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Im a simple man. I see woman with lightsabers on top of spacecraft, I turn around.


Weltall Gaia

Did they ever react to Andor?


No they didnt


This was a fun one, deff felt the most like a live action Rebels episode.


facts about rebels that this series expects you to already know: (spoilers to Rebels but not spoilers to this current series, more like information) 1. The droid Chopper is an absolute menace, he has more bodies than the rebel's crew combined, and he gives zero shits about anyone except Hera on his team. He is an absolute fan favorite in the Rebels series. 2. Sabine was never Ahsoka's apprentice in Rebels, she only used Mandalorian equipment and loved to blow stuff up. She was never seen using the force, nor was stated she had even 1% aptitude for it. But she did in fact wield the black saber and lead the Mandalorians with it at some point in the series which explains why she held her own instead of getting one shot. And she is no Jedi, not even close. 3. Ezra and Sabine were not a thing, but were shipped because of their chemistry together and they were very close. 4. Since this show seems to revolve around Thrawn and Ezra, It's certain that this is pretty much a sequel to the Rebels, so aside from Ahsoka, you guys should realize that every main character in Rebels is also the main character here so no-one is gonna die without some stupid over the top dramatic sequence. 5. The last member of the Rebels crew (Ghost crew) is Zeb, a huge guy from the Lasat race who now lives on his people's planet along with a former main antagonist of the Rebel series who turned good (who was also responsible for wiping out almost all Lasats), Admiral Kallus. (I don't know if they will make an appearance or not) 6. I feel like I MUST disclose this for future episodes in case it is shown as a huge reveal, Ezra Bridger, a Jedi Padawan, also has an extraordinary aptitude to communicate with any type of beast. In the last events of Rebels, He was able to control enormous-sized monsters that were the sole inspirations of hyperspace travel. And was able to use those beasts to hyperspace Thrawn's Destroyer to wherever Ezra commanded them to along with him, which was his sacrifice and the reason he is now missing. I'm mentioning this just in case there are some suspicious acting animals further into the series that hint Ezra is actually alive or something.


Always remember Ashoka learned how to fly like that from her master Anakin skywalker


Side Note: Hera’s Son has the potential to be a Jedi. If im not wrong i believe that little boy is the son of Kanan from the rebels series. Just some info about the ever-growing Star Wats Universe.


I feel like y'all should maybe watch a quick recap of Rebels to get the basics of what happened previously like you did with Baki. Couldn't hurt.

John Cedar

Honestly, I'm more for seeing how the show does at conveying that information to new viewers like it's supposed to. Surely they're not expecting all the boomers who stumble upon this on Disney+ to have seen Rebels? They're meant to fill in the blanks.

Hasnain Khan



Hyperspace rings are used to transport ships like the ones the jedi use for their star fighters. This one will probably be used to bring back Thrawn's Star Destroyer.


To answer sheeras question zatochi is a technique where you basically turn on aim bot with the force. You let it guide your hand as you sense danger. This is one step down from how jedi deflect blaster bolts. They let the force guide their hand to defend against danger that hasn't even arrived yet (so it's a type of seeing the future/precognition). Basically they're saying without her armor, literally anyone with a gun could smoke Sabine if she's holding a lightsaber


Ezra can control those whales by the way 😃


Regarding Huyang's "Untraditional Jedi" comment, the order goes, Yoda > Count Dooku > Qui-Gon > Obi-Wan > Anakin > Ahsoka > Sabine. Each of which were a little unconventional when compared to other jedi. They thought a little differently then the rest and it reflects a little upon each successive padawan.


@Lupa Huyang's comment about Ahsoka coming from a, "long line of non-traditional Jedi" was merely pointing out her 'line of jedi' so to speak, and how all but one of them were pretty non traditional. Count Dooku>Qui-Gon Jinn>Obi-Wan Kenobi (the mostly traditional one)>Anakin Skywalker>Ahsoka Tano>Sabine Wren.

Drake Rage

Am I missing something? Why does Ahsoka seem so dead inside, we barely got to see a little bit of personality from her this episode, but for the most part there is no energy or personality from her. Like someone pointed out, this "line" of Jedi Masters have been especially quirky/unconventional and I have seen a bunch of episodes of Ahsoka as a teen/under Anakin, she should be a lot more animated than this even if she has "matured" or due to tragedy, I need more energy from her to give life to the character.

Drake Rage

Damn... I guess I miss the energetic teen Ahsoka when she was still Anakin's padawan, lol.

Grimm (edited)

Comment edits

2023-09-02 05:17:28 Quick back story on Sabine, She's a Mandalorian who are known to not be force sensitive. There was only 1 Mandalorian ever to be able become a Jedi, which he was the one that crafted the Dark Saber. Sabine has trained with that Dark Saber by Kanan ( A Jedi in the show Rebels) who is the father of Jacen ( Hera son with green hair).
2023-09-02 03:16:56 Quick back story on Sabine, She's a Mandalorian who are known to not be force sensitive. There was only 1 Mandalorian ever to be able become a Jedi, which he was the one that crafted the Dark Saber. Sabine has trained with that Dark Saber by Kanan ( A Jedi in the show Rebels who is also Ezra Master) who is the father of Jacen ( Hera son kid with green hair). Backstory of the space Whales, they are believed to be the inspiration for hyper drive in star wars universe. Yes they can naturally travel light speeds. End of Rebels Ezra made them attach to a Star Destroyer which Thrawn was in and basically forced it to hyper drive to another galaxy. Ezra whole force powers was being able to control animals.

Quick back story on Sabine, She's a Mandalorian who are known to not be force sensitive. There was only 1 Mandalorian ever to be able become a Jedi, which he was the one that crafted the Dark Saber. Sabine has trained with that Dark Saber by Kanan ( A Jedi in the show Rebels who is also Ezra Master) who is the father of Jacen ( Hera son kid with green hair). Backstory of the space Whales, they are believed to be the inspiration for hyper drive in star wars universe. Yes they can naturally travel light speeds. End of Rebels Ezra made them attach to a Star Destroyer which Thrawn was in and basically forced it to hyper drive to another galaxy. Ezra whole force powers was being able to control animals.


You guys should really watch rebels when you get a free slot


I beg rebels is so good it has so many laughs as well it would be dope to see you all react to it

October Veil

Disney+ also has a short animated series called "Tales of the Jedi" that I swear has the CUTEST lil baby Ashoka in the first episode... but I digress. Episode 8 called "Practice Makes Perfect" shows how Anakin Skywalker taught Ashoka how to defend herself while surrounded by armed clone troopers, but slowly at first. Each time she got knocked out he made her get up and do it again and again until she could deflect their blasters long enough to hopefully escape. That training was how she was able to escape the clones when they turned on the Jedi during the purge, er, Order 66.


Roshi super mad about getting tapped with a stick when the other option is just Ahsoka beating the shit out of you with a stick. Like does he think you teach little kids basketball by having Shaq slap their ball away and then teabagging the child lmao

Oscar Barcelo

Holy crap the plot armor on that ship was set to 1000%, that was a stupid amount of hits it took. 7 strafe runs bunch of anti air rounds. And when the shield was down they took another 2-3

Takeshi Kovacs

You guys really need to watch Rebels it only has 4 seasons with 75 episodes in total


Also I love how Huyang walks back his negativity to make into a sorta positive that she is different like Ahsoka and everybody before her and in that way they fit together, and then couch gang is like YO FUCK THIS ROBOT"


It is an amazing show but saying only 75 episodes seems a little casual lol


Ahsoka: Anger and frustration give power but they unbalance you. Roshi: You are pissing me off. I swear Roshi would have become a Sith by the 1 movie lmao

Jamaal Ellison

Senator Hamato Xiono's son, Kazuta has his own animated series taking place after the ending of Ashoka and Rebels calls StarWars Resistance. During one of the episodes, Kazuta watched as general Hux fired the Starkiller base weapon on the Hosnian system killing his father Hamato.

Dark Danny

i notice that since the beginning i get she's in her 40s now and has been through a lot but still. i'm holding out hope that we can see more of her personality, it's one of the reasons i liked he so much

John Cedar

Jedis are basically Buddhist monks, they were always supposed to be based on stoicism and having full control of your emotions, and a lack of attachment to any one thing. That's why Anakin was so out of place and at odds with the Jedi council for the prequels, he could just never vibe with that way of looking at life. It's a bit confusing with the new Star Wars: are they saying that's how a Jedi should act, or are they saying that way of thinking is outdated and what led to the Jedi Order falling? They can't really seem to decide which is better. Also, in Ahsoka's case, she lived out the time of the Empire mostly by herself, unlike Luke, Leia, and Han or the Rebels gang who had each other for socialization and comradery. She's had little company other than droids for years and years and it shows.

Drake Rage

Yeah that is the issue, the contradiction of Ahsoka leaving Jedi Order because of her disagreeing with it but then following their teachings even more than Obi-Wan? Cause Obi-Wan who is known to be the most traditional amongst them and he displayed more emotions in a single episode than what Ahsoka has done in 3 episodes. Also the fact that for viewers it is not very entertaining seeing the main character not showing emotions/energy 95% of the time :/


Yall be forgetting who Ashokas master is, that man Anakin brought the whole clone fleet outside of a seperatist dreadnought just to catch Grevious lacking


You can even throw in Plo who found her hes pretty unconventional


Honestly kenobi even putting up with anakin and staying alive long enough to tell the tale is pretty unconvential, plus he did almost bang satine so thats that


to be fair shes like 40 sum and shes been through hell and back, lost obi wan, plo, all the jedi, she probably lost rex and the gang before this show, and I can only imagine her reaction when she heard the news about Vader and or what Luke mightve told her


well she is taking in sabine and she literally doesnt have enough midachlorians to lift a crumb so id say shes not following the teachings


im beeeegging them either watch rebels or if they want to fill a slot for like a year watch clone wars or at least the last season

Azzy V

My kitten’s name is Ahsoka so it’s nice to watch you guys react to Ahsoka(the show) 😅

Lord Joku 69

You’ll don’t know who trained her the greatest and most powerful Jedi the goat himself anakin skywalker


Im not going to lie. I havent watched Rebels. But if you all watch it. I am 1000% down for the adventure


It is awesome and gets even better in later seasons

Drake Rage

@Trey Well it seems like they are trying to retcon stuff when they say stuff like anyone can use the force with enough training.. like no Sabine is literally not going to be able to use the force if she doesn't have the midichlorians and talent, which she doesn't like the robot repeatedly mentioned. So why is Ahsoka trying to give her fake hope that she might? Unless the idea is to retcon stuff and change it so with training Sabine could use the force in some ways? So yeah if they want to change stuff then they should definitely give Ahsoka a personality even if she became like this in the Rebels show, cause I can literally feel her depression through the screen and it is not entertaining or enjoyable at all to see her like this.


Maybe even some of the Clone Wars arcs as well..... Like the top 10 or so.


That Xiono Senator that was talking hella sh!t is the dad of the main character in Star Wars Resistance...for all of the 5 people that watched that show.

Zachary Shepard

I love Zatoichi the blind samurai character! I love that shout out. And I Love that the blind training we have seen since in episode IV now has a name!

Kumi Chan

I respect roshi for picking up on rebels easter eggs even though he hasn’t seen it. Shows he’s invested in it

Jordan Maia

u guys would have a hell of a time watching the clone wars and rebels series 10/10 for anybody who enjoys fiction

Michael Pamon (edited)

Comment edits

2023-09-14 13:14:55 They’re not Grey Jedi. Grey Jedi do not exist in Star Wars. Baylan and Shin are Dark Jedi.
2023-09-14 11:11:57 They’re not Grey Jedi. Grey Jedi do not exist in Star Wars. Baylan and Shin are Dark Jedi. EDIT: Don’t try to come for me in the replies, you nerds. The words “Grey Jedi” have literally never been uttered in the canon before.

They’re not Grey Jedi. Grey Jedi do not exist in Star Wars. Baylan and Shin are Dark Jedi. EDIT: Don’t try to come for me in the replies, you nerds. The words “Grey Jedi” have literally never been uttered in the canon before.


suck my nuts, the only reason grey jedi arent canon is because disney retconned 90% of the story.

Michael Pamon

Lmao even before Disney they were not canon. The Expanded Universe was never canon. Lucas himself has stated that multiple times. The term “Grey Jedi” in and of itself is oxymoronic. Jedi follow the light, they do not toe the line in between light and dark AT ALL