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favorite episode this season, this is truly the goat isekai


Damarcus Miller

THAT panic attack scene was 10/10.. Nigga had me feeling scared again 😂😂 FYI: I think his reaction is probably worse when he sees the dragon god again but I don’t entirely remember


finally a good episode hopefully it stays like this for the rest of the season

zILovePelmeni _

2nd best ep of the show. close after ep 21


I just realized Silent Sevenstar is the english translation for Shizuka Nanahoshi. Big brain

Arima Kana

Just for scientific purposes. Nanahoshi stop ageing and probably stop having period, then is she able to be pregnant 🤔




man had a better reaction to the girl than me i would've been jumped over that railing with my first thought being that my chances of survival are better falling from the 5th floor than staying near her


I'm gonna be real with y'all if I passed out and woke up to find my head on the lap of someone I believed to be a man and he was stroking my hair while I was out, I'd be bloody livid.


Rudeus’s name was never mentioned throughout the whole series


Top 2 isekai all time for me this is crazy


i think she might have cause it by trying to find away to teleport her self back thats what i think she means

Elden Lord

Mushoku Tensei is at it's best when Reudus ISN'T being a creep.


Special shout out to all the people who said the school arc was filler and the show was better when it was about the main plot in S1. Welp, here ya go

Cameron 鳥

u know something i picked up on while watching this again she asked if he was american/european or mixed cuz of his hair color and skintone


School arc is one of my favorites of the entire series. People just want action 24/7. Don't realize things need proper set up.


This part of the story was such a trip. We take for granted that Rudy has been in this world for over a decade, speaking a completely different language (even though we're hearing Japanese). And he was still able to speak and understand written Japanese even after all that time.

Hasnain Khan



well I mean tbf they did feel like fillers like the whole doll slave thing I did not care about it at all just fetl like a side mission


An entire region was hit by the teleportation so it makes sense he wouldn’t question it too deeply. Plenty of people we’ve never seen were probably hit by it and had their lives ruined.


My main issue with the school arc is that I only read the manga before, which is monthly. The school arc lasted for something like two years, with VERY little happening in some chapters. When there's actually stuff going on, however, it's great... and I do think some of the negativity I've seen around it has been greatly exaggerated.


It took rudeus 3 years to travel across the world while it took nanahoshi 1 year. Teleportation circles must be really convenient.


Damn Luke must feel real dumb for being so pissy to rudeus about how “forgetful” he is. Yes I’m that petty that it’s the only thing imma comment about in the episode lmao . Nah but fr 🔥 episode.


Sylphie reacted like that because of how much damage and trauma that event caused. She was literally pulled away from her friends and family into a foreign land that she had never been to before while almost dying in the process. I would want all the smoke to if the person who said they caused that was right in front of me.


I could respect re zero as #1 but i def feel like MT is better. Both are so far ahead of the rest tho.


Why are they dragging this rudeus sylphie shit out it’s annoying atp


@Chai Almost as if they spent half of each episode focusing on introducing one character or another from the classroom, rather than doing it all at once and having very shallow relationships between them/Rudy. One on one parts with Cliff, Beast Girls, Demon King, Slyphie, Zanoba, Julie, and now Nanahoshi. That's 7 new character relationships introduced to Rudy at a good pace within 5 eps. Dunno why you would want any faster. It's also gonna be a 24 ep season. If it was 12 ep season I'd understand the frustration

Cameron Robinson

Sylphie’s parents literally died and she was teleported into the stratosphere and had live through falling all the height. She has right to be angry at Nanohoshi since she dropped that line with no context. It was not an over-reaction. Especially knowing how much trouble the mass teleportation caused her crush. Sylphie’s anger was understandable.

Cameron Robinson

I’m assuming that those two names she had written down were for the two guys that she was next to. Maybe all three of them got teleported or maybe all three of them were supposed to die and be reincarnated before Human world Rudy interfered.


School arc is a lot of character building, introduction, lore and world building. People just miss shit. The majority of interactions we have had have all been to set up future events, problem is MT is a more complex show to digest(as far as plot prediction), its mostly done with off comments or revealing something about how the world works that might be insignificant but play a larger part later(Rudy learning beast and demon language right before he was teleported and the people he mostly interacted spoke those languages) so the second he got teleported we already had a hint at where he was going and who he might run into.


And imo the school arc is some of the heaviest of that type of stuff.


just in case y’all forgot I think they explained earlier on in the season that sylphie’s parents got clapped when they were teleported. Which would explain why she was so pissed

FreshxEli Tv

The goat Isekai is a little to far Mr roshi sir 💀😂😂


And its a shame that particular aspect of Rudeus, which I would say is just as much of a problem to be solved as all his other shit(for fucks sake, its what got him thrown out to be killed), doesn't get any better because it's "funny" and as such not seen as an issue.


It was an overreaction. Sylphy should have assumed that she was missing context considering how casually Nanahoshi revealed it, the fact that Rudeus didn't react and that they just had a long discussion in a language she doesn't understand.

Grant Beaudette

Shoutout to anyone else who got spoiled on Nanahoshi's identity from when they put it in the credits in Season 1.

Oscar Barcelo

Things to note 1. When Luke approached Rudy earlier this season and told him he did not like him, Luke was under the impression that fitz told Rudy her real identity and Rudy forgot. This is why it was impactful when they both learned she is still keeping her identity a secret. 2. The Language swap was amazing and well done. A lot of people where confused but the beginning of their conversation they are speaking the human language of the world and then casually switch to Japanese. Then back to the original language. This causes fitz to first, become jealous of her due to her getting close and believing that they are close even though she doesn’t understand the language but is picking up some hints of comfortable body language between them speaking Japanese. 3. That PTSD/Panic attack was really well done in my opinion. The fight and flight response kicking into gear immediately, along with panic thinking/ action with hyperventilating. I was really sold and didn’t fell off, in my opinion some animes make panic attacks feel light. This episode just through us a lot of information and can’t wait for more.


That was NOT aN overreaction lmfao. The way the sentence was phrased i would have lost my shit too. She just found out who was the cause of ruining lives and breaking up families including hers


Sylphie reaction has nothing to do with jealousy she got transported from her home. Also her parents died in that event this not really something the anime references but her parents are dead. That event cost her home her family, just like how eris mom and dad got transported in to the wrong place and got murdered with her grandpa being executed. Its not a jealousy reaction sure sylphie is probably jealous of nanahoshi but thats not why she would react like that, that's not the issue. Rudeus doesn't question her anger beacuse he understands that the mass teleportation caused incidents some people got captured by people and turned in to slaves. Some people spawned and immediately died. Some people are missing like his mom.


tbf this episode aside, S1 is still far better than this season. It's definitely not filler, but the setting and characters in S1 are way more interesting. I really miss Eris, Rujerd, Gishlaine, Roxy & Rudy's family.

Michael Armstead

Come on now roshi we both know that slime slat is the best new gen rn 😂😭

Darren Banks (edited)

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2023-09-04 23:26:04 Lol Rudeus read the important parts of situation fine. I know it's been a hot minute, but the mass teleportation was brutal for ALL of Fittoa. The entire region is trying to pick up the pieces while also bracing for subsequent threats. Sylphies parents are dead, Rudeus was thrown into the demon continent forced to stumble his way forward and here is some girl in a mask saying it was likely her fault. Sylphie's got every right to be upset over the hardships her and Rudeus had to endure because of the teleportation. It's bigger than jealousy over a crush.
2023-09-04 21:25:26 Lol Rudeus read the important parts of situation fine. I know it's been a hot minute, but the mass teleportation was brutal for ALL of Fittoa. The entire region is trying to pick up the pieces while also bracing for subsequent threats. Sylphies parents are dead, Rudeus was thrown into the demon continent forced to stumble his way forward and here is some girl in a mask saying it was likely her fault. Sylphie's got every right to be upset over the hardships her and Rudeus had to endure because of the teleportation. It's bigger than jealousy over a crush, though that was initially part of it with the language swap.

Lol Rudeus read the important parts of situation fine. I know it's been a hot minute, but the mass teleportation was brutal for ALL of Fittoa. The entire region is trying to pick up the pieces while also bracing for subsequent threats. Sylphies parents are dead, Rudeus was thrown into the demon continent forced to stumble his way forward and here is some girl in a mask saying it was likely her fault. Sylphie's got every right to be upset over the hardships her and Rudeus had to endure because of the teleportation. It's bigger than jealousy over a crush, though that was initially part of it with the language swap.


Slime is really special, but I don’t think it holds a candle to the world building and character development of this.


where did you hear 24? i'm only seeing 13 episodes listed for this season. They might do another cour in like 6 months though from what i've heard.

FreshxEli Tv

Remember Dragon & Man God aren’t the only gods in the verse season 1 everyone thought it was the demon god Laplace who mass teleported but we only know Of 3 Gods so far & a whole bunch more exist that’s why I’m surprised they didn’t consider the other gods


If I was in nanahosi position I would be trying to get back home to. Like she got sent there with no mana no abilities nothing. Imagine you went to school and got randomly got sent to a world in the middle ages. Where the wifi at? People dying left and right from sickness. And she’s a girl... Do you see the way they treat women in that world? With our modern day mindset this world would be hell. Monsters everywhere. Get me out bruh


Re:Zero is entertaining, it has great writing, and it imparts important life lessons to the viewer. I can't think of a better combination. That's not to say Mushoku Tensei is bad, but Re:Zero will always be my number one.


@Danny It's 25 eps and split into 2 cours. So this cour will be 13 eps and the second cour will begin in Spring. It was confirmed via their Twitter account and on news outlets.

Damarcus Miller

Brains are so fried.. how you not remember she was with Orsted

Damarcus Miller

😂😂😂 W reaction though but that was hella funny not remembering that

Jacob The weird (edited)

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2023-09-05 00:16:11 Roshi just incase but the way you mention the “real world” sounds like the one Rudy lives in currently is fake but it’s not. Japan(Earth) is just the old world he use to live in. The one he lives in now is very much real.
2023-09-05 00:16:11 Roshi just incase but the way you mention the “real world” sounds like the one Rudy lives in currently is fake but it’s not. Japan(Earth) is just the old world he use to live in. The one he lives in now is very much real.
2023-09-05 00:16:11 Roshi just incase but the way you mention the “real world” sounds like the one Rudy lives in currently is fake but it’s not. Japan(Earth) is just the old world he use to live in. The one he lives in now is very much real.
2023-09-04 22:11:13 Roshi just incase but the way you mention the “real world” sounds like the one Rudy lives in currently is fake but it’s not. Japan(Earth) is just the old world he use to live in. The one he lives in now is very much real.

Roshi just incase but the way you mention the “real world” sounds like the one Rudy lives in currently is fake but it’s not. Japan(Earth) is just the old world he use to live in. The one he lives in now is very much real.


Didn't her parents die too because of the teleportation. Its like finding your parents murder chilling right in front of you


I didn't remember when I first watched it either, it's not that weird.

kaeleb white

She didn't really do anything, was just walking with him, and only had one line of dialogue. So you can kinda understand them forgetting that she was there and only remembering Orsted since he was the one fighting lmao

Jake McGrevey

Its explained at the start of the episode why she hasnt said who she is yet. Thats how its wrote in the LN too

Damarcus Miller

Well he clearly bought Rudeus back to life(she was the reason why because she told him “wait”.. she also has a unique character design as well. That mask shoulda been a giveaway but season 1 was sometime ago & they watch a lot of shows so I don’t blame them for not remembering


3 years to travel through 2 continents... in general it takes around a year to travel from one continent to another, and I think there's like 5 continents so traveling all of them in a year is wild

Damarcus Miller

No way that iconic scene happen in season 1 & you don’t remember all the characters there? Probably was one of the best episodes up to this point that she was in? I get she had no dialogue but like come on 😂 I’m not complaining I just thought it was funny

Orlandez Malone

These are the kinds episodes that make me want to watch this show! If Rudy weren't a piece of shit I'd have literally zero complaints


Fax JayzWrld. I would have killed her anyways after she said it was "unintentional", like "OOPS i just accidentally detonated a nuke and killed most peoples family members, teleported everyone around, ruined or turned everybodys lives upside-down". My bad bro, don't be mad. LIKE WHAT??? Nah the normal thing to do would be to kill her for what she did. Overreaction MY ASS


Recap: The Man god deny to have brought Redues to the world and claims the Dragon god Orstred might have brought him here because he better at summoning magic.


You talking about the biggest fight scene in season 1? You people don't have brains


Is that the kid from ranking of kings? You made him black. Ok bud.


They can't remember shit in general. Its sometimes annoying. The biggest fight scene of season 1 and you don't remember the girl standing right next to orsted the entire fucking time


yeah she thought they got the same isekai treatement she thought he was transported too not reincarnated.


Imagine thinking it was an overreaction and she should have "assumed" she was missing context. Insane.

Twin Hallow

Finally some nice and juicy plot.

L.C. (edited)

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2023-09-05 00:51:56 I am debating on watching this reaction cause the comments already calling out them not remembering and understanding shit. Feels like it happens often. Watch just as many shows as they do and don't have much of an issue keeping track of things.
2023-09-04 22:41:27 I am debating on watching this reaction cause the comments already calling out them not remembering and understanding stuff. Feels like it happens often. Watch just as many shows as they do and don't have much of an issue keeping track of things. Not upset over this it just feels like they constantly gloss over things and forget more often these days. Been doing this on easy mode for too long.

I am debating on watching this reaction cause the comments already calling out them not remembering and understanding stuff. Feels like it happens often. Watch just as many shows as they do and don't have much of an issue keeping track of things. Not upset over this it just feels like they constantly gloss over things and forget more often these days. Been doing this on easy mode for too long.


Pretty sure he knows but just says real world to say earth


Keeping up with shows, on a schedule + editing, for a living. Things slip. Ultimately, up to you if the content met your expectations.

Damarcus Miller

True @MDL that’s why I said I’m not mad about it.. still said it was a W reaction after they “kinda remember” after showing that “mini flashback” of Rudeus getting stabbed thru the chest but imagine if they haven’t showed that 😂😂 they would’ve been clueless


Was responding to L.C. who is at the top of this comment chain


Jobless definitely has the best show for me with world building and development of characters since avatar. Also redeus is like the best non traditional main character we've got in an anime in a while. Someone who is so flawed but still likable is hard to ✍️. Gotta give the author 🤜🤛


Mfs who watch 10 different reactions to an episode: Nah no way y’all don’t remember the chick with 5 seconds of dialogue

Devin B

I have to give credit to this show for how vividly they show Rudy's trauma. I legit felt scared for him when I saw him panicking when he saw Nanahoshi.

Damarcus Miller

In the best episode of this entire series.. get off your knees bro they not gone fuck you, I just gave an opinion & still said it was a good reaction.. like 😂😂


You have been in this thread for an hour bro, please it’s not that serious 😭


I think that Orsted's presence was so strong that some that only watched that episode once (and cuz its been a while) would forget Nanahoshi. I mean, most were probably distracted by Orsted's crack asswhoopin of the whole squad to rmber the random masked girl


y'all gotta remember that we the viewers know way more than sylphie so it was def not an overreaction


by that same logic, poor girl might have been transported while on her period and now it's permanent.......sheeeeeesh

Damarcus Miller

Nahh it’s called “notifications” too much of a dumbass to know that ain’t it? Or you a lil ass kid who knows nothing about phones


'Major supporting character'that showed up once, had like 2 lines and was introduced next to the most intimidating character in the series before this point. Sure buddy


damn orsted got him traumatized so much cause technically he saw and felt dying many times but each time he dodged orsted attack yet they all ended with a hole in him


i also think a big reason rudy didnt push too deeply into Sylphie's outburst because literally minutes prior he had a similar fight/flight response but chose flight instead and sylphie (Fitz) didnt pry so he problably wanted to be respectful and not pry

Damarcus Miller

Okay so just because a character is intimidating means you don’t pay attention to everything else? Y’all sound retarded


LC u one of the weirdest motherfuckers here man fr. you watch on your own, you watch Roshi, and you watch Rocklee and thats just of what i know. you problably watch each episode like 3-5 times a week ofc u remember all the fucking details. they watch it once and move on and they dont binge the entire series before a new season for refreshers like i KNOW you do. get off ur high horse its pathetic

Danger Tomato

That was the best episode?

Franklin wasn't getting away with 35mil scott free (edited)

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2023-09-05 02:26:57 This gotta be top 10 most mid anime seasons up there with Midland Saga season 2
2023-09-05 02:26:57 This gotta be top 10 most mid anime seasons up there with Midland Saga season 2
2023-09-05 00:16:06 This gotta be top 10 most mid anime seasons up there with Midland Saga season 2

This gotta be top 10 most mid anime seasons up there with Midland Saga season 2


She wasn't part of the biggest fight scene in season 1. She was just in the room.


That's not how Patreon notifications work. You only get notified if somebody responds directly to your comment. You're just sitting in your room refreshing.


Almost agreed with you until you mentioned Peakland Saga. Your right about this Mid ass show though

sotonye ogan (edited)

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2023-09-05 02:41:43 Shows good, Just that Rudy is an ass main character on the persona level, niggas will say him doing weird shit is him having "character development" and start comparing apples and oranges from entirely different shows to justify his bullshit (eg. Hisoka lol). "his flawed, hes not perfect this, that the third" Okay and? I still dont like the nigga lol but the shows good.
2023-09-05 00:40:55 Shows good, Just that Rudy is an ass main character on a personal level, niggas will say him doing weird shit is him having "character development" and start comparing apples and oranges from entirely different shows to justify his bullshit (eg. Hisoka lol). "his flawed, hes not perfect this, that the third" Okay and? I still dont like the nigga lol but the shows good.

Shows good, Just that Rudy is an ass main character on a personal level, niggas will say him doing weird shit is him having "character development" and start comparing apples and oranges from entirely different shows to justify his bullshit (eg. Hisoka lol). "his flawed, hes not perfect this, that the third" Okay and? I still dont like the nigga lol but the shows good.

metronxtdoorr (edited)

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2023-09-05 02:41:43 Bruh he walked up some stairs then had a conversation, how was that 20 minutes.
2023-09-05 00:41:30 Bruh he walked up some stairs then had a conversation, how was that 20 minutes.

Bruh he walked up some stairs then had a conversation, how was that 20 minutes.

Weiss Schnee

he's definitely developed. he still has his bad habits though, I won't deny that.


I just can’t get past his actions I’m actually kind of stunned how popular the show is really

Franklin wasn't getting away with 35mil scott free (edited)

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2024-01-21 17:31:25 You're right Peakland saga had an amazing season 2
2024-01-21 17:31:25 You're right Peakland saga had an amazing season 2
2023-09-05 00:51:38 You're right Peakland saga had an amazing season 2

You're right Peakland saga had an amazing season 2

Damarcus Miller

Nah @Deni I get emails & everything whenever somebody responds to a post I made? Mfs act like i Call their reaction trash to something please find something else to be mad about 😭😭 bunch of pussies gd.. you have a favorite show & let them forget fucking major characters and see how you feel.. damn we all clearly don’t have the same opinions & clearly if I wanna say it’s bullshit they forgot that character then oh well.. getting paid not to remember simple things ain’t that hard so 🖕🏾


My issue is that people keep saying he's supposed to be unlikeable, but then when he does something completely out of pocket and someone shows disgust at it, they'll fly to the defense of the action itself and how its not that bad or whatever.

Step Joe

I would think hes saying the real world because Earth isnt a fictional place. Roshi isnt in the anime🤣

Damarcus Miller

@Gyasi I would hate to hear your favorite shows 😂😂 you on this series complaining every episode.. if it’s so bad why you keep coming back?


lupa needs a wife so that there can be 4 reactors


Fitz's reaction wasnt surprising in response to "I caused the mana disaster". Loads of people died from it, and Fitz already said "he" lost people in it as well. Thats like someone saying to your friend "yeah I caused your parents' death and your friends to go missing" with zero context. you wouldnt be surprised if your friend then started just swinging. Hell, I would be way more suspicious if the DIDNT react violently. And I dont think it would tip Rudy off that Fitz is Sylphie. Pretty much anyone who was affected by the mana disaster should react similarly, and at the very least one village and a city were entirely caught up in that, probably more, so there are many people who were affected that Rudy had no contact with. If the silent casting and elf ears have not given it away, I dont think Fitz reacting like this would have added anything to the suspicion meter when Rudy already knew of Fitz being affected by the disaster.


that is the most random shit I ever read in my fucking life


ngl it be cool if when a show is getting a new season yall watch the last episode of the previous season so you guys are kinda refreshed, (off camera) since ik yall watch like 10+ shows at a time.


Yeah some ppl be weird as hell when it comes to this anime shit, they act like the world gonna end cause someone doesn’t remember every single detail, it’s mad weird honestly

gavyne goldsmith

best eps of just pure lore and talking i have seen in anime for a while so I am ready FOR CAAAAAVVVVVEEE EPS NEXT WEEEEEEEEEK

Darksteel78 (edited)

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2023-09-05 04:05:12 "The GOAT isskai" Overlord, Slime, and Re:Zero punching the air right now. Lol. JK jk I enjoy them all, but only Mushouku Tensei has made me pick up the manga/light novel so quickly.
2023-09-05 02:04:11 "The GOAT isekai" Overlord, Slime, and Re:Zero punching the air right now. Lol. JK jk I enjoy them all, but only Mushouku Tensei has made me pick up the manga/light novel so quickly.

"The GOAT isekai" Overlord, Slime, and Re:Zero punching the air right now. Lol. JK jk I enjoy them all, but only Mushouku Tensei has made me pick up the manga/light novel so quickly.


ReZero S3 is going to have to be something insane in order to catch up to Mushoku Tensei it's the only other isekai that is genuinely good and stands a chance against Mushoku Tensei but as of right now Mushoku Tensei on top

Jazhiel Diaz-Rosa

Now Roshi, remember your reaction from Turning Point 2 when you asked “Does he know something about timelines”. Now we know that Orsted knows being that she confirmed he was helping her find more info on her summoning

Franklin wasn't getting away with 35mil scott free (edited)

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2024-01-21 17:31:25 Because I enjoy the show. This might be a surprise to you peoppe but I don't have to cape for everything about the media I enjoy. Rudy is interesting but a mentally unwell creep, this seasons school stuff is boring, and Franklin is a demon that doesn't deserve happiness 🤷🏿‍♂️
2024-01-21 17:31:25 Because I enjoy the show. This might be a surprise to you peoppe but I don't have to cape for everything about the media I enjoy. Rudy is interesting but a mentally unwell creep, this seasons school stuff is boring, and Franklin is a demon that doesn't deserve happiness 🤷🏿‍♂️
2023-09-05 02:33:19 Because I enjoy the show. This might be a surprise to you peoppe but I don't have to cape for everything about the media I enjoy. Rudy is interesting but a mentally unwell creep, this seasons school stuff is boring, and Franklin is a demon that doesn't deserve happiness 🤷🏿‍♂️

Because I enjoy the show. This might be a surprise to you peoppe but I don't have to cape for everything about the media I enjoy. Rudy is interesting but a mentally unwell creep, this seasons school stuff is boring, and Franklin is a demon that doesn't deserve happiness 🤷🏿‍♂️


Why she attacking him with the turkey leg?

Damarcus Miller

Trust me he don’t remember, how can he remember that but not even recognize her entire character design

Damarcus Miller

Yea must be nice to get paid to not remember shit @aj 😂😂 that must make their job so hard lmfao

The GoDKing 27

Well then, the plot thickens.

this is one long ass username (edited)

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2024-01-21 17:31:25 A recap video of the entire season would make more sense as it’s usually the length of an episode and will give them a much better grasp on what’s going on than only watching the last ep of a season.
2024-01-21 17:31:25 A recap video of the entire season would make more sense as it’s usually the length of an episode and will give them a much better grasp on what’s going on than only watching the last ep of a season.
2023-09-05 03:03:02 A recap video of the entire season would make more sense as it’s usually the length of an episode and will give them a much better grasp on what’s going on than only watching the last ep of a season.

A recap video of the entire season would make more sense as it’s usually the length of an episode and will give them a much better grasp on what’s going on than only watching the last ep of a season.


Bruh u doing all this crying for no reason😂 and guess what even ppl working regular jobs forget things so that point u tried to make is dumb asf


You keep commenting the same shit like stfu. No one's gonna remember a character with 2 lines of dialogue who we only saw once.

Devin reid

We will finally have peace on this patreon when roshi bans some of these toxic bastards forever holy shit y’all nitpick everything they aren’t gonna remember everything if they don’t just remind them stop reprimanding them for not remembering a tiny detail about a show they saw one season of 2 years ago that’s a lot of past time grow up

Henrique I. Pereira

Gyasi, the only mid things here is you and the KiRissa guy. Like, no one asked for your opinion, so chill tf out 💀


If a mysterious and suspicious person known for studying teleportation/summoning says they are the cause of everyone being teleported, many being killed, and you almost dying- and decides not to in the same instance explain the context- it’s not exactly an overreaction. Especially considering Sylphy’s age

Franklin wasn't getting away with 35mil scott free (edited)

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2024-01-21 17:31:25 If you didn't care you wouldn't reply, yet every single time someone says something yall don't like about your favourite show you flock to tell us all about how you don't care. Ironic. Anyway I'm perfectly chill and I'll continue sharing my opinion so just close your eyes or something
2024-01-21 17:31:25 If you didn't care you wouldn't reply, yet every single time someone says something yall don't like about your favourite show you flock to tell us all about how you don't care. Ironic. Anyway I'm perfectly chill and I'll continue sharing my opinion so just close your eyes or something
2023-09-05 04:12:54 If you didn't care you wouldn't reply, yet every single time someone says something yall don't like about your favourite show you flock to tell us all about how you don't care. Ironic. Anyway I'm perfectly chill and I'll continue sharing my opinion so just close your eyes or something

If you didn't care you wouldn't reply, yet every single time someone says something yall don't like about your favourite show you flock to tell us all about how you don't care. Ironic. Anyway I'm perfectly chill and I'll continue sharing my opinion so just close your eyes or something


That doesn't make any sense. She literally said that she has only been in the world for about 5 years. The teleportation incident happened when Rudeus was 10 (he's 15 now). The ball of mana that caused it was hanging in the air for at least 2 years before the teleportation incident, and thus at least 2 years before she was even in their world.


ReZero is better for many reasons


haven't seen the reaction yet and this is the first comment I see xD I agree completely, there is no need to get butthurt over these types of things. I'd be lying if I said I don't roll my eyes a little when they forget or miss details but I'm not here to critique them and complain! Shit happens!


I agree. Love how grounded Mushoku Tensei is.


Definitely my favorite runner up Isekai. ReZero needs to be handed their flowers, obviously MT came out first but the world building in ReZero is S tier


Well to be fair I watched a lot of shit and not as much as Yaboyroshi have watched since Season 1 dropped. I have a life, constantly changing like them as well. They have children, and also have to worry about 10 other shows they are watching. And nigga I don’t even remember her


Snuck in goat isekai


This sad kid in the comments replying to everyone saying this 😂 I love rezero too but you're just being kinda annoying

Jalani Abdul-Aziz

Does Rudy know that’s the girl he saved tho🤔 and holy shit the waiting for Sylphie to reveal herself is killing me

DJ Muldrow

That’s like saying I caused 9/11 to a person that was in the second tower

DJ Muldrow

Roshi never gonna ban the annoying niggas because they’re literally paying him but goddamn some of these mfs need a mute button, calling every show you dfw “mid” is such a dumb take, it’s just not for you bro

B Mowglli

He's developed tons, but not in the sense of groping people which is the wild part. punched and scratched to hell for years but he still does it with no reflection. Apparently that doesn't change. They cut so much out of the anime but still leave that in, I'd rather have more of the lore or worldbuilding. We know he's a perv from the panties and the first 7 gropings


Fitz had a pretty normal reaction it shouldn't look suspicious lots of people went through the teleportation event and got separated from their families. It destroyed the village Rudeus was from and a bunch of people still aren't accounted for. So Fitz being pissed made sense you separated him from his parents as he said and it's pretty safe to assume he still hasn't found them.


Doubt it's better than this but I have to watch re zero first. I heard the third season got delayed a while year and the source material is so long that third season won't even be halfway through the show. So I might just wait until season 3 is done to start watching it

Stiven Francisco Ventura

For some reason I feel like orsted came from the future and when he came he also did the mass teleportation as side effects and also the teleporteation of the Japanese girl too


The "Man God" might be Secretly plotting Something by messing with the Timeline of this world by sending Rudeus there, Since Orsted Already Seen the Future of what Everything that should Normal and Rudeus is Altering the timeline with his interaction other people from this world Also, I think "LAPLACE" Summoned her there in respond of the "Man God" reincarnating Rudeus


Man I totally thought that was her when they showed all the students at the school earlier, but I wrote it off as them just looking similar. I also figured what happened to her because of her name and appearance, but I wrote that off too when she didn't stick around to talk after the thing with Orsted. This show's just juking me out left and right lol.


I mean he literally commented saying it was her so yeah he does. He was keeping his identity in the old world ambiguous on purpose.


Skill issue. I watch far more anime & read far more LNs than they do, and I have 0 problems w/ remembering all the shit in the contents

Damarcus Miller

Yea we can’t critique them when we PAY THEM OUR MONEY lmao please shut the hell up @Easly


Mushoku tensei made me do the same! I’m literally on volume 22…it’s so fucking good.

Damarcus Miller

@Aj were talking about watching tv? I watch a million shows & if you quiz me I wouldn’t forget major plot lines & characters.. there’s literally nothing to defend them forgetting, all these upset people just proving my point.. I feel bad you guys pay your money but never voice how you feel 😂😂

Damarcus Miller

@Skebaba that’s all I’m saying! Mfs act like i Said the worst thing on earth 😂😂 it’s literally whatever I’m over these butthurt folks


Not hard to find, just the quality of the writing. Read both and you will know.

Eddie D

I mean its not like this is the only show theyre watching, yall just expect someone to remember every character from every season from every show


Ong I've never, in my entire life, seen a more whiny community than this one on Patreon bro

Taylor Moon

he was told he could grope the last time tbf xD Plus literally near every anime mc always be gropin titty. people just act extra about it just cuz it's rudy

sotonye ogan

I just know when re:zero s3 drops they finna get clapped to oblivion cuz even I cant remember shit from the last seaon lmao

Emman Reed

he saw the huge mana pool that was forming above Asura in season 1, that's why he was there when she got teleported

Emman Reed

I think Sylphies reaction is warranted. Lupa pretending like people didn't die and a whole continent didn't basically get nuked. Also Sylphie asking about the girl could be jealousy but also could be interpreted as caution as the "nihonjin" basically owned up to nuking a large part of the human continent.

Malcolm Washingon

I thought it could be seen as an overreaction to rudeus since he doesn't know who fitz is. I don't think fitz told rudeus that he experienced the teleportation, and unless you were personally affected by it throwing hands is not the first reaction one normally has when someone says 'yea I basically teleported like 12 acres worth of land to random places'. That level of power would breed caution unless you were emotionally connected to the consequences and so anger overrides and blinds you

WeavyBoo (edited)

Comment edits

2023-09-05 18:54:39 Having watched this episode, I'd encourage people to at least rewatch the part of S1 ep1 of before Rudy gets reincarnated. Rudy runs out to save the three highschoolers, gets hit. There's a brief scene of a police officer asking one of the teenagers something like "Do you know where your two friends are?" Because they had Rudy's body accounted for, this kid had been saved, but then the other two... one we now know to be Nanahoshi, were just gone without a trace... very curious. We know Nanahoshi is in this world, but the other guy with them... where is he? Not saying more bc more would be spoilers. This is just connecting dots we've been shown. I love how this show drops unimportant details in a very subtle way that later have importance down the road.
2023-09-05 16:29:35 Having watched this episode, I'd encourage people to at least rewatch the part of S1 ep1 of before Rudy gets reincarnated. Rudy runs out to save the three highschoolers, gets hit. There's a brief scene of a police officer asking one of the teenagers something like "Do you know where your two friends are?" Because they had Rudy's body accounted for, this kid had been saved, but then the other two... one we now know to be Nanahoshi, were just gone without a trace... very curious. We know Nanahoshi is in this world, but the other guy with them... where is he? Not saying more bc more would be spoilers. This is just connecting dots we've been shown. I love how this show drops unimportant details in a very subtle way that have importance down the road.

Having watched this episode, I'd encourage people to at least rewatch the part of S1 ep1 of before Rudy gets reincarnated. Rudy runs out to save the three highschoolers, gets hit. There's a brief scene of a police officer asking one of the teenagers something like "Do you know where your two friends are?" Because they had Rudy's body accounted for, this kid had been saved, but then the other two... one we now know to be Nanahoshi, were just gone without a trace... very curious. We know Nanahoshi is in this world, but the other guy with them... where is he? Not saying more bc more would be spoilers. This is just connecting dots we've been shown. I love how this show drops unimportant details in a very subtle way that have importance down the road.


When Rudy and Eris got back to the fittoa region, Rudy was 13 and Eris was 15. It has been about 2 years since then as referenced by the passage of time; like the harsh winter, and when talking to the Man-God Rudeus said that that it felt like he wasted 2 years.


While I love this anime I feel like they are doing a poor job adapting the info and whatnot. I understand budget and everything. Yet it’s almost every episode people are having to add more info in the comments to give necessary context that’s being left out. Like at this point why adapt something if you continually leave out info that would help viewers better understand what’s happening.


the re:zero web novel actually started 7 or 8 months before MT I think.


What info are u even on about? Though it doesn't matter. You can't expect an anime to drop as much exposition as a fucking LN, it'd just result in a poorly paced mess. This whole episode was already mostly exposition, it only works here cus it's dropped mixed in with dialogue between intruiging characters. Also idk what's specifically left out of the LN but I've never needed tye comments to tell me wtfs going on despite only having seen the anime. It definitely seems like nitpicking on ur part tbh. Expecting an anime adaptation to info dump when 'show don't tell' is the strength of anime as a Medium.


An interesting theory. I can see why you'd suggest Orsted being a time traveller. He gave off those vibes in ep 21 when he knew Eris and Ruijerd despite them not knowing him and some other stuff he said. But it seemed like he had no clue about the teleportation thing. In fact, when it happened, the anime panned to a bunch of different characters who seemed to already be in the world when it happened (Kishirika, Orsted had a face off with a red dragon, and I think there were a few other characters). So it seemed like he had been there before, and it happening seemed unrelated to him

Damarcus Miller

Yessir I hope they read this comment it’s not a spoiler but very important information

Grantland Shearer

To mister "bUt I pAy ThEm MoNeY!" Kid: Lol damn bro, that's some crazy high levels of narcissism you got going on. You dont pay them to do what you want. You pay them because of what they are already doing. That's how supporting a channel works. How are you old enough to type on a computer but still so ignorant of how the world works?


@Ougi def feel you on this, its an anime after all and not every single detail needs to be said, but his comment is pretty valid considering what happened the ep before this with the Demon king, he plays a really important role and its weird to be leaving out some important information. I'm hoping you understand my point at least because this season has done a pretty good job adapting and choosing what to cut but the last two ep's kinda cut a really good part of the story.

Homeskilletbiscuits (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-21 17:31:25 The cliffhanger on 24 is going to drive you insane fr. I just finished that one the other day.
2023-09-06 10:00:19 The cliffhanger on 24 is going to drive you insane fr. I just finished that one the other day.

The cliffhanger on 24 is going to drive you insane fr. I just finished that one the other day.

Gordon Lou

they're different mediums, if you include the same amount of details in the novels then you'll get a ton of dragged out exposition with there being nonstop talking and narration in the episodes every episode. It's too much. It's not as big of a deal in the novels because it's just text with the occasional picture that just illustrates a scene or character. While the anime is a visual medium which uses animation, colour, sound, music, voice acting to tell the story rather than just text. If you think that long deatiled narration in an anime is fine then look no futher than hunter x hunter which while is really good, so many people me included have said that the narration is too much and drags the show, especially during the chimera ant arc. One of the main reasons why the anime is cutting a lot of stuff out is the time restraints. It's limited to 24x 24min episodes split into 2 cours. There's simply not enough time to adapt everything. If an episode is a perfect adaptation then a future epsiode will have to be sacrificed. There's also the idea of needing to end at a checkpoint or a good spot to end off the season/cour as it wouldn't be good to end in the middle of a arc randomly.

DeAndre Woodruff

Y'all.... I need JOBLESS REINCARNATION on a T-shirt for merch

Homeskilletbiscuits (edited)

Comment edits

2023-09-17 00:57:01 There doesn't need to be an info dump but there is some more stuff that needs to be included. For example, last episode. Just a few extra lines of dialogue would have made a big difference. They made it seem like Badigadi showed up out of nowhere when, in fact, he came to Ranoa because he was jealous that Kishirika kept talking about Rudeus. "My fiancé would not stop talking about you, so I came to see what all the fuss was about," 1 line. Now people know why he showed up at the academy. Then the stuff with Badigadi's reaction to Orsted. It is easy to assume based on the dialogue that Badigadi has some kind of beef with Orsted. But he just didn't want to go all out against someone who managed to injure the dragon God in a place with so many possible casualties. "Did you manage to injure him?" "I only managed to hurt his hand a little." Boom. 3 lines of dialogue added from the LN and the entire context of the scene has changed.
2023-09-07 05:05:54 There doesn't need to be an info dump but there is some more stuff that needs to be included. For example, last episode. Just a few extra lines of dialogue would have made a big difference. They made it seem like Badigadi showed up out of nowhere when, in fact, he came to Ranoa because he was jealous that Kishirika kept talking about Rudeus. "My fiancé would not stop talking about you, so I came to see what all the fuss was about," 1 line. Now people know why he showed up at the academy. Then the stuff with Badigadi's reaction to Orsted. It is easy to assume based on the dialogue that Badigadi has some kind of beef with Orsted. But he just didn't want to go all out against someone who managed to injure the dragon God in a place with so many possible casualties. "Did you manage to injure him?" "I only managed to hurt his hand a little." Boom. 3 lines of dialogue added from the LN and the entire context of the scene has changed.

There doesn't need to be an info dump but there is some more stuff that needs to be included. For example, last episode. Just a few extra lines of dialogue would have made a big difference. They made it seem like Badigadi showed up out of nowhere when, in fact, he came to Ranoa because he was jealous that Kishirika kept talking about Rudeus. "My fiancé would not stop talking about you, so I came to see what all the fuss was about," 1 line. Now people know why he showed up at the academy. Then the stuff with Badigadi's reaction to Orsted. It is easy to assume based on the dialogue that Badigadi has some kind of beef with Orsted. But he just didn't want to go all out against someone who managed to injure the dragon God in a place with so many possible casualties. "Did you manage to injure him?" "I only managed to hurt his hand a little." Boom. 3 lines of dialogue added from the LN and the entire context of the scene has changed.

Arsean Wilbon

Great thinking Sheep. Kill her, piss off Rudy who could have used the info and probably get yourself and Rudy killed by Orsted in a horrible fashion all cause you have an IQ of 2 lol. Some real shoot first ask questions later thinking right there.


That’s a good point. He spoke, wrote, and thought in Japanese for 40+ years in his old life, so it would make sense for it to still so ingrained even after all his time in the current world. I wonder if we’re going to see that start to change, given how he has no desire to go back.

Arsean Wilbon

Fitz was jealous at first. Her anger is caused by the misunderstanding of the teleportation incident but she is indeed jealous of nanahoshi it’s evident at the end of the episode, asking Rudy what he thinks of her is fitz ways of determining if he likes her or not. Which is laughable since they had recently just met

Arsean Wilbon

Even with Rudy’s position I still would want to go home lol. If you were teleported and got all that Rudy got but you did have a good home life back where you come from. I’d want to go back, making new friends and stuff is cool but damn my family is missing me, no football, no anime to watch, no cars. Takes them 5 years to travel the whole world with 10k I can do it in 3 weeks.


I never said she wasn't jealous thats kind of not the point i said sylphie anger behavior is not from jeaousy thats the main point. Its from a misunderstanding yeah.


I dont think he's saying this, obviously, you cant have the same amount of exposition as the novel, however there is shit theyre excluding that could easily be added to the anime, the censorship and explanations/exposition of powers being the biggest issues, don't get me wrong, theyre doing alright, but it feels like theyre condensing some things to fit the episode count, this shit could have easily been several episodes longer.


could she have been the original target of the isikai truck, but Rudy intervened so someone (maybe the man god) realized they missed and tried again with a more direct "summoning" to get her