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        There have been a strange string of disappearances on the far western side of the United States for the past few months now. Among them were chemists, fashion designers, and models. Investigating disappearances isn’t anything new in this department, but there was something very strange and specific about them. The disappearances would jump from one city to the next, if they were moving one state at a time.A young woman named Faith was dispatched by small but well equipped detective agency to investigate a suspected trading organization. After a few weeks of getting yourself getting a job at the trading center, she was getting close to confirming her suspicions. They admitted to her that the trading company was only a ruse for something bigger, and offered her a job underground. After riding in the back of an armored truck for the past two hours, she began to feel uneasy. She didn't think that their security would be this tight. 

        The woman across from her was a young looking redhead probably in her early 20s, with the really straight ponytail. She had a small tie on tucked underneath her shirt collar wearing a small black uniform vest on top. She also had dark tights, a black leather miniskirt, and fancy looking high heels. And she had a black sash on her left arm that read: Entry Terminal #1, supposedly her rank. She was also wearing a small communication headset, though it doesn’t appear like she has talked to anyone yet. “Are you uncomfortable miss?” the woman asked with a welcoming. Faith returned her smile “Oh, don’t worry I’m fine, it’s just I was told this was going to be a short ride. How much longer until we arrive?” She asked. “I think... About nine more minutes. Then we’ll get you to your new department” 

        Faith was surprised, the woman was silent for most of their trip, but after talking she seemed much friendlier. It seemed unnatural but maybe she was just nervous. Shortly after the truck came to a stop, and they both exited through the backdoor leading into what appeared to be an elevator. Upon entering, she realized it didn’t have any numbered buttons instead it began moving once they entered.  There weren't any numbers displayed over the door, but she could feel the elevator moving down. They continued descending for almost 3 whole minutes when Faith began getting nervous. "How far does this elevator go?” Faith asked. “Don’t worry, we’re almost to the station.” The guide smiled. Faith looked at her with a confused expression. “Station?” She asked puzzlingly.

        Finally the elevator stopped moving and the door infant of them opened. Upon exiting the elevator, Faith was shocked to find herself in a subway station. There were two separate railways next to the platform which they were standing on, and on the opposite platform was what looked like two tall guards covered in sleek dark armor. But upon further inspection they could've also been statues, the figures were very feminine with the exception of their powerful lean shoulders, and long legs and arms.“This way, miss” the woman said as a small sleek tram arrived in the station. Only large enough to fit a hand-full of people, it was shaped like a box similar to those smart cars she’s been seeing in her city recently. 

        Once inside, the tram quickly began to pick up alarming speed entering a small dark tunnel on its way out of the station. Though she couldn’t feel movement of the vehicle, as if the interior had inertia dampeners. Faith wasn’t prepared for this, it was like she was in a surreal sci-fi novel. Less than a minute later the tram stopped while still in the tunnel, and they made their way into another hallway. The walls were white and shiny like a porcelain bathtub, giving off a futuristic vide, making Faith feel uneasy. The woman showed her to a small dorm room, with a laptop computer on top of a reasonably sized desk next to a bunk bed. Walking into the room, the woman gave Faith a polite smile gesturing her arm towards the bed. “This will be your new quarters, you'll remain here until we may determine your position in our data division.” the guide said as she slowly backed out of the room. Faith walked into the room feeling a bit claustrophobic, it felt more like a storage closet than a living space. “Are the quarters normally this small?" she asked turning around, but suddenly the door closed on her with an electronic click.

“Hey!” Faith shouted placing her hands on the locked door. "let me out!” She began slapping her hands against the door. “Please remain here until I return.” The woman's voice said over a speaker.


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