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this is fucked lol



I've been waiting all week for this!! :D


this instigating ass cat , I can't


Sayaka is probably my favorite character, it always hurts :(


This reaction made me really happy, especially the end discussion


Sayaka is so tragic. Wish she would just go for Madoka instead and like forgot that dude lol

Bria A.

First off, glad everyone’s safe and doing okay! For a second I thought y’all were going to fall into the trap of hating Sayaka but I’m glad you get how tragic and sad her whole plotline really is. Doomed by the narrative (all of them, really 😬). These last couple of episodes are amazing.

Reckless Company

So glad she shot that scam cat but of course its alive so annoying lol

Hans Wurst

Not so fun fact: Apparantly the conversation on the train happened similarly somewhere for real. Gen Urobuchi, the writer for Madoka, said he did overhear it and put it in the show.


All that's on Homura's brain is MADOKA MADOKA MADOKA MADOKAAAA. Lmaooo I love them

Ranginald Vagel

I'm so frustrated, I know there's going to be a good reason she doesn't but if Homura knows all these things why didn't she share this information in order to prevent these tragedies? I don't think Sayaka was so far gone that she wouldn't care if you told her she was on the verge of becoming a goddamn witch.


Thank you so much for reacting to this!

Liam Gilbert

Gen Urobuchi (the creator) confirmed that Sayaka did in fact murder those two guys on the train.


I rewatched this show a couple months back and got my child sister into it. Now she’s a raging psycho 9 year old


cause the excuse of all time travel bullshits, Oh the timeline could get fucked or some shit.

Szayel H

It's gonna have a better explanation, just wait for all the answers on ep 10

Norrin Radd

This anime is so goated it brings a tear to my eye! 😥

Friendly Elites

With the cat out of the bag now I can answer a question y'all had back in episode 3. The Witches and their Labyrinths are are based on what caused their respective magical girl despair. Charlotte, the Witch that killed Mami was a young girl whose mother was dying in the hospital who wished to be able to taste her mother's cheesecake again. Realizing that she wasted her wish and could have healed her mother caused the newborn magical girl to immediately fall into despair and turn into a Witch. That's why the Labyrinth had cake, sweets, and syringes all over the place. Kyubey has been off-screening magical girls the entire series.


How do you know this? I don't recall it being mentioned in the series. Was it in some behind the scenes thing?


Also just wanted to point out the pronunciation of Kyubey is the hint towards the name, Incubator, kinda like In-kyubey-tor.



Gabby Boakye-yiadom

There's a lot of supplemental material for Madoka Magica when it was at the height of its popularity and that's not speaking just the movies. You can equate to the Evangelion of the Mahou Shojou genre.

Alex Campbell

Also soul gems getting tainted also can effect the user’s emotions without them realizing it

Marshall Lee

it’s always torture to see sayaka suffer when i rewatch this show

Marshall Lee

bro i’ve been following this series for years HOW did i not pick this up til now

Friendly Elites

Yeah there are details on each of the Witches in the series as well as official art for what each Grief Seed from each Magical Girl looks like. Sayaka's Grief Seed for instance has a musical staff on it.

Dark Nephthys

Not sure if you answered it before, but are you guys gonna do the Movie as well right after the show? I dont know if you're gonna watch the movie right after or wait like you did with NGNL but I think you should see the movie right after the show


I was whatever on this show when I first started watching with them but this is fire


I mean. That's not surprising in the slightest 😅 women deal with that shit every day.


Lmao I remember this episode so vividly. Dumbass 14y/o me did not have a single clue Kyuubei was evil until that "extra bodies" scene


Well homura actually said it like last episode when madoka asked why she never says anything. Homura said no one ever believes her.

Ranginald Vagel

I don’t buy, “no one believes me” as an excuse this time, it’s pretty easy to confront Kyubey on it and it’s been honest so far

Friendly Elites

the manga adaptation also made the scene more explicit with Sayaka dragging a bloodied sword with her as she got off the train

Isaac Tsumetsuki

the Magical Girl -> Witch was such an interesting use of word play 魔法少女 -> 魔女

sotonye ogan

Kyubey is the epitome of "They will never believe you" meme LMAO


No, he said he left it intentionally ambiguous. Shimbo, the director, said it didn't happen however, though that may be just his interpretation.

Oh Alone

They should be grateful that Mami died instead of became a witch. If that happens ,we all f up.


This is one of my favorite anime episodes, just because of how efficiently it accomplishes its goals. Homura's powers are slowly revealed, but they are still very vague until this episode where she suddenly starts to click. She seems to disappear, Kyuubi is shot in an instant, and the clearly seems to know things that shouldn't be possible to know. Once her power is revealed, all that stuff falls into place, but then a lot more of what she does or has done makes a lot more sense, especially retrospectively watching the series again. Meanwhile, Kyubey has clearly ramped up the evilness: he's coaxing Madoka in her weakest state when no-one is around to help and clearly states he wants to rip out her soul, coming to places uninvited to stir shit up, and comes right back after dying and cannabilizes himself. And then everything with Sayaka peaks as well. It's just such a well done way to enter the last 3rd of the show.


You're not wrong to some extent, although I don't think Sayaka would have believed her because she doesn't believe anything Homura says, but that's Homura's flaw. Due to bad past experiences, she doesn't cooperate properly and assumes the worst, which allows Kyubey to gain the trust of magical girls before she does. If she tried hard enough, she could present herself as someone more trustworthy than Kyubey. Furthermore, Kyubey can be made to admit things as he tries to avoid outright lying. But all of this is lost due to her not cooperating properly in her apathy towards anything which isn't related to Madoka.


Finally the fall of sayaka hate that bitch😂


Please watch the Movie (Rebellion) right or shortly after the series. It's amazing!


This is a cool find, 'Ma'hou Shou'jo' becoming 'Majo'


still at the surface


14:08 Roshi looking like "I think I might've made a mistake." Ngl, that is some DIALOGUE right there.


Answers are coming. The show specifically addresses this plot point in the near future.

Saint Nexus

This episode is crazy, but I gotta say this...how is Madoka supposed to want to help you (homura) when homura is keeping everything a secret? I'm sure it gets explained but people don't tend to respond well with just blindly following someone unless they have to. So her just asking these people to trust and believe her is a high task, along with treating Madoka friends like shit by telling them that they don't matter and you don't care. Also, I wonder if Sayaka turning into a witch will violate the contract and her friend will have broken hands again. Also, her friend is kinda trash. Your friend goes missing for about two days and you don't go looking and accept a girl's proposal. Trash friend man

Saint Nexus

Just watched the beginning section of the first episode as well, and I think maybe that's the ending if she keeps staying inactive on becoming a magical girl based on the fact that she wasn't one already and she was making the pact in that moment.


Most important German words to know when you watch anime :D Licht: Light Nacht: Night Welt: World


Homura telling sayaka that she doesn't care about her isn't 'treating her like shit' at all, homura is being completely honest about her feelings in that miment

Saint Nexus

I know that she's being honest, I was just saying that she makes it painfully obvious that nothing matters to her except Madoka and protecting her which leads to people that Madoka herself cares about not wanting to help or care about her thoughts as much. Which will lead to Madoka thinking the same. Treating her like shit wasn't the right phrasing, but the way Homura acts/feels doesnt help her case/mission.

Bria A.

granted, they’re like thirteen. homura going “by the way, i know how all of this turns out please listen to me” would absolutely not go over well — plus, keeping her motives secret up until now blindsides kyubey so it can’t go all apeshit eldritch monster or whatever he might be capable of. it’s frustrating from an outside perspective, but it does make sense. sayaka was a closed-off, jaded wreck from the events of…weeks? months of being a baby magical girl? now imagine homura.

Bria A.

yeah, i was hoping they would clock it, but i think they were in the middle of a comment when the line came up. i still repeat homura’s pronunciation years after the fact lmao

Saint Nexus

True. Homura probably jaded like crazy, and feels like she can't embrace her feelings at all.