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2 Timothy 2:15

Do your best to present yourself to God as worthy, an unashamed worker who rightly handles the word of truth.

The next morning Ennlin awoke to the lauds sung by the other nuns surprisingly refreshed despite the fact that she had tossed and turned throughout the night. She was haunted by the vivid dream that came to her every time she closed her eyes that rudely shocked her awake on the verge of orgasm.

She kept laying in her bed with open eyes, staring at the ceiling, bringing the memories back from last night with Maggie. Ennlin wanted to take a big step today on her way to become a full-fledged nun. The first rays of light came through the window and flooded over her face. Even though the window had muddy yellow glass the light was unbearably bright. Ennlin decided to get up but still pondered if she could pull off not wearing her tunic today or if she would stop herself on the door's threshold yet again. 

The aspirant put on her gloves, coif, veil and the thigh-high boots. She looked over the soiled tunic one last time as it hung over the headboard of her bed. Ennlin turned, and her heart took on a faster, more heavy beat. Looking through the arch of the doorway into the cloister, she now fully realized her body would be completely exposed if she went to the bath like this. She had been similarly exposed there yesterday. The aspirant felt so incredibly insecure and embarrassed now and stopped dead in her tracks.

A thought came to her. She could have a quick walk to the bathroom without the tunic, put it in her alcove and decide after bathing if she'd wear it today. Ennlin could wash it just as easily after bathing herself. She went back, grabbed her tunic and headed for her cell's exit. Reassured, she dared to step beyond the threshold. She felt her nipples harden inside their inverted slits, but they did not quite peek out. Her first instinct was to hide her pussy and breasts, but she suppressed the urge to lift her arms in order to show off how sincere she was about all of this. She adjusted her posture, which, enforced by her harness, was not that bad anyway, and took a deep breath just before she carried on. Ennlin looked around to see no-one in the upper cloister, but she heard other nuns' audible chatter coming from below.

On her way to the staircase, still self-conscious about her attire or lack thereof, she was anxious about her first encounter with any other nun. She first got to Maggie's cell. Having her see the aspirant first would be a convenient stepping stone before the whole convent laid eyes on her nudity.  Not only had she seen her partly naked before, Ennlin felt more comfortable with the gruff nun than with the others. 

Sadly, she wasn't in her cell.

The second-highest on her list was Detty, but Ennlin had not yet a clue of how to find her in the morning. She did not even know where her cell was.

The raven-haired aspirant hesitated for a second on the staircase as she heard voices coming from below. These nuns would probably be the first to see her nude breasts and pussy if Ennlin went down the stairs right now. She blushed, but also somehow felt the telltale signs of wetness between her folds. Was she secretly liking the thought of exposing her nude body to the others? 

The voices below moved on without coming up. They were probably heading for the bath as well.

Ennlin, still sorting her feelings, continued down and towards the bath herself. To her relief, the lower cloister was deserted now, too. How long did she hesitate? There was nobody to be seen. Ennlin cursed herself for being so sheepish. She took a deep breather and stubbornly kept her thoughts on the happy and content feeling she remembered of Doro exercising her father. Her anxiety little by little turned to excitement with every step she took towards the bath. Certainly, she was destined to have her first voluntarily nude encounter there.

The aspirant put her hand on the door handle without pressure at first. Her heart thumped like a smith banging on his work piece. She saw her own breasts in the lower part of her vision rising and falling in quick succession until she realized it was her own labored breathing that was causing this.

She held her breath as she pressed the door's little lever down and was greeted by a myriad of voices washing over her through the crack in the door. To Ennlin the door creaked as if to sound an alarm bell that loudly announced her arrival. When the crack in the door was wide enough she carried on slowly . 

The aspirant's breasts scraped against the door frame due to the little space she gave herself in fear of the door creaking even more. She did her best to quietly close it behind her and turned. She focused on suppressing her raging blush by recalling her Mantra.

There is no shame.

She mentally fought the urge to lift her hands and cover herself. Instead, she had a tentative look around the room. Maggie was at the alcoves undressing. The twins were fighting over a piece of soap in the pool and her cleaning trainer, Theodora,  sat on the edge with Agneta washing themselves and idly chatting.

None of them looked twice at the incomer. Ennlin was sure, if she had worn her tunic instead of carrying it, all eyes in the room would stick to her like resin. 

This place had somehow turned common standards on their head.

Ennlin's blush seized and she relaxed her posture as far as her harness would allow while making the first bashful steps toward an empty alcove.  

"Good morning, Maggie.", Ennlin announced her presence to the almost purposefully distracted nun and put herself in a slightly awkward pose to present her tits.

"Good morning. Did you do something with your hair? You look different.", she retorted while shamelessly glaring at the aspirant's breasts with a slight smirk.

Ennlin smiled and a slight blush lingered on her face as she removed her gloves, boots and headdress. Everything but her harness went into the alcove.

"The twins are here waiting for you. Estra said they wanted to apologize.", Maggie pointed to the other end of the pool where the two platinum blonde mirror images of each other now roughly soaped each other's breasts. Ennlin's eyes went wide, but she soon realized the twins did worse things to each other even with her present, or maybe because of it. Her focus returned to Maggie and she saw that her guide's face showed hints of discomfort. Her brow was furrowed and her knees pressed together tightly. 

Not being allowed to pee during the night must have been torture for her. Ennlin knew herself trying to fall asleep with a full bladder was almost impossible. To her surprise, Maggie must have made it through perfectly, because she looked well-rested or even energetic.

"Is it bad?" she worriedly asked.

"Nah, it's alright. As long as nobody splashes too bad I should be fine.", Maggie said but she looked to the ground as if she didn't believe her own words.

Ennlin heard the slight lapping of the pools surface against the edge as well as the loudly bubbling stream coming from the faucet. This must be hell for Maggie. Worse, if she did not hold on to her "holy water", there might be worse punishments to come.

Maggie slipped into the water at the closest convenient spot and began soaping herself in a hurried manner. There was no denying she needed to relieve herself urgently. Ennlin walked the usual way around the pool towards the stairs and tried her best not to cover herself out of habit. A few casual glances regarded her chest and her butt, but all things considered, she was standing out the least when she did not wear the tunic or anything else for that matter. Naturally, the bath, being the room that it is, distorted this kind of impression a bit.

As she descended the steps and approached the twins, they looked at her as if rehearsed. Both had a hand behind the others back and the other dipping into the water in front of them.

"Good morning, Istra and Estra.", Ennlin just guessed their names as she nodded to each of them and somehow was right judging by the surprised look on their faces.

"Good morning.", they said as if coming from one person but only Estra, by herself, continued, "Istra wants to tell you how sorry she is."

"What? No, I don't!" Istra seemed even more surprised now. She glared at her sister as if deciding to hit her or retort with mocking her. Was that another practical joke?

"You should. You almost made me cum yesterday in the library. That would that have made for a bad impression. We were supposed to help to teach the aspirant."

The aspirant in question was right there but acknowledging her existence was not within the furious twin's grasp.

"You were the one almost getting off, you cum-charged floozy. Get your act together. You are a nun!" Estra got red with anger and Ennlin was sure she could see a vein pulsing on her forehead.

"YOU get your act together, you lecherous quim.", Istra's mouth tensed up and her gaze became grim as she reached back as if to strike her sister, but instead, hit the water in front of her at an angle to splash her with a thundering shower. Immediately, Estra splashed back, also hitting Ennlin in the process who turned to avoid getting water in her eyes. In doing so, the aspirant's view went to the front end of the pool where Agneta and Theodora had retreated to. Maggie, right next to them, quietly clenched her eyes and lips shut while holding her crotch with both hands.

Oh no!

"Please, girls, stop! Maggie is isn’t looking so good..", she tried to tell them but could not get through to the twins. Instead, they continued splashing around, grappling and pushing each other under the surface drowning out even the loudly bubbling faucet with splashes and splattering sounds. Maggie's face was contorted in agony as she had stopped mid soaping to concentrate on not peeing herself right then and there.

With a rush of water, still soapy on her breasts and shoulders, Ennlins guide jumped from the pool, ran past the alcoves and exited the bathroom completely naked but for her harness.

"What's with her?" Istra (or Estra, the grapple had shuffled them) asked as their fight was interrupted by the loud splash of the hastily fleeing Maggie. Both twins were drenched. Their once neatly pinned up hair now clung to their heads in big abstract matted loops. 

"She's doing a water casti-... something.", Ennlin told them, with her eyes still lingering on the spot where her guide left the bathhouse.

"Water castigation?", the twins asked with a worried tone which the aspirant confirmed with a solemn nod.

"Now we really have something to apologize for.", both smiled cheekily, yet a hint of genuine remorse was in their eyes, "So, she got punished for wasting holy water. What did she do? Did she not go in the baptistery? Did she piss in the cloister?", both twins chuckled.

"She offered me some yesterday night." Ennlin took a piece of soap and began to quietly scrub herself. 

"Ooh, she must really like you.", the twins were at either side of the aspirant in a blink of an eye, each armed with a piece of soap. Both casually began rubbing the soap all over the aspirant's skin. Ennin froze for a moment as her muscles cramped up wherever the twins touched her, but relaxed as they dutifully lathered her with the soapy foam not lingering too long on her groin or breasts. 

"What's a baptistery?" she asked as one of the twins massaged her butt cheeks.

"It's where we submit our holy water and it is stored until Sunday."

"What happens on Sunday?" Ennlin asked while watching Agneta get out of the pool. On the steps, the gatekeeper wiped the clinging drops of water off her body. She slid her hands over the skin of her big firm breasts and her taut stomach to make the drops collect and run down her shapely legs in tiny rivulets. She did the same with her thick butt cheeks and strong thighs.

"We sell it -", the twins said, one of them continued the sentence where the other left off:"- and usually there is nothing left afterwards."

Ennlin remembered once buying some holy water from Markus, the pastor at Prefor's church, as a gift for her father, way before he got possessed. After her father had drunk it, he was in an almost solemnly cheerful spirit for the whole week that followed. At the time, it seemed very expensive, but it was worth it. If she had known it to be pee back then, Ennlin would never have bought the holy water though.

A few moments after Agneta was fully dressed - in everything but her tunic, of course - she left holding the door open just long enough for a visibly relieved Maggie to come back in through. Her eyes quickly scanned the room and found the twins, who, with their backs to the door, had not noticed her coming back.

Three quick steps were enough for Maggie to launch herself towards them. She yelled: "Retribution is miiine!!"

Mid-jump she tucked in her arms and legs and all Ennlin could do in time was flinch. The twins instinctively turned at the yell and took the brunt of the massive wave, caused by Maggie's splendid ass connecting with the water's surface, straight to their faces. 

After a little skirmish about who was supposed to apologize to whom and a reconciliatory soaping with all four of them involved, the aspirant left the pool together with the twins and Maggie.  Up the pool's steps they followed Theodora, whose massive buttplug forcefully kept asserting its widespread position between her plump cheeks. Through the gap between her thighs, mostly caused by the enormous coaster, the aspirant could see the red cross swaying from side to side as the nun took each step up the stairs in an almost angelic grace. 

When most of them were at the alcoves, idle chatter ensued as all of them took to dressing themselves. Ennlin stood before her alcove, put on her own attire and pondered about her tunic. The other nuns were talking while dressing themselves and none were even remotely covering their pierced clits or nipples. 

Quite the opposite. 

They struck poses that accentuated how the crosses dangled and their breasts swayed. They seemed more than proud to wear this jewelry. The twin's hands were seemingly magically attracted to each other's pierced nipples to feel if their gloves were put on right. Maggie arched her back while pulling up one of her thigh boots blatantly presenting her asshole to Ennlin as if that were normal. 

Maybe it was.

The casual atmosphere and inherent naturalness within the bath struck a strange chord with Ennlin. She had not noticed when she stopped caring about her nudity as she uninhibitedly chatted with the others. To the nuns, the whole convent must feel as tranquil and carefree as the bathhouse felt to her right now. Ennlin pushed out her chest and a flicker of tentative pride helped her decide. Or was it faith? Faith in herself perhaps? Regardless she was sure enough for her next step.

She would not wear the tunic today. There is no shame.

- - - - - - - - - - 

Even though a few glances fell on Ennlin's tunic-less body, she stood proudly outside the refectory waiting for Detty. The lewd comments or outright stares she had expected beforehand were simply not happening. Instead, she received courteous smiles and nods as the others showed up for breakfast and went in. Agneta even said she was looking forward to piercing her with a creepy glare in her eyes.

A shiver mixed with something akin to anticipation rushed up the aspirant spine and left a trail of goosebumps. This slightly parted the slits of her inverted nipples but did not quite let them peek out. Suppressing the urge to cover them, Ennlin just smiled awkwardly and nodded to the convent's gatekeeper. In the wake of the suspicious comment, the aspirant followed her with her eyes until Agneta went inside.

"Oh my God, Ennlin, you are naked!", Detty's cheerful voice was unmistakable. The librarian quickly closed the distance between them, laid her hands on Ennlin's shoulders and looked her over-enthusiastically before the aspirant had any chance to utter a word.

"Oh, you are sooo beautiful and you have such big tits already. They look so perfect and firm. Can I touch them?" Detty asked in delight, with her eyes lighting up and smiling with the whole of her face.

Ennlin was not sure if that had been a rhetorical question, since, of course, she could, and she did. Her somewhat cool hands washed another wave goosebumps over the aspirant's breasts and turned her nipples fully hard, which now completely peeked out of their inverted slits like hard pebbles. 

"They are so full and plump.", the librarian mumbled and gently lifted Ennlin's breasts from underneath as if to measure their weight. The aspirant sighed as her teacher let them slide off her hands and brush her exposed, sensitive nipples along her open palms. Ennlin felt her tits drop from her teacher's hands and jerked forward with their weight released.

"You are so pretty, I am almost jealous.", Detty remarked as she swayed her own plugged massive tits on purpose with a cocky smile while still continuously groping Ennlin's tits almost to the point of nervous fidgeting.

"You know, most of the nuns in there took all but the last day of their aspirant's time to get to where you are now.", she pointed at the door to the refectory, "I am so proud of you."

Detty continued: "You shrugged off your shame in no time at all. I am glad you this far along already. That means we could accept you as a member of our convent as early as the completion of your first week here."

"No one told me I was to be naked before I could advance.", Ennlin felt disadvantaged but also happy she had coped with this unseen hurdle all on her own. 

"That's the point. It should feel natural to want to show your body and with that your sincerity to the others to serve man as God intended. If that didn't come from within yourself, you could never become a nun. Fortunately, it did though.", Detty said and remained proudly smiling throughout, "Let's eat."

Detty and Ennlin were last to arrive at the table and came to sit down on the narrow bench as Ekatherina was in the middle of a lengthy prayer. The aspirant could not concentrate on what she said, because, with her butt jutting out over the back edge she had to sit squarely on her thighs. The open valley of her ass felt so exposed that every slight draft that blew over her pussy and anus made her clench up. In this position the aspirant was reminded of how undressed her nethers were every few seconds.

"There is no shame.", she quietly mumbled to herself and tried to focus on the conversation around her after the prayer concluded.

Detty, still happily smiling, asked one of the twins: “So, what's new?”

Estra and Istra somehow made a point of looking at Ennlin’s bare tits in an extensive manner before answering: “Well we don’t want to overwhelm you with glad tidings, because you are so proud of your pupil already.”

Everyone’s eyes except Detty’s were on Ennlin for a few seconds which felt like hours to the aspirant. She felt her face get hot and she knew she must look the part. But instead of hiding she straitened her already harness induces pose out so her tits actually lifted off the table. 

There is no shame.

The twins swanky demeanor was obviously meant to be playful. Still, Ennlin hated to be the bud of the joke again, but could not muster anything more of a reaction than blush furiously and hold her pose like she did not care.


Detty waved off the comment and playfully clutched her own tits while saying: “I’m sure I’m ready. Lay it on me.”

“We took a mission.”, both stated in unison with a wide, honest smile and dropped their playacting.

“Nice, but ‘we’? You are going together? Would you like to elaborate how you got Rika to sign off on this?", asked Detty, who questioningly leaned further on the table and extending her ass up and off the bench to counter her balance. Her plugged juggs pushed a few bowls and silverware out of the way or simply buried them in the process.

Frederika's voice interrupted them booming loudly across the table. “Both are more than capable to make the right choices when it comes to serving Man and the Lord. They would lay down their lives if need arose.”

“Yes, Mother Superior.”, the twins called out, not exactly addressing Rika, who was obviously content not having her decisions questioned and had sat back down. 

"We are not sure what to expect.", Istra (?) looked to Estra, who continued explaining:

"All we know is the Count of Pulmont has a cousin who lives in Forchamp. He usually writes letters and is in close contact with the count, but lately, he writes less frequently and with disturbing content."

"The count must think demons are involved because he would not write up a mission for us otherwise.", Detty suspected and was probably right.

"Right.", The twins said in tandem, "On the morrow, we have an audience with the count and we'll head straight to Forchamp from there."

"Good. We will start your Trial of Departure at noon.", Frederika announced making the twins blush and smile in excitement. Ennlin wondered what that might be and decided to stick with them for as long as possible.

The rest of breakfast time passed with a pleasant conversation between her and Ekatherina, who, as usual, bluntly babbled about how the blessed piercings alter bodily fluids and perception. She offered several related theories about how they could be weaponized, of all things, which Ennlin mostly did not understand.

The aspirant surmised all she needed to know for now was that the piercings were divine and she had to wear them to be a full fledged nun. This meant accepting the changes that come with them, when they come.

- - - - - - - - - - - 

The study period with Detty was equally informative but way more understandable. The librarian showed Ennlin the "Encyclopedia Demonica", a book about the different kinds of demons there are. They studied the first one together "Aviarx", a lower, beastly kind of demon that attaches to it's victims arms, back, butt and groin to effectively look like a mythical harpy. The nipple plugged nun let her keep the book for the time being. Before leaving the library at the bell's toll, the aspirant got tasked with trying to read a few sentences from her new book by herself.

- - - - - - - - - - - 

Work with Theodora in the Inquisitorium went by mostly without conversation but not any less lewd sounding. The click-squelch sounds of her energetic scrubbing rhythm turned the aspirant on as she once again copied the nun's style presenting her naked ass to the door. 

She prayed nobody would come in, but realized praying probably should not be used for that. Also, she did not need to care for…

...there is no shame. 

Indeed, nobody came in, but Ennlin wondered whether she would feel humiliated or excited. By the end of their work time they both had worked up quite a sweat. Both were glistening in the candlelight and on top of that Ennlin’s groin was completely drenched from listening to the working professional's quiet grunts and loud squelches..

- - - - - - - - - - - 

Sadly Ennlin was not allowed to visit the twin’s Trial of First Departure, which apparently nuns went through if they had no demon inside them before leaving on a mission. Come morning, Ennlin woke up to the loud throaty moans of the twins, but before she could get her mostly nude self to the origin of those sounds they seized. She had a short chance to hug the exhausted-looking twins goodbye when they met halfway between the gatehouse and the bath. Even though she could not be there Ennin was content nonetheless. Her own First Departure probably was not that long off anyways.

- - - - - - - - - - - 

The rest of the week went by slowly and with each passing day the schedule became second nature to the aspirant: Wake up, bathe, dress, study, work and prayer in the morning, then lunch, work, study, dinner until her free time and the late prayer - all that while being naked and exposed. Every day was pretty much the same and she easily adjusted to the strict plan. However, this meant she usually went to bed exhausted yet aroused. 

The insides of the raven haired aspirant’s thighs were near constantly wet as early as breakfast since the other beautiful nuns’ hips were touching hers without any kind of barrier. The magnificent alley of deliciously pierced tits, partly even plugged, that were placed along the tabletop were just as hard to ignore. 

Learning to read under Detty’s benevolent tutelage was not as sexually charged, but the way she had remembered the alphabet was. Usually her juices were free flowing as she left the library. On her way to prayer training she usually was so wet her highs rubbed slickly against each other. She usually calmed down while training prayers were it not for Charlotta who constantly struggled with her captured demon. The prayer trainer constantly seemed on the edge of cumming. 

On thursday the nun’s whimpering noises were just loud enough for the aspirant to be distracting while practicing her prayers. Her curiosity was peaked instantly. Ennlin looked up from her prayer to see the pinkish haired nun struggle to keep herself upright with her hands on the altar. Her groin and anything below was hidden by the altar, but her nipples were hard and she drooled from her slightly parted, unnaturally big lips while the rest of her face was tightened in a mix of agony and ecstasy. Ennlin gawked, and only realized it because as if on telepathic que Charlotte looked up sternly and remind Ennlin of her training with a stern look. Of course the aspirant quickly returned to practicing praying with closed eyes, but she could not stop thinking about it. The scene burned itself into the raven haired woman’s mind and drenched her seat until she was free to go.

- - - - - - - - - - - 

On Saturday evening, Detty visited the aspirant in their free time. Unnoticed, she stood in the doorway with a smile, watching Ennlin trying her best at deciphering the complex phrases of the Encyclopedia Demonica with the help of her titillating alphabet. Enllin had tried reading her book about demons every chance she got but still learned slowly but with determination. When Detty read it to her, it was easier mostly because she did not get quite as hot, but it had a certain appeal. Ennlin right hand never left her crotch as she studied lower, beastly kinds of demons.

The lewd way of learning the letters surprisingly helped a lot as the pictures were easily memorable, but it was just as distracting since every time Ennlin tried to bring the sound of a letter to mind the lewd picture would turn her on even worse.

"Can't wait to get your hands on a demon, I see."

Startled, Ennlin jumped up to stand next to her bed. She was facing her teacher head-on and unconsciously presented herself properly as the harness reminded her by pinching her skin here and there.

Like the harness' pinches, Detty’s advice was still stinging sometimes, but Ennlin knew she could only mean well. She saw that the visitor pointed at Ennlin's right hand with a stiff nod which she quickly removed from her clit. Her pleasure bud then practically screamed for her hand to return and get her off but the aspirant fought her way to not let it bother her. Ennlin's string dripping pussy indicated, something differently to the outside though, which provoked the visitor to smirk.

"Hello Detty." Ennlin said on the exhale of a deep breath.

"Don't groan. I won't stay long. I just want to tell you about tomorrow.", the teacher took a few strides into the aspirant's cell, which made her dangling red cross swing and her plugged, bulging breasts bounce. Actually, Ennlin had simply tried to calm herself down from the near orgasm experience she just had, but felt it unnecessary to correct her guide.

"You mean the divine service tomorrow?" Ennlin asked cautiously as she approached.

Detty's eyes wandered to Ennlin's crotch, where the aspirant felt long strings of her juices stretch from her folds and connect partway down with her legs and continue running down like cold sweat. Ennlin grew anxious quickly and started praying quietly. 

There is no shame. There is no shame.

"You are probably not ready.", Detty stated blatantly, an unusual tone even for Detty who was rarely this serious, now standing right in front of her and looking her deep in the eyes.

The aspirant suddenly felt wispy, insignificant even, and tried to defend herself by pointing at the headboard of her bed: "I am. I even had my whole habit washed and I-…"

"Yeah, about that.", Detty looked to the ground, "You probably won't need it all throughout the service."

Ennlin was confused. She guessed tunics were to be worn at all times when in public and in open chapel for Sunday morning, as far as she was concerned, the Holy Mass was as public as it got.

The brown skinned nun continued: "I just want you to know, all of us will be taking it off during the service, of course. You don't have to if you feel insecure."

"No! Don't treat me like that! I am becoming a nun.", Ennlin pumped up her chest and proudly stretched out her upper body, presenting her full breasts to her teacher. Strangely, she felt her poise crumble slightly as she imagined herself lifting her tunic in front of a church full of people. But her resolve was unshaken.

Detty looked her charge up and down. She flashed Ennlin a quick smile and as she left she stated: "Well, maybe you are ready. Carry yourself well tomorrow. You certainly look like you can pull it off."


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