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1 Peter 5:6 

Humble yourselves under the mighty power of God, and at the right time he will lift you up in honor.

Charlotta, still looking moderately pregnant, did not lose many words when Ennlin had come in. She merely greeted her with a quick wave, gave a comment to her timeliness, pointed to where she had sat yesterday and went to the altar. After she turned without waiting for the hesitating aspirant’s reaction, Ennlin was again graced with a view of Charlotta’s behind and its imposing blessed buttplug spreading her butt cheeks apart while she walked. Her harness forced her pelvis to tilt forward and with that the buttplug into pain view.  

The aspirant took it as a cue to get to sitting on a pew and praying. Sitting on a pew was equally boring as it was calming. A few times, in the beginning, she accidentally interrupted herself as she reflected about Detty’s advice but her newfound diligence kept her on the right track. Within minutes she lost count of how many times she repeated her prayer but did not let that distract her.

“God Almighty in heaven, my body is the herald to your glory! Grant me the toughness to brave any agony to come.”, she mumbled in quick succession.

Ennlin was still unsure how this test was supposed to look like but she continued anyway. Time had passed, she was sure. How much was unclear. Since she lost count, she could not take her prayers as a measurement of time as she did the last time.

“You are slipping.”, Charlotta sternly whispered right next to her ear. 

When did she come down from the altar? Ennlin did not hear anything until heard the quiet echoless words. She did not bat an eye as to not disrupt her rhythm and pulled herself together. She started counting from there and concentrated on the prayers.

“God Almighty in heaven, my body is the herald to your glory! Grant me the toughness to brave any agony to come.”

Besides counting, Ennlin concentrated on the exact wording and tried to pronounce the words in minute detail, close to the same way as every repetition before. A slight twinge of ridicule poked her in her heart because of the oddly exact way of pronunciation. Funnily it had the curious effect of making her feel a tiny bit safer with every completed repetition.

The rattling rhythm from the first time synchronized with the curious plummy kind of pronunciation she recognized from somewhere. She had never rubbed elbows with nobility but talking like this felt like she would not have been out of place there. She lost count again. She was somewhere after 650 and just continued from there again. No distractions!

“God Almighty in heaven, my body is the herald to your glory! Grant me the toughness to brave any agony to come.”

By her count, the 756th repetition triggered the wave of goosebumps that washed over her slowly. It felt more prolonged this time like the shiver stayed for more than a minute. Again it was followed by a wave of fingertips that pressed on her body from top to bottom like when her mother sometimes had kneaded her shoulders to relieve stress from having to suffer her father’s madness. The pressure on her earlobes, fingers and feet lingered a little longer this time, just like the goosebumps.

No distractions. Ennlin kept praying but did not get far.

“You can stop now.”, as she said this the aspirant opened her eyes and realized Charlotta’s face seemed different. Her beautiful green eyes open and observant, her plush lipped mouth slightly agape and she was still ragingly flushed. Well, no. The flush was normal, as far as normal goes for a nun. Her stern look had vanished and became a strange mix of excitement and genuine interest.

“So, why am I doing this?”, Ennlin asked and remembered the last time she had been tested with a needle in her left shoulder. Wait! Charlotta had whispered to her from that exact side. Just to be sure she looked. No needle.

“You are training to be more resilient to pain, of course. It’s nothing you can harm other nuns with and it provides a decent estimate of your learning abilities and your yet untapped power. You’ll be grateful later to have a decent understanding of it.”, Charlotta descended from the altar back down to the pews. The few steps she took had echoed loudly as her heels connected with the ground. Her cross danced wildly between her legs and her breasts bouncing up and down with her movements. The prayer teacher got closer and through her parted lips Ennlin could see that she gritted her teeth. Charlotta also clenched her fists and shivered as sweat pearled in her cleavage while she walked past with her hard nipples pointing toward the exit.

“The bells will go in a few seconds. We are done for today.”, Charlotta said suppressing a moan while walking past the aspirant. The demon she was exorcising must be a fierce... lover?

Ennlin’s mind felt cleared from the two hours of focused prayer and she easily spotted Charlotta’s plight as she was walking through the cloister to lunch. Was her prayer teacher suffering? Of course. She was exorcising a demon and it probably was doing everything in its power to break out or make her come. She wondered if she could burden herself with exorcising a demon; if she could endure a demon’s actions within her body. How would she hold on to a plug if it tried to force its way out? How would she resist it’s probably highly unnerving... movements?

Ennlin had a hard time picturing the tentacles in her breasts since the exorcism she remembered from the book was an external one. 

Oh. The book was still in the library. 

Well, her second study session would be right after lunch and work. She could even ask Detty about the tentacle form and how a plug would work with her nipples. Maybe the next letter would be about that, anyways. The aspirant remembered the drawing of the lifelike nipple vividly.

Maybe Charlotta went to the library because as they left the chapel their paths split and Ennlin lost sight of her in the cloister. She was almost at the refractory as the bells rang. From afar the aspirant was treated to the delicious view of a nun’s backside who was talking to the twins. Her butt was perfectly rounded and curved in underneath with a slight overhang to her thighs leading into where the straps of her harness met. Even though the turned away nun’s skin was not that dark, through the hand-sized triangle gap between her thighs one of the twins pale white skin glared through and neatly contrasted the red cross hanging from her clitoris. 

The twins both giggled at once and the other nun cracked up laughing. Due to the distance Ennlin could not hear the joke but it must have been amazing, because the thigh gapped nun failed to hold on to her sides and burst out laughing. She slightly spread her legs and almost folded in half, carelessly presenting her anus and pierced pussy to the aspirant as she struggled to stay on both her high heels.

Ennlin’s face turned red as she saw the beautifully glistening folds framed by the two rings in each of the rose-colored plush outer lips. She had a drop of liquid beading on the bottom of her cross, which took its time dripping off, falling to the granite floor in a long string. She had not peed herself. There was no puddle on the floor and the fluid dripping from her groin was way too sticky.

The aspirant looked up to the twins to ask--?!

With one eye each winking at her they interrupted her train of thought. The perplexed aspirant looked at them dumbfounded and pondered. Was that intentional? 

Ennin probably should not ask that. She backtracked to her first question.

“What’s so funny?”

“Dorothea. She cracks up about anything. Just watch!”, the twins said taking turns speaking but continued their unfinished tale.

“... and then Rika got up. ‘Maggie, language!’...”, they mimed the mother superior in an exaggerated fashion with her hand in her hips and a funny pout. Dorothea cracked up again and barely kept her balance even though she was still crouched, not having recovered from the first fit.

The aspirant's shoulder sunk and her head quickly dipped low, too. They were making fun of her. The twins were talking of the prank Agneta had with her as she was made to lick Maggie’s breast after her accidental cheese-spill. Before she could drown in her misery a hand was placed on her shoulder.

“There is no shame.”, Detty whispered, “Look at them and be happy with them. They are having fun.”

This did not actually help Ennlin feel that much better, but a spark of happiness lit up inside her nonetheless. The aspirant had the chance to finally and calmly take in the view of the nun that was denied to her by her mother.

Dorothea seemed so collected and regal when she had left her at the forest to what the aspirant had thought to be the convent. She must have done another exorcism because her breasts were even bigger now. As she straightened up, still giggling, Ennlin could barely see the navel on her flat stomach on account of her breasts. Capped each with the large palm sized engraved coaster that was the top of a nipple plug. The nun's tits now literally stood out over the rest of her voluptuous frame. Her already big breasts had grown from head sized, when they first met, into massive orbs easily three times their original size. They were firm and full like ripe and juicy fruit but Ennlin could not imagine any fruit growing big enough to compare them with.

Dorothea was actually quite a merry person judging by the full-hearted laughter just moments ago and the still audible giggle. As she had finally composed herself, she looked Ennlin over curiously. Her eyes roamed over the aspirant, more specifically, over her grey tunic and kept lingering on the only set of breasts hidden by cloth. She sighed but turned the momentary touch of frown quickly into a wide grin as she made eye-contact. Ennlin felt, again, like the odd woman out. She heard Detty’s voice again coming to the forefront of her mind, even though the librarian was talking to the twins.

There is no shame.

Ennlin momentarily thought about just ripping the tunic off and letting it fall to the ground. She lifted her hand to the plunging neckline, perfectly concealed by her scapular. Pulling it out would probably make it big enough for her to just pull her tunic down. It would be that easy. 

Her heart beat vigorously in her chest. 

Her fingers clamped down on the cloth but she did not dare pull. Even though she could vividly remember the librarian's voice repeating this mantra in her mind, she could not bear the embarrassment of being naked in front of them. 

In the afterglow of her short dash of courage, her heart still beat unyieldingly as if it wanted to jump from her chest.

The regal and calm intonation Ennlin remembered from the inspiring nun was completely replaced by a lax tongue interrupted every once in a while with giggles and broad smiles:

“Well, it did not take long for you to get here. Care to sit next to me at lunch?” 

Now that Ennlin was offered a hand, she realized her stomach growled as her heart slowly settled down. She took the nun’s hand and let herself be led to the table only Agneta was sitting at by herself. Dorothea sat down next to Agneta who immediately greeted her.

“Doro, you’re back! I’ve been missing you!”

“I missed you, too.”, she managed to say just after sitting down and before being hugged intimately by the pink haired nun. Their breasts pressed against another, with Doro’s being the firmer and less squishy pair, as they stared in each other's eyes as if judging their sincerity. They touched noses and tilted their heads to lock lips like they were used to showing their affection like this.

They kissed like lovers. Their tongues danced with fervor for a few seconds as Ennlin watched and tried to suppress the rising feeling of envy as Doro immediately forgot about her.. She was not the target of her idol’s affection. The aspirant sat down, grumbled and observed the table and the nuns coming in.

Curiosity swatted envy aside as she purposefully ignored the kissing couple and Detty sat down next to her.

“Who is usually preparing the food? I never see anyone set this up.”, she asked turning to the librarian.

“Jaimelynn does. She’s our cook now. She is a little bit insecure because she’s not been doing it for too long yet.”, Detty said as she looked over the table. Each spot had a bowl with a spoon for the two big pottages which were in the middle of the table, steaming, ready to be eaten.

The table was fully seated with by the time the kiss had finally concluded, of course, not without reason. One of the twins spoke a short grace, then everybody started chattering again and pouring pottage in their bowls. Everybody but Jaime.

“Do you know why Jaime doesn’t eat? She’s probably eating in the kitchen while cooking, right?”

“She’s cursed, just like Rose.”, Detty said looking down on her meal as if she wanted to join Jamie in fasting. 

“What? How? Does her food turn to ash in her mouth?”, Ennlin pondered aloud after she remembered something she read in the bible once.

Detty snorted in suppressed laughter.

“Rose and her were in Vautre inquisiting a tavern. The demon they encountered was too powerful and they were defeated. Luckily the demon had more interest in playing with them instead of a possession. The demon left them with a curse that linked them ever since. Maggie already told you Rose’s end of the curse.”, the librarian nodded toward the nun who was carefully chewing with a ragingly flushed face. She stopped mid-chew and gritted her teeth. A little of the clear stew dribbled from her pouty lips and ran down her chin only to splash on her cleavage. Her pressed shut eyes and furrowed brows displayed how desperately she suppressed an oncoming orgasm.

“Now, to Rose everything simply tastes amazing and she doesn’t know when to stop eating anymore.”, they observed Jaime as she tended to the wet cleavage of her friend with her tongue. Ennlin could not believe this was normal, but nobody else seemed to mind.

“In the beginning, it was hard for both of them. We could hardly stop Rose from eating and Jaime uncontrollably gained weight even though she did not eat anything at all. Orgasming even triggers what we call the munchies. Having her work alone in the kitchen was a disaster waiting to happen.”, Detty took a spoonful of the stew, swallowed and immediately continued. 

“Jaimelynn, on the other hand, is always full. She can’t bring herself to eat anything. Yet, when Rosemary had to vacate her job as cook, she swapped with Jaime who filled her shoes rather well even though she can’t taste the food.”

“She doesn’t eat? That can’t be healthy…”, Ennlin could not imagine to not eating anything.

“Well, we tried to starve Rose in order to get rid of the curse, but that didn't have any effect on her. Jaime on the other hand got sick and rapidly lost weight but she still insisted on feeling full and not eating. We had to give up on lifting the curse. Nothing short of sending them to the Holy See in Rome can help them.”

Detty glanced at Ennlin’s still full bowl.

“You need to eat, too. You have work scheduled next.”

“Right.”, Ennlin quickly spooned and chewed a few mouthfuls as she looked for the nun with the squelchy butt plug, Theodora, to accompany her to their duty. The aspirant had her bowl but half empty as she spotted the quiet nun making her way to the kitchen to return her own bowl. Unsure of where to put leftovers, she decided to chug the rest. She put the stew to her lips and tried to remember how she and Edgar had played childish games with a mug and a spring they found in the forest when they were half as old as she was now.

With a few big gulps her dish was empty. A tiny burp followed. While getting up Ennlin noticed Detty had been regarding her with big eyes and little words. The aspirant decided to flash her a smile and left all the same.  

Theodora walked some paces ahead of her with the immense butt plug peeking out between her cheeks demanding more space than must have been comfortable. Still, Ennlin only caught up to her because she opened the door to the inquisitorum which required a key the aspirant had not noticed before.

What she did notice was that the room was completely covered again save for the two tiles at the door. Did they clean in vain?

“We cleaned this yesterday. Why is the demon muck back and why are these two clean?”, Ennlin could help but blurt out. Theodora glanced at her and then into the mostly dark room as if she pondered the value of the questions.

“The ‘muck’”, she held up two fingers of each hand in mock of the word, “disperses by itself and gets thinner. The entrance is impregnated.”, she uttered no further words, knelt down and began scrubbing the floor in her naively obscene manner. Squelch. Click. Squelch. Click. 

“So why isn’t everything impreg-... nated.”, Ennlin struggled with the word, it sounded lewd.

“This would only concentrate the slag on the least impregnated spot, which would be anyone who enters.”, Theodora kept scrubbing as she briefly explained.

Ennlin understood and worked with reinforced vigor. Partly because of the paragon example showing her how to do her duties, but also because of the book she had but half finished and she was eager to get back to. 

Ennlin got to the library and was not surprised to find Detty organizing books. More so that the twins were sitting at the desk near the window sharing an open book themselves. They were actually reading, though sometimes they interrupted themselves or gave away their disguise by uncontrollably giggling. The aspirant headed to the nun at work and quietly greeted her.

Detty, after noticing her student, gently and briefly took hold of Ennlin’s head and casually kissed her on the mouth to then led her over to the twins. Ennlin reminded of the greeting agneta and Doro shared. The nun’s customs are strange. 

It turned out the twins were reading Ennlin’s book. Of course she understood there was not that much ‘to read’ per se, but obviously Sylvestra and Amnistra were reminiscing about their time as aspirant nuns. A quick mirrored smile welcomed them to the small desk which was considerably cramed, as all four had sat down around it touching breasts. Ennlin felt uncomfortable being the only one not naked.

“Ennlin, I hope you don’t mind Estra and Istra being here.”

“Well uhm…”, she wanted to object, since it was embarrassing enough to be taught to read in this lewd way, yet she wanted to show how sincere she was, “I don’t mind.”

The librarian joyfully smiled and continued: “Wonderful. Maggie wanted to offer live demonstrations for some of the more complex topics and had planned to be here for this herself, but her work at the shop takes priority. Doro needs something fixed, you know? So these two he-...”, she was cut off, but did not seem to mind.

“We are happy to help.”, Estra (or Istra?) said winking to her sister, who briefly locked eyes with her twin.

“Indeed.”, both seductively looked at the aspirant with their lower lips between their teeth, straightened up in their sitting position presenting their breasts and pierced nipples. “You are in for quite the show.”

Detty cleared her throat to get the perplexed aspirants attention. She readily started the lesson and turned to the corresponding page: “We’ve left off at ‘N’.”

Ennlin felt the same dash of wetness between her folds that triggered her panicked reaction the last time. The depicted pierced and aroused female nipple was drawn almost to perfect realism. She marveled at how gorgeous and inviting it looked as if asking to enclose her lips around it. The aspirant did not realize that her mouth was slightly agape as if preparing to suck on the engorged and pierced nipple. The twins giggled and this pulled the aspirant back to reality:

“Your breasts will be the first orifice you can exorcise demons with.”, Ennlin’s gaze snapped from the drawing to Detty’s face then the nun’s plugged nipples, which looked like they futilely struggled to keep closed around the massive invisible part of the plug.

“There is no hole. How is this possible?”, Ennlin remembered how when she would coax her own inverted nipples out of hiding, they did not look like there was any way in.

“The piercings. They are made from a specially treated and blessed kind of silver which incrementally makes changes to our physiology up to a certain point. Do you know how a mother can breastfeed her baby?”, Detty’s question seemed like Ennlin would not have to answer, but she still nodded.

“It’s called lactation. Through many ducts in her nipple the milk that is produced in the mother’s breasts may be sucked out. The piercings incrementally, over time, make these ducts fuse into one central canal and turn the skin somewhat pliable.”, Detty casually explained while leading Ennlin’s view with her pointed finger to the twins, “Estra?”

On cue one of the twins, still sitting up proudly so her breasts rested on the desk, carefully raised her right breast higher and with the other hand touched the pierced nipple. It looked like it would just press flat under the increasing pressure, but somehow suddenly the finger slid in accompanied by a dainty gasp of the platinum haired nun. Her face flushed in what Ennlin considered to be embarrassment, but discarded that notion on account of the mantra Detty had taught her this morning. There is no shame. She obviously just got aroused quickly.

Estra added another finger which slipped in just as easily and as she carefully pried them apart Ennlin realized she could see inside the nun’s tits. She instinctively covered her eyes and still gaping mouth with her own hands but peeked through the gaps between her fingers in awe.

“How are the piercings not stopping her fingers from entering?”, Ennlin asked shyly, watching the nun’s middle and ring finger slip in, up to the last knuckle.

Detty took in a breath to give a lengthy answer, but a broadly smiling head shake from Istra cut her off: “What you see is the outside of two separate piercings.”

To show this she carelessly pushed away her sister's hand and dug two fingers of each of her own hands into the already stimulated nipple of her sister. It looked like Istra pulled it open harshly inciting a throaty moan from the second twin. The skin inside was rosy pink and glistening with a milky white fluid. Istra pushed a piercing from each side inwards with her thumbs and both red metal piercings from either side showed a similar ball as on the outside sitting just inside the milk canal.

“This is why we can stick these in.”, Istra crudely continued as she produced a golden plug of her own, that to Ennlin still resembled a spinning top with a coaster. Her fingers had slipped out of her sister's nipple and she pressed the plug against the quickly tightening orifice. The massive plug, almost a quarter the size of the nun's breast, made her flesh bulge out under the pressure, but Ennlin could see how Estra’s nipple slowly swallowed the immense intruder. As the orifice stretched around the widest part of the blessed plug it seemed like it had stopped and did not move at all. A few moments passed with seemingly nothing happening and then the canal continued up around the neck in an arduously slow fashion. Contrarily, Ennlin had expected it to tighten with a jolt around the neck and it sending a jiggling quake along her breast like a stone dropped in water but nothing like that happened.

Estra let go of a deep groan as sweat had pearled in her cleavage and ran down between her tits. It looked so amazing how her left breast, being about a fifth smaller than the other, had an almost ordinary soft and rosy nipple. If six piercings of red metal in each nipple and areola could be regarded as anywhere normal. 

However, the nipple was just as ready to take a plug and practically asked to receive the same intrusion as the already plugged one which was kept spread open firmly. The surrounding areola around plug and nipple was pushed further out creating an emphasizing rosy ring around the beautifully engraved top. Her plugged breast had deformed pulling her nipple downwards harshly compared to the more orblike breasts of the librarian which looked way fuller and more youthful. Either the plug is heavier than it looked, or the missing content inside made her plugged nipple turn downwards so much.

Ennlin clutched her own breasts and realized she would be like this if she stayed. She also realized she was sitting in a puddle of her own juices, which slowly soaked the back of her habit.

She remembered her question and just blurted it out: “How do they keep staying tentacles after extraction?”

Estra wanted to answer, but was cut off by Detty: “You will learn the techniques to safely extract a demon as soon as you can fit a plug.”

Ennlin was not satisfied by the diverting answer: “How do they feel?”

Detty’s blush increased beyond her regularly reddened cheeks. “They feel quite nice actually. Demons can quickly learn how to arouse you and push you to the limits. I can feel them deep inside my breasts slithering around trying to get me off, but I manage. Kas and Toph aren’t that violent though, so I might not be the right nun to ask. Some demons try to push out the plug from the inside. Ask Frederika. I hear Zaz is pretty mean.”

“How do you know their names.”, the aspirant was puzzled.

“I found them out inquisiting their respective cases, but that’s a topic for another time”, Detty answered while pulling her hand from her crotch. Since when was that there?

She cleared her throat again, turned pages and with that left a wet smudge on the paper.

“Oops,...”, she wiped her gloved hand on her thigh with an innocent smile, “Can you guess the next letter?”

Ennlin saw a nun being strapped by her arms and legs to a upright wooden cross. Another nun standing to just below her breasts was holding something that resembled a club to the restrained woman’s groin obviously with considerable pressure. Her hips were pushed out as far as her bound lower legs permitted and a hefty stream of liquid spurted from her vagina only to splatter on the ground right beside her tormentor. She was squirming in her restrains and her face contorted in agony. Or was it pleasure? Ennlin was not sure.

“‘T’? Because she is being tortured.”, Ennlin hesitantly guessed.

Detty chuckled which made her massive plugged tits bounce: “The Trial of Exaltation is too short to be considered torture. Still, the nun is exerting herself. She just failed resisting an orgasm.”

Ennlin’s eye fell on the face of the straining woman with her mouth being open in a hefty moan. The nun was coming so hard she even peed herself.

“Oh.”, Ennlin mumbled, not intending to actually add a guess and was still slightly phased by the vivid drawing. Yet, Detty took it as one: “Right! Very good!” She kissed the aspirant on her cheek and turned pages thereafter.

An assortment of plugs varying in sizes and lengths were depicted.

“That one is easy. ‘P’ for Plug!”, Ennlin announced ready to get back to more lewd pictures like the orgasm, she pondered who that curious club would work. Her groin tingled in need of attention as her wetness did not subside in the slightest.

“Nice.”, Detty seemed happy, but not in a rush to turn pages again, “Estra, show her your plug!”

The partly plugged twin was still a bit flushed but dutifully pulled on the plug still residing within her breast. This lifted her whole breast off the table while the tug translated through the plug and the skin until her breast was drawn out and tautly stretched. She furrowed her brows and pressed her lips together while doing so. It must be a nice feeling. The canal of her nipple slowly widened to let the plug go and as the widest point passed her breast it bounced back to the shape her untouched one had retained all along. The bouncing rippling effect was just what Ennlin had expected earlier and she adored Estra’s tits as they slowly became similar yet still massive orbs again.

She did not realize the plug was held out to her until Detty grabbed it and Ennlin’s left hand to connect the two: “Here, feel the weight.”

It was absolutely massive.

The plug, easily twice the size of the aspirants fist, was made of solid metal. Now it was obvious why her nipple had dipped downwards so harshly. The weight of the plug felt so unreal. She tipped and turned it holding it around the neck to examine the engraved top. She was not sure if it was just artful or actual writing. She held it out to test the weight. Heavy, just like a granite stone, but smoothly polished. She could see the distorted reflections of the nuns where it was not blurred by milky white fluid.

Was that milk? Ennlin felt the urge to taste it. She held it close to take a whiff as she closely looked for a reaction from the others. It smelled sweet, like honey. All of them observed in excitement.

“Go ahead.”, Estra urged her on, smiling and still flushed.

Ennlin blushed as she realized this would be okay, but she in turn probably would not. Her arousal would just spike to a higher level if she did. She could not. She put it down on it’s engraved plate and shook her head.

“Aww… can’t let that go to waste.”, Istra intoned taking her sister’s plug and casually licked it clean. It was her sister’s, the plug and the juices, but it seemed perfectly fine to the other two to just lick it off.

“It’s quite alright.”, Detty rushed to the next page with a smile as she saw Ennlin’s blushing face, “We can just as easily continue.”, and added with a whisper: “There is no shame.”

Detty continued with sudden playful uppity: “I want to ask you a question!”, she stressed the last word as if she was a noble woman, “Would you care to guess this letter?”

Ennlin got the cue. The librarian tried to hint at the answer. The O with the little line at the bottom was accompanied by a simple symbol which did not mean anything to the aspirant.

Detty’s hint would have to be enough for an answer. Question? “‘Kwe’?”

“‘Q’”, the twins blurted out at the same time.

The librarian added with her cheerful smile: “If you ever have any questions you can just go ahead and ask any one of your sisters.”

Without hesitation Ennlin asked: “When will I wear plugs?”

With a proud smirk Detty answered: “You will get your own nipple plugs after you pass the trial of exaltation. It marks your future transition from postulant to novice nun. However, first you’ll have to become postulant, which entails your piercings and monastic name... So, about a year.”

“How do I get a monastic name?”

“You get baptised and a suitable name is given to you by the mother superior.”

“I’ve been baptised already.”

“Sure, but God requires any of his wives to leave their past life behind them and take a new name.”

Ennlin’s thoughts immediately went to her family. Would she be able to forget about them?

Sure, her father had two mad months but he has his own self again when she had left. Her mother was always the more reserved of the two, but she loved her as well.

After a few moments of silence Detty resumed flipping pages. Ennlin started studying the drawing even though the usual question was not asked.

The picture was drawn from the view of someone standing in the aisle amidst the fully occupied pews of the chapel, like during a mass. Ennlin could see a nun’s nude backside kneeling in front of the chapel’s altar lifting a chalice. She was dressed like the other nuns with coif, veil, gloves, harness and heeled boots. The aspirant could not make sense of this. The nun was in public. Where was her tunic? It was no ordinary mass, of course.

“I don’t know. What is it?”

The twins chuckled and explained crudely what Detty might have tried in a more understandable manner:

“‘R’ is for Ritual like the Liturgy of the Eucharist.”, Estra began and Istra took over: “Which is held at every church on Sunday. Just like in our chapel. You should know this.”

“I know the liturgy, but I have never seen a naked nun holding it.”, Ennlin was again perplexed by the casual calm all three of them radiated.

“Well, that is unique to our order. You will see on Sunday.” Detty explained and shut the book. She handed it to the aspirant as she got up. “Here, tonight I want you to try to remember what the letters sound like and try not to look at the drawings.”

Ennlin got up and realized her nether lips were still wet and her tunic had a big splotch of her juices below her butt right where she had been sitting on. She felt embarrassed as she left, with the others looking after her and her splotch of shame.

There was no shame. Supposedly.

Ennlin straightened her shoulders and took a deep breath. With her chin up and chest out she made her was back to her cell.

Walking through the cloister she came up to a nun she had not looked at closely yet, and it was difficult because of her brisk walk. Her face was angular but still decisively feminine. She had full pink lips, a perfect, straight and slim nose, but none of her features could distract from her amazingly light blue eyes which looked like they were literally glowing. She kept them wide open in a happy and determined kind of expression. Still, the almost naked nun looked at Ennlin with a bit of contempt, or was she looking at her gray tunic? Another twinge of doubt flitted through the aspirant’s mind. She wanted to lose the tunic fast, but did she have the guts to pull it off? Instinctively, her hand reached for her collar as she observed the nun coming closer. Not yet, though.

The nun wore her habit properly, hiding her hair and showing off her body but not even wearing a harness. Her pierced, but unplugged tits were of decent size (for a nun) and she had the almost iconically wide hips all nuns seemed to have. What distinguished her from the others was how toned most of her body looked especially in contrast to the lush curves of her breasts and hips. Her calves and thighs were giving away how much she must be used to running. Every muscle formed a bulge in her outline as they constrict towards the joints. Up close Ennlin could literally see the grooves between the different muscles on her stomach.

With an unprovoked smile and a wink she passed Ennlin, who noticed that her brisk walking style was greatly exaggerated. Her legs swung wide curves as they crossed each other with each separate step. The aspirant could not help but gaze after her. Her hips swung way more exaggerated than she had seen on any other nun. Her butt cheeks bounced with every step as they churned around the blessed plug. It withstood the tides of flesh by being kept tightly held in place by her anus. 

Ennlin gaped to the mesmerizing sight of the fit nun walking away. 


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