woken up before the lauds but urge her on to join in as well.


She knew but a few words of this song and was still unsure of singing along herself. At least she hummed the melody and was reminded by her harness to keep her back straight and her pelvis tilted forward after she got up. She put on her gloves and boots, completed her headdress and started to make her way to the bathhouse without her tunic.


On her way there Ennlin thought leaving it in her cell might be a mistake since her mind was still not completely made up about how comfortable she felt without the rest of her garb. However, the lauds were in full swing and the other nuns sang to their heart's’ content, which guided the aspirant's thoughts to the kind of family she had gained.


Somehow, Ennlin was the first to arrive at the bathrooms and despite the lauds fading to a muffle as the door closed, it was eerily quiet. The faucet was not running yet and the pool’s surface was flat as if iced over. Making this comparison, the aspirant shivered cold even though it was quite warm in here.


Regardless, she left her clothes at the first alcove and had herself a look at the faucet in order to get it running. It only now occurred to the aspirant with all the new things to experience here, she had never actually taken the time to inspect it closer.


It was made of polished bronze and had a strange shape to it. The faucet looked a bit like a snake as big as Ennlins forearm, that had stuck its head straight through the wall and slightly curved down towards the water’s surface. 


This snake did not have any eyes though and its mouth was the wrong shape for a snake. It actually kind of looked like that male groin from the letter ‘S’ in the alphabet but for that, it had a rather sizable urethra. Ennlin smiled inwardly for remembering this word but realized, this symbolized this thing was peeing into the pool. She shook her head. The pool could not be full of pee since that was saved elsewhere, about to be sold today as a matter of fact.


She was sure she would find out later and kept searching for a handle of sorts or some kind of mechanism to turn it on.


The faucet was about three feet off the ground and left enough space to the pool to step over the flow of water if it was running. Now that it was off, Ennlin could kneel before it with just her toes touching the water.


There were a few colored gems arranged in a close ring around the very base of the cock faucet, but touching them did not do anything.


The door creaked slightly as someone came in. The young aspirant quickly removed her hands from the bronze cock and turned while sheepishly hiding her hands to see who just came in.


"Good morning.", said the muscular nun who Ennlin only merely had eye contact with a few days ago in the cloister after leaving the library. The buff nun once again did not wear a harness for some reason. Maybe because of her impeccable posture.  


"Good morning.", Ennlin repeated feeling dumb as she watched the well-toned nun undress with her back turned. It was a curious sight to see a nun without a harness in the process of actually completely undressing. Her back was tightly muscled as well as her bulging ass. The butt plug she had worn before was gone now. Come to think of it, her stomach had been very flat when they first met. 


Ennlin was embarrassed to ask about the plug but tried to strike up a conversation anyways: "Hi, I'm Ennlin. What's your name?"


The nun looked her over with her light blue eyes that harshly contrasted with her dark brown chin long hair.


"I'm Alexandra, Alexa for short.", she said in a soft, almost girly voice and warmly smiled, holding out her hands for a hug. Ennlin blushed as she tentatively stepped closer, their breasts pressing against each other in their embrace.


With a quiver in her voice, the aspirant asked: “You were wearing a plug when we first met, don’t you need it any more?”, while still holding on to the strong back her arms were slung around.


The buff nun quickly answered in her cute and innocent voice: “Yeah, I don’t. I finished the exorcism that day. I had to hurry since I have confession duty today and for that I am supposed to be squeaky clean.”


With their heads side by side, looking over the aspirant’s shoulder she must have noticed the water not running because she continued with: “Are you having trouble making it go?”, and chuckled cutely as she left their embrace.


She walked past the aspirant and graciously knelt in front of the massive cock faucet as if she wanted to give it a kiss. “I’ll show you, but don’t try it yourself yet. It only works with postulants and above. You have to warm it up completely and hit the release at the same time.”


Ennlin just watched as this explanation confused her even more.


The nun then spit in her hand and rubbed it along the top and bottom of the bronze sculpture. She leaned forward, kissed its tip and engulfed the head with her mouth. She breathed out and in again in a slow and deep manner while closing her eyes in concentration. The fit nun seemed to just keep breathing for a bit and then slowly tilted her body forwards.


Within a few seconds, more than half of the massive bronze installment vanished in the nun's mouth. She edged up with her legs and hips to repeated the same movement with her upper body in order to completely make the metal cock disappear.


Ennlin’s eyes went as wide as saucepans when she witnessed this amazing feat. Time seemed to seize existing as the nun stopped moving with her nose pressed to the wall and her lips around the base of the faucet. The aspirant gawked at the massive bulge that formed in Alexa's throat as her eyes were held closed meditatively.


After a while, a low hum rumbled in the wall as the gems lighted up where the nun's lips were not exactly pressing on them. Ennlin could only see this by the shimmering rainbow on the wall around the nun's mouth. The hum became louder and as Ennlin heard a sound like a water skin being quickly filled Alexa rapidly pulled herself off the cock faucet and got blasted in her face and on her tits before she could get out of the way. The water that now poured from the cock with pressure was a two finger thick stream that jumped the gap to the pool as a perfectly clear column before falling off into the water’s surface. A continuous splatter impregnated the room with noise washing out the eerie silence Ennlin had been struggling to overcome.


As Alexa moved past Ennlin with a slight bulge in her otherwise toned belly she gave a cute little burp. The perplexed aspirant quietly followed Alexa into the pool to bathe.


The water was quite cool as the faucet had been off for the night so Ennlin entered with a shudder, as opposed to Alexa who did not seem to care. Again, the raven-haired aspirant was overwhelmed with questions: “Does it always have to be turned on like that?”


“Yes, but I was just showing off a bit.”




“Well, you are new here and also I need to clean myself for my duty. Drinking a lot helps with that.”, Alexa said with a wink while throwing water on her breasts. The nun had not even shuddered since entering the pool, but her nipples were erect nonetheless. The rosy pebbles were pierced just like the other nuns’: a cross pattern behind the areolae and squarely through each nipple. Beads of water shone on the nun's tits like the piercings in the morning sun and Ennlin was tempted to just lick them off, but they were wiped away as Alexa soaped herself. Ennlin realized she had been gawking again. As if to apologize for it she asked: “So what kind of duty are you cleaning yourself for?"


"Confession. Penitents who seek the Lord's love, and in that ours, need to feel like their burden lifted. If I am clean and pure I can take on their burden like a dry towel soaks up fluids." 


This comparison seemed slightly off. Granted, feeling a sense of purity might help her reconcile a confessing sinner with the Lord, but the 'soaking up fluids' part made it seem alien. Nevertheless, this off-putting feeling remained as other nuns came in for their bathing, so the aspirant let it be and tended to her own washing.


"So, do you like it here so far?"


"Yes, it intimidating at times, but I like it a lot.", Ennlin said and almost told her that she enjoyed how lewd being a nun actually was. Embarrassed about it, she fiercely concentrated on soaping herself.


"Do you know what kind of labor you want to do when you become a nun?"


"No, I'm not sure. What do you do?"


"I tend to the goats and the chickens… and Boris of course.", the fit nun smiled and her view went past Ennlin in fond memory.


"Who is Boris?"


"Our horse."


"Oh, then I already saw him. He is huge."


"True, he is a big boy, but all the more careful for that.", again she looked into the distance with dreamy eyes.


Alexa scrubbed her awesomely toned stomach as streams of bubbles ran down her equally firm arms. Obviously, this kind of work kept her body healthy and fit, but it somehow did not make her any less feminine. Her tits were easily the size of Ennlin's and her hips just as wide. With a mix of awe and jealousy, the aspirant continued cleaning herself.


Later, at breakfast time, the other nuns had come and gone. Ennlin was at her alcove getting ready to leave, too, as she asked the still bathing Alexa: "Aren't you coming?"


"No. I'm not completely clean yet, and I wanted to wait until everyone left to do the messy part.", she said, concluding with a smirk.


Ennlin left for breakfast, not wanting to intrude further. When anyone had to give up breakfast for a little privacy, then it must be important.


- - - - - - - - 


After breakfast, Ennlin went to her cell to retrieve her tunic and headed to the chapel's gate with another pang of conflicting emotions until she saw the others similarly covered.


Every nun wore the tunic for once and, having gotten used to seeing all of them in the nude, their attire seemed awfully prude now. The only skin that stayed revealed were their faces. All of them looked calm, collected and serene. The aspirant marveled at how beautiful everyone was in their own way and she probably would not match any of them.


Ennlins thoughts were cut off as Frederika took the floor:

“Ladies, today’s Holy Mass is going to be all about order and discipline. None of you will want to mess up like last time. Do I make myself clear?”


“Yes, Mother Superior.”, the chorus of dressed nuns stated in an almost bored fashion.


“If any of you have impure thoughts around the congregation you are to take them to the confessional.”, Frederika angrily pointed to the sides as if she was standing right in the middle of the chapel, “that’s what they are there for.”


“Yes, Mother Superior.”, delivered another bored chorus.


“Remember, you are showing your sincerity in the love of Man and God. However, I most certainly don’t want anyone fornicating in the pews. Now, get in there, do your jobs and do them right.”


Most of the others except Detty, who seemed to wait for Ennlin, went inside. Only now the aspirant realized Maggie and Alexa were missing.


“What is my job?”, Ennlin asked as she joined Detty with the others.


“I’m sure you know what happens at Mass, right?”



“You don’t need to do much, but be mindful. Mass is a little different with us. Just do as I do and you’ll be fine.”, Detty smiled happily, which calmed the aspirant somewhat.


The nuns went down the aisle in pairs with Ennlin following her teacher. The congregation was already seated and chanting an entrance song which she knew from her church in Prefor.


As she passed Agneta and Ekatherina, who stood watch at the gate, Ellin could see the congregation for the first time with her own eyes and was shocked to see so many men. The chapel was packed and only about every tenth seat in the pews was beset by a woman. All eyes were on the nuns as the congregation sang with the bass and tenor voices drowning out the few altos and sopranos.


Ennlin simply followed Detty to their seats that faced the altar from the sides of the church's body and remained standing for the entrance procedure to continue.


She watched as Theodora, her cleaning helper from the Inquisitorium, walked towards the altar with a beet-red face, then stood in front of the congregation and, without hesitation, let her tunic fall to the ground. Her nude body was on display as some distinct voices from the chorus cut out for a few moments, but continued after catching their breaths.


With tits, pussy and butt plug exposed the nun climbed atop the altar and assumed a position on her knees so that her breasts and forehead pressed to the altar. Her nethers and the perfectly circular base of the massive plug were perfectly visible to the whole room, except the nuns standing at the sides.


Frederika walked down the aisle as Agneta closed the inner gate and Ekatherina retrieved a massive bible that she immediately squashed against her massive though clothed tits. Both nuns quickly followed the Mother Superior on her heels up to the altar and took positions on either side of the person who the audience probably most wanted to disappear due to her obstructing the view.


With her back to the onlookers, Rika bent forward slightly and gave Theo a prolonged kiss on her nether lips. There was definitely a bit of tongue involved, because as the kiss concluded Rika lapped over the altar girl’s clit, which jangled her cross and in turn made her moan, which evidently was loud enough of a signal for the chanting to stop and for everyone to sit down.


Ennlin did too and she immediately felt the bottom of her tunic soak in her own juices as she longed for a kiss like that, but did not yet feel comfortable enough with the others to ask any of them.


The Mother Superior turned to her flock, made the sign of the cross and spoke her introductory words: “In the Name of the Lord, Man, and the Holy Angel.”


The audience crossed themselves and replied: “Amen!”


Frederika extended her hands in a dramatically welcoming pose and continued:

“The grace of our Lord, 

and the love of Man, 

and the communion of the Holy Angel 

be with you all.”

“And with your spirit”, the audience replied.


After an instance of silence she continued, "Please stand before the Lord and let us acknowledge our sins and so prepare ourselves to celebrate the sacred mysteries.", so everyone rose again. 


As she said these words Frederika and her two vicars let down their tunics and presented their disrobed selves, save their headdress, gloves and heeled boots to the congregation. One single voice in the congregation gasped in surprise.


Ekatherina's face took on a soft shade of red that spread down almost to the top of her extensive tits which she quickly pressed the bible against creating a massive cleavage with the hard cover. Her massive nipple plugs were hidden from the audience, but not from Ennlin and the other nuns. The piercings around her dilated areola gleamed in the morning sun that shone through the stained glass windows.


Agneta just grinned at the attention as her folds were so wet it visibly dripped to the floor in long silvery strings. She breathed deep as if trying to calm herself down or distract herself from her drooling pussy. 

The Deacon of the Sabbath day, Frederika, was drooling her own way. Spittle ran down from the corner of her mouth towards her chin, as she shivered with clenched eyes and teeth. The piercings of the massively pregnant looking Mother Superior shone similarly but were outshone by the sun reflecting off the fine sheen of sweat that dew on her Nubian skin. She visibly had to strain to continue:

"I confess to the God almighty and to you, my brothers and sisters,

that I have greatly sinned, in my thoughts and in my words,

in what I have done and in what I have failed to do,

through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault;

therefore I ask the blessed Angel, all the Saints,

and you, my brothers and sisters, to pray for me to the Lord our God."

As if rehearsed the audience quickly continued:

"May the almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins, and bring us to everlasting life."

And together they all concluded:


Ennlin did not know if she should feel pity for her Mother Superior or be impressed. She was obviously struggling not to suffer an orgasm with a demon inside her, which by the looks of it seemed to draw closer with every minute Rika had to lead this sermon.


Detty whispered: “Don’t worry, even though Rika seems like she’s on the edge she’ll see it through. She is the most thick headed person I know.”, Ennlin’s reading teacher smiled as happily as ever until both returned their eyes to the Mother Superior who steadily continued, to recite the collect prayer through her at times clenched teeth:


“Almighty and everlasting God,

increase in us the gifts of faith, hope, and charity;

and, that we may obtain what you promise,

make us love man in his flawed nature;

through our Lord,

who lives and reigns with the blessed Angel, and you God,

as One for ever and ever.”


The chapel answered “Amen.” as Ennlin whispered to Detty: “Why doesn’t someone else hold the sermon? You or Charlotta could do it, right?”


Detty sighed: “I could. But relieving Frederika of this duty might sow doubt in her mind, which inevitably will lead her to succumb to her demon. She has to do it herself.”


With the past prayer, the three nude nuns seemed more collected and preceded behind the altar revealing to most of the congregation that Theo had her juices running down her spread legs as well and was dripping on the altar. She had never changed positions and knelt still with her tits pressed to the altar in a triangle like shape, and due to that easily lent herself to resting a big book on. Like the bible, Ekatherina was still carrying. While the other two walked around Theodora and the altar she ceremoniously placed it on the altar girls back.


Frederika then read a passage from each the old and the new testament, regularly paused for her audience to take in the choice verses. Ennlin knew the Liturgy of the Word from her church in Prefor. Father Marcus had taken care of leading his flock with food for thought and, at times, a sharp tongue. Rika was not that different, but instead of quipping at some illogical parts of the bible she usually followed them up by suggestive comments that seemed to purposefully entice her audience.


Ennlin saw that given Theodora had to keep her groin exposed with the Good Book on her back, it was no surprise the mostly male congregation now uncomfortably shifted in their seats. All of their eyes were fixed on the juices dripping from the dangling cross below the nun's exposed sex.


The aspirant's eyes were drawn there as well until she forced herself to have a look around the gathering. There were terrifyingly many male faces, some even too young to even grow a beard, but all of them enthralled by the holy sight at the altar. None of them cared to look at Ennlin not even the few women in attendance, who she thought were actually odd to be here. There was surely no surprise why the men were here, but the women? The young aspirant looked through every one of the women’s faces in bewilderment only to find her mother among them.


“Mother?”, she whispered to herself, which still got picked up by the attentive teacher next to her.


“Really? Where?”, Detty seemed genuinely interested as she looked in the vague direction with open eyes.


“Third pew on our side. In the middle.”


“Oh. She’s beautiful. She looks kind of like you.”, Detty obviously had found her immediately.


Indeed her mother did. She was family. That also meant her attractiveness didn’t matter to the aspirant since she was obviously partial to her parent. Still, Ennlin would describe her as exceptionally beautiful, as her fair skin and raven black hair was similar, but her mother’s had a silvery shine to it. She had big eyes, but as opposed to her daughter she had also expansive irises, which were such a deep brown they almost looked black. 


Sometimes, Ennlin remembered, when the light was just right she could see red glimmers in the back of her mother’s eyes. She had asked her when she had been younger and was explained that it must have to do with the light reflecting on the back of her eyes. Ennlin always thought of her mother to be special that way and loved her all the much more for it. 


Her eyes were perfectly framed by a pair of neatly plucked dark eyebrows and high cheekbones, that Ennlin still hoped to get later in life. Their noses and lips were not as dissimilar, her mother’s were just a bit narrower, but not by much.


Lissa wore a black dress, that was obviously made for her body and that Ennlin had never seen before. It seemed to cling to her body like a second skin, showing off how big her breasts actually were. In the past she had dressed more conservatively, so her daughter never really noticed how closely they resembled each other around their chests.


“You should meet her when the Holy Mass is over.”, Detty encouraged her, but Ennlin already had made up her mind. She had been wanting to ask her about the new dress, and why her father was not with her.


Frederika moved on with the sermon: 


“God in the highest glory to you and on earth peace to man.

We praise you, we bless you, we adore you, we glorify you,

We give you thanks for your great glory,

Lord God, heavenly King, O God, almighty Father of Man.”


The Mother Superior let go of a gasp or a moan, something in between, but gritted her teeth and continued:


“Blessed Angel, Only Envoy, First Servant,

Forger of Truesilver, Bringer of Weal and Woe, 

You awarded us True Sight, our gratitude knows no bounds,

You are the right hand of the Lord, have mercy on us.


I and all Mankind kneels before you Holy One, you alone are the Lord,

you alone are the Most High, you are our Father.




The congregation agreed: “Amen”


Frederika took a few moments to breathe deeply and bent over to rest her forehead on Theodora's butt. Ennlin could still see her breathe heavily and her churning stomach bulged out at places if something wanted to break out. Rika then tightened her stomach muscles to lessen the moving bulges, but could not make them disappear completely. She kept her stomach flexed as she stepped beside the altar and, in her mostly nude state, faced the crowd. 


Was she tensing up her stomach muscles all the time to hide her demon’s movements?


“Let us pray.”, She said through gritted teeth.


“Please Lord

Grant us the resilience to withstand all torments, that are our fate;

Bestow us with courage to face our challenges, that are our fate;

And give us the patience to help those in need, as is our fate. 


Through our Lord and the Blessed Angel who live and reign, 

As One over Man forever and ever.






As Ennlin pondered about Rika’s stomach and every once in a while glanced to her mother, who, seemingly by chance, had not noticed her daughter yet.


“We, the Sisters of the Order of Dishabille Nuns, will now offer our bodies as our Lord offered His for the betterment of Man." 


Ennlin's heart jumped. It was time to undress under the hungry eyes of the crowd. 


Instantly she started to blush and tremble as a glum feeling sank like a boulder in her stomach and she looked around in hopes of finding any nun who would stay dressed with her. However, all of them were letting their robes down, while she herself stood and hesitated. Detty gave her a nudge with the elbow that dispelled her trembling trance and the young aspirant reacted with determination.


She was going to be a nun.


With swift movements, she undressed and flicked her tunic to Detty's on their seats. She would probably stick out like a sore thumb again if she had not. 


The eyes of the congregation scattered as each onlooker found his favorite undressed nun. Some even found Ennlin and she felt them leering at her, mentally undressing her further, but she kept her unwavering determination. The young aspirant pushed out her tits and angled her hips forward, further than her harness already forced her to.


In the meantime Frederika had produced two gleaming golden goblets from somewhere below the altar and preached on:


"These sacred vessels contain the symbolic blood given by our Lord and Savior through his only Envoy.", as she said this Ennlin wondered where the host wafers were, but that was answered quickly: "My sisters’ humble bodies will represent the body of God so that we can all share a taste of His blood and His body within these holy halls.”


Detty quickly whispered to the aspirant: “Follow me and don’t cum.” Then she turned and walked to the altar in ceremoniously slow steps. Ennlin followed, her thoughts were all over the place: her own nudity, whatever 'offering her body' meant, the comment about not cumming, her mother being here and Detty’s luscious behind jiggling as she was walking in front of the aspirant.


Her teacher received one of the cups with a curtsy that revealed much of what was between her cheeks down to pierced lips of her pussy and the red silver cross hanging from her clit. They continued down the aisle to the first set of pews. On the opposite side the other half of the nuns doing the same with Charlotta bearing the cup and Rosemary in Ennlins place on the opposite side.


The first believer in each front pew was offered a sip and Ennlin felt kind of awkward with not holding anything like host wafers or having anything to do but ponder over how their bodies could represent the Body of God or what her teacher meant with ‘Don’t cum'.


As Detty continued down the first pew and offered the cup to the second believer, who was hungrily eyeing the nuns about to pass him. Ennlin scooted after Detty facing the young man in the first seat. He was barely Ennlin’s age and looked quite hesitant. Ennlin did not know what exactly would happen until Frederika announced: “Don’t let shyness hold you back my dear flock. The blood and the body of the Lord are here to be tasted and a taste you shall get.”


Ennlin had turned to the Mother Superior as she explained. When she was finished the aspirant felt a hand touch her right hip as if to urge her to turn back. A still shy but determined face smiled up to her and closed in on her lower abdomen. He kissed her softly just below her belly button sending a spasm through her muscles there and a shiver up her spine.


She had expected something lewd, but not being touched by other people. He continued kissing his way to her pussy as Frederika continued the sermon: "Blessed are you, Lord God of all creation, for through your goodness, we have received the flesh we offer you:

fruit of the loin and work of man's devotion, it will become for us the cradle of purity."


The Aspirant somehow felt inspired by these words and was determined to go through with this, though the end of the pew was a long way off and there were many more pews to come.


Detty continued on and Ennlin faced the next man on the pew. He was older with a beard and he leered at her like she was honey readily laid out for him to devour. To Ennlin's shock, he immediately reached around her sizable butt to pull her close to his face. She gasped as his coarse bristly hair prickled against the sensitive skin on her mound.


The man eagerly liked her clit which tingled uncomfortably and made her squirm. She tried to distract herself by closing her eyes, but it had not the desired effect. It rather concentrated her senses on the intruding feeling of her exposed sex.


After scooting over once more to a bald man with a grey beard, she looked down dreading another rough treatment. Instead, he gingerly pulled her close and suckled on her clit with care. It felt way better than the guy before. Good enough for her to want more and sadly leave as Detty continued on through the pew.


The next person in the pew just kissed her stomach a few times then Ennlin had to move again. When she did, a glance to the third row revealed that her mother had finally spotted her. She smiled in a mix of pride and appetite.


The aspirant now stood before the only woman in the front pew and still pondered about the strange look her mother gave her. The blond middle-aged believer in front of her daintily grasped her hips and pulled her close. With a few flicks of the tongue against Ennlin's clit she had her tense up in pleasure. Her folds prickled as the woman skillfully sucked on parts of her pussy, quickly pushing her to the edge. She bid the aspiring nun farewell with a vigorous last suck on her now engorged clit that made her flirt with the edge of orgasm. 


If this continued she would almost certainly cum before she had passed her mother. 


"Detty?", she whispered, but only received a rushed glance and a head shake as an answer.


Her next patron was a man with a distinct weasel-like appearance. He quickly reached through her legs, his hand straddling the crack of her butt. She moved closer on her own as to not have his hand sink between her cheeks and avoid him touching her anus. With her eyes glancing back to her mother, she decided to press her mound to his nose. He immediately began lapping at her clit, his moves were undisciplined and hasty, but the expert treatment given by the woman before had Ennlin on edge already. His tongue quested around for the entrance of her pussy which sent trembling shivers up her spine.


The aspirant realized, if she could no longer hold off her orgasm, she would cum with her mother watching.


As he brought up his other hand to touch her folds she instinctively moved away from the man’s mouth and pushed her ass towards the hand that naturally sank in her butt crack and immediately started fingering her anus. This feeling was far less pleasurable since there was no actual penetration happening, but the humiliation caused by her own movement made the aspirant blush beyond her shame of being undressed in front of this crowd. This somehow kept her close to the edge until she had to move again.


Detty moved up to the next pew and started offering sips from the same side she had ended on, starting with the person sitting behind Ennlin’s current believer. He was a boy of about the aspirant's age with a bit of fuzz on his upper lip. He swallowed as he became aware of his turn and, determined, he pulled her close.


The brown-haired boy’s first move had been a bit rough, but the soft strokes of his tongue felt like heaven on Ennlin’s engorged and throbbing clit and the tingly lips of her pussy. 


This was it. 


The perfectly rhythmic strokes of this seemingly inexperienced young man would be what would send her off the edge with a soft feather-like push. She just knew it. 

She still tried to hold out so maybe she could recover a little when she switched pews, but this boy somehow did everything right. She desperately fought off the edge until he inexplicably nibbled her clit with his teeth, which suddenly pulled her off her orgasmic high with a jolt of pain. “Ouch.”, she quietly exclaimed to a shocked look from the youth who had her juices dripping off his chin.


Luckily, Detty had moved again.


“No biting there.”, Ennlin whispered with a wink and felt like she owned the place as she switched pews.


The second row of believers was not as hard to deal with orgasmically, and by the time Ennlin moved up to the third pew she had realized the more eager believers sat in the front and the further she got to the back the less avid they were for making her cream herself. As for her mother, though, she had no clue what to expect.


In front of her mother, who wore a comparably raunchy black dress and a facial attitude of a starving cat, Ennlin was surprised to just get a peck below her navel and a come-hither motion for her to lower her head for her mother to whisper to her.


She did and slightly turned her head to catch what she was about to say: “If I weren’t known to be your mother I would eat you right up.”, this prompted a raging blush from the aspirant. She felt how her ear was licked and rushed up to a standing position before she fully realized her mother had gotten up and sat back down again. 


That, or Lissa had a surprisingly long tongue. 


‘She is quick’, she thought but was more flustered about the lick itself.


As she moved further along the pews she was sufficiently distracted to not get into any flirts with the edge, but still aroused enough to enjoy the at times bored or deliberately solitary licks of the back pews. The sermon had continued until the aspirant finished the last pew on her side as Frederika was in her concluding stages of blessing and dismissing her flock:


"May almighty God bless you, the Lord, Man and the blessed Angel."


The congregation answered one last time: "Amen."


And Frederika concluded:


"Go in peace, glorifying the Lord by your life.

Thanks be to God."


Most of the congregation got up and slowly filed out of the chapel through the side entrance that obviously lead straight out to the streets of Eclusier. The nuns obviously were free to redress as they pleased since she saw Rosemary pull on her tunic but Detty not to.


A few believers still stood in line to the two confessionals, where Ennlin was wanting to go as well, more out of curiosity than of any urgent need to confess anything. Even though the frivolity of this whole convent might have been reason enough if she had not already been aware of the rules.


She used the time to confront her mother, who was waiting for her at the altar end of the aisle.


“Hello mother.”, she softly said to the still prideful and hungry look of her parent and stepped closer for a quick hug.


“My daughter, you make me proud. You fill out your garment well.”, she dallied, leering over her body while only spending a glance at the actual cloth. Ennlin had not put her tunic back on. She kind of glossed over that since she still basked in the glorious feeling the fifty-odd tongues had provided over the course of the sermon's conclusion.


“Your dress looks... nice, too.”, Ennlin felt especially awkward to ask, “How come I never saw it on you?”


“I had Ronulf, a tailor, in Vautre make it for me recently. He has access to the finest wool anywhere, but I had him refit it twice before it hugged my curves like that.”, Ennlin’s mother put her hands on her hips and swung them as if she was dancing.


A glum feeling settled in Enlinn’s stomach. Usually, there was no need to go outside their county to get anything, and this fancy, odd dress was nowhere worth refitting twice and travelling to Vautre for, which was a day’s ride by horse.


It was probably a lie.


“Does father like it?”, she asked to get a hopefully more satisfying answer.


“He does. I actually wore it just for him, but it seems I can’t get him out of his workshop these days.”, her mother smiled with her hands still on her hips, which still echoed her little dance routine from before. 


Ennlin never knew her father as a Sundays worker, but his past possession might have changed him. His first Sunday exorcised, he offered to forgo going to church. So Ennlin was not sure.


“Do you like coming here? I mean, did you girls come together well?”, Lissa asked her daughter equally as awkward... or on purpose.


“Yes. I like all of them and I’ve learned a lot already. I can read for example.”, said Ennlin boasted and glanced past her mother to see the confessional line clear up. The ideal excuse to get out of this bumbling conversation. “Mother I have to go. I have to confess something. See you next Sunday?”


“Probably not. I am not comfortable here, but seeing you are...” her mother interrupted herself by glancing down her naked body once again, and finished with a sly grin, “...is all I need to know.” 


With that, she picked up her basket and headed to the side gate. 


Ennlin decided to ponder over her mother’s ominous behavior for a moment and headed to the confessional where the last occupant just left after adjusting his belt. The aspirant expected something frivolous behind the curtain. That would certainly explain the long line of men that only slowly shortened over the course of the sermon.


Maybe there was someone on the other side sucking those sinners off? ‘That’s what they were there for.’, she remembered Frederika's words.


However, what she saw after slipping behind the curtain onto the confession chamber made her jaw drop.


Somehow, cast into the upper part of the back wall was Alexa. Even though she was blindfolded, with most of her face hidden except for her drooling mouth and the tip of her nose, the aspirant recognized her. Her toned muscles were simply too distinctive even though there wasn’t much of Alexa’s body she could see. To Ennlin a lot of the nun’s body was hidden behind wooden panels. She only saw the nun’s head which peeked out of a hole on her regular head height. Just below, separated by a wooden shelf from her head, were her beautifully pierced, full tits that rested on a wooden shelf themselves and glisted with all kinds of juices. Her groin along with the parts of her thighs until they vanished into the wall below her breasts were plainly visible as if being stretched toward and offered to any sinner confessing his deeds here. 


Her ass was a prolapsed raw mess that dripped cum and her juices that freely flowed down from her pussy. Its pierced lips were swollen and full but lacked any sign of rawness. She was massively aroused, judging by her distended clit, that was partially constricted by the piercing that held the palm-sized red and silver cross. Besides Alexa’s arousal, her pussy seemed untouched though. Was it just because of the token safeguard the cross provided dangling in front of her pussy?


Her pondering got interrupted by the nun herself: “Hello child. What you say here will only be heard by me and God. You may sate your urges while you confess.”


Alexa tried to ready herself as she shuffled around in her restraints and her prolapsed anus twitched in a feeble attempt to clench.


“Alexa, you… are you alright?”, Ennlin asked meekly and a few seconds of absolute silence followed.


The nun’s voice dropped to a raspy whisper as her saintly facade crumbled away: “Ennlin? Oh thank God, it is you. I can’t take it anymore, Ennlin! Please make me cum! Oh God, please!”


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