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        Once inside, the tram quickly began to pick up alarming speed entering a small dark tunnel on its way out of the station. Though she couldn’t feel movement of the vehicle, as if the interior had inertia dampeners. Faith wasn’t prepared for this, it was like she was in a surreal sci-fi novel. Less than a minute later the tram stopped while still in the tunnel, and they made their way into another hallway. The walls were white and shiny like a porcelain bathtub, giving off a futuristic vide, making Faith feel uneasy. The woman showed her to a small dorm room, with a laptop computer on top of a reasonably sized desk next to a bunk bed. Walking into the room, the woman gave Faith a polite smile gesturing her arm towards the bed. “This will be your new quarters, you'll remain here until we may determine your position in our data division.” the guide said as she slowly backed out of the room. Faith walked into the room feeling a bit claustrophobic, it felt more like a storage closet than a living space. “Are the quarters normally this small?" she asked turning around, but suddenly the door closed on her with an electronic click.

        “Hey!” Faith shouted placing her hands on the locked door. "let me out!” She began slapping her hands against the door. “Please remain here until I return.” The woman's voice said over a speaker.


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