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Hey guys!

I push the rendering. Today we crossed the 8,000 completed frames. The scene contains a total of 17,000 frames. And there will be another round of fluid rendering. Unfortunately, 1-1 days were dropped last week.There was a storm, hail, power outage, PC and Blender crash. Also, the rendering time is quite variable. We gain time with total cameras and lose time with close cam.

Incidentally, P3 continues from where P2 ended.
First frame: https://imgur.com/a/VWCn8Q9

Now I’m trying to do my things during the day that I haven’t had time for so far. My machine is working in the meantime. Maybe I'll put together a second machine. I have spare parts for it, I just need to buy a few things...


Larry Hunt

Man...if this is the smallest of the three....she's in BIG trouble!

Mr. J

That’s exactly what we are here for, right? :P


Sounds like great progress all things considered. Can’t wait to be blown away by the final cut.

Larry Hunt

Oh...that's right...4 and they just get BIGger and BIGGer and BIGGER! Lara's a tough lass...she can take it! Can't wait to see your amazing work again.

Mike Molto

Yes, I am looking forward for the fluids. Guess there will be a lot of it. Yummie!! Will the bucket be full at the end?


Lara isn't using the bucket right now. But there will be far more liquid than a bucket. ;)