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This was one of those stories that just popped up in my head and I HAD to start writing about. I intended for this to be another short story, but I grew so in love with theses characters that I wound up making it longer than I intended, and I'm happy with it.

A young mouse Prince wakes up on his 18th birthday, and is kidnapped by three famous thieves who also happen to be sexy spandex clad women. But they're not looking for a ransom...


        Prince was a handsome young mouse boy who was the youngest of a wealthy family. As his name suggested he was an actual prince, but with a very strict upbringing. Prince was not allowed to have any girlfriends or relationships growing up, as he was set for an arranged marriage with the daughter of another wealthy family once he becomes an adult. The young woman in question was slightly younger than Prince, but was incredibly immature and cold towards him, he wasn't looking forward to marrying her at all. Despite this he got out of bed practically prancing down the hall looking forward to breakfast, as today was his 18th birthday! Even though he dreaded his upcoming marriage, he hoped that there’d be some sort of surprise waiting for him in the kitchen.

        Suddenly a piece of wet cloth was shoved over his face, and Prince lost consciousness before he could even put up a fight. Later he woke up in a dark room, his feet bound together, and his hands tied behind his back. Prince couldn't speak as his lips were taped closed with some kind of cloth gagging the inside of his mouth, it felt warm and it tasted strange. Once his eyes adjusted to the light enough he found himself in what looked like a cluttered storage room laying on a bed with smooth silky sheets. His eyes widened with fear as he let out a muffled squeak, he had just been kidnapped! What's worse, he was wearing only his boxers, someone had stripped him while he was asleep. Whining into his gag, he feared the worst holding back his innocent tears. He tried calming himself down, he must have been kept alive for ransom which is why he was unharmed. Still, he found himself shivering with fear on the fleece sheeted bed. One strange thing about the dark room was the two circular-shaped windows next to his bed and on the opposite side of the room giving him a clear view of the cloudy sky.

        Suddenly, the door beside him opened up accompanied by a blinding light. “Well look who’s awake!” said a dominant feminine voice. Several figures entered the room as they closed the door behind them. Standing next to his bed were three gorgeously curvy women wearing shiny black spandex jumpsuits. On the left was a slim light brown-furred cat woman with short dark brown hair, and puffy little tail. She had a pleased but nervous look on her face, with her cute rosy cheeks blushing at the sight of their prisoner. The on right was a light grey wolf woman, with black hair and a big white tail. Slowly licking her lips, she had a look of unquenchable anticipation on her face, studying the young man with her sharp orange eyes. The wolf had a slightly chubbier build than the cat woman, but was also MUCH curvier.

        And in the center was a brownish-orange furred fox woman, with a long puffy tail with a white tip at the end. Wearing a confidant smirk on her face with her head tilted upwards, she looked down upon him as if he was helpless prey. The fox woman was the tallest, but was just as curvy as the other two, and wore her commanding dominant expression like a badge of authority. 

        “Happy birthday boy...” the fox woman said with a playful voice, gently stroking the mouse's cheek with her tail. The woman's' tail was very soft, slightly tickling his face with her silky fur, but Prince was still frightened like a cornered animal. Even with three beautiful women were standing before him, it wasn’t the surprise party he had in mind. “I think we outdid ourselves girls.” the wolf said with a proud smile. “Yeah! We’ve never stolen a Prince before!” the wolf woman replied, leaning closer to the boy with an eager smile. Weary and frightened, the boy tried scooting away whimpering with fear. 

        “Hmmm, I guess you don’t need this anymore. “The fox said stripping the tape off his face. The young man gasped with relief, spitting out the soaked cloth that had kept him gagged for so long. “What... do you want from me?” he asked. His mouth felt dry and stale but he was just glad to be able to speak again. “Awww…. What a cute voice. ❤️" The fox giggled holding up the cloth gag teasingly waving it back and forth. Prince blushed when he realized that she was holding a pair of Hello Kitty underwear lined with black frills. “You gagged him with my panties!?” the cat woman asked with a flustered look on her face. “Oh, you weren’t using them.” The fox woman teased, tossing them over to the cat as she caught them. “But I just took them off this morn- never mind.” she sighed wringing the silva out of them.

        “That’s why they were warm!?” Prince asked. He didn't think this day could get any weirder, kidnapped by a bunch of women who looked less like criminals and more like three supermodels. “Well, now that we have a real live prince, what should we do with him?” the wolf asked. “What shouldn’t we do with him? He’s ours now.” the fox chuckled sinisterly. Prince gulped nervously, scooting to the other side of the bed. “Look, my family’s rich, they'd give you a lot of money if you let me go…” he pleaded. The women all giggled barely able to contain their amusement. “Oh you silly boy." the wolf woman chuckled as she walked towards the wall flipping on a light switch. Prince was temporarily blinded as the room was brightly illuminated, but once his eyes adjusted he was shocked to find himself in a room full of valuables and treasures that even he had never dreamed of seeing with his own eyes. Old fancy clocks, large diamonds, and even items with historical significance cluttered the sides of the room say for his bed. He even saw a few items that he recognized from the news, items reported as stolen. 

        He went silent for a few moments, realizing who his captors were. “Perhaps you've heard of us, but we're known as the world's greatest thieves!” the wolf boasted holding her arms up and drawing attention to the valuables. "That's right! Whenever we see something we want, we steal it without a hitch!” the cat woman said confidently putting her dried undies into her back pocket. "With our accumulated loot and resources, we're even richer than your little family.” the fox bragged. “Besides, being rich is so dreadfully boring… At one point you just can't put a price on happiness…” the wolf yawned jokingly slumping against a silver statue. Then the fox woman put her hand on the mouse boy’s chin, looking him straight in the eyes. “But then again you can't put a price on a prince either.” she teased. 

        Prince was visibly nervous, he still had no idea what these women intended to do with him. They seemed friendly and flirty, but that could change depending on what they had in store for him. Laying on his silky bed with his hands and feet tied together, there wasn’t much he could do. But then, he realized that his tail was still free! Prince’s eyes widened with hope as he went to work subtle trying to untie his feet. Unfortunately, he didn’t do a very good job at hiding his brief confident smirk. The fox put on an amused grin as she looked Prince in the eyes. “Are you uncomfortable?” she asked, once again stroking the side of his cheek with her tail. “I could untie you, but we can’t have you running away. ♥️” she added teasingly as she began tickling his nose. Finally, after fiddling with the rope, he felt it loosen around his ankles. Now was his chance. 

        Without saying a word, he quickly rolled off the bed slipping past the fox woman as he made way towards the door. Strangely she didn't even try to stop the prince, she only giggled in amusement as she watched. The metal door was cracked open enough that he could nudge his way through. But the wolf woman quickly sidestepped her way in front of him as he slammed into her voluptuous body. “Humf!” His face practically sunk into her spandex-clad cleavage before the force of the impact knocked him onto the wooden floor. Dazed and dizzy, it took a few moments to pull himself together, and froze when he saw the wolf woman standing above him. She didn't budge an inch when he collided with her, but her entire body was so soft it felt like he had run headfirst into a giant pillow. Looking amused and dominant, she leaned down towards him still playfully licking her lips. The way she looked at him made Prince feel like helpless prey, as he was powerless in comparison to her tall shapely figure. “That was quite a tumble you took Prince, let me help you.” the wolf woman cooed in a friendly tone as she reached down to him. 

        "Squeak!” he squealed quickly scrambling back to his feet as he made his way to the other side of the room. With his rodent instincts kicking in, Prince began running aimlessly with no plan or strategy. “Not so fast!” the cat woman shouted snapping her legs around the mouse's neck, bringing him down to the floor with a thud. Before he could even process what had just happened, Prince found his head tightly pinned between the cats' thighs staring in a tight scissor hold. “I was a gymnast before becoming a thief, even a mouse couldn't outpace my reflexes.” she boasted with a confident smirk. Looking up at the smiling devious cat woman, he attempted to pull his head free from her hold, but she only squeezed tighter. “Mmph!" he groaned as his face was squished against her thighs. Her hold on him was too tight, as his head was heavily pinned between her legs. He couldn't escape, but it wasn't unpleasant as her thighs were surprisingly soft, and the spandex felt smooth on his fur. “Don’t make us gag you again you fussy boy. ❤️” the cat woman teased, subtly purring as she dangled her frilly underwear over his face. Prince's cheeks turned bright red as he puckered his mouth shut as tight as possible. Since his hands were still tied behind his back, he couldn't even push her away.

        The fox and wolf approached the pinned mouse, barely able to contain their amused smiles and softly giggling their breath. “Such a lively boy isn’t he?” the wolf giggled placing her hands on her hips. “Indeed, safe to say it'll be a lot less boring around here.” the fox said with a pleased tone placing her hand on her cheek. Placing her underwear back into her pocket, the cat woman leaned closer to the helpless mouse with a smile. “Looks like someone's getting popular. ❤️” she teased suddenly rubbing her thighs against his face. “Mmmm.” Prince accidentally let out a soft moan as her soft spandex-clad legs gently massaged his face. Against his better judgment, Prince began to relax as his cheeks blushed even more, enduring the pleasurable thigh massage. The cat woman also seemed to enjoy it, as her purring grew louder like a motor boat. Prince felt so helpless, kidnapped, pinned to the floor, and surrounded by strong women in nothing but his underwear. But despite how powerless he was, he didn't feel any hostility from his captors, in fact even after trying to escape they hadn't hurt him at all. His parents definitely were never this gentle with him, as they would more than often strike him for the most questionable things. Somehow, even a tight scissor hold around his neck felt more tender than his own upbringing. 

        Enjoying this blissful massage he closed his eyes, taking a moment to appreciate the comfort. Even if it was from his kidnappers, he had never experienced this kind of gentleness in his life. “Alright kitten, you've had your fun. Let him go.” the fox commanded. The cat woman released her thighs from his neck much to the mouse's disappointment. Prince wanted to enjoy the massage for a little bit longer, but the thieves had something else in mind for him. The fox woman leaned down bringing the mouse to his feet as she unzipped her spandex jumpsuit down to her waist. Princes' heart jumped as he got a full view of her alluring cleavage, fluffy belly, and silky brownish fur. "Let’s make sure he can’t run away again.” the fox chuckled picking Prince up from underneath his shoulders. Then, she suddenly took him in an imitate but wholesome embrace, pressing him against her warm exposed body. “Squeeee!?” Prince yipped shock as his face went bright red. The mouse boy himself comfortably wedged between her soft cleavage with the rest of his body pinned under her arms. The foxes' breasts felt so comfortably warm it made him feel fuzzy and euphoric. But he had never been hugged like this in his entire life and didn’t know how to react or how to feel about his situation. 

         "Whaaa whaaa what are you doing?” Prince asked tucking his legs underneath his belly, unable to even make eye contact her. That's when the fox took out her other arm and began zipping her suit back up over him. Prince’s heart was beating like a jackhammer, feeling the smooth spandex pressing against his back, and pushing him against the fox’s soft body. Blushing ear to ear, he didn't even try to struggle as she continued zipping her suit over him. Prince was so embarrassed all he could do was squeak nervously, he couldn't escape and he was too flustered to speak normally. Finally, the fox zipped her suit all the way to his neck, keeping him perfectly cradled between her breasts. Even with the spandex clinging to his back, he remained in the fox inescapable embrace with her arms firmly wrapped over him. The fox woman put on a satisfied smile as Prince continued stuttering with his embarrassed squeaks. The wolf and cat woman also enjoyed his adorable voice, as it was honestly the cutest sound they had ever heard. “Even a kitten's first meow wouldn’t hold a candle to him.” the wolf whispered to the cat. “Oh hush…” the cat woman replied unable to contain her smile.

         Looking at her associates, the fox woman tilted her head with a soft giggle. “You have to admit... He'd make a good pet.” she said jokingly. “S-S-SQUEAK!?” Thinking she was serious, Prince looked up at the fox in shock. He wanted to beg her otherwise, but he was so worked up he still wasn't able to speak normally, only squeak. Leaning down, the fox woman placed her hand on the side of his cheek. "Deep breaths sweetie. ❤️" she cooed in a soothing voice. Still struggling to speak, Prince complied slowly taking deep breaths doing his best to calm down. The fox began stroking his cheek which helped him calm down, looking her straight in the eyes he no longer saw a dangerous thief, but a source of genuine comfort and affection. Once Prince was calm enough, he looked at the fox woman to negotiate. “Look, my family will... give you whatever you want if you return me to them.” he said hesitantly. The fox woman responded by giving him an almost pitiful look.

        "You really think your family would pay a ransom?” she said suddenly putting on a serious dominant face. “Your family was willing to marry you off for money to begin with. What makes you think they would pay to get you back?” Prince practically froze, his pupils getting smaller as he nearly went into shock. After taking some time to think, his eyes began to fill with tears as they rolled down his cheeks. The fox woman could feel his tears dripping on her breasts, and she had a worried look on her face. “Hey.” she said to him. Still silently crying as tears continued to flow from his eyes, he looked at the fox woman and was met with a welcoming smile. Then without warning, she placed her hand on the back of his head and pushed him into her warm fluffy cleavage. The sudden embrace of her soft chest took him off guard, but it calmed him. 

        “None of that matters now… We care about you, that’s why we stole you to begin with.” she giggled stroking the back of his head. “Yeah! And unlike your family… we don’t just give our valuables away!” shouted the cat woman. “That’s right! Because when we want something... we take it and never give it back!” the wolf woman added bumping her fist against her large chest. “You see? You're safe with us, and you're important to us… because you're our most valuable steal…” she said with a dominant yet gentle tone as she lifted his head up from her breasts. “Because you’re our prince…” she smiled wiping his tears away with her fingers. Locking eyes once again, she quickly gave him a gentle kiss on lips. “Mmmph?” Once again taken off guard, Prince's eyes shot open as his tears finally stopped. After a few brief moments, the fox released him from her kiss as a nervous smile could be seen on his face. “Squeak.💕” he whimpered with flushed rosy cheeks.

        “By the way, I’m Dagger. I'm in charge of the group.” The fox women woman boasted. “We call her dagger because of how sharp she is, she even graduated Harvard with honors before joining us. My name is Bites by the way.” the wolf woman said licking her lips, looking at Prince with thirsty eyes. “We call her that because of her… appetite.” Dagger giggled. Prince shivered, as he didn't know if she was referring to her diet, or her libido. “She's also the pilot of our airship, the one you happen to be on right now.” Dagger explained pointing at the circular window. Prince was shocked, they were flying above the ocean among the clouds! Not even his old family could afford an airship. “Don't forget me!” the cat woman shouted enthusiastically. “They call me Kitten! It was my nickname when I did gymnastics, because of my flexibility. And here I am still wearing spandex!” she said jokingly, snapping the V-neck collar of her suit. Prince looked back at Dagger as she once again placed her hand on his cheek. “We abandoned our real names years ago, we wanted to make names for ourselves rather than what the world told us we were. That being said… Nice to meet you.” she smiled giving him a friendly kiss on the nose. Prince blushed again, but this time with a little smile. “Likewise, it's nice to meet you too." he chuckled looking back at Dagger. 

        The three women smiled back as the happy look on his face instantly brightened the mood of the room. Dagger's heart skipped a beat, Kitten started purring under her breath, and Bites let out a happy dog wine. It was at that moment that they realized how priceless this prince was… as a person. They all looked at each other, deciding that it would be a good time to tease him a little. "Well now that you’re 18… we’ve got to teach you about being an adult….” Dagger giggled. Confused he looked back at Kitten and Bites who began approaching him while unzipping their jumpsuits. “Squeak?” Prince yipped with another deep rosy blush. 


        Later that night, Prince's dad, the Duke was on the phone with his secret police service yelling at the top of his lungs. “What do you mean you can’t find him!? I want that brat found!” he shouted slamming the phone. The Duke was a tall lean man who was surprisingly young-looking despite being 45 years old. But since he rarely smiled, Duke had an ugly scowl on his face that he wore everywhere. His face went red with anger, he was ready to flip his table over and destroy the room out of rage. “Goodness, you really hate losing don’t you?” a condescending feminine voice said as the lights suddenly went off. Frightened, the Duke turned around as he was about to call the guards, until he saw who it was. 

        Dagger stood in the corner of the room, wearing her usual spandex jumpsuit. Walking out of the shadows she placed her finger over her lips signaling him to remain silent. “I wouldn't call for help if I were you, otherwise I'll take a lot more than just your wealth this time.” she whispered revealing a knife just barely concealed in her cleavage. The fox woman walked towards him, swinging her hips side to side as she waved her tail along with it. "After all these years of stealing, I thought rich snobs like you took good care of your valuables. Until I noticed that my latest catch had some... deep looking scars on his back.” Abruptly stopping in front of him, she gave him a frightening glare. “The kind of scars you get from a whip….” Duke swallowed doing his best to keep a straight face.

        “Tell me, what kind of man would put such ugly scars such a sweet prince? Then again, I keep forgetting you’re not much of a man to begin with.” she laughed. The Duke didn’t answer, and couldn’t deny her insults. Holding his tongue, he knew better than to make this woman angry, as he could see that she was holding back some livid emotions behind her smile. "Let me give you a little tip.” she said threateningly, as she pulled her knife up to his throat. He flinched once he saw the weapon had a purple edge, likely poisoned. “Call off your search, because you're never going to see him again.” The Duke remained silent, his eyebrows twitching as he struggled to respond. Dagger then leaned closer and whispered into his ear “When I steal something, I never give it back... You won’t be laying your dirty little hands on my prince anymore…” Accepting his defeat, he shook with rage.

        “Fine…” the Duke said gritting his teeth. “You can keep the little brat!” Without even thinking the fox slashed at his throat, leaving a small gash of poison on his neck. “Hurk!” The man stumbled back in fear realizing what she had done. “Whoops…” the fox gasped placing her hand on her lips while holding back a wicked smile. "I'm sorry little man, I don't usually get this angry.” she giggled walking towards the window. “You might want to get that looked at.” Panicked, the Duke scramble back on his feet yelling for his guards as he held his neck, but when he looked back the fox thief had vanished. He had looked away for only a brief moment, but was more than enough for her to escape. “Doctor…” was the last thing he called out before collapsing on the floor.

        Meanwhile, the fox had already made it to the sidewalk, making her way to the docks where her  disguised airship was waiting for her. “This has been quite a productive day…” she giggled to herself. “And best of all... I have my own little prince waiting at home for me. ❤️"


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