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I'm Outraged Over The Twitter Outrage About the One Piece Live Adaption

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Cameron Eldridge

Yeah i think this adaptation was unavoidable, so hopefully it works out i think people are just SUPER wary of anime to live action adaptations since they seem to go wrong most of the time. Plus twitter will literally bitch about anything


twitter can be highly toxic which is why i never use it lol. but the way i think of it is as long as its enjoyable rather or not if it follows the anime or source material, i've always go into anything with low expections so i can see the show's, movies, anime which ever is going for. it is more fun to watch something without expecting it to be as good as source material. my good example is the isekai genre as a whole. each anime/show is good in their own right once stopped comparing with other isekai such as is it going to be a cookie cutter, i dont look for that i look for their own take on things and enjoy it very well

Trayvon Brown

The youtube manga reviwers get together to discuss this series in hours long streams a couple times a year that they call the reverie and the showrunner Matt Owens joined one a couple years ago and it was cool to get his perspective (he's a massive fan of the series.) His part is an hour long and here's the link if you want to listen to some of it: https://youtube.com/watch?v=dq_uCBwpn-w&feature=share7


Enjoy it, but let people hate it too. As in the end One Piece isn't really made to be live action at all, it's like the most shounen anime ever made and it's medium is the cartoon style which makes it work. Bring this to too much realism the magic that is OP goes away very fast.


I didn't care to watch it to begin with. Never like real life anime adaptations. Its cringe...


Yes, Twitter will bitch about anything, but this time you can understand why they are being that way for this, people (including me) have been disappointed way too many times when it comes to anime going to live action and pretty much every time it has been a dumpster fire and the fact that One Piece is next and is easily one of the most popular anime to ever grace god’s green Earth, people are gonna closely pay attention to it will people hate on it regardless if it succeeds, yes they will any anime or video game goes through that you can’t please everyone, but there will be people who will have constructive criticism towards it, now I will be watching it personally to see where it goes since I love One Piece to death and I’m curious to see what scenes look like in a live action format and will be wary of other scenes.


Some anime can work as live action, but not over the top like One Piece is it just goes too much away from realism and then realism is brought to your face by just looking at live human being actors trying to be anime characters. Death Note live action worked well, so can many other shows that don't go too much away from realism.


It’s just a waste of everyone’s time and the fact that you even have low expectations about it despite liking the trailer says it all. Odds are this is bad so who is it for? Majority of the actual fans will be turned off by the mangling of something the love and while the IP name will draw some people in it won’t be good enough to keep them around. Bebop was so bad I bet that audience will be reluctant to even give it a chance anyways. Netflix should just fund a One Piece Kai if they want to bring the IP to new people. Not everything needs a live action adaptation, especially when it is something that is essentially impossible to pull off. You can tell they dumped a bunch of money in to this and it still looks bad imo. Luffy doesn’t feel like Luffy at all either. There are countless amazing manga out there that could translate well to live action. Looking at the Netflix Top 10 some romance or shoujo would probably crush it.


I saw something that I firmly believe. Someone had said that no the live action isn’t gonna be great or fantastic with this first season dropping but that’s why we NEED to at least get the second season so they can really get their footing. But that’ll only happen if watch through rates are high


Most people I’ve seen so far the biggest complaints are the gum gum cgi being iffy which I imagine everyone excepted. The cgi sea monster in my opinion looked pretty good but their will always be people just against fully cgi things. And the fact that he said gum gum pistol out loud. Overall I’m going to try to go into it with the same level of low expectations but admittedly I am hype about it so lowering expectations might be hard lol. I think it’ll turn out ok or slightly better then average and god praying we get continuous seasons I believe it’ll get better and better as time goes on (maybe cope)


I’m excited for the new One Piece live action. After Naruto and Bleach ended, I lost the will to continue the manga. This could be a breath of fresh air and maybe get me interested again.

Makayla Rose (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-20 18:45:55 Honestly I don't mind live actions. I am actually really excited. If anything, the cast will carry the show. They seem to be actual fans of one piece and really trained for the role. I mean look at Sanji. The leg being completely straight and the actor literally training for like a year. So happy. Zoro's sword skills look epic too. People also need to realize that we should definitely let the producers and creators have freedom to change certain things. Not people literally being triggered over usopps nose and sanjis eyebrows... like im sure Arlong will have different features too. Who knows he might be completely CGI. And how did they expect the rubber to look? >.> like always people always finding something to shit on. >.>
2023-06-20 15:53:31 Honestly I don't mind live actions. I am actually really excited. If anything, the cast will carry the show. They seem to be actual fans of one piece and really trained for the role. I mean look at Sanji. The leg being completely straight and the actor literally training for like a year. So happy. Zoro's sword skills look epic too. People also need to realize that we should definitely let the producers and creators have freedom to change certain things. Not people literally being triggered over usopps nose and sanjis eyebrows... like im sure Arlong will have different features too. Who knows he might be completely CGI. And how did they expect the rubber to look? >.> like always people always finding something to shit on. >.>

Honestly I don't mind live actions. I am actually really excited. If anything, the cast will carry the show. They seem to be actual fans of one piece and really trained for the role. I mean look at Sanji. The leg being completely straight and the actor literally training for like a year. So happy. Zoro's sword skills look epic too. People also need to realize that we should definitely let the producers and creators have freedom to change certain things. Not people literally being triggered over usopps nose and sanjis eyebrows... like im sure Arlong will have different features too. Who knows he might be completely CGI. And how did they expect the rubber to look? >.> like always people always finding something to shit on. >.>