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he deserved less



delayed 100: delayed list of the dead

Arima Kana

This man is using some cult shit brainwashing method🫠


This nigga had Akira drowning in the Ultimate Despair wtf 💀💀

Hasnain Khan



Just realized we're 7 episodes in and the blonde girl in the OP/ED hasnt even been introduced yet(?)


If I remember correctly it wasn't the governor that used zombies he just kept one (I think his daughter). I believe it was the group called the Whisperers that used zombies I could be wrong though.

cyrus gudino

No anime episode has made me as mad as I was then this one

Jordan G

for The Walking Dead? yeah, the leader's name was Alpha and they used them as camouflage and stuff. Govner was just some guy who wanted to keep his daughter.


The ending scene was so wholesome. Not only that, but it's a good reminder that you shouldn't give up if your job isn't a good fit. Keep searching for new opportunities, and if that doesn't work, try to create your own instead. It's easier said than done, but don't let that stop you from trying! Honestly, this was a message I needed to hear, so I wanted to spotlight it for others, too. Everyone, please remember: You're worth it! -------------------------- [Akira] "That said, working sucked! Maybe I'm not cut out for it! It feels like I'll never find the right job for me. [Shizuka] "Is that so bad? There's no rush to find a job." [Akira] "What?" [Shizuka] "Online personalities, e-sports athletes, drone pilots... New jobs are created all the time. Ones we couldn't imagine a hundred years ago... We don't know what tomorrow will bring in this world. Or what jobs there will be. It's anyone's guess. So do what you want to do and enjoy doing it. Enjoy it for all it's worth. Eventually, one day, one of those things may become a job that only you can do." [Akira] "You're right!" --------------------------


I think I remember the Governor using zombies as entertainment


Mc is pathetic, now come fight me in the comments


A zombie with a mind is a dangerous thing bro not only knew to get in the truck he knew to hide behind the boxes and not say nothing till niggas opened that door again lmao

Daniel Turner

Ppl can watch the Netflix version now if want


Shizuka's dad went straight on the list


First thought I had was the Danganronpa eyes lol

Rebel Gamester

Yeah I'm in a similar situation so that bit of dialogue really stuck with me. This show is so amazing, it's just a shame it's held back by the delays and production issues


Dictator Roshi would make us re-enact the anime he has seen and when some dies in the re-enactment he kills them too

A. P.

Shizuka hit my boy Tendo with that "you so crazy" he in there lol Tendo pissed me off with this one though, buddy should've been food

Art of Trolling

Tendo had me hot the first half of the episode bro was giving off straight bitch energy. At least he got his get back in the end shit.


"Bitch energy?" Yeah? You missed the whole point of the past two episodes. This shallow-ass mf lmao.

Art of Trolling

Tbh I don’t understand this show at all I just watch it cause they react to it 🤷🏾‍♂️. But letting another grown ass man do what his “Boss” was doing is bitch energy to me.

Alex cleveland

Ngl, Akira was being a bitch nigga LMAOO. Yall be thinking wayyyy too deep with something thats not that deep. My man in a zombie apocalypse and he's a young adult... Aint no way u getting manipulated in zombie infested environment and situation where ur friends r there and need u the most.... Shizuka is a prime example of what Akira could have been, but is mentally weak compared to her. Thats ok tho, he just was cucked ep 1 and bitched ep 7 LOL. I still like Akira tho cause he stood up for himself at the end.


Merfhew I think he/ she was talking about how the father put down the puppy. Akira's shitty boss got what he deserves, but we haven't seen what happened to Shizuka's dad.

Art of Trolling

That’s what I’m saying I’m just calling it from my POV you could literally kill this nigga and nothing would happen. Nobody likes him anyways. Like sheera said let some zombies in the camp lol


@Kevon -- You would sentence everyone (including, potentially, yourself) to death just to kill 1 shitty guy? Surely the "let zombies into camp" scenario wouldn't be your first choice, right? Or would you be doing it on your way out?

Art of Trolling

No bro it was a joke. Me personally if I’m Tendo his big ass is going in his sleep.


fr tho these 2 eps he was on some bitch energy like aint no way u scared of yo boss as a grown ass man when u in a whole apocalypse and mfs dying left and right lmaooo


Yeah but that's the point though. His boss and the exploitative company traumatized him for the last 2 years to the point that he thinks the zombie apocalypse is good (kinda) because he doesn't need to work anymore. And that fat saliva-spitting mfk keep spilling nonsense into his ears for the last 2 days to make him think it would be best to be by his side smh.


Having been in a really toxic relationship that I couldn't escape without the help of friends and family, I view Akira and this episode differently. I look back now and think, "Why didn't I end it sooner? The manipulation was so obvious," but at the time, it felt like my intellect, my self-worth, and my confidence just went out the window. It's scary stuff.

Art of Trolling

Ngl I was just trolling with a little joke. My bad if I actually trigger anybody. I just thought it’s funny how he was riding a goddamn scooter through hordes of zombies and punching sharks but he scared of that fat mf

Merfhew (edited)

Comment edits

2023-09-05 04:42:28 I can only speak for myself, but I wasn't triggered. Trying to interpret the tone of an online comment can be pretty hit or miss, but it's a two way street. I'm sorry if my replies gave the impression that I was unhappy or triggered. I just wanted to share my own experience. And yeah, I don't think this series is meant to be taken seriously (remember when Akira and Tencho leaped buildings in Ep. 3), but it features commentary on certain real-life topics.
2023-09-05 02:39:54 I can only speak for myself, but I wasn't triggered. Trying to interpret the tone of an online comment can be pretty hit or miss, but as the saying goes, communication is a two way street. I'm sorry if my replies gave the impression that I was unhappy or triggered. I just wanted to share my own experience. And yeah, I don't think this series is meant to be taken seriously (remember when Akira and Tencho leaped buildings in Ep. 3), but it features commentary on certain real-life topics.

I can only speak for myself, but I wasn't triggered. Trying to interpret the tone of an online comment can be pretty hit or miss, but as the saying goes, communication is a two way street. I'm sorry if my replies gave the impression that I was unhappy or triggered. I just wanted to share my own experience. And yeah, I don't think this series is meant to be taken seriously (remember when Akira and Tencho leaped buildings in Ep. 3), but it features commentary on certain real-life topics.

Paden Snell

Kinda garbage that tendo doesn't stand up for homegirl as the boss is sexually harassing her.


He said that he blanks out when his boss is around. Plus he was busy doing something anyways and didn't hear them. He had to be called twice and didn't even realize he gave his boss an empty bottle

Tev Overhaul

Man cant wait for blonde hair girl lol 😂 im guessing within the next two episodes?

Marquiste jerome

Yall gotta check out "GANGS OF LONDON" its on MAX


Trio reaction to Kingdom pleeeasse😫😫

Lamaree Jackson

Buddy who got hit with the keyboard in Wanted was Chris Pratt. Got his shit rocked by Professor X

Daniel Turner

Ppl can watch the Netflix version if they want now


Some ppl here clearly are way too simple-minded and shallow, and don't really have any grasp or understanding of the human mind at all lol. One track mind, black and white. That's all these simpletons have in their little noggins.


Kencho lookin in awe at Shizuka giving her speech, like, "Oh shit. She really is the perfect woman for Akira."


Michonne was also using the two walkers as pack mules

Devin B

That just goes to show you work can sometimes feel like the worst thing you'll ever experience, especially where Akira worked at

Jacob Crooks

Not gonna happen. The animation is so cross-eyed and crooked early on that it looks like a playstation 1 cutscene. The names would also be difficult to keep track of.

Isabelle V.

The governor would capture zombies so the ppl in the Woodbury could fight them as entertainment. He also would collect heads to put in fish tanks as decor.

Isabelle V.

Yes, the Governor had his little minions in Woodbury capture zombies and also killed ppl for their supplies, sometimes turning them into zombies. The zombies would then be used as entertainment to fight prisoners or anyone who wanted to fight them. I would say Kosugi is more like Dawn and her cops who lived in the hospital. She would force ppl into indentured servitude via kidnapping, manipulation, etc. I would say Kosugi isn’t smart enough to be like the governor or Negan bc those characters were more charismatic and cunning lol😂


Negan was obviously using ppl but it was hard to dislike him aside from the Glenn thing. Even then his character was just charismatic af. This dude? Nah he can leave to the zombies


Yea that person was way too ready to be negative on whatever show theyre talking about. I'm talking about the Kdrama. Also difficult names is one of the most ridiculous reasons to not watch something

Kalas Wing

3:00 - 3:15 There is an anime (Sankarea) about the MC liking a girl after she becomes a zombie.

Mason Scott

Ok your point being your still watching it not everyone is some edge lord some people don't have confidence since you have a aot there is armin he was a whimp which made it satisfying to watch him grow up it's the same here don't like it dint watch


To the second half, I made that my PFP because I found it funny Other than that it has no other value, and as for Armin that's different

The Lonely One

Based on my understanding, it appeared that she was exploiting the zombies as guard dogs. It seemed that she had disabled their ability to bite and attack by cutting off their jaws and arms, and then putting them on a leash to use them as protectors.