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20:09...I laughed all over again..."yes" LMAO
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young justice s1 ep 7 uncut

Watch "young justice s1 ep 7 uncut" on Streamable.



The Justice League in the field dont have a leader, its not needed, if they are fighting they are in the open and can talk to each other. The team of the young ones, need a Leader, they are first and foremost supposed to be a "covert" team. That needs a leader, also they are new to the big group ups, so its easier to have a central figure to coordinate with.

King Uma is life

I love how Wally be like magic is fake while he's known Aqualad for years and Atlantis is mostly powered by Atlantean magic lmao.


Agreed. If I remember correctly that’s what we also said by saying it depends on situation who’s leader. Because often one steps up and says what the plan is and the others follow


in this redition of the dc comics there is no speed force in which they derive their powers out of. Yet atleast we still dont know if they will ever add it. Basically their just fast.

Brandon Gibbs

I've always seen Superman as the league's natural main leader and Batman as second in command...part time that is as he said himself once. That's how I always saw it.


Well Batman is The Who created the Justice league. Reason why Superman feels like he’s the leader of JL is cause he’s more of a public figure than Batman. Since a lot of people confuse that Batman is a super hero which he’s not. He’s a vigilante but other see him as a hero.


I wonder if its like a whoever speaks up first kind of thing because if someone has something to say they probably have a handle on the situation