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It was real nice putting back on the Beanie to record this reaction yesterday....anyways...we Currenly have Goblin lined up next and will start Flower Of Evil to replace Goblin based on the poll.  

When the time comes to post Flower Of Evil...I will poll "It's okay not to be okay" against "Flower Of Evil" and will post the winning show.  Either way you will get both of these shows

Plans are subject to change when a hit Kdrama appears.

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I RECEIVE FAN MAIL  20791 Three Oaks Parkway Unit 349  Estero, Fl 33929



Hey Lee is the schedule on YouTube?

Aka yuki

Oh the line up. 💃💃💃 I 👏am👏here👏for👏it👏


I’ve never seen Flower of evil but putting it against IOTNBO is setting it up for failure

Z Nation

Flower of Evil is in my top 5 kdramas


Just don't know how the kid survived the barrier. I thought everyone with a soul would be hurt


People say Flower of Evil is good but it's not always talked about. But I'm looking forward to it now that you'll be reacting to it. Somun finally summoning the territory always gave me goosebumps. So cool! 🤯

Megan Wall (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-20 15:27:33 It’s with a soul inside them. Like the counters and evil spirits have. Not their own soul.
2023-06-20 15:27:33 It’s with a soul inside them. Like the counters and evil spirits have. Not their own soul.
2023-06-20 10:42:39 It’s with a soul inside them. Like the counters and evil spirits have. Not their own soul.

It’s with a soul inside them. Like the counters and evil spirits have. Not their own soul.


Ahhh I see I see. I forgot the xuntera had basically 2 souls in them

Makayla Rose

I love flower of evil so much. Its okay not to be okay is like a 7 while flower of evil is like a 9. One of my favorite kdramas though is its okay, thats love. I highly recommend.


The evil soul is going to attach itself to the mayor candidate now! AHHHHH. Now we’ll se him laughing in an evil way, just like Director predicted. So, we were right, haha.

Olive Abum

In my unpopular opinion, its okay not to be okay was a disappointment because there were so many good elements in the story/plot, but the "romance" was so annoying and cringey that I had to abandon the show. So, Flower of Evil takes the cake for that one 1000%


22:33 a cultured reference by the most cultured man here, the director.


Cheong Sin was such a good villain and ohmygod is that man beautiful