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"One would think you wanted me to be with child..." muttered Garnet, wearing a blush-tinged smile as she sat atop Andrew's left thigh, the latter using the same sponge and towel as before to wipe the sweat from her body and the semen leaking from her slightly swollen pussy.

Causing the smile on Garnet's face to become more prominent, Andrew muttered, "I definitely wouldn't complain..."

Exhaling a faint chuckle, Garnet caressed the side of Andrew's face, her expression and tone softening as she said, "Let's save things like that for after we stop the war and bring Kuja to justice..."

Though Garnet's words indicated they were now thoroughly entangled, Andrew didn't mind. He also wasn't concerned with the difference in their status. He might have been before, but now that they had crossed a line he could only fantasize about crossing in his previous life, he was with her for the long haul.

With such thoughts in his mind, Andrew leaned in for a kiss. Fortunately, Garnet came to meet him halfway, closing her eyes as they initiated an impromptu makeout session. She truthfully believed they had gotten a little ahead of themselves. But, like Andrew, now that they had crossed the line, she had no intention of taking a step back.

"You're so beautiful..." whispered Andrew, tracing the sponge along Garnet's abdomen.

"You're rather attractive yourself..." countered Garnet, planting another kiss on Andrew's lips before pulling away and stating, "But we shouldn't draw this out any longer. I'm not ashamed of what we have done, but it would be best to keep our relationship a secret until after my coronation. Then, when I sit upon the throne of Alexandria, I shall accept you as my consort..."

Exhaling a chuckle of his own, Andrew softly asserted, "I'm not sure I can live up to your expectations, but I'll be damned if I don't give it my all..."

"That's more than enough," affirmed Garnet. Then, despite saying they should wrap things up, she grabbed his still lively dick, adding, "One more time shouldn't hurt..." with narrowed eyes and a smile. Instead, they did it three...




Though the events in-game took place over two months, allowing characters to appear precisely where they need to be, irrespective of distance and travel time, reality was less 'convenient.' It took time to mobilize troops and prepare all the supplies they would need to avoid having to ransack villages or rob farmers, so it wasn't until two weeks later that Cid summoned Andrew, Garnet, Zidane, and Freya to inform them preparations were complete.

"I only wish I could join you," said Cid, punctuating his statement with a <gwok>. "Unfortunately, while I plan to assemble the necessary potions to turn myself into a frog, I will not be fit to support you directly until my return to human form."

Acting as the group's de facto leader, for obvious reasons, Garnet placed her hand on her chest and said, "Please, be at ease, Uncle. You have done more than enough by lending us your men and preparing supplies. Once I ascend the throne and become Queen, I look forward to brokering a long-lasting peace between our two Kingdoms."

"That will surely be a great day for all the people of the Mist Continent," affirmed Cid. "Though, should everything go to plan, I suppose we'll have to choose a new name for our motherland..."

Seeing Cid look his way, Andrew briefly hesitated before smiling as he proposed, "How about Fantasia? Or maybe Freedonia...?"

Nodding his skull-shaped, insectoid head, Cid remarked, "Two laudable options. Once these matters are well and truly behind us, let us convene the three nations' leaders to decide. Until then, I pray for your fortune in battle and eagerly await the news of your triumph."

"Farewell, Uncle..." said Garnet, bowing politely before turning and taking the initiative to depart, prompting everyone else to follow. The troops Cid had prepared were waiting for them at a region called the Pinnacle Rocks, located approximately sixty-three kilometers from the city. After that, it was a nearly 2,000km journey to Alexandria, so she was eager to set out as soon as possible...




Shortly after departing the throne room and boarding the elevator that would take them to the middle levels, Zidane startled Andrew and Garnet by sizing up the former and remarking, "There's something different about you, Andrew. You seem a lot more confident than before..."

Thinking quickly, Andrew replied, "Well, I did win the Festival of the Hunt. Taking down that beast of a fiend, Zaghnol, helped me recognize that I'm a lot more capable than I imagined."

"Of course you are!" affirmed Zidane, thumping his chest as he added, "You've still got a ways to go before you surpass me, but I wouldn't want to fight you seriously if I could avoid it."

Catching Andrew a little off guard, Freya offered a curt nod, adding, "You possess the aura of the strong. Someone who is prepared to do anything to protect the things they care about."

"Well...you're not wrong..." replied Andrew, doing his best to avoid turning his gaze to Garnet. She had different ideas, however, adopting a smile as she attested, "That's why I chose Andrew as my Knight. I knew from the very beginning he was someone special. Someone I could entrust my life and the fate of my people to..."

Raising his brows, Zidane noted, "Wow, that's some high praise," before looking to Andrew and adopting a teasing smile as he asked, "You hear that, Andrew? Looks like you have the fate of an entire Kingdom resting on your shoulders. If you need help propping it up, just let me know. I can at least listen to you complain over a few drinks."

Rolling his eyes, Andrew remarked, "If my visions continue to reveal true events, the entire world's fate may rest on all of our shoulders. Keep that in mind when we reach Alexandria. We need to locate the prototype Black Mage, Vivi."

"Just leave that to me," said Zidane, thumping his chest a second time as he added, "If he's still in Alexandria, I'll be sure to find him."

With the elevator coming to a stop near the end of Zidane's statement, everyone got off and began making their way down the Grand Gallery. Along the way, seemingly averse to the very concept of silence, Zidane placed his hands behind his head and remarked, "But, man...you said we might have to save the world? Can we really pull off something like that with just seven or eight people? I mean, one of the people you mentioned was a six-year-old brat..."

"That six-year-old brat is strong enough to level entire cities..." reminded Andrew. However, as Zidane had yet to witness the power of an Eidolon, he couldn't imagine the destruction they were capable of.

"Well, if you say so, it must be true~" hummed Zidane, not caring either way. He was only tagging along because Andrew was family. Of course, if they did end up having to save the world, he would fight tooth and nail to stop whoever was trying to destroy it. Not just for Andrew but his friends in Tantalus and all those he had come to care about. Nobody messed with the people he cared about...




As luring and riding a Gargan, a large insect that used the roots of Gargan Roo to travel very quickly, wasn't exactly feasible for an entire battalion of soldiers and engineers, what awaited Andrew, Garnet, Zidane, and Freya upon their arrival at Pinnacle Rocks was a convoy of large, armored, mist-powered carriages. There was a possibility they would need to establish a line of defense within the underground tunnels of Gargan Roo, so Cid had ordered some of his best engineers to convert decommissioned Air Cabs into heavily armored vehicles. As a result, not only would they be able to travel much faster than either Andrew or Garnet had anticipated, but the ride was fairly comfortable...




With an entire cabin to themselves, Garnet sat next to Andrew, holding his hand and resting her head on his shoulder. Zidane and Freya were near the front of the convoy, acting as vanguard units, so they had even more time to bond as the line of armored carriages made its way forward at a rate of 320-400 kilometers per day.

"Do you love me...?" asked Garnet, causing Andrew to open his eyes and turn to meet the raven-haired Princess's gaze, brows raised slightly as he unhesitantly replied, "Of course I do. But why are you asking? Starting to have doubts about our relationship...?"

"That's not it..." replied Garnet, adopting a slightly pouty expression as she sat up, staring directly into his eyes as she revealed, "I wanted to talk about this later, but I noticed you vanished one of the times you said you needed to use the washroom. I searched for you, but you were nowhere to be found. I nearly summoned the guards to have them search as well, but then you reappeared as if nothing was amiss..."

Recalling the incident Garnet was talking about, the smile on Andrew's face cramped. The disappearance she was talking about was the result of him making a trip over to the world of Final Fantasy 8 for a few containers of ammunition and a dozen additional grenades. He never anticipated that Garnet would try and follow him to the bathroom, discovering at least part of his secret...

Noticing the change in Andrew's expression, Garnet frowned and said, "I expect the next words out of your mouth to be an explanation..." in a tone that left little room for argument.

Though he wasn't prepared to divulge the full truth, Andrew nodded in affirmation, responding, "I understand..." before closing his eyes, taking a deep breath, and explaining, "The visions I've mentioned are not the only power I possess. I can also link to other worlds, travel between them, and speak with their inhabitants through a mysterious system I gained access to after waking in Lindblum..."

"You can travel to other worlds...?" repeated Garnet, wearing a dubious expression but not dismissing Andrew's words outright.

"I can..." affirmed Andrew. Then, as the gears in his mind turned faster than they ever had, he added, "And I think I 'have' to..."

"What do you mean...?" asked Garnet, tilting her head slightly.

"It has to do with my visions," stated Andrew. "They don't just show me the events that are set to transpire in this world, but all the worlds I travel to. I'm unsure why I was chosen, but my power allows me to interfere and alter otherwise determined fate. And that's not all..."

Materializing his pistol, Andrew handed it over to Garnet, advising her not to stare down the barrel before explaining, "My abilities allow me to move items from one world to another. When I vanished a few days ago, it was to purchase weapons and items I believed would be useful in our coming battles."

"I see..." muttered Garnet, finding Andrew's words far more convincing now that he had materialized an item she had never seen out of thin air. The craftsmanship was incredible, so much so that she doubted even the greatest engineers of Lindblum would be able to manufacture something of similar quality. As for her, she couldn't even imagine how it was made.

"That's not all..." whispered Andrew, caressing Garnet's cheek with his left hand, compelling her to turn and meet his gaze as he revealed, "There are limitations, but I can share my power with others. That includes the ability to travel to different worlds..."

Blinking in surprise, Garnet asked, "Is such a thing truly possible?" with a glimmer of expectation and excitement in her eyes.

Nodding in affirmation, Andrew planted a kiss on Garnet's lips, prompting her to reciprocate. Afterward, he explained to her the 'limitations' he had come up with, and then, without further ado, he added her as a friend through his Correspondence Menu and invited her to join his Party...



