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I kept going guys (see previous post). 

QUESTION: Who are these men and have they always had a dream of being a critter hat model only to finally have their dreams realized in the sunset of life? Did they used to walk around the mall food court balancing a dead animal on their head with perfect posture just hoping that one day a scout would be there to make them a star? I'm INVESTED. 




No offense, the guy wearing the fox hat looks like he is red headed and part of the Orthodox Jewish community. I repeat, no offense.


Have you seen the woman who turns her dead birds into hats/headbands?! Google “dead animals as hats” go to images.. 10th one down.... you won’t regret it .. also, you’re welcome.


I think the obsession starts with those hats that look like dead animals but aren't, then I guess you progress onto skunk heads n limbs...?


This screams of Jenny Lawson, and I love it.


2 Things: 1) His ebay account is deepfriedsnow, which just raises a lot of questions for me, and 2) If you are going with a nightmare hat, might I suggest this one, which looks like someone dropped a bowling ball on a fox and then added some extra tails: <a href="https://www.ebay.com/itm/Red-fox-mountain-man-fur-hat-black-powder-hats-raccoon-beaver-wolf-coyote/223250078615?hash=item33fabddb97:g:gBIAAOSw1hJb2y8-:rk:1:pf:0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.ebay.com/itm/Red-fox-mountain-man-fur-hat-black-powder-hats-raccoon-beaver-wolf-coyote/223250078615?hash=item33fabddb97:g:gBIAAOSw1hJb2y8-:rk:1:pf:0</a>


This reminds me of those zombie ants that get attacked by a fungus and the fungus takes over their body and makes them do weird shit. Zombie Fox Parasite. Sauce: <a href="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ophiocordyceps_unilateralis." rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ophiocordyceps_unilateralis.</a>


As a trainee taxidermist the demand for animal hats has boomed lately! Also animal penis necklaces are in popularity..one I don’t stock personally..


In some cultures swearing said bones are a good luck charm for fertility so 👀


I am living for this


All these dudes need to be pelted.


Get ‘em Mames.