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"How mysterious..." muttered Garnet, turning over her hands and gazing down at her body. She didn't feel any different, but her appearance was similar yet distinct from what she was accustomed to.

"That's one of the interesting things about hopping between worlds," said Andrew, drawing Garnet's shimmery-eyed gaze. "Each has its own unique aesthetic. There are also disparities in the level of technology. This world, for example, has technology so advanced that the inhabitants are able to travel beyond the sky, occupying space."

With Andrew pointing upward, Garnet looked at the sky with a sense of wonder apparent in her gaze. She had been doubtful when he first told her he could travel between worlds, but now...now she understood just how truly 'special' Andrew was.

'It's a good thing I got ahold of him before someone else did...' thought Garnet, feeling a touch of guilt. However, more than that, she felt that fate had brought her and Andrew together, compelling her to stare at him with a narrow-eyed smile.

Adopting a smile of his own, Andrew, beginning to feel a little nervous, asked, "Why do I suddenly feel like you're about to eat me...?"

"Because you have good instincts," replied Garnet, surprising Andrew by pouncing on him. They were in a grass meadow between Balamb Garden and the nearby Balamb Town, but she didn't mind that they were outside, giving Andrew a deep kiss before pulling away and telling him to grab her butt. He happily complied, but when she attempted to take things a step further, he insisted they return to their own world first...




Though it was a bit dangerous for them to lounge about, even while the convoy was stopped for the day, Garnet was lying naked atop Andrew, enjoying the feeling of his tail gently gliding along her pussy as she said, "We should endeavor to establish trade and relations with the nations of other worlds. I'm not sure what we can offer them, but if their technology is advanced as you say, it would greatly benefit the people of Alex—nay, the whole of Gaia..."

"If that's what you want me to do, I'll do my best to make it a reality," replied Andrew, completely smitten with the ambitious beauty treating him as her lounge. He was already benefitting from the trade of goods between multiple worlds, so he just needed to scale things up a bit, and Alexandria could quickly replace Lindblum as the epicenter of innovation and technology on the Mist Continent.

Raising her head to meet Andrew's gaze, Garnet smiled and said, "Then I shall do my best to meet your expectations as well. Just tell me what you desire..."

As if to tempt him toward a specific answer, Garnet began to caress her lower abdomen. Andrew knew what she was hinting at even without her explaining, so a faint chuckle emanated from his throat before he drew her closer and teased, "I'm pretty sure you want that just as much as I do..."

"Then what can I give you?" asked Garnet, furrowing her brows as she muttered, "There must be something..."

Shaking his head, Andrew kissed Garnet's forehead before asserting, "I'm happy just being with you. If there's one thing I could ask of you...it would be your patience. I'm not a perfect man. Heck, I can't even recall my past. So if I ever make a mistake or fail to meet your expectations, please don't resent me too much..."

Narrowing her eyes slightly, Garnet remarked, "If I didn't know better, it sounds like you're planning to commit adultery..."

Adopting a wry smile, Andrew remarked, "I seem to have a weakness for strong-willed, incredibly assertive women..."

Understanding that Andrew was talking about her, the blush on Garnet's face became marginally more prominent. At the same time, however, she suddenly felt anxious. She believed in Andrew wholeheartedly but knew better than anyone just how much of a pushover he could be. She would also be busy managing the affairs of the Kingdom once she was crowned Queen, so she couldn't exactly travel with him to the worlds he had yet to Link...

Leaving Andrew slackjawed, Garnet surprised him immensely by stating, "I will permit it so long as they occupy a position of power. But you 'must' introduce us. And if I don't approve of their character, I expect favoritism as your first wife and Queen..."

"That's way more than I could have asked for..." replied Andrew, the look on his face making it clear he hadn't fully processed what had transpired. His perplexity made Garnet feel better, but as she was still annoyed, she grabbed his dick and declared, "I also expect you to fulfill your obligation 'before' you run off somewhere I can't reach..."

"Obligation?" echoed Andrew, raising his brows and smiling cheekily as he grabbed Garnet's right breast, giving it a gentle squeeze as he appended, "It's the greatest honor I could ask for..."




After seven days of travel, the convoy of nearly a thousand soldiers and twenty engineers was less than ten kilometers from their destination. The rest of the way would be traversed on foot, but before Lindblum's soldiers stormed the castle, Garnet felt compelled to at least try and settle things peacefully. Cid had also left the timing of the assault to her discretion, so after conveying her intentions to the convoy's commander, she gathered Andrew, Zidane, and Freya to explain, "The four of us will enter the castle in advance of the attack and occupation squad, taking care to disable the trap Andrew mentioned previously. Our potential enemies include some of Alexandria's most elite forces, and we are guaranteed to be outnumbered. If any of you wants to back out...I will not condemn, criticize, or reproach you..."

"I just spent seven days warming a seat," stated Zidane. "No way in hell am I gonna sit this one out."

Raising her ornate, three-pronged spear, Freya cooly appended, "Once a Dragoon has chosen to fight, they do not retreat..."

Smiling broadly, Garnet closed her eyes and bowed, stating, "Then know you have my utmost gratitude. And, once I become Queen, I will see that you are rewarded handsomely for your services..."

"That certainly sweetens the deal~" mused Zidane, subsequently shifting his gaze to Andrew to teasing remark, "I notice the Princess didn't ask for your opinion. That's some trust she has in you."

Before Andrew could respond, Garnet caused his brain to shortcircuit by openly revealing, "Andrew is the man I have selected to accompany me during my Queenhood. Once we are wed, you are welcome to come and reside in an annex of the castle."

Just as surprised as Andrew, Zidane stared at Garnet as if she had just grown a plant from her head. He suspected that there was 'something' going on between Andrew and Garnet, but he didn't think it had reached the point where they were seriously considering marriage. It hadn't even been a month since their first meeting...

Recovering before Andrew, Zidane looked to his kinsman with a cheeky smile and said, "You lucky dog, you. I'd have shaven my tail just to get a girl like the Princess to step on me..."

Snorting through her nose, Garnet crossed her arms and looked to the side as she quipped, "You could shave every last hair on your body, and I still wouldn't consider such a thing..."

"Ouch~" mused Zidane, rubbing the back of his head and pretending to be hurt. However, as he couldn't even imagine winning the favor of a girl as highborn as Garnet, he didn't take her words to heart. As for Andrew, he had no idea what magic he had used, but Zidane was happy for him, smiling as he mused, "Well, let me know when you set a date. I prefer to play the leading role, but I don't mind letting the two of you stand in the spotlight on your big day."

Punctuating his words, Zidane punched Andrew in his arm much harder than usual before walking off, laughing cheerfully. He might be sincerely happy that Andrew and Garnet had found love, but that didn't make him any less jealous...

Rubbing his shoulder, Andrew briefly observed Zidane's departing figure before turning to Garnet and questioning, "What happened to keeping our relationship a secret?"

"That changed when you revealed yours," replied Garnet, beginning to walk in the same direction as Zidane, prompting Andrew and Freya to follow as she muttered, "Now, I must make it clear to all who you belong to..."

Raising his brows, Andrew felt compelled to say he didn't belong to anyone, but he honestly didn't mind. He had already 'become' Garnet's when she appointed him her Knight, so not much had changed. Rather, seeing how eager she was to claim him, Andrew felt a peculiar sense of gratification. He could scarcely imagine such a thing a month ago. Now, not only did he have a remarkably beautiful woman eager to marry and bear his children, she even permitted him to bed other women...it was a scary but 'empowering' turn of events.

With Freya hurrying ahead to catch up with Zidane, Andrew, feeling a little mischievous as he walked next to Garnet, surprised her by slipping his tail between her legs. She looked up at him as he did so, but instead of telling him to stop, she narrowed her eyes, linked her arm through his, and looked ahead. The napped fabric lining the interior of her jumpsuit was phenomenally absorbent, so even if she began leaking, there was little chance that anyone would notice. After all, even her scent was masked...




After monitoring the ledges providing a vantage point of Alexandria Castle's underground entrance for several minutes, confirming there was no one lying in wait to trap them between the two gates that emerged from the ground, Zidane took the lead in climbing the nearby stairs while Freya leaped up to the aforementioned ledge, providing overwatch.

Though he would have preferred to take point himself, eager to test the efficacy of his Auto-Haste against trained Knights, Andrew understood his duty was to protect Garnet. Thus, as she gracefully made her way up the steps to her castle, he followed close behind, standing tall and proud as any attending Knight should.

Following a twenty-minute ascent up a flight of spiral stairs, crossing over a bridge that constantly spun in random directions to make invading more difficult, Garnet was surprised to discover that the entrance to the secret passage was in her mother's room. It made sense, but as she had spent a substantial amount of time in said room, it was odd that her mother hadn't informed her of its existence.

"So, what now?" asked Zidane, looking around the predominately stone chamber as if searching for things to steal. He honestly expected it to be more extravagant, but it was surprisingly barren, exuding a palpable aura of loneliness.

"We must find General Beatrix or Captain Steiner," said Garnet. "I would prefer to speak with my mother directly, but she is likely commanding the naval fleet. Alexandrian law states that if a monarch is to wage war, they must do so from the frontlines."

"Steiner is one of the people from my visions," reminded Andrew. "He's a little...animated, but he has the potential to be a steadfast ally."

Nodding in affirmation, Garnet added, "The Knights of Pluto get a bad rap, but their Captain, Adelbart Steiner, was an exceptional talent in his youth. My mother rewarded him with the rank and status of Knight Captain when he defeated General Beatrix in single combat. Beatrix was only seventeen and was said to be recovering from an illness, but it was still a noteworthy accomplishment. After all, this is the same Beatrix who defeated 100 fully armed Knights without drawing her sword."

"Wow, sounds like a big shot," remarked Zidane, unaware that Garnet was talking about the overweight, 'tin-plated' Knight he had witnessed running around the castle like a fool during their heist.

"Yes, I'm certain he will be a reliable ally," said Garnet, looking to Andrew as she added, "We just need to find and speak to him without alerting the entire castle to our presence..."



