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 John 6:12

When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, “Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.”

Ennlin put down the book on her small desk and turned to head to the refractory. Before she even passed her door she stopped. She still had ‘the splotch’, but a way to hide it came to her. It was a surprisingly easy solution.

Her heart beat faster, pumping big bursts of blood through her veins in anticipation. Her tongue flicked over her dry lips and caught part of them between her teeth as she raised her hands to the neckline of her tunic. She was alone, but her heart beat as if wanting to jump from her chest. A kind of tingle formed below her stomach in her guts as another sign of her growing anticipation.

Ennlin took one last breath and quickly, unceremoniously rid herself of the soiled tunic.

The aspirant looked down herself and realized she now was way more similar to the other nuns than before. She wore the same coif, veil and scapular, had the same silky gloves and heeled boots. Even the harness was not any different. However, the aspirant just did not have the polished piercings made of red metal yet. 

She draped the tunic on the headboard of her bed and walked to the door of her cell. The threshold looked impassable now. If she was outside the eyes of the other nuns would be on her even more than they were when she wore the tunic.

There is no shame.

A deep breath, raised chin and her chest pushed out helped to step on the threshold, but she could not go further. She realized her exposed breasts were, strictly speaking, ‘outside’ of her cell now.

She could not get all of herself to commit. Ennlin turned beet red and fled to the safety of her bed with her heart still beating strongly. The aspirant wasted a moment to think about going to dinner with her wet tunic but scrapped the idea. She was not that hungry anyways.

Instead, she knelt down on her bed in the nude with her blanket draped over her shoulders and tried to guess a few other letters from the book laying between her knees.

The aspirant flipped pages but stopped for a moment at ‘O’ to marvel at the perfectly captured ecstatic feeling of the nun’s failure. The stream of what looked like pee was a perfect arc leading her eye up to where the club-thing was touching her. Ennlin wondered what made this club so pleasurable as for her to pee herself.

She turned over to the plugs, to the question, the ritual and stopped where they would start again next time. Discarding Detty’s advice, she could not NOT look at the pictures up to this point. Ennlin quickly grew excited and could not keep her hands from herself. She parted the sensitive folds of her pussy and started idly drawing circles around her clit lubricated by her flowing juices. 

The aspirant looked at the drawing on the following page. She saw two nuns both in proper habits. One, a novice nun, with veil, coif, scapular, gloves and boots as well as a tightly bound harness to keep her in posture. The other was of advanced rank, like Detty. Her scapular was significantly longer and she wore slightly higher boots as well as different gloves but in all other aspects she matched the first one. Both had beautiful huge breasts with red piercings to either cardinal direction of her massive plugs. They stood out proudly as if to proclaim ‘No Demon shall pass!’. The nuns were supporting each other by holding their hands, in the other hand one held a book, the other a bottle. The book could only be a bible, of course, and the bottle... maybe the juices mentioned earlier in the book?

Aside from the nudity, there was nothing lewd about the sisters, quite the opposite, they looked serene and regal, kind of like Ennlin imagined angels to look like. She wasn’t sure what letter they would represent so the aspirant moved on. 

The next drawing was a stark contrast to the rather tame picture of two mostly nude nuns holding hands. The nun depicted here was sitting with her back to a long row of wooden plugs which grew in size the closer they were to her butt. Each one was glistening with juices as if she had been sitting on each of them already. The plug closest to the nun, standing between her hands, was as big as both of her own fists combined. Her head leaned back to seemingly catch her breath and supported herself by her fists with the knuckles on the ground. The nun was sweating, flushed and Ennlin had the distinct feeling she was trembling with exertion even though one picture could not capture this no matter the realism the painter tried to capture. The aspirant could see half of her face in a triumphantly cheery smile. 

Now it dawned to the aspirant that the nun must be sitting on the next bigger one. Maybe Ennlin would have to do this one day, too. Her hand still rubbing circles around her pleasure button had increased pressure as she pictured herself in the nun's heeled boots. 

This looked like a trial of pliability and since the aspirant was bent on bringing happiness and joy, like Doro, she was certain she would come prepared. The aspirant marveled at her own pun. Coming probably meant failing the trial, like the one she’d been shown already, but she snickered anyway. 

She would not come.

Her circling finger increased pressure again. Sweat beaded between her breasts and she slipped the blanket off her shoulders to let the cool air caress her skin. Ennlin felt how her inverted nipples simultaneously peeked out of their hiding places as they got hard, partly due to her arousal and partly because of the cool air hitting her breasts. 

She would not come. 

Her clit began to warmly tingle in pleasure under her ministrations as she reached for her breast with the other hand. Playing with the sensitive nub she felt the same warm tingly feeling radiate from her nipple as well. This was the way to go, but if she was not careful she might go too far. Getting closer to the edge, she knew she had to be careful to not get carried away.

She would not come. 

Ennlin slowed down to carefully feel her way towards the edge. She directed each circle so only tiny sparks of pleasure came through and she clenched her muscles down there to savor every step towards her orgasm. She looked up to the ceiling in concentration. Each rub popped a little bubble of pleasure. Just a bit closer. A bit closer.

“Are you gonna come?!?”

Maggie’s voice made her flinch resulting in an uncontrolled rough flick over her engorged clit. She desperately clung to the edge as she realized Maggie was standing in the doorframe, seeing her exposed, naked and worse yet: seeing her come.

She would not come. 

Twinges of shame raced through her mind, almost pushing her to get the blanket draped over her body again in embarrassment. However, that would mean she would most certainly lose concentration and cream herself. Determined not to, she gritted her teeth and clenched every muscle to fight the warm tingly orgasmic feeling that quickly merged in the center of her body. She stared at the beautiful nun who casually leaned against the doorframe with crossed arms and leered at her. The aspirant expected to see spite or glee in Maggie’s face, but instead, there was a warm and proud smile.

“No.”, Ennlin spoke past her teeth. Which granted her just enough of the needed strength to curb her orgasm. Still, she clung to the edge. Ennlin realized she had knelt up in shock of first hearing her guides voice, fully presenting her naked form to the nun, who she had known for but two days. Thick strings of her juices dripped from her pussy, her heart beat like a thundering wardrum and she could not unclench her muscles unless she would let the fall towards orgasming continue. 

This was torture. 

“You’re dripping on your reading material.”, Maggie smirked.

Ennlin looked down between her breasts, past her belly button to see a few drops of her juices collecting in the joint of the book. Luckily she had hit neither the enticing drawing of the nun’s trial nor the letter itself. With a deep breath and still trembling she let herself collapse backward onto her blanket and mattress. While breathing heavily to control the blissful feelings she heard Maggie come up to her and look her over. Ennlin felt how wet her crotch was, as the draft of air from the nun’s movements hit her groin.

Maggie put the bowl she had brought with her down on the desk, picked up the book from the bed and wiped the fluid from its joint with her finger. She regarded it for a second, then licked her finger clean. “Hm. Sweet. Want me to clean you, too?”

Ennlin was startled a bit. Maggie was probably hinting at actually licking her clean.

“No, thanks, I can do that myself.”, Ennlin said and looked around for a cloth to do so. Maggie shook her head and clicked her tongue. The aspirant only had her tunic, still draped over the headboard, which she tentatively took, wiped herself off and asked: 

“Do we only get one of these?”

“Yes. One is more than enough. You will only need it for public appearances, anyway.”, her guide casually stated as she put the book down on the aspirant’s desk, “...and you look good without it.”

Blushing to a deeper shade of red, she pulled up the moist tunic to cover her breasts as well, propped herself up on her elbows and smiled unsure how to answer: “Thanks... What are you doing here? Isn’t it dinner time?”

“It is. Rika sent me to see if you’re okay. By the looks of it, you were having a great time. Also, I’m to see if you wanted to eat something.”, she nodded at the bowl, “Why weren’t you at dinner?”, Maggie made an unusually concerned face as she sat down on the bed frame.

Ennlin blushed. She had a nice past few minutes and even staved off an oncoming orgasm. However, the aspirant was embarrassed about not going to dinner, too, as obviously all of the nuns were concerned for her wellbeing. Maybe she was even more embarrassed than she would have been if she went to dinner naked. 

“I’m not sure. I did not want to go in this”, she pointed at the gray tunic with the dark splotches on it. “and I could not go naked.”

The aspirants blush held on as she thought about being at the refractory with the other nuns' eyes on her nude form. She could not do it.

“I wanted to...”, somehow Maggie seemed unsure herself now, “to make up for not helping you study.”

“It’s fine. I wasn’t expecting help anyways.”, Ennlin started getting hot and sweating. She vividly remembered how the twins practically molested each other in the name of her education. Regardless, she continued: “But I was planning on guessing a few letters before I got carried away.”

“Do you still want to?”

The aspirant quickly nodded with a smile, sat up on the bed frame next to Maggie and let the tunic slip down so it only covered her crotch but left her breasts exposed. She felt exhilarated, but also content. Maggie did not comment or gaze at her tits in any judging fashion. She merely acknowledged them with a glance and a smile before she got up. Her guide handed her the bowl, picked up the book and sat back down next to her. It was still open at the page she nearly ruined, where a nun successfully completed the trial of growing buttplugs.

“This is the Trial of Escalation.”, Maggie said as if to correct Ennlin’s thoughts, “Is this picture the first one you wanted to guess or the last one before the orgasm?”, she smirked and regarded it closer herself.

Ennlin tried to ignore the part about orgasming, as her excitement, propped up by her own nudity, took another uptick by the embarrassing question. She took a second to take a breather.

There is no shame.

“Only this and the one before are new.”, the aspirant admitted before adding: "... and I did not cum."

“Really? Could've fooled me.", Maggie snickered, but continued: " So this is ‘S’ and it stands for sisters.”, Maggie pointed at the two nuns holding hands, “They are supposed to represent our unity and love for another, but also, how on the other hand our dedication and love for God...”, she pointed at the Bible, “... counteracts our love and care for Man.”, she pointed at the bottle and paused a moment to think.  

"This pulls each of us in three directions at once. Detty calls this the “Trinity of Affection, but it’s just mumbo jumbo to me.”, Maggie smirked again.

“Now that I think about it…,” Maggie turned pages without concern if Ennlin understood and continued, “Trinity would have been a neat drawing. Triple penetration with a man, a nun, and God.”, she snickered and marveled again at the successful nun in the picture coming up.

Ennlin was puzzled. Maggie’s ramblings did not make sense whatsoever.

“The ‘T’ stands for Trial. The Trial of Escalation each of us have to pass to take our simple vows and thus become nuns. Real nuns.”, Maggie’s words carried an anticipating thrill with it.

“But aren’t you already?”, Ennlin had taken the time to munch on the pieces of fruit from the bowl but stopped in confusion.

“It’s like learning a trade, from apprentice to journeyman to foreman. I am still a novice, but not for long. I can take my Trial of Escalation in about two weeks.”, Maggie seemed sure of herself. But again she did not wait for Ennlin to ask anything and turned over the page.

The letter, which looked like a bowl cut in half, was accompanied by a picture of a close-up just like the clitoris but it was set a little lower. The drawing depicted a pee hole of a nun, who was wearing the familiar red piercings. Ennlin could see the cross, being held to the side. It tugged slightly on the clitoris by the short chain and the piercing.

“The ‘U’ is for urethra, the hole where holy water comes from, after you have been pierced.”, Maggie casually explained. 

To her disgust, Ennlin realized she had been scrubbing the floor of the inquisitorium with pee. She instinctively tried to shake off any residual drops from this afternoon's work hours. Of course without success, because her hands were dry already.

“What? Eww. Holy water is pee?”

“Yes. You didn’t you know?”, Maggie’s question did not seem like it was supposed to be answered. If Ennlin had not finished the bowl of fruit a few minutes ago she would not have touched another piece. Maggie put the book down next to herself on the bed and took hold of the aspirant’s empty bowl.

“Let me show you.”, the guide scooted forward so only part of her butt cheeks were on the bed frame. She spread her knees apart, and held the bowl under her crotch.

Ennlin went from a recovered blush of excitement back to beet red in seconds. 

Was her guide about to pee in the bowl? 

Her question was answered with a spurt from the nun’s nethers which trickled loudly into the bowl. Maggie sighed as she unashamedly peed like she had no care in the world while she filled the small bowl quickly. Ennlin watched in awe as the rushing pee kicked the red metal cross around, making it spin and tumble in random directions. It came back to its original position due being permanently attached to the piercing right through her clitoris. Her love button itself got twisted and turned with the jewelry’s wild movements rapidly but Ennlin came to realize this did not faze the Nubian beauty much or she did not show it.

 Maggie cut off mid stream with a throaty groan just before the bowl was completely full.

“Here, taste it.”, Maggie said through clenched teeth, as she held the bowl under the aspirant’s nose. She had put up her hands defensively, though could not help but take a whiff. Ennlin expected it to smell like pee, acrid and bitter, but to her surprise it did not smell at all.

The nun took one of the aspirants upheld hands and guided it to hold the warm bowl. Reluctantly she took hold of it and gazed in. Due to the orange candle light Ennlin could not make out its color but it seemed to be as clear as water. Something was urging her to set the bowl to her lips and take a sip. Unconsciously she drew the bowl closer.

“Just take a swig and tell me how it-”, Maggie's words were interrupted by loudly echoing footsteps of heeled boots from the upper cloister. They were coming closer and Maggie’s eyes instantly went big in panic.

“Shit.”, Maggie whispered, roughly took back the bowl and set it to her own lips. With big gulps she downed the holy water almost perfectly to the rhythm to the quickly approaching footsteps. As she finished the bowl she wiped her mouth with and shoved it back in Ennlin's hands only to wipe her face with the already soiled tunic.

Maggie was turned away from the cell's entrance as the loudly echoing footfalls stopped and the visitor presented herself. It was Frederika, the massively pregnant looking mother superior. Her fists were clenched and propped up on her hips, her eyes were direly squinted and her lips had tightened up.

“Maggie, water castigation, now.”, she ordered and Maggie turned to her.

“Yes, mother.”, she said in a remorseful tone as she  immediately got up and started walking out of the cell with a lowered head, but perfect posture.

Ennlin was perplexed by this. The harshly spoken words from the mother superior made her forget she wasn’t wearing her tunic which slipped to the ground as she got up to ask: “What happened? What did she do wrong?” 

“The novice defied the word of God.”, Frederika replied coldly. The nurturing motherly tone Ennlin remembered from when she first arrived here had returned exactly as Maggie passed her. She looked the aspirant over with a hint of astonishment. Ennlin remembered her nudity and covered herself by picking up her slightly soggy tunic and holding it to the front of her body. Her blush was not discernable in her still red face at all. 

There is no shame.

“Stay here. She will be back shortly and tell you herself.”, Rika turned to follow Maggie and within a minute both sets of footfalls were barely audible. Ennlin now realized she was wet again. Seeing her guide drink her own pee was somehow not that nasty. She might even have had drunk it herself, if there had been a few more private minutes.

Ennlin wondered if peeing was somehow wrong. If so, why was she allowed to use the privy? Come to think of it, where do the others go to do their business? She had never seen any nun there. Well, she was not pierced yet and Maggie said that if she was, she would pee holy water. The notion of this still felt so strange to the aspirant. Maybe they have a certain place they had to go to for relieving themselves.

She draped the tunic back over the headboard and knelt on her bed again to continue exploring the book. Without the blanket this time. She wanted to see Maggie’s face when she returned from that water thingy. Shortly, Rika had said. Ennlin glanced to the doorway before continuing in the book.

The next letter consisted only of two lines which joined at the bottom. Next to it, she saw the back of a nun in front of the chapel’s altar. The nun wore nothing but her harness and piercings, which Ennlin only guessed from the cross she saw in the gap of her thighs. She was reaching out to one of the other two nuns in the picture who held out a bible and was slightly more dressed than her. The second one was holding a plug in her hands which was almost as big as her own head.

This must be some kind of ceremony.

Ennlin turned pages and glanced to the cell's entrance for a moment.

The image over was similar. The same nun now had the plug in her butt and she was deep in prayer, bowing forward and exposing said plug and the piercings in her pussy. How she got that huge plug in her anus as a mystery to her, but it must be related to the trial.

The following set of drawings were of a female and a male crotch side by side, the third was of both of them ‘connected’. The female had piercings like Ennlin would hopefully get soon. The drawn pussy had red studs in its lips as well as the one piercing directly through the clit with the iconic palm-sized red metal cross hanging from it by a short chain. Like the other nuns there were also piercings above the clit up to where her folds merged and her mound began.

The groins were drawn incredibly lifelike, but to Ennlin this seemed just lewd. Nun’s don’t have sex. Well, not with their pussies. Or maybe, not yet? She flipped back the pages to the drawing of the abbess and marveled at her plugged pussy. The mother superior might have regular sex, granted her lovers were probably victims of a curse or possession, but still, chastity was probably not meant to be taken literally. Maybe rather like a kind of honesty.

Ennlin felt her arousal resurge in light of this. Being a nun would probably not deny her of the experience of sex, only of orgasms at certain times. Her hand trailed down to her crotch again, she realized her partly unconscious movement yet let it continue. Her own touch soothed the ache that had tingled there the whole time. She looked up to the door frame as she turned pages.

The paper of the second to last page was somehow very heavy. She returned her full attention back to the book. It had a thin sheet of polished metal attached to it on the following page. Ennlin saw a reflection of herself in veil and coif peeking down past her breasts. This might be what a curse or possession victim sees for the first time after a demon is extracted from them. A truly exhilarating sight. She even saw her own nipples emerge from their inverted slits. Her other hand had found its way to her breast and carefully circled one of her now exposed sensitive nipples never leaving her areola.

Ennlin would be a nun, just like Maggie, she was sure of it. She pondered what her guide was doing. When will she be back? 

The last image that accompanied a zigzag line for a letter was of a cheerful nun dressed in everything but her tunic. She had her arms held up high, a great winning smile on her face and had plugs in her pierced nipples. The picture seemed so happy it practically oozed contentment.

As she marveled the last picture in the book as Maggie entered her cell again. Her stomach was bulging out a little and she was slumping forward as she took shuffling steps to get to Ennlin’s bed. Her harness painfully bit into the sensitive skin where her thighs connected to her pelvis but she did not seem to care much. The nun neared the candle and inadvertently revealed how her eyeliner had run down onto her flushed cheeks. Had she been crying?

“Maggie, what is going on?”

At first, Maggie merely groaned. She did not seem like she was wanting to talk about anything. She stretched out of her limp posture, let go of a cute burp and sat down on the bed frame. 

Ennlin felt like a little comfort might do wonders for the exhausted looking nun. She scooted towards Maggie’s backside, encompassed her legs with her own and after a moment of hesitation hugged her guide from around the back. Her naked breasts pressed into the nun's soft skin that must have felt the aspirant’s hard nipples standing erect.

“I had to take an ordeal for not obeying the rules.”, Maggie tiredly explained.

“Why? Is peeing not allowed?”, Ennlin carefully whispered in her guides ear.

“It’s allowed alright.”, Maggie sighed, “Just not here - and wasting precious holy water isn’t.”

Ennlin did not want to pester her. She picked up one hand and gently stroked her shoulder through the puffy part of the long glove. The aspirant marveled at the brown skin of Maggie’s back which took an even darker shade in the dim candlelight.

Maggie continued after Ennlin slowly transitioned to massaging her shoulders: “The ordeal is a punishment.”

“How did she know?”, Ennlin whispered.

“She prays for keen senses. Rika must have just heard the holy water hitting the bowl.”, Maggie snickered but stopped herself to hold her stomach.

“So what’s the ordeal about?”

“I am not allowed to let go of my holy water until tomorrow after bathing.”, Maggie noticeably shook at the thought.

“That should not be that hard. You just went.”, Ennlin was proud of her observation but futilely so. Maggie just clicked her tongue.

“You know I chugged it, right?”, her guide said who had tried to curb her annoyance but failed, “Also, I had cut it off mid stream and am still holding it and had to drink three more pints of blessed and salted water for the ordeal. This IS hard.”

“Sorry.”, she said meekly.

“Okay. Where did we leave off?”, Maggie roughly turned a bit and reached past the aspirant to get to the book and placed it on her thighs. She groaned and her stomach gurgled in protest.

“Sure you want to continue?”, Ennlin was worried her guide might pee herself or be angry at her.

“Sure.”, Maggie said as she laid eyes on the pee enticing picture of the pussy which was in the process of relieving itself and quickly turned pages.

“This stands for vows. The letter is called a ‘V’.”, Maggie was quiet for a while as she marveled at the picture, or concentrated not to pee. Ennlin, still sitting behind her, could not see her face. She could barely see the book as part of it was obscured by the nun's massive boobs. 

Maggie flipped the page. “‘W’ for worship.”, she did not wait but flipped the page again.

“‘X’ is for sex.”, she said and put her right hand to her crotch.

Ennlin could see Maggie was moving her hand as her whole gloved arm moved with it, but what for, she was not sure.

Maggie sighed. “Ahhh… that's better.”

“What is?”, Ennlin was confused. Did her guide pee? Maggie was supposed to hold it in! Also, there was no audible pattering on the ground. The only thing Ennlin heard was the annoyed tongue click of the nun.

“Getting yourself hot helps to relieve the strain of holding it a bit.”, Maggie said without turning to the aspirant. Instead, she turned the page to the polished metal sheet.

“This is page shows you yourself. ‘Y’.”

“I don’t know. Why would it?”, the aspirant cocked her head. She could not see anything in the mirror but a tiny piece of the ceiling because her view was still obstructed by the nun's prominent breasts. Maggie seemed like she was about to answer the question but instead said: “It’s not a question, dummy. It’s the letters name. ‘Y’.”


“Yes. If that was a practical joke-question, keep it. I’m not in the mood.”, Maggie probably never was. She regarded the metal sheet before turning the page and looked to the candle. It was down to the last quarter and would probably not hold for long.



“Please don’t leave.”

Ennlin wasn’t sure what to say. The question came out of the blue from someone who did not seem to care much for her. Until now Ennlin thought Maggie paid off somebody’s favor in entertaining the new girl. Now, she wasn’t so sure anymore. She wanted to stay, but Maggie might not have gotten the message yet.

“Not seeing you at dinner was…”, Maggie said nothing and did not move muscle for a while, before continuing, “...nevermind. This is the last letter: ‘Z’. like Zest.”

Maggie’s change from opening up to Ennlin back to resuming their lesson confused her even more. The cheerful nun in the drawing was the perfect opposite of Maggie. Another hug was in proper order. As Ennlin wrapped her arms around the nun below her breasts the aspirant could feel a fierce and strong heartbeat. Her breasts squished into her guides back.

“I’ll stay.” Ennin whispered and heard Maggie sigh in relief.

“Good.” Maggie sat up straight and almost turned all the way to Ennlin, the movement emphasized by a groan. The aspirant scooted around to face her, head on.

The Nubian woman’s face, almost brown in color, as well as the pitch black strands of hair,  were starkly contrasted by her big bright eyes. The white and gray gems gazed at Ennlin as if she was someone to behold. She breathed deeply in a rhythm the aspirant unconsciously adapted. Ennlin’s eyes fell to Maggie’s tongue as it flicked over her lower lips which she bit into lightly right after. The guides gaze fell to the aspirant's lips and she inched closer. Ennlin was not sure how to react and was simply stunned. Maggie cocked her head sideways so their noses would not collide all the while gazing into her eyes.

She was so close. Ennlin could make out individual specs in her guide’s iris. She smelled her, too. She had the scent of freshly cut wood and sweat like her father after a hard day’s work, but Maggie’s smell was somehow sweet and tasty.

Their lips had almost met as Ennlin pictured her father in Maggie’s place.

“No. I- I can’t.”, Ennlin pushed herself away from her guide. She flopped down backwards on her bed with her upper body and, too scared to look at the probably disappointed face of Maggie, she fixed her gaze to a point on the ceiling.

“Good girl.”, Maggie got up and turned to the exit.

For the third time, a confused Ennlin could get a glimpse of her face just in time to say: “What?”

“I would hate for a… promising aspirant to fall to temptation so quickly.”, Maggie’s voice was stiff for the last part as if she tried to imitate someone else. A tinge of sadness resonated with her statement.

“Sleep tight, Ennlin.”, with these words Maggie went to leave. Her slightly slumped stance, mitigated by the harsh pull of her harness, made her seem like she proudly strode out of the cell. Her chest was sticking out, her butt was raised, only her head hung down in rejection.

Ennlin felt bad about her reaction but persuaded herself that it was the right thing to do. After all, she had known her guide for merely two days. 

The aspirant sat up quickly so that her breasts bounced. She was still only covered by the tunic on her lap. Her candle was about to go out and the whole monastery had quieted down over the last hour. I was bedtime. Ennlin undressed from her remaining attire, leaving the harness. Feeling it force her into the right posture gave her a sense of security. With her gloves and veil hanging over the bed frame the aspirant blew out the candle, even though it was about to go out by itself, and laid down pondering.

Sleep did not come easy, partly because of the harness, partly because she could not get her mind off Maggie's advances. The nun might actually be interested in her, but she did not see herself as being interested in women. She had seen the others be very open and lewd to each other. Without exception, the nuns showed off their ‘wares’ and none seemed to care if they offended anyone. Quite the opposite. Maggie did not even flinch when Ennlin decided to bare her breasts to her.

Ennlin would be a nun and tomorrow would be the day she would show all of them that she was up to it.

 - - - - - - - - - - -  

“Aren’t you going to eat that?”, Detty asked looking at her from the side.

The aspirant, sitting at the breakfast table, looked down into her bowl. The remains of her oats in milk still covered the bottom of her bowl. Ennlin felt full already. 

“No, go ahead.”

A few of the other nuns sitting at the table glanced at them, somehow intrigued by Ennlin's reaction.

Detty closed in, but instead of taking the bowl her face lowered to the aspirant's breast. Ennlin only now realized she had spilled a bit on her fully exposed cleavage as she felt the nun’s tongue rubbing over the sensitive skin.

In shock she wanted to scoot back but, with the fixed bench, only managed to fall over backwards. Ennlin, dazed for a second, came to her senses laying on her back with her legs still on the bench. She felt wet all over her stomach and breasts and as she looked up, she saw the remains of her breakfast spilled all over her nude body.

Maggie was next to her in seconds: “Are you all right? Let me help you.” 

She knelt down next to her as Detty had got up looking worried, but instead of helping her up, both their faces came close to her body in a similar fashion as Detty’s did before. Scrambling back Ennlin did not seem to move as she felt both nun’s tongues connect with her stomach’s skin. It tickled, but the unexpected feeling made her muscles there cramp up and her heart began beating faster.

Other nuns came around and Ennlin pleadingly looked up to Frederika's face, who only nodded to the other nuns now standing around them in a circle. All of the descended down on her caressing, liking and sucking every inch of her body. Every nun Ennlin saw closing in wore a concerned expression, but none helped her up, they instead, joined the others in licking her clean.

Ennlin, despite the astonishment and her half hearted efforts to get away, quickly got wet. Tongues licked over her body, lips sucked on her nipples and someone had their hand on her groin gently massaging her lips.

Still, she was uncertain as to how to react. Did she want this? Ennlin felt her heart beat like a drum. She was breathing wildly and sweat beaded up on her cleavage as well as her forehead, only to be licked away seconds later.

“Please,...”, she called out, not knowing what to say. All this felt so exciting and strange. Hands grasped her arms and legs, but Ennlin felt no ill intent. She squirmed to test her range of motion and realized she was trapped between the floor and more than ten mouths that cleaned her and aimed to arouse her further.

They kept pleasuring her without abandon. Her slick folds were caressed with practiced strokes rough on her clit and soft everywhere else. She felt her orgasm approach quickly as she squirmed to free her arms and legs.

“Please, don’t make me come!”, she had promised herself not to. Ennlin’s nipples were hard as rocks, her breasts and stomach covered in saliva, which cooled her as she squirmed in anticipation.

The familiar tingling gathered behind her bellybutton, heralding her orgasm.

“No, I don’t want to…”, her breath became shorter and her heart picked up a faster beat.


Ennlin, drenched in sweat, shot up in her bed as she awoke. She was just a few strokes short of an earth-shattering climax as she realized she unconsciously masturbated in her sleep. The aspirant, stopping the motions, put her hand to a safe distance from her groin and touched her breasts, breathing heavily.

“It was a… dream.”, she stated in realization, as her heartbeat and breaths slowed down.

It was the middle of the night.


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