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Hey guys!

The rendering has been going on for 2 weeks. There are still about 2000 frames left. I left the smaller files to the end. After this, the liquid still needs to be rendered. It will be faster because there aren't that many frames out of it. (I did LiT7 the same method.) Unfortunately, I don't think it's going to be done this month and this week.

We will have extreme heat this week. In principle, I prepared for the weekend, cleaned the plane. To avoid problems with cooling. Unfortunately, the climate has been installed for a year, but I still can’t use it. The owner doesn't deal with it.

New scene

Now I am writing the script for the sound work. And I went back to the previous problem. How Lara opens the gate. We have already thought about several variations. But now I have decided to simplify the logic. And for that, today I made the 400 frame long little animation. It’s very simple, the way the centaur gives the c*m is constantly being emptied. The latch, like a progress bar, opens continuously. And if Lara is idle for a long time, it goes backwards. :P There are 4 latches, 4 centaurs...

The first frame from the new scene: https://imgur.com/a/TW4Pa45

Then there are two more things I can add to the cinema. I will write about these in the next post. In principle, they involve little energy investment. They do not delay the appearance.

I got a little sick, I don't feel very well. I'm going for testing tomorrow. Just so I don't infect anyone else.

Good night




Take care pal and have a good rest. I am so admirative of your hard work and I am sure the final result will be amazing. Quality takes time, no need to rush.


Holy fuck I couldn't imagine waiting on a project to render for 2 weeks. I 3d print some and those prints that take half a day feel like an eternity! Thanks for all your work, we'll see you on the other side. Be well.

Larry Hunt

Stay well Max. Agree with Smokedbeef...quality takes time...you the wizard at your craft and this work has the best in the business! Rock it after you get your health back!


Good job Max, the first image looks tremendous in terms od mood / textures...We will wait as long as it takes...the result is the only thing that counts after all no matter what. Keep up with the amazing work ! Thank you ! ( again ^^)


By the way, have you ever worked with REDSHIFT ? ( https://www.maxon.net/fr/redshift )


Yes, before Blender I used Maya and rendered with Redshift. It was considered very fast then. But even so, you had to wait minutes for a frame, which is not good in the case of animation. That's why I switched to Blender and Eevee.