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        “Happy birthday boy...” the fox woman said with a playful voice, gently stroking the mouse's cheek with her tail. The woman's' tail was very soft, slightly tickling his face with her silky fur, but Prince was still frightened like a cornered animal. Even with three beautiful women were standing before him, it wasn’t the surprise party he had in mind. “I think we outdid ourselves girls.” the wolf said with a proud smile. “Yeah! We’ve never stolen a Prince before!” the wolf woman replied, leaning closer to the boy with an eager smile. Weary and frightened, the boy tried scooting away whimpering with fear. 

        “Hmmm, I guess you don’t need this anymore. “The fox said stripping the tape off his face. The young man gasped with relief, spitting out the soaked cloth that had kept him gagged for so long. “What... do you want from me?” he asked. His mouth felt dry and stale but he was just glad to be able to speak again. “Awww…. What a cute voice. ❤️" The fox giggled holding up the cloth gag teasingly waving it back and forth. Prince blushed when he realized that she was holding a pair of Hello Kitty underwear lined with black frills. “You gagged him with my panties!?” the cat woman asked with a flustered look on her face. “Oh, you weren’t using them.” The fox woman teased, tossing them over to the cat as she caught them. “But I just took them off this morn- never mind.” she sighed wringing the silva out of them.


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