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Donte's Amaterasu

🔥🔥🔥 can't wait for the next couple episodes


OMG the next 2 episodes are 🔥 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


"Yeah man i'd love to see you guys reactions to boruto but lemme just throw in a fat spoiler aswell"


mars VA popped off omg, one of my favourite voice acting episodes


Historian here: take the stories about Sparta with a measure of skepticism. No spartan writings survive, only what was written by their detractors or their fanboys survives, Those who hated them, like Aristotle paint a picture of proto-fascist monsters, while Xenophon and Plutarch tell of a more intelligent and progressive society of warrior-statesmen. All Spartan men were soldiers, defective Spartans didn't survive (either dying during the harsh training or in battle), unless they survived until old age, at which point they could live as they chose or join the government. Agriculture was overseen by a class known as the helots who were either cruelly mistreaten slaves or very well regarded serfs who were well fed and kept most of their labor - again, ancient sources are split based on how they thought of the spartans. In truth helots were likely freemen but bound to land, like medieval serfs only serving sparta and not indiviual nobles - meaning they had rights, could own property, marry, etc but had to get permission to move from the state. What we can say for sure - Sparta was poor, it treated its women better than anywhere in Greece, it was the most religious state in Greece and while it likely tolerated homosexuality but didn't encourage it (seeing as interfering with making more Spartans) it probably put pederasts to death, at least if they preyed on Spartan boys. Aristotle a detractor of Sparta bemoans the freedoms and strength of Spartan women (they could own and manage businesses and properties, were educated and were trained in self defense) and that Spartans preferred the company of women to men. Plutarch, who was very pro Spartan adds that while spartans encouraged older warriors to be mentors to young spartan boys, those who took advantage of that relationship faced very steep penalties. To conclude, life was hard in Sparta, but they weren't stupid like the diamond kingdom.


I know it is just a small thing. But did you not read the thing they posted about not wanting spoilers ? they want too see if their own theories are true or not. Hold it in your pants next time :)


The Diamond Kingdom don't have enough resources to raise an army, they just have to pick the strongest in groups and kill the rest. They are living a terrible life there and they don't want to make it worst with too much of a population.

Jesse Prevallet

Diamond Kingdom dont have the resources. they are culling the weak and keeping the strong bc they cant afford to take care of all their citizens. its harsh as fuck, but its def makes sense. didnt notice that fanzell mentions morris in this epi until the rewatch


Damn, didn't even watch the petit clover