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hot ass mess



Just in time! Time to watch while on the clock Lmao


crack time


I wait till im off so i dont get interrupted while watching 😂


Are we going to get mutant mayhem next week?

Luke Barnes

Wow I cant imagine the budget with all those guns lmfaoo

Alexander Flores

it probably wont happen but we need snowfall 4 times a week


early upload gang let’s go 🤙


bro i need more eps from yall

Devin B

Franklin being mad at Leon for being hot-headed with Manboy is understandable since Manboy didn't do anything to them but Leon being mad at Oso was justified imo, you're working with the guy who was a part of giving Kev the option to betray the group.

Devin B (edited)

Comment edits

2023-09-01 20:32:46 Also Franklin messed up siding with Manboy because even though Manboy is more competent than Skully his crew from the looks of it isn't as disciplined as Skully's crew. Skully's crew has to deal with his crazy ass so they know when it's the appropriate to do certain things but this kid in Manboy's crew and the two kids that tried to rob one of Franklin's trucks are unhinged.
2023-09-01 18:25:36 Also Franklin messed up siding with Manboy because even though Manboy is more competent than Skully his crew from the looks of it isn't as disciplined as Skully's crew. Skully's crew has to deal with his crazy ass so they know when it's the appropriate to do certain things but this kid in Manboy's crew and the two kids that tried to rob one of Franklin's trucks early last season are unhinged.

Also Franklin messed up siding with Manboy because even though Manboy is more competent than Skully his crew from the looks of it isn't as disciplined as Skully's crew. Skully's crew has to deal with his crazy ass so they know when it's the appropriate to do certain things but this kid in Manboy's crew and the two kids that tried to rob one of Franklin's trucks early last season are unhinged.


Nigga skully did drugs and unlocked the power of knowing bullshit like huh tf you mean vibes nigga 😭

Devin B

But I'm more focused on everyone on Manboy's crew aside from him. If you're comparing just Manboy and Skully then Manboy is a better choice overall but his weak link is his crew. Most of them just do shit just to do shit and that sometimes messes things up for Manboy in the long run. If it was the other way around and Manboy was somehow lured into that trap then maybe Skully's crew would've had a better chance at ambushing them. Skully is crazy but when it comes to shit he needs to do he's hyper aware of his surroundings and it seems like his crew wouldn't step out of line like Manboy's crew did.

Franklin Saint

Franklin he has so much on his plate with manboy,skully,and nix I don’t blame him on what side he chose to be on, his plan would’ve been good if it weren’t for manboys dumb ass boi being impatient and reacting too damm early Franklin and manboy would had the opportunity to take out Skully but Franklin should have a few people near the gate or entrance skully came from would have them blocked in so they wouldn’t escape


Y’all need to react to top boy after this. The newest ones no need to watch the older seasons it’s fire


I swear it always be these crackheads that be having these hidden abilities lol like how 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Franklin should’ve sided wit skully or even better listened to Leon and minded his fucking business

Franklin Saint

21:42 Dr. Skully is crazy Then his home boi ask is he good skully had the realist reaction 🤣😂


I like how sheera was quick to blame Franklin it's all his fault

J Man

Skully have dat Nig*a sense like he's Spider-Man or something


crazy how they ain't binge watching this show, its too good

Paul Reyes

Lol I can already tell they’re gonna be annoyed with the reporter


That Sherm Perk is OP. If activated before combat it allows the user to sense nearby enemy players, even those concealed by Ghost. That combined with an SVD rifle is nasty, Skully should've got behind a car and started picking people off instead of no-scoping like a newb.

Hasnain Khan



great episode but i need to know where lupa got that shirt its fire


Im sure franklin wouldve made a diff choice if he knew the nigga could "feel the vibes" and see through walls lmao. On a serious note, the base logic of the choice makes sense since Skully is unpredictable/unstable by nature as theyve shown so far which is an ever-present problem and Manboy is overly ambitious which is more of a later problem. TBH i think the right decision was to listen to leon and stay the fuck out of it.

Antonio Williams

I feel like y'all have retrospective blinders on sometimes. This is one of those instances. The plan was fine, outside of the fact that they couldn't vet all of the participants. Franklin setting Skully up made sense. He gave a token of good will, and then set up a meet (that was the place they were supposed to meet Javi (a lie of course)). Skully's insanity and intuition wound up spooking someone who was scared. Otherwise it would've worked.

Wavy Jones!

Skully is what he is, but he's incredibly in tune with his spiritual side. This was a great role for De'aundre Bonds AKA Stacey from "The Wood" lol

Bona Fide

Crazy cause when that cop said 100k I was like, why dont they just off him and chance it with a new chief rather than this one and then the end happens...


"The plan was fine, outside of the fact that they couldn't vet all of the participants." If not all aspects of a plan are planned out, doesn't that make the plan... not fine?


Can't take into account that a fucktard wouldn't be able to take instructions. You can't plan another person's actions lol.

Damarcus Miller

30:00 -31:33 Lupa DIDNT even Look at the screen lmao he does that so much.. he missed how stack ingwood was


"why didn't he side with the crazy unpredictable one"


Naw siding with Manboy was so stupid. Who cares if they knew each other a long time ago, they weren't friends they just knew each other. Its not like Manboy knew Franklins secrets or anything. I rather side with loyal crazy than unloyal childish immature reckless unstructured Manboy. For a character like Franklin to be portrayed as a very smart kid, this was a very stupid move. Should've listened to Louie.


The plan was damn near perfect except for the fact that Manboys homie was a jumpy dumbass. Yall want Franklin to be Batman or something like this nigga Skully ain't just activate his X gene and become an Xmen off the sherm.

Antonio Williams

From now on gotta give all of your opinions in the first person 😂. For the rest of the series, just give a "what was Franklin thinking" tidbit under every episode


This nigga Skully really unlocked observation haki doing sherm.

Devin B

In hindsight yeah he definitely should've sided with Manboy but Franklin was thinking about who he could profit off the most and so far he saw Manboy as a more capable partner. Louie was correct about Skully generally staying in his own lane but that doesn't take away the fact that he's crazy asf and Franklin would rather not deal with crazy.

Jamaal Ellison

Question: is a reporter the same as a Snitch? 🤨🤔

sotonye ogan

" Yall dont feel the vibes? " Imma be using that phrase anytime sumns up LMAO

Aaron Gauntt (edited)

Comment edits

2023-09-04 03:12:43 So many people in this show play waaay to strong of a hand (sherrif and nix right now) and don't realize the easiest solution is to just remove them from the equation
2023-09-04 00:59:23 So many people in this show play waaay too strong of a hand (sherrif and nix right now) and don't realize the easiest solution is to just remove them from the equation

So many people in this show play waaay too strong of a hand (sherrif and nix right now) and don't realize the easiest solution is to just remove them from the equation


Shout out to the niggas that tried to jump leon and fatback, they were sitting in the forest for how long and failed miserably.


I tried to hold myself back but I couldn't and started watching to see what happens. I just finished season 5 and cannot wait to see their reactions to what happens.


Fax. Anyone who legit thinks it would be better to side with skully, a drugged out psychopath who could change his mind and snap in an instant, is not someone I want to go into any type of business with. Just because you know siding with manboy fucked up doesn't mean it wasn't the smarter option.


Reminds me of when they watched the prison episode of avatar. Just because a plan doesn't work doesn't mean it was stupid. Thousands of unpredictable variables could fuck it up at any point. And skully is the word "unpredictable" personified.

Ijaaz Muhammad

Swear to God that this show raises my blood pressure😭


the cop could have other connections and the one thing we know about people in this show is that they hold grudges and they WILL get their get back. its mexico too so you never know WHO that man could be connected to.

Doby Greg

I find hard to believe Jerome can have been in the game drug game so long and be so hot blooded and not have killed a man yet. Overall really enjoying the tension of this season.


he sold reggie for most of his time in the game lol


You smoke sherm, Skully is doing straight pcp

J Man

LOL.... Skully get a sniper rifle, and the nigga decided to use it via hip fire. Skully OP

Xavier Baker

so ,im guessing they wouldve chose in the insane over the scheming,fair enough,but me personally I'd rather duke it out in schemes and brains with Manboy than to to have to handle a volatile nuke with no timer on it thats Skully,thats just me tho