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mitch anderson

Listen, idk why this show is so good but it is and I'm not complaining

Smash Bran'Discootch

So it's worth it to mention that Liam Obrien, Vax's player and voice actor was going through an extremely difficult time in his life during this arc of the campaign. He lost his mom to cancer, he had his own health related scare, and he sank into a really heavy depression. He talked to Matt, the DM and a very trusted friend about it, and he began to use this campaign, this story to sort of work through some of the things going on in his head and in his personal life. That's why Vax's character is sort of beloved in the Critter community, because SOOOOO much of Liam went into Vax's journey. Another thing that hit Liam really hard was that in the Campaign, Vax had been getting closer to Pike's Goddess Sarenrae(The Everlight). Liam was even considering taking some levels in Paladin to reflect that. Vax even wore a symbol of the everlight on the back of his hand. As soon as Vax made that deal, his everlight symbol began to corrode and rusted off, signifying that the everlight was no longer the one he served, now it's The Raven Queen. It showed that pretty well in the shoe with the golden thread of Fate now connecting Vax to The Raven Queen. Also, point of clarification, it explained what The Calamity was in episode 2.


If one is to become the champion to the goddess of death and fate, one must accept fate and embrace death. The Matron of Raven is not an evil deity, but rather a neutral one.


One more note: The Matron holds death to be sacred, as it is her domain. She hates all forms of undeath like zombies, liches, and vampires. In Exandria, there's only been one Calamity, and it's a centuries long war amongst the deities of Exandria. By the end of the Calamity, only one city stood standing, Vasselheim the cradle of civilization. It's why Vasselheim is so important and needs to be protected at all cause.


Sorry for bombarding you guys, but also, the woman walking towards the city of Westruun was Anna Ripley, the one who tortured Percy and Cassandra, and escaped right before the ziggurat fight. The voice for Kash is Will Friedel, who voiced Terry McGuiness, the batman of the future, as well as the voice of Ron Stoppable.

Smash Bran'Discootch

Dope reaction as always, my dudes. I just gotta say, as someone who has loved this story for years, it is just awesome getting to see so many new people experience it!

Anthony Lewis-Whitaker

hahaha Director was wondering what happened on the Vex death role?! I found a video that puts the Critical role stream with Vox . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AuHfXwTY1M . Non Spoiler just dont read comment sections lmao

Xsardes (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-29 15:45:45 Yea, that definitly looked like failed saving throw --> nat 20 persuasion --> yea but its deal with goddess of death, so of course power up comes with some fucked up curse
2023-01-29 10:49:24 Yea, that definitly looked like failed saving throw --> nat 20 persuasion --> yea but its deal with goddess of death, so of course power up comes with some fucked up curse

Yea, that definitly looked like failed saving throw --> nat 20 persuasion --> yea but its deal with goddess of death, so of course power up comes with some fucked up curse

Derper Octinger

Thanks for the link, seeing their reaction to the consequences of a nat 1 roll is amazing