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Just a quick update, and I want to thank you for your patience.

In the last post, I expressed some concerns about a pain in my chest. Although it wasn't too severe during the time of that post, it DID get a bit worse. That said, I'm doing a bit better now. I've been trying to take it easy over the last week and relax. My best guess is it's linked to stress, so I should be a lot more mindful of my health -- because that was really not fun.

It's a stressful position to be in though, because my ability to produce art is directly linked to my ability to continue living, and anything that gets in the way of my ability to produce art is potentially dangerous...

Anyway, I've begun working on the next major illustration! Check out the work in progress.

I'm hoping to do something similar to my last few rendered illustrations, but with a bit more looseness and energy. A close-up helps to make the piece a bit more approachable, and it lets me fill most of the composition with the figure. The flowing cloth and hair should help with that energy too.

Concept Art Rambling

The next Concept Art post is probably going to be a bit looser than usual, but I've been spending a bit of time building narrative and lore. Writing's hard! It's definitely a different process than the purely visually driven Concept Art posts. That said, it's not just going to be an exposition dump, or even entirely focused on lore. Here's a quick preview of that!

I've also been thinking a bit about Amaranth's design, though I still haven't arrived at any kind of conclusion. This next post will probably just be a bit of a loose scattershot of sorts.

Anyway, I've been feeling a bit sluggish lately, so I should keep this post short and simple. Even though I'm being a bit slow right now, do know that I will still do my best to provide the best possible experience I can.

Don't forget to eat & sleep.



Hey, take care of yourself first and foremost. All of us I'm sure want to make sure you're doing fine before we worry about art or anything like that. Glad to hear you're trying to relax more, though.


It's a wonderful, and admittedly easy, sentiment -- but if it compromises productivity, it runs the risk of providing a less than stellar experience, which is not really what people are here for. It's a tough position either direction one looks at it.