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Guys, keep in mind folks read the comments meant for me as well. Be mindful of spoilers. Nobody likes them. I have my push notifications disabled since Sunday. I manually read the latest posts at some later time and I’m more active in Discord. Your membership grants a access to an exclusive channel. More and more people ar explaining more than needed rather than sticking to material at hand. But. I’m happy. Reactions are less fun to make theories if i know the answer guys.






I enjoy you so much because you guys talk about theories when reacting and get hyped over your theories coming true or being completely off. Spoilers ruin all of that and it sucks.

Luke Alba

It's wild that you even have to make this such an emphasis. Drives me nuts when I see someone spoil or hint at something thinking it's OK cuz it's not important or don't even understand how they're spoiling lol. Don't include the message if you even slightly think it might have info regarding future content you've seen.


Oof. Unfortunately, there are trash human beings who will spoil anyway. Sorry about that. Maybe when you release a video have a friend or someone that's not in the reaction read the comments and block people that way you can read the comments. you prob already do this. idk. Im just thinking of ideas to help you out.


It’s a nice idea. I don’t have friends that would “volunteer “ such time lol. And I’d have to give them access to patreon at some level. Comments come from video 1 yr ago to now. There just isn’t a way to to do it. That’s why bigger channels just don’t read them much lol


Is it ok to to correct misunderstandings?

Jesse Prevallet

i understand how it can be a hard line to stay on the right side of; and I get that people wanna engage in convo about a show that they are passionate about. But its obvi a terrible thing when the convo moves into parts of the story that havent happened yet. Commenters def need to have a higher sense of responsibility to watch what they post, especially on patreon. Sorry you guys are getting spoiled. I hope its still ok to comment about stuff that has just happened during the epi, or how things went down in the manga. Otherwise there isnt much to say other than cheers and boos


only if you can literally point out all the things that THEY have seen that happened leading to that misunderstanding. it ISN'T a misunderstanding if there is some key point later that ties it all back together. Also let them have their misunderstandings, that makes it SO much fun when they realize later on how off they were, why do you desire a need to correct?


Literally read the first comment in this thread: DefianceR6 I enjoy you so much because you guys talk about theories when reacting and get hyped over your theories coming true or being completely off. Spoilers ruin all of that and it sucks. You correcting them ruins this.


still better than a lot of other channels, you go there and its spoiler city, I feel bad for the reactors.


Depends. Sometimes the “correction” will be solved within a few episodes. One Piece is famous for doing that. The casual viewer also learned that way often times.


Yes. I know what a misunderstanding means. I was just saying if it was ok to point out stuff that they missed or correct inferences they made on a scene that was not intended to be viewed that way.


Also, one more question. I assume the answer will be no but I'll ask anyway. Is it ok to bring information from light novels and manga under ANY circumstance?