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If undressing Garnet was stressful, what followed made Andrew wish he could pop over to FF8 to grab some duct tape. He really tried not to, but there was no way he could avoid popping a boner when there was a cute, completely naked girl before him, having him wash her body with a large sponge and wipe it down with a towel.

Fortunately, though the silence made Andrew even tenser, Garnet didn't say anything regarding his 'condition' from start to finish. Andrew knew for a fact she had noticed it, as he caught her staring more than once, but other than blushing, which she had been doing since the start, she had no major reaction. The only time she spoke was when he attempted to avoid certain areas, causing her to say things such as, "Do it properly," and, "It's fine..." in a faint but firm tone.

After clearing nearly every other nook and cranny of Garnet's body, there was only one place Andrew had yet to touch, causing him to look away as he knelt before her, whispering, "You should do the last part yourself..."

"I refuse," responded Garnet, spreading her legs ever so slightly as she rested her hands on her lower abdomen and gazed down at Andrew with an intense, unblinking stare.

Though it took him several seconds, Andrew eventually turned his eyes to the front, avoiding Garnet's gaze as he placed his left hand on her hip and reached forward with the sponge in his right. There was a very faint trace of a viscous liquid that clearly wasn't water gathering at the lowest point of her immaculate, recently shaven pussy, but Andrew wiped it away with a stone-faced expression. His ministrations caused more liquid to appear, but he dutifully wiped it away as he tentatively cleaned and attempted to dry the Princess's, Garnet's perfectly sculpted pussy lips...

Causing virtually every nerve in Andrew's body to tense, Garnet abruptly placed her hands on his head when he was busy drying her. Immediately after, his mind drew a blank when she leaned forward, momentarily using him as support as her legs trembled, followed by a marked increase in the amount of fluid leaking from her pussy...

Unable to process what he had witnessed, Andrew stared unblinkingly at the space between Garnet's legs, his mind completely devoid of thought as she continued to lean on him, panting. Zidane's 'advice' briefly entered his mind, but while he had clearly caused Garnet to climax, Andrew didn't view that as a license to do as he pleased. Instead, he froze, silently and patiently waiting for her to get control of her breathing.

With one final sigh-like exhale, Garnet released Andrew's head and took a step away, her expression exuding sensuality and femininity as she smiled and affirmed, "I was right about you...even when you're presented with an opportunity most others would attempt to capitalize on, you're careful and considerate, fearful of frightening or causing me to lose faith in you..."

Though he wasn't sure what Garnet was getting at, Andrew could never have anticipated what she would do next. He assumed he had flipped her switch or something, as she suddenly reached between her thighs with her right hand, spreading her pussy with her index and middle fingers as she whispered, "It's okay, Andrew...I am not afraid, and my faith is not so easily broken..."

Raising his gaze to meet Garnet's, Andrew made no attempts to hide how dumbfounded he was, asking, "What are you expecting me to do...?"

"Whatever you want..." replied Garnet, her expression making it clear she was serious. Before Andrew could respond, however, she added, "So long as it isn't asking me to put my clothes on..."

"And what if I decide to take mine off...?" asked Andrew, his confused look replaced by one of severity.

"Then we'll be on even footing..." replied Garnet, her face nearly as red as the light from the setting sun, leaking in through the windows.

"I could even wash you..." proposed Garnet, removing her hand from her pussy and bending down to pick up the sponge Andrew dropped during his stupor, holding it up next to her face and smiling.

Resisting the urge to tell Garnet she should only do things like this with the person she loved, Andrew began removing his clothes rather than simply placing them in his Items tab. As he did, Garnet's gaze lowered to the substantial tent he was pitching, her brown eyes appearing to glisten with expectation. Then, when he finally removed the obstruction of his pants and boxer-like undershorts, her eyes widened as she covered her mouth and softly exclaimed, "Oh, my...!"

Though it was a bit smaller than his original companion, Andrew could take pride in the fact he was packing a partner nearly 20cm long and with a girth exceeding ten. He hadn't ventured into the worlds of Final Fantasy looking to get his rocks off, but it was definitely better to be packing than not.

"Can I...may I touch it?" asked Garnet, staring at Andrew's erect dick with more fascination than fear.

Nodding in affirmation, Andrew mustered the courage to reply, "Yeah...but be careful. It's a lot more sensitive than my tail..."

Returning a nod of her own, Garnet moved closer to Andrew before sitting on her knees. Then, without any hesitation, she extended both hands, her right grabbing his shaft and her left resting on his outer right thigh.

"It's hot and remarkably firm..." remarked Garnet, putting a tiny amount of strength into her hand to give Andrew's dick a tentative squeeze. As she did so, a small amount of precum leaked from its tip, causing her brows to rise. She knew Andrew was turned on, but her knowledge of the specifics was a bit shallow, prompting her to remark, "You're leaking..."

"It's not pee..." assured Andrew, prompting Garnet to blink in surprise as she hadn't even considered the possibility. Then, as if to confirm if what he said was true, she leaned forward and gave it a whiff.

Furrowing her brows, Garnet gazed up at Andrew and asked, "Have you been cleaning yourself properly?"

"Yeah, but I also spent most of the afternoon running around, hunting monsters..." reminded Andrew. He had changed into his reserve outfit to get the Zaghnol's blood and the remains of its eye off of him, but he had still sweated like a dog.

"Ah, that's right..." muttered Garnet, returning her gaze to Andrew's dick before leaning forward and giving it another whiff. This time, however, she did so for several seconds before surprising Andrew as she declared, "It's not an unbearable smell..."

Before Andrew could process her words, Garnet surprised him beyond compare as she removed her left hand from his thigh, combed aside her bangs, and brought her face forward. He had secretly hoped she would, but he never expected she would actually take his penis into her mouth. Her top teeth scraped his glans, but he didn't care as the raven-haired Princess began to experimentally suck his cock.

'I don't know what I did to deserve this, but thank you, Hydaelyn, and whoever else is responsible for this situation...' thought Andrew, placing his hand on Garnet's head as he closed his eyes, bit his lip, and leaned his head back slightly.

Looking up at Andrew from below, Garnet felt emboldened as she saw his scrunched, clearly gratified expression. She was never done anything like this before, so she was secretly afraid she might mess up. Seeing Andrew enjoying himself and hearing him groan caused her heart and another part of her body to feel...itchy. Thus, as her knees started to hurt, she released Andrew's cock from her mouth, prompting him to stare at her with a look of 'betrayal' as she transitioned into a squatting pose and stared up at him with upturned eyes. Then, while continuing to hold his gaze, she reached between her spread legs and began to rub her pussy...

Adopting a smile, Andrew surprised Garnet by asserting, "God, you're so fucking sexy..."

Returning a smile of her own, Garnet took a moment to adjust her position a second time, this time lying on her back with legs spread, hands on her thighs as she stared up at him and destroyed every last bit of restraint he had by whispering, "You forgot to clean the inside..."

Dropping to his knees with a dull thud, Andrew leaned forward, grabbing Garnet's legs and spreading them wider. She was remarkably flexible, so it wasn't a difficult position for her to hold. Unfortunately, just as Andrew was about to stick his dick inside her, a particular realization entered his mind, compelling him to ask, "Do you have any condoms...?"

"What's a condom...?" asked Garnet, tilting her head cutely as she cupped her breasts with her hands. Condoms existed in the world of Final Fantasy 9, but they were the archaic kind, fashioned from animal intestines. Garnet had read quite a few books regarding 'intimacy' between men and women, but not a one had mentioned condoms, resulting in her current confusion.

Shaking his head, Andrew skipped the detailed explanation and rubbed his glans against Garnet's eagerly-awaiting pussy, asking, "You know this is how babies are made, right...?"

Blushing several shades deeper, Garnet brought her left hand up to her mouth and looked to the side, sending chills through Andrew's body as she muttered her go-to phrase, specifically, "It's fine..." before looking at him out of the corner of her eye.

"This might hurt a little..." whispered Andrew, no longer hesitating as he drove his hips forward. To his surprise, while Garnet was incredibly tight, his dick slid into her without issue. There was no way she wasn't a virgin, so the two most likely explanations were that she had ripped her hymen while training or by playing with herself. However, as she didn't seem too experienced with the latter, it was presumably the former.

Hyperventilating due to Andrew's sudden intrusion, Garnet's back briefly arched before most of the muscles in her body relaxed. Then, erasing any doubts Andrew may have had remaining, she spread her arms, extending them toward him as she said, "Hold me..." with teary eyes. Andrew readily complied, but rather than simply embracing her, he began placing gentle, increasingly passionate kisses on Garnet's lips until she took the initiative to hold him in place and force him to kiss her deeper.

Feeling Garnet's insides begin to ease up after several minutes, Andrew slowly pumped his hips, causing her to cease kissing him, gasping as she slapped the carpeted floor with both hands. When Andrew moved, it felt like electricity had run through her body, initially surprising but eventually exciting her as he continued to move, causing her to bite her lip and close her eyes.

"It's okay...it's okay to move faster..." Garnet assured, and Andrew was more than happy to comply. He already had his hands on the floor, so he promptly propped himself up and began ramping up the pace. Garnet's inexperienced pussy struggled to accept him completely, but that meant he could poke against the deepest part of her without issue. This was a major turnoff for most girls, as it could be fairly painful, but seeing how Garnet grabbed his arms and began moaning loudly, Andrew concluded she was the type of girl that could enjoy a proper 'pounding.'

Perhaps due to his excitement, Andrew noticed the world dimming as Garnet's moans became longer and drawn out. It was only after he saw the bluish-white light exuding from the depths of Garnet's eyes that he realized what had truly happened.

'She seriously just used Haste on me...' thought Andrew, an incredulous smile developing across his face. He assumed she still believed he was holding back on her account. Using Haste, she made it transparently clear she didn't want him to be gentle...

Turning Garnet onto her side and forcibly tucking her knees to her chest, Andrew began to fuck her with reckless abandon. He was, in fact, a little worried he might injure her, but as a White Mage capable of healing even missing limbs, Garnet could take a pounding and be perfectly fine with a simple cast of Cure. When she additionally used Silence to stop her voice from leaking out, Andrew subsequently went full monke...



