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Smash Bran'Discootch

Fire Elemental Kiki! LETS FREAKIN GOOOOO! Incidentally, the Avatar The Last Airbender franchise influenced Keyleth's character a lot when Marisha was building her, and JANET VARNEY who voiced Korra is also voicing Keyleth's mom! How perfect is that?!


The Ashari aren’t a homogenized race. There can be gnomish Air Ashari, Dragonborn Fire Ashari, Tiefling Water Ashari, etc in any combination. What Cerkonos (the flame speaker of the fire ashari) meant was that one who’s been with the fire ashari people freed Thordak. I will say that it is most DEFINITELY not Anna Ripley, cuz she was in White Stone, and not in Pyrrah, which is in a different continent. Unlike Vox Machina, she doesn’t have access to teleporting abilities to get to Pyrrah fast enough, be accepted as one of the Fire Ashari people. She’s just using the dragon attack as an opportunity to reap vengeance against Percy and Vox Machina.


I don't think they know that the person with the orb is Anna Ripley. Lee might, but he's kinda holding his tongue to let Adorkable and Director get their thoughts off. Everytime I think he's about to say it, in this episode and the last, one of the others started talking about their theory and he seemingly abandons the thought. I do the same in group conversations.

Smash Bran'Discootch

So the "I have passed through fire" thing in the Campaign was a teeny bit more impactful for Marisha(keyleth's player and VA)personally and had a bigger build-up. I'm not mad at how they handled it here at all because this was amazing and worked PERFECTLY for a series. There was a guest character who was sort of a mentor for Keyleth and someone who believed in her when she didn't believe in herself. WAAAAY after that guest had been on the show, they returned to where they met him to find a letter. The guest had hand written a letter and recorded himself reading it out loud which they played on the show. TL;DR version, he could relate to Keyleth's situation and spoke about how metal has to pass through fire in order to become what it was meant to be. And how all of her experiences, even the painful ones, have shaped her into the person she is. Included in the letter was a ring that in character he said either used to he a sword or a hammer or something that his character made into a ring. So in the real life letter that she opened on screen was included a ring for Marisha(the person playing Keyleth). Engraved on the ring was, "I Have Passed Through Fire". It was a really touching moment that brought marisha(and all of us watching) to tears.

Teyon Alexander

Keylith being a whole problem. She’s the next Avatar!


Yea Ricky I thought it was her cuz missing the hand. Must be lady who bought the powder in ep 4. Lol. I finally speak up and they said something else. So i let it go. But yes I recognize her by the hand lol. I wasn’t confident at all lol

Casper Ghost

Shawty at the end is the doctor from Percy's town so she was imprisoned when the dragon's initially got started and she's human and not an ashtarri which are basically elemental spirit/human hybrids.


Is Keyleth a circle of moon druid and the fire form is the elemental wildshape they get at lv10?