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        It was another sunny Saturday morning, Shato waking up to feel the warm sun on his face. But the second he got up, he realized something was off, he was alone. Naomi was nowhere to be seen, usually she would be sleeping right next to him, either that or he'd be wrapped up in her tails. For a moment he thought that she might be in the kitchen making breakfast, but the house was completely silent. Shato's heart dropped for a moment, thinking that she got bored of him and left, his anxiety getting the best of him. “Naomi?” he called out, with a hint of unease in his voice. The young man was then surprised with a soft kiss from his right, appearing out of thin air as she gently nuzzled her snoot against his cheek. Though taken off guard, he felt a sense of relief wash over him as he was quickly taken into her arms.         

        Shato of course returned her hug, but not before he was pushed back into bed, Naomi leaning on top of him while relentlessly smooching his cheek. “hehe- Naom-mph!” he was quickly cut off as the foxy thief gave him a passionate kiss on the lips, nearly causing him to fall asleep as he relaxed in her arms. Feeling his surrender, the fox continued kissing him, though going slow as not to put him back to sleep. But even as he found himself on the verge of slumber, she continued smooching him with nearly endless playful love. Once she ceased kissing him, Naomi playfully nuzzled her nose against his, tickling and breaking him out of his trance. “W-whats up with you Naomi?” he giggled unable to pull away from her arms. Keeping her nose pressed against his, she took the few moments to look them in the eyes, just enjoying his company while fluttering her eyes passionately.

"Just getting in some kisses for the road.” she said in a soft calming voice. But Shato noticed a hint of regret in her expression. “For the road?" he asked, placing his hand on the left side of her fluffy cheek. “Are... you leaving?” Smiling, Naomi closed her eyes and put her hand over his, caressing his skin as she purred happily. "Shato, I’m going to be gone, but only for a week.” she explained, taking his hand off her face as she gave his palm a playful kiss. “Where are you going?” he asked, giggling at the touch of her kiss. Naomi slowly sat up, sitting next to him while she fixed her pink floral kimono. "There's a special Buddhist statue in a nearby city that I've been wanting to add to my collection, so I'm going away for a little heist.” Shato stared at the ceiling for a few moments, unable to think of a response is if he had lost his words. “Shato?” she asked, concerned at his sudden silence. Shato then looked back last her, slowly sitting back up with a disappointed frown. “I thought you were done stealing.” he said breaking the silence.

         Naomi also had a brief pause before responding. “I said I wanted someone to spend my nights with. I never said I was going to quit being a thief.” she explained. “But… you don't need to steal anymore.” he said sitting back up. "I can support us both, and if you want something I can just buy it for you.” Cutting him off, she placed on of her tails on the front of his lips before he got too flustered. "Silly… I mean… Shato.” Naomi paused, taking in a surprisingly serious tone. "I'm a thief. It's not a habit, and it's not about survival. It's my life, it's what I do.” the fox woman placed her fluffy tail on Shato's chest, releasing his lips and allowing him to snuggle with it, his arms sinking in its tender fluff. However, his eyes never left hers, staring at her still yearning for her company. Unable to ignore his pleading puppy dog eyes, she couldn’t help but feel a little guilty. “Look silly… I'll be fine. And I'll be back soon.” She reassured him. “I know…” Shato muttered, buying his head in her tail fluff. Seeing as her partner was still upset, she took a moment to think, hoping to cheer him up before she left for her heist.

        “Hey.” Naomi petted the top of his head getting his attention back. “could you do something for me while I’m gone?” she asked clustering her tails together. Shato looked up at her, seeing a playful look in her eyes as she reached into her tails. "Can you take care of my friend for me?” she then took out what appeared to be a fox plushy. Its fabric a soft yellow color, with nine pillowy tails, visible stitching on the seams of its body, and was wiggling around on its back like a puppy. Shato’s heart skipped a beat upon seeing the cute plush, though surprised to see that it was clearly alive. Oggling him with its ruby red eyes, the plush waved its tiny paw him with a cute high-pitched giggle. Shato couldn't help but smile, chuckling back as Naomi handed the tiny plush to him, Cupping the tiny fox in his hands like a new born puppy. 

        "This is Chloe, she's my best friend, she's very fun to play with and I think you could both use the company.” Naomi said placing her hands underneath her chin. “Hello Chloe. ❤️" Shato cooed leaning his head in closer. “Awooo…” the fox yipped playfully, Rolling onto it’s feet and nuzzling his nose. “Awww.” Shato gasped with a blush. Naomi gave the young man a gentle kiss on the cheek, bidding him goodbye as she backed up towards the window. “Looks like you two are off to good start, take care of him won't you Chloe?” With that, Naomi's tails coiled around her on body, only to collapse in on themselves as she disappeared from sight. Shato was sad to see her go, but turned his attention back to the adorable tiny plush in his hands. The boy brushed the side of Chloe's head with his thumb, petting her as she nuzzled him back, even wrapping her front paws around his thumb. Seeing the little munchkin snuggle his thumb was the most adorable thing he'd ever seen, quickly falling in love with the tiny fox and her overwhelming cuteness.


        But then, he noticed something had changed, even though the fox sat in both his hands, he could've sworn that she was a bit smaller a few moments ago. But now, she nearly took up his entire right-hand. The young man just watched as the small plush hugged and licked his thumb, still snuggling with it loving affection. Eventually, she even put his thumb into her mouth with a playful nom, gently nibbling on it in her plushy maw. Just a few moments ago she was the same size of his thumb, now she was big think enough to suck on it. There's no mistaking it now, she was definitely growing in size, and those subtle it was noticeable. Making sure to accommodate her new size, Shato cupped both of his hands around her, cradling her in his palms and giving her a gentle squeeze. All the while he began to giggle at her playful noms, as if she was tickling his thumb with her nibbling. It didn't take long for Plush to fill up his hands, eventually releasing her mouth from his thumb as she turned toward him with a smile.  

        Crouching down, she then leaped from his palms and hugged his face, catching him off guard. Shato laughed as her tiny plushy body squished against him, feeling her nuzzle his forehead as if she was a small kitten. But as her body continued to grow, she slipped from his face and landed in Shato's arms as he caught her. Letting her down on his lap, she got back on her feet she placed her paws on his chest, looking up at him as she let out a tiny “Wuff.” It looked like she wanted to climb back up to his face, so he leaned down towards her, and was surprised with a tiny lick on the nose. The young man couldn't stop smiling, overwhelmed by Chloe's cuteness and adorable affection as his cheeks went rosy. Growing big enough to reach up to his head without aid, she continued licking his face with kisses while keeping her paws firmly planted on his chest, with her many tales brushing against his thighs. Reciprocating her affection, Shato wrapped his arms around the plush, who was now the size of the small dog, pinning her against his chest.

        The tiny fox let out a pleasurable growl, practically vibrating against him as she waggled her many tails. It felt like he was holding large purring kitten, he even started stroking the top of her head. But as the moments passed, he realized that she was getting heavier along with her size, it even seemed like her growth was speeding up, as if reacting to his hug. Within moments she became so heavy that he fell backwards, pinned underneath the swelling plush as if stuck under a weighted pillow. sitting down on him on all fours, he continued to nuzzle and snuggle him, rapidly growing in size with no signs stopping. Eventually she became more than half as big as he was, now the size of a large dog rather than an ordinary fox. Shato started to worry, seeing as her enlargement wasn't slowing down, but steadily getting faster. Despite this, he couldn't help but feel comfortable under the weight of her body feeling her plushy mass squish down on him as she continued snuggling him. It felt like he was being cuddled by a weighted blanket.

         Only moments had passed since the Chloe fell on his lap, and she was now even bigger than he was, and still growing. Shato couldn't even move, still snuggled underneath her body weight as she nuzzled his chest with her large squishy head. The fox plush was expanding so quickly, her tails slid off the edge of the bed, her paws plopped next to Shatos shoulders, and his lower half practically disappeared underneath her body. Just when he thought she was going to be buried underneath her, Chloe’s growth suddenly ceased, leaving her at about twice his size. Lifting up her large head, the plush gave his face another playful lick before opening her ruby red eyes. Laying on top of him, she tilted her head and gave Shato a giggling smile, even gently cupping her paws over his shoulders. 

        “I haven’t felt this much love since I met Naomi… ” the plush said happily, slowly licking her lips. “You really are a sweetheart, just like she said.” Shato was dumbstruck, not so much that she was speaking, but at how mature and feminine her voice had become. Chloe's voice was soft, her tone tender and soothing, her very words making the him blush. With a yawn, she sat up on her haunches, taking the pressure off his chest and brushing the ceiling with the top of her head, giving Shato a perspective of how much she had grown. “It's good that I have control over my size. Otherwise I probably would have burst out of this apartment.” she chucked brushing her cheek with her right paw. “So… did I made you grow?” Shato asked nervously. Chloe placed her large paw down on his chest, leaning down closer to his face as she looked him in the eyes.

        Shato was instantly drawn into her gaze, calmed as her paw glided up-and-down his chest. "Plushes like me feed off of love. For myself in particular, it helps me to increase my size. So when you hugged me, I had a bit of a growth spurt.” she explained, her paw subtly sliding up to his cheek. Then without warning, she scooped him up in both of her front paws, again pinning him against her underbelly as she fell backwards off the bed. With a soft Fwomp, Shato found himself laying atop the large plushy fox, resting on her belly and blanketed underneath her soft paws as their positions were now reversed. “What do you think? Comfy?” she giggled, squeezing him down against he belly. The young man let out of comforting moan as he was pressed down against her, feeling her arms  body squish around him as if being enveloped in her hug.


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