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        Back in the mainframe room, Jax was pacing back and forth as the human and dog-kin continued their attempt to regain control of the system. Jax was clearly anxious, he couldn’t relax hoping that his friend would return any-moment. "Any luck on getting our system back up?” he asked. “It’s only been 8 minutes, and that’s the 8th time you’ve asked.” replied the dog-kin. “We’re trying our best to regain access, but the best we can do is keep trying.” the human added. Jax sighed, as he continued pacing. "It’s fine, Crypto should be back any minute now.” he said nervously with a face smile. Suddenly the door began to creak loudly, as if it was being opened from the other side. Everyone turned their attention to the door spooked, except for Jax who looked relieved. “See! I knew he’d be back.” Jax said with a big smile. The large metal door was forced open from the bottom slowly retracting into the ceiling. To everyones shock they saw Crypto dangling from a string of rubber stuck to his back and over his mouth, held by the tall faceless rubber woman, along with her red panda-kin hostage. "Behold ladies and gentlemen! Your crowning achievement stands before you.” The faceless woman boasted as they stepped into the room. Everyone looked spooked and confused, as the rubber woman had something to do with their predicament. But Jax was blissfully clueless to the woman's intentions. “Thank goodness you're here!” Jax chucked nervously. “I was beginning to think we’d never get out."

        “Lock the door.” The rubber woman ordered placing her hands on her hips. Complying the red panda-kin opened the panel next to the door, pulling a few wires until the door sealed again. “Hey… What are you doing?” Jax asked approaching the rubber woman. With a sinister chuckled she dropped Crypto who fell to the floor with a muffled grunt, and grew a small jiggly rubber sphere out of her right hand. The balloon wobbled around like a ball of jelly as she held it in her hand, it looked like a water balloon. “Look out!” the shark-kin shouted pushing Jax to the side. As if it was a blowing ball, the rubber woman rolled the sphere toward the shark-kin, as it suddenly began to grow as it made a load bubbling sound. Within just a few moments it had grown to about 7 feet, and before the shark-kin could move out of the way the rubber ball rolled over her, squishing her against the floor under it’s weight. Suddenly, with a soft “Flwoop” she popped inside of the ball floating around as she found  herself submerged and surrounded by fresh water. The balloon rolled to the other side of the room, jiggling and bouncing as it collided into the wall, leaving the shark-kin woman to tumble around inside. 


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