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(There commissioner has requested to remain anonymous)

        The warehouse looked quiet, deserted, and empty, but Wolf knew better. With this camera in hand he tiptoed and snuck his way closer to the building. Sneaking behind garbage bins abandoned vehicles and discarded junk, he made sure to as discrete is possible, knowing that he most likely wasn't alone. With his camera in hand eventually entered the long garage looking area, but nothing suspicious looking so far. There weren’t any holes in the walls or ceiling, and the foundations were most certainly intact, but strangely and surprisingly empty. Then, he felt something soft and flexible beneath this foot, looking down to see the tar black floor had a strange shine to it. Curious, Wolf pressed his foot down onto the soft surface, only to be met with a soft hissing sound. The floor began to bulge and grow beneath his feet, inflating with a circular radius causing him to lose his balance. Falling on his back, Wolf dropped his camera as the floor beneath him took on a rounded bubble like shape. The floor no longer felt like concrete, instead feeling some kind of soft slippery gelatinous film, there was so little friction he couldn't even stand up.

        If felt like he was sitting on a giant balloon, but no matter how much he fussed couldn't climb off, as if the bubble kept him centered on top of it. He looked down at the inflatable beneath him, seeing that it had become semi transparent. The young man was several feet above the ground, he could even see his expensive camera in several pieces on the floor. Wolf cursed his careless is as he continued trying to climb off, until suddenly BANG! The soft surface beneath him burst in a huge shockwave, sending him flying into the air. The blast knocked the wind right out of him, disorienting the young man as he fumbled about in the air. Before the the Wolf could process what had happened, he landed on the floor with a smack, feeling the room spinning around him like a malfunctioning carousel. His work clothes had been completely ripped off from the blast, with only his formfitting tear-proof black and green spandex costume left underneath. Shaking his head, Wolf looked at himself shocked to see that his clothes were gone. His dress shirt, jeans, tie, belt, even, socks, and shoes had been blown away, leaving his dark green boots and sleeves, and black body suit with a triangle pattern on his chest left. 

        Wolf placed his hand on his chest, thankful for his invincibility mutation. The blast had knocked him back to the entrance of the garage, putting him back where he started. “Whoever put that there, definitely didn't want any visitors, that could've ended badly…” he sighed sitting back up. But just as he got back on his feet, he was shocked to hear another loud hissing sound. Wolf's feet wobbled beneath him, shocked to see the floor bulging around his feet again. The hero almost fell over but was able to jump away before he lost his footing. Tumbling off of the expanding bubble, he got back on his feet and stumbled away from the trap just in time to see it deflating. It was like the trap had reacted to his presence, or perhaps his weight. But then, he felt the floor beneath him an expanding again, causing the trip onto his back. Realizing his mistake, his heart sank, fussing around as he tried to climb off. But it was too late, Wolf was quickly lifted off the ground as he sank into the center of the bubble. Unable to escape, Wolf braced himself as the bubble burst underneath him sending him flying before landing flat on his front. Completely dazed but still unharmed, the young hero needed a few moments before getting up on his feet. “What are these inflatable’s made off? Even grenades don’t punch me this hard.” he thought to himself.

        Putting his hands firmly on the ground, he shook his head and pushed himself back on his feet. "I can think of a few villains who use bubbles as weapons, but these things feel more like explosives. Anyone other than me would've been put into the hospital.” Brushing himself off, Wolf sternly set his sights on the door on the far side of the room. “Nothing Steel Wolf can't handle!” he said proudly. But with the first step he took came another loud hissing sound. Reacting quickly, he bolted just in time to prevent getting stuck in the center. However, not before the trap inflated beneath his feet, flinging him forward as he tumbled onto the floor clumsily. The trap behind him deactivated, deflating back onto the floor just as another trap to inflate underneath him. Before the ground was stolen underneath him, Wolf scrambled away just in time, and tumbled off the side of the bubble. Without wasting a moment he hopped back onto his feet, ready to jump away if necessary, but thankfully the room was now silent. 

        Wolf was so close to the door, but but it was unlikely that he would be able to make a straight run for the door without stepping into any bubbles. "This building doesn't have any windows for me to crawl into, this is my only way in. If I'm going to get in there I simply have to react quicker than the bubbles can inflate.” he said gritting his teeth. Going on his tip toes, he very subtly made his way to the door. With every step he was ready to jump away, prepared to face another exploding bubble  under his feet. However, nothing was happening, he got closer and closer to the door with every step of his toes, and not a single bubble could be heard. Pretty soon he was only a few feet from the entrance, just when he thought it was safe, he felt the floor inflating underneath him again. Wolf  quickly stepped to decide, getting off the center just in time as he slid off the side. Tumbling slightly, he managed to place his feet back on the ground, but to his shock, yet another bubble began inflated under his feet. 

        Acting on reflex, Wolf stumble back off the bulging floor slipping off the side, but inadvertently backed up against the other inflating bubble. In that one moment, as the jiggly bulbous surface squished against his back, all Wolf could do was muster a shocked squeak realizing that he is just made a big mistake. The bubble in front of him continued to inflate only inches from his indestructible but helpless body as the bubble behind him pushed him towards it, both spheres growing in unison with the helpless between the them. Before he could even attempts to escape, both bubbles squished against each other, sandwiching him within their gelatinous membranes as he was quickly pinned place. “Mmph!” His gasp of shock only came out as a muffled cry as he was pressed between the two booby-trapped bubbles. The flexible jelly entered his mouth as he attempted inhale, only making the membrane tighter against his face as he sucked all the air in. Wolf wasn't just trapped, he was smothered in place.

        With a simple mistake, he had put himself in a much worse place than before. Time seemed to slow down, his thoughts racing as he felt the bubbles getting tighter. “If I'm caught between two exploding bubbles…” his mind stopped, not wanting to think any further than that. He tried to push himself to the side, able to slightly sidestep between slippery membranes. But with every passing moment the bubbles only grew tighter against him, squishing him even more until he was completely stuck. With the increasing pressure, the air was pushed away from his body, practically vacuum packing him between the jiggly walls and leaving him helpless. "MMHP!” he wanted to bite through the elastic surface, but he couldn't even open his mouth, smothered shut by the airtight glossy surface clinging to him with a skintight seal. Despite the membrane lacking any friction, his struggles proved ineffective as he was completely squished in place.

        Unable to move, all he could do was whimper while the bubbles squeezed him tighter and tighter,  becoming more taut and firm until they slowly reached their breaking point. Just when he thought they couldn't compress him tighter, the room shook with a loud boom, both bubbles popping simultaneously, shaking the the walls of the worn-down garage. Following the explosion, Wolf was flung across the room, smashing directly through the front door he had been trying to reach. After tumbling a few feet from the entrance, he became still, slowly fading into unconsciousness with his ears ringing loudly. But before blacking out, he saw what appeared to be a dark figure approaching him. Unable to hear their footsteps with his deafened ears, he watched the approaching silhouette grow fuzzy until he couldn’t keep his eyes open any logner.

        There he lay in the middle of a room full of empty broken crates, as a cat woman covered head toe in latex stood above him. Suit she wore was practically featureless with the exception of the the triangular mask covering the lower half of her face, the green circular goggles over her eyes, and and her pointy ears and tail which were also covered in rubber. On her chest was an insignia, shaped like a heart paired with a skunk tails. Remaining silent, the woman stood above the unconscious hero for a few moments like a motionless robot before tilting your head back up straight. "Target neutralized, all drones continue extraction.” she said in the slightly muffled robotic voice. Turning the other way, she walked back down the long cluttered hallway, leaving Wolf unconscious on the floor.

        When Wolf finally woke, he quickly jumped to his feet, shaking his head as he looked around him. Remembering as he had crashed through the door earlier, he was relieved to find himself out of the garage, assuming there were no more traps lying about. With his ears no longer ringing, he was back up to one hundred percent as if nothing had happened, another benefit of his indestructible body. Then, he remembered the strange figured that walked up to him before he fell unconscious. There was no way of knowing how long he had been asleep, but he still had a job to do. “Whoever set those traps may still be here. Better let em know I came to visit.” Making his way down the hallway, he was carful not to step on any clutter, being as quiet as possible as he came closer to the main section of the warehouse. Eventually he found the entrance to the storage area, peeking behind the door to see a massive area with several pillars connecting the floor with the high ceiling.

        On the far side of the warehouse were multiple rubber figures like the one who approached him before, carrying boxes of unknown contents into a couple of vans parked in the corner. Wolf counted about five or six of them, however there was an additional who figure didn't appear to be wearing any rubber like the rest. It was a skunk woman by the looks of it, with a big black and white puffy tail, but he didn’t recognize who it was from his position. Suddenly, a rubbery hand snagged over his mouth, followed an arm wrapping over his midsection from behind. “MMPH!” Reacting quickly, he pushed his assailant away, tumbling into the door with a with a loud clang as he turned around to see who would had grabbed him. Wolfs eyes shot open as he saw one of the rubber clad women standing in front of him, instantly recognizing the near featureless attire she was wearing.

        "That’s a... slave suit!” he gasped. The woman standing in front of him just crossed her arms, sticking her chin up as if she was making a subtle gesture. Then suddenly, someone else grabbed him from behind, snagging both of his hands behind his back. Taken by surprise, wolf turned his head to see another rubber woman had snuck up on him, she had much smaller ears and a much bushier tail like a squirrel, but was also wearing a slave suit. Before he could retaliate, the rubber woman in front of him lunged forward and aided her ally, taking out a roll of latex and wrapping it around his wrists before swiftly tripping him over. Pinning his legs together, they then wrapped his ankles up with the same latex leaving him completely bound. “Hey-Hmph!” as he lay  on his back, one of them shoved a black ball into his mouth, about as big as small meatball until it expanded like a balloon. "MMMGH!” The ball quickly filled out his mouth muffling his speech and silencing him instantly. It felt like a piece of rubber bubblegum, sticking to the inside mouth and sealing it shut like an adhesive.

        With the hero bound and gagged, the two rubber clad women picked him up by the shoulders and feet, carrying him in into the store room. The two worked so perfectly in sync with each other, they rendered him helpless in mere second. The hero didn't even have the chance to fight back, the two rubber women binding him before he could acquire any leverage. Wolf wiggled and squirmed, trying to shake himself free from the grip of his captors, but they had no trouble with his fussy resistance. “How did I let myself get caught so easily?” he thought, groaning as he continued squirming. Wolf had been in some tough situations and fought in some powerful and cunning villains, but he had never been captured this quickly, and never by mere henchmen. Refusing to admit defeat, he continued to resist, twisting, kicking and thrashing all the way as the rubber suited slaves carried him effortlessly. Approaching the loaded vans, they walked right up behind the skunk woman, who Wolf could barely see thanks to her giant bushy tail.

        But as she turned her head, her tiny snoot and cute pink nose poked out from behind her tail. “Hmmm?” she murmured curiously. The rubber squirrel placed Wolfs feet onto the ground and held him up from underneath his arms alongside her partner, holding him just inches above the ground. The skunk turned towards him, and the now upright young hero fond himself face-to-face with what he could only describe as a woman with outdated fashion sense. Wearing what looked like 80s exercise attire, the skunk woman wore thigh high lime green socks, with a dark green denim vest, and a bright pink nylon leotard underneath. The devious looking woman herself appeared very fit, with fluffy looking white hair that matched her tail, a voluptuous but able looking body, wearing a mean looking and playful grin on her face. "Well well, who came over to visit?” she chuckled confidently.

        Wolf didn't respond, not that he could, instead discreetly biting down into his gag to try to pop it hoping she wouldn’t notice. The skunk woman didn't look like one of the big name villains he often fought, coming to the conclusion that she was probably just some hired thug running a simple operation. Placing her hands on her hips, she leaned in closer and ogled his bound body, attempting to recognize him by his a-tire. After scratching her chin for a few moments, she stood back up straight and licked her lips, revealing a pink barbel piercing in her tongue. “You're that... Steel Dog guy aren’t you?” she asked pointing at the triangular green shape on his costume. "Pheel Moph!” he muffled,  attempting to correct her through his rubber balloon gag. The skunk just smiled, his abrupt reaction confirming her hypothesis.


        “Thought so... That explains why my traps didn't knock you into coma.” she said placing her hands on her hips. "Never did like explosives, too messy. Bubbles on the other hand are soft, versatile to make for pretty good weapons when pumped with enough pressure." Wolf just groaned, not the least bit amused by her boasting. But what frustrated him was that she wasn't wrong, those bubbles were powerful and could have knocked him unconscious if he wasn't indestructible. And even though he wasn't hurt, they still proved effective even against him. Cursing his lack of caution, he winced barely able to look the leotard clad villain in the eyes. "You look embarrassed, I bet you didn't expect a couple of gimps take you down so easily.” she teased waggling her finger at him. “Don't feel bad sweetie, I put my drones on a pretty hefty workout schedule, so they're ready whenever I need a heist done. They're such good workers, who needs a super partner when you have cute little slaves to do whatever you need. ❤️”

        Reaching her arms out, she grabbed two of her nearby rubber drones and have them, one of them being a petite mouse girl, and one is a slim looking dog boy. Both of the slaves pleasurably moaned into their masks, reciprocating their owners playful affection by hugging her back. The skunk woman just smiled toward the mouse girl, slipping her hand underneath her boob while feeling up the dog boy’s broad shoulder. Wolf just watched as her rubber slaves obediently took her groping, not showing the smallest tent discomfort or resistance. The young hero couldn't believe for a second, that a common in criminal would afford such thorough brainwashing. So taking a deep breath through his nose, he filled his lungs with as much air he could before biting down on the ball gag. Miraculously, under the pressure of his teeth, the rubber ball burst in his mouth shocking the skunk woman as she watched his he spit out the rubber pieces. “How do you get your hands on all these slave suits? I doubt an operation this will be enough for you to afford change expensive equipment.” he asked tauntingly, spitting out at the last piece of rubber with a smug grin.

        “Hmph…” the Skunk woman huffed, releasing her arms from the two slaves as walking right up to him. The leotard clad criminal was much taller than she looked, even matching him in height. With a sneer, she bent down towards him and gave him a grin before popping what looked like a piece of candy in her mouth. “From Lady Asphyxia…” she answered. Wolf’s  eye’s shot open, looking at her in disbelief. “What?” he gasped. Instead of responding, the skunk woman just puckered her lips as if preparing for a kiss, before a pink bubble began expanding from her mouth. Wolf was Baffled and confused, doing nothing as the bubble pressed against his nose. With but instead of popping, the bubble continued to now, the skunk woman inflating effortlessly until it began pressing against the hero's face. Wolf turned his head to the right, feeling the bubble squeeze against his left cheek as the bubble grew to the size of his head.

        Wincing, Wolf prepared himself for what he assumed would be a small pressurize blast. The skunk woman then pinched the bubble from her mouth with her lips, shortly after causing the bubble burst with a soft pop. In that one moment, the gum quickly wrapped over his the front half of his head like a net, adhering to his face in a skintight seal. Wolf tried to open his mouth, but the gum just stretched over his maw. And when he tried breathe, the film warped into his mouth, denying him oxygen through the tiny pink film covering his face. Left smothered, he squirmed and struggled, trying to free himself from the rubber slaves holding him in place. The skunk woman just smiled, amused at his fussing as her rubber clad goons had no trouble holding him. As he continued to squirm, she placed her hands on the shoulders teasingly, helping to keep him still.

         "You see I used to work for Lady Asphyxia, I helped her with simple grunt work like shipping supplies and laundering equipment for her heists. However, my boss eventually took interest in my ambitions to do better, and allowed me to run my own operations, and even gave me my own force of rubber drones.” she explained. Even though Wolf could hear her, he wasn't focused on her monologue, still trying to free himself from the smothering gum on his face. "She also helped me develop my own little toys, like that delicious gum stuck to your face.” the skunk boasted while placing her hands on his cheeks. Keeping Wolf's head in place, she then placed her lips on his nose giving him a soft kiss. With a loud smooch, the gum practically peeled off his face, allowing him to take a deep breath as his assailant pulled the chewy material away.

        After Wolf caught his breath, he looked back at the devious skunk woman, who began pulling the gum back into her mouth. Despite it previously being stuck to his face, she didn't seem at all bothered by it, in fact she seemed to enjoy chewing it back up as she stared at the young hero with a confident mug. “I guess you made... some kind of Smothergum?” he asked, quickly catching his breath. "I'm sorry, I was only trying to show you what it could do. ❤️” she teased. "Here... have a taste.” With that, she pressed her lips against his in a surprise kiss, and wasted no time blowing her bubblegum into his mouth. “You… MMMHP!?” Confused and caught off guard, Wolf's eyes widened as the Elastic material stretched out his cheeks and filled out his maw. His eyes met with his assailants who looked at him with amusement, coupled with a sinister giggle. Before he knew what hit him, she parted the kiss, and the gum popped in his mouth, sealing it shut with a small pink film left over his lips. “Well? Tasty?” the skink woman taunted, followed up with a sinister laugh.


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