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My Government May END Me For What I Say At The End

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The sad reality is the military industrial complex in America is way too big for us to ever stop getting involved in world conflicts. You’ll notice all that drama about the debt ceiling and nobody on either side ever suggested lowering the military spending. Both sides will cut every social program that directly helps the average citizen before touching that military budget lol

Trayvon Brown

The trash thing about the military budget is that not only is it bloated beyond belief but the pentagon has FAILED it's last 5 audits and can't account for 61% of their 3.5 trillion in $ and assets. This is just blatant corruption yet the budget keeps going up year after year. Tell them niggas to find they money and don't increase the budget another cent until they do. Source: https://oversight.house.gov/release/comer-sessions-open-probe-into-department-of-defense-after-failing-gao-audit-for-fifth-time%EF%BF%BC/


I'm sure 10% of the military budget could fix the healthcare system, public education system, homelessness crisis, opioid epidemic, mental health crisis, get better/longer training for police departments and fix public infrastructure. Ok well maybe 20%. Y'all even have any publicly owned/funded news stations? Lee I'm from Grenada and I could move to the US but for what? to get pulled over and out my car and beat up for no reason? I know the chance is like 1% but right now its 0% so fuck that. USA is an empire in decline.


For myself it's interesting to hear your thoughts about these as I am not from there. Just say your piece, I'll support you as in the end YBRL you are good person =)


You are right about the military industrial but America has been to war for like 230 years out of 250 ish. The idea that war is necessary for peace is 100% bullshit the entire global south is poor not because of socialism or their culture that is because the CIA is quite literally making sure anyone who doesn’t sell to the US for CHEAP gets replaced in a coup. I don’t believe the US population wants war, but you have been very indoctrinated to such a degree it is hard to undo. Americans can fix it, but won’t do it. The nation was founded on revolution and while we should not go back to that things can change if you really try. Also the government should be spending a lot of money, but instead on socialization programs Watch Hasanabi on Twitch or YouTube he really has some good takes and knows way too much about politics but does it in an interesting way. Love your reaction Lee keep up the amazing work, if you don’t agree about the politics just ignore it 😉


i agree with much of what your saying lee and i agree with the take on wars Americans don't want war the government wants war which is why i am always biased to presidents who don't start new wars and that i feel will keep us out of war but i really like your takes.


But no matter if you agree or disagree it does not change my opinion of you. Love you guys and the energy you each bring have been a sub almost the entire time since covid and it won't change ;)


Hasan has terrible takes. Most people know he spouts bullshit

Kamo King

It goes without saying that the sheer amount of US spending on the military is ridiculous and more of it should be allocated towards domestic issues. However, the sad reality is that the US being involved in so many foreign affairs is a seemingly necessary barrier that prevents major long-term issues - in other words, from US opposition (which includes Russia, China, etc), and those yet established. 1) It’s been shown that one of these major powers will jump at the opportunity to extend their influence/land, ie, Russia in recent times. 2) Many of these foreign battles are against factions that oppose Western ideals - this establishes yet more powers against the US in the long term, on top of risking world safety, because all it takes is one single nuke in the wrong hands to set the whole world off. 3) No other major power on the US’s side would want to take up this role, yet alone have the resources to do so. The scenario where the US withdraws its resources, and every single country affected remains allied, with no opposing power jumping in, is a slim chance. The US presence is a deterrent from those future problems. Though, it also goes without saying that I and many others don’t like these wars, and certainly, not all these wars are fought with the best intentions. Additionally, I never take for granted living in America, because while it’s got plenty of issues, I can acknowledge the “easy” life I get when compared to millions around the globe just simply struggling for food and water, working their lives away, or seeing their money inflate balloons. The US gets an awful rap because our issues are just the most televised/shared (still not the best, but you’d be shocked what some other “good” countries are like). Florida/California/etc are also just money pits - many people could live so much more comfortably/secure just by moving states, and an online job is the best thing to allow that


As someone who knows very very little about politics I can’t say much but what I can say is everything you stated in the video seemed right to me and my ignorant ass 😂

Cameron Eldridge

I agree with everything you said except Hasan, think for yourself don't look to someone like him (or anyone really) for validation or credible info. You really can't trust anyone who profits off a political agenda

The Grim

All I can say is that it’s definitely a problem that people have to be careful when explaining their view, even if I completely disagreed with you, which I don’t, I would want to hear your view because ideas and debate are incredibly important in a productive and growing society, people have sadly forgotten this fact, so I’m happy that you did make this video :)

Jacob R

Definitely agree that most people have reasonable takes. The things that get blown up for everyone to see are the vocal minority. The main issue with the United States is that the .001% are the ones in power and seek the benefit of themselves. A study published in January this year showed that as of Dec 2022 57% of Americans think that the government should ensure health coverage for all in the U.S. Yet there have been no strides in moving towards that because the way our healthcare industry operates. Something you had mentioned is that we as Americans care about our own bank accounts so much. This is definitely true, but we need to look at why that is. American has instilled in us a hyper capitalist mindset that we have to always be chasing that paycheck. It is enforced because without that mindset there are no social safety nets to help people. I think it is about 60% that currently live paycheck to paycheck. Things like universal healthcare, public housing, higher minimum wage, etc would help a majority of Americans and yet there has been no progress towards things that would benefit Americans the most.

Jacob R

You can definitely look to individuals more knowledgeable than yourself for information and then formulate your own thoughts on the subjects. You would be hard pressed to find anywhere that does not profit off a political agenda.


No he does not, you guys just repeat the exact same talking point that other people who don’t watch him.


Mate you have only watched a 10 sec short on him saying that he profits off politics, really just shows you don’t know anything about him except what others have told you🤣


I agree. You made some great points. It would be cool if you could do more of these.

The Grim

Our government as is, will not be capable of forming these types of deals, too many agendas, it will be more of a carrot on a stick then a utopia, which is how it has always turned out sadly, what we really need to do is stop picking sides in a war between two asshats and clean up our house before worrying about everyone else’s, our current commander and chief has sent multiple billions in his time in office to seemingly random places for slightly odd reasons and basically instantly inflating the dollar each time. I hate what’s happening in the world don’t get me wrong, but we gotta be selfish for a little bit and actually re-stabilize. (Btw not trying to argue lmao, just having a friendly back and forth)

Jacob R

Yeah I get it. I think a lot of it boils down to who is passing legislature. We definitely need to do a mass purge of our congress. Whether it is self-interests or incompetence I believe we need better representation. The fact that the median age for congress members is 65.3 is crazy. Then there are people like Dianne Feinstein who is 89 years old hardly able to actually attend congress and is refusing to retire.