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The Balloon Shark Girl - $5 Patreon Exclusive - Undeniably flattered that she had made adjustments to her body in an attempt to please him, Coco nodded at her. “Mmm-hm...” he murmured, Unable to take his eyes off her as she posed and wiggled on top of him. The shark woman smiled down at him, happy that he was appreciative, even though his response was nonverbal. “Good boy!” she squeaked happily, placing her hands over her chest as she leaned in closer to him. Coco's heart jumped as she approached him, licking her rubbery teeth an anticipating smile. But then, he saw a weird a translucent film of some kind bulging from between her teeth, almost like plastic. As she opened maw, Coco was shocked to see what looked like a large bubble inflating from her mouth. Clear, Glossy and incredibly soft looking, the bubble bulged under her teeth as it continued growing, becoming more spherical it was pumped with air.

Skunk Bubbler - “Hmph…” the Skunk woman huffed, releasing her arms from the two slaves as walking right up to him. The leotard clad criminal was much taller than she looked, even matching him in height. With a sneer, she bent down towards him and gave him a grin before popping what looked like a piece of candy in her mouth. “From Lady Asphyxia…” she answered. Wolf’s  eye’s shot open, looking at her in disbelief. “What?” he gasped. Instead of responding, the skunk woman just puckered her lips as if preparing for a kiss, before a pink bubble began expanding from her mouth. Wolf was Baffled and confused, doing nothing as the bubble pressed against his nose. With but instead of popping, the bubble continued to now, the skunk woman inflating effortlessly until it began pressing against the hero's face. Wolf turned his head to the right, feeling the bubble squeeze against his left cheek as the bubble grew to the size of his head.

A Kitsune’s Growing Affection - Trade - “Hey.” Naomi petted the top of his head getting his attention back. “could you do something for me while I’m gone?” she asked clustering her tails together. Shato looked up at her, seeing a playful look in her eyes as she reached into her tails. "Can you take care of my friend for me?” she then took out what appeared to be a fox plushy. Its fabric a soft yellow color, with nine pillowy tails, visible stitching on the seams of its body, and was wiggling around on its back like a puppy. Shato’s heart skipped a beat upon seeing the cute plush, though surprised to see that it was clearly alive. Oggling him with its ruby red eyes, the plush waved its tiny paw him with a cute high-pitched giggle. Shato couldn't help but smile, chuckling back as Naomi handed the tiny plush to him, Cupping the tiny fox in his hands like a new born puppy.


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