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      So you’ve been a workaholic for the past six months. Staying up late working on your assignments, and spending most of your daytime hours at the library. You found yourself falling asleep at your desk, and barely any time sleeping at all. It’s kind of a shame because a couple weeks ago you acquired a super large plush snake as a gift from a friend. It was light brown, over 20 feet long and was stuffed with thick heavy cotton making it double as a throw blanket, and perfect for snuggling with. But of course, you no longer have the luxury or the time to do so as you’re fully committed to your college and part-time work.

      Coming back home, you go to your room and sit at your desk. You want to go to bed but you can’t afford to,  perhaps you’ll take a nap in the hours of the morning before you have to go to your next class. “No...” said a deep feminine voice in your room. Startled, you stand up looking around the room, but you’re the only person there. But then you realize that the head of your giant plush snake is looking at you from underneath your desk, how did it get there? Even stranger was the displeased look on its face, as if it's sewed on expression was moving. That’s when the plushy snake began moving it’s head towards you. “No more all-nighters... no more neglecting sleep... and no more neglecting ME...” the plush hissed with an angry tone. Shocked, you fell out of your chair as the plush began slithering towards you. Before you could try to crawl away, you felt the heavy coils pile to your torso, pinning you to the floor.

      "It's no use running, lack of sleep always catches up to you.” the snake snickered opening her mouth and pulling in your exposed feet. You rolled onto your front and tried kicking the snake away, but she was already sucking your ankles. Her stuffed cotton body was so large and thick you couldn't even see the outline of your legs as it made it’s way up to your waist. You shiver as the soft cushy interior of the plush practically massaged your legs as it continued to pull you in.

      The snake slowly removed her coils from you one by one, keeping you pinned while slowly enveloping you. Still laying face down on the floor, you felt her swallow up your chest as she now approached your face. In one last moment of desperation, you tried to call out for help, but she suddenly wrapped her soft pillowy tongue around your mouth and jaw, muffling your screams for help. You swore you could’ve heard her giggle softly as she finally made its way up your neck, clamping her soft jaws around your forehead and underneath your chin like a hood.

      Finally, she stopped leaving only your face free, you squirmed and wiggled inside of her body, but her soft insides merely absorbed and inhibited your struggles. In return, she began squirming around as well massaging your body as a result. A soft moan escaped your lips as she caressed you with her insides, it felt like she was giving you an intimate massage while giving you a gentle hug. At this point, it felt less like you were being attacked by a large predator, and more like being comforted by a big friendly sleeping bag.

      As she continued her massage, you could hear her moan as well. The plush snake was definitely enjoying your company, being this close and intimate with you after all this time. Eventually, you relax your body, the overwhelming comfort of your plushy enclosure easing you into surrender. No longer feeling any resistance, she slithered onto your bed and rested the back of her head against your pillow facing you up to the ceiling. Unwrapping her tongue from your face, she began to gently lick your cheeks as if giving you a rewarding kiss. Then she proceeded to pile her coils on top of herself as if draping a weighted blanket over your cocooned body. You couldn't escape even if you wanted to, her hold on you was too firm, too welcoming, and way too comfortable. As if to relax you further, the plush snake began to hum to you, the soft vibrations of your voice massaging your cheeks and body like a lullaby.

     It wasn't long before you slowly closed your eyes, and drifted off into a well-deserved sleep. Moral of the story, plushes are dangerous to all-nighter workaholics! 


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