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Hey guys!

So I just started rendering GK P3. I even fixed a few things over the weekend. Unfortunately, I only noticed on Friday that I had left Lara’s top. When I replaced the model with the latest one, somehow it was left out of the scene.

I know I promised WIP pictures, I'm already making a couple for the next post.

Anyway, I don't really know what I'm going to put here while the rendering is going on. Probably a few rendered images or WIPs not yet shown...

Now I’m still wondering how to change the centaur “tool”. I can put this model in P2 and render it again.


Mr. J

I wish your PC the best of luck I can provide 🤪


Are there any options for cloud rendering for Blender? What hardware are you using? How long to render a frame? I use 3ds Max and V-ray. I can just pay a fair ammount for a render in minutes that would take me 24 hours on my 5950x and 3090


There are cloud render services. I tried, not the best solution. Parts of my machine: Intel i9-12900K, 64 GB RAM, NVMe SSD, RTX3900. Rendering of 1 frame in about 30 seconds at 1440p with motion blur, DoF, etc.


may the force be with you and your machine :)


Very nice. With the quality I've seen from you, it seems Blender has a good render engine available.