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I just noticed that gons suit on the pillow is black cause of the green screen I straight up was confused cause he never changed out that dirty ass tracksuit 💀

Hasnain Khan


Chris Hee

Is there anyone who can speak Korean who can tell us what these persons' accents are like? Do some people sound more upper-class than others, maybe?


This nigga a weirdo bro used to cops to find her bro like tf type of shit is that 😭


That’s not the girl from extraordinary woo!


Wonder if there’ll be another wrong actor mentioned in the next reaction.

rickie woodson

which people's accents exactly? like chae hee's group of friends? would need to see more eps for examples but based on the first episode, the only one that sounds sophisticated is sihyeon (the lawyer's wife). i would compare her to attorney jung and attorney han from extraordinary attorney woo. you can compare how they speak to how the rookie attorneys speak. though all well spoken, the level of articulation is miles apart. the best way to compare accents (for classes only) is by listening to older females (like the maids in episode one when ari was making a sell) and older males like fishermen or open market sellers as these people are usually depicted as less educated. that has always been the best distinction for me cause at the end of the day its a tv show with actors a modern18 year old in the 2020s are just not going to sound like a 50 year old in 2020 even being from the same tax bracket, especially with all the access via the internet they have to better their speech. so like in uk films we usually only get two accents (posh and cockney) even though there are MUCH more accents then that. my favorite is geordie and in one of my english classes they talked about how everyone learns to speak posh (code switching which they call phone voice) cause folks often leave to go to the london or other big cities for work and they are just not going to hire you if you dont sound "professional" aka posh. same with these actors in asia. yunho of tvxq is from jolla and they have a STRONG country accent and he had to get rid of that before he debuted as an idol so we (the audience) arent always getting an accurate depiction as far as that aspect is concerned unless its like some super detailed director and even then might only see that in a film.

Chris Hee

Ah yeah, I was thinking of the instagrammers. Trying to figure out if they're elite elite? Or just kinda faking it and covering up their true nature and stuff. Also if there are any variations amongst the elite themselves


Its weird to use the police, he could have used something else lol. He probably didn't ask anyone at the party or any of those girls though, because he didn't want those girls, partygoers and influencers all in his business.

Bria A. (edited)

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2023-08-26 00:10:20 I’m sorry to have to keep clapping y’all in the comments but that’s also not Suyeon from Attorney Woo lmao. If it helps, the cast is a mix of actors and real life influencers, so you’re probably not going to recognize anyone except for major names in the industry. Ari’s actress is in It’s Okay Not to Be Okay (which is a great, kind of darker follow-up watch to EAW, tbh), Sweet Home, and Devil Judge; the main guy is in a k-rock band, and…that’s about all I know by memory, honestly.
2023-08-25 22:00:48 I’m sorry to have to keep clapping y’all in the comments but that’s also not Suyeon from Attorney Woo lmao. If it helps, the cast is a mix of actors and real life influencers, so you’re probably not going to recognize anyone except for major names in the industry. Ari’s actress is in It’s Okay Not to Be Okay (which is a great, kind of darker follow-up watch to EAW, tbh), Sweet Home, and Devil Judge; the main guy is in a k-rock band, and…that’s about all I know by memory, honestly. PS: She said “michin” (미친), which means “crazy”. You’ll hear it a lot, especially with how fond these girls are of calling each other crazy bitches. They do end up saying bitch! Just in Korean (nyeon / nyeon-a). 😂

I’m sorry to have to keep clapping y’all in the comments but that’s also not Suyeon from Attorney Woo lmao. If it helps, the cast is a mix of actors and real life influencers, so you’re probably not going to recognize anyone except for major names in the industry. Ari’s actress is in It’s Okay Not to Be Okay (which is a great, kind of darker follow-up watch to EAW, tbh), Sweet Home, and Devil Judge; the main guy is in a k-rock band, and…that’s about all I know by memory, honestly. PS: She said “michin” (미친), which means “crazy”. You’ll hear it a lot, especially with how fond these girls are of calling each other crazy bitches. They do end up saying bitch! Just in Korean (nyeon / nyeon-a). 😂


Bro it don’t matter what the next episode is that’s weird why are you using cops to find somebody that you do not know even Roshi and sheera said that’s weird how would you like it If I used the cops to find you and I don’t know you 🤣

Bria A.

I mean, mostly the guest spots and cameos, from the looks of it. I’m not a k-drama expert by any means but I don’t see a ton of names or faces I recognize off the bat aside from the lead(s), is all I was trying to get at

Elle E. (edited)

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2023-08-26 02:07:47 @3.50 Sheera & Roshi - "That's definitely her" Me - "That's definitely NOT her" The nose shape & lip shape look different from Choi Soo Yeon in "Attorney Woo"- and something about the jaw line is slightly diff from Soo Yeon too
2023-08-26 00:05:23 @3.50 Sheera & Roshi - "That's definitely her" Me - "That's definitely NOT her" The nose shape & lip shape look different from Choi Soo Yeon in "Attorney Woo"- face shape looks longer & their voice tones are differ so def differ actresses

@3.50 Sheera & Roshi - "That's definitely her" Me - "That's definitely NOT her" The nose shape & lip shape look different from Choi Soo Yeon in "Attorney Woo"- face shape looks longer & their voice tones are differ so def differ actresses

Kumi Chan

That is not sa ra.


that does not look like the girl from attorney woo 😂

rickie woodson

the korean m sounds like the english b as its a nasal sound. she said mitchin aka crazy/madness. there is also bich and conjugations of bich (bichneun, bichin, etc) which means light. you are going to hear all the forms of crazy as they are just saying it over and over again this ep lol michyeoseo, michyeojwo, mitchin, and more

rickie woodson

her friend was still there. she was in one scene but fangirl was in this ep for sure. miss wannabe yuri from snsd

rickie woodson

so far the only one that stands out is sihyeon. she is super sophisticated and articulate. the rest sound on the same level to me, very new money upper middle class vs someone from generational wealth and learning that sihyeon comes from a political family, it tracks. i dont know which is which out of angela and jina but i need those two to have more scenes and lines. hope i was able to help you out

rickie woodson

well it is a drama so he had to be EXTRA lol plus he's a rich bitch, they never do anything normally.


Sihyeon is the only one speaking like a mature woman. The other influencers use a lot of slang and speak with an inflection that is common among 20-somethings. It's jarring to see Sihyeon associating with them.


lmao yo we are getting cooked, both those women looked like the others we mentioned


I had to binge the whole show after these reactions, show is lowkey good af


Boring episode, hopefully the next one is better

cami ً

it's not the girl from attorney woo but the protagonist is the bass girl from sweet home

SmittyWerbenjägermanjensen (edited)

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2023-08-28 23:32:58 Why do I always see you in the comments clowning shows? Do you enjoy any? Genuine Question
2023-08-28 21:11:05 Do you enjoy any shows? Genuine Question

Do you enjoy any shows? Genuine Question


I mean kdramas have gotten overrated and suddenly become a huge part of this channel lmao and this def a lesser kdrama out of all of em


That's like saying animes are overrated or live action shows are overrated. Kdramas aren't overrated it just depends on the show. And it's not suddenly, Kdramas have been popular amongst the asian countries since way before (+20 years or so), it’s just that now and for the past few years it received more international recognition especially from the western countries because so many people started to like and enjoy it genuinely, naturally becoming a huge part of this channel as well.

Devron Love

Bit sure if someone mentioned it but that’s not the actor who plays Sa-ra. Two totally different women.

Devron Love

Yeah, also not the girl from Attorney Woo. Y’all bought to be hit with the “all Asians look alike?!” stereotype crowd being upset 🤦🏿‍♂️ 😂


its fine, i think its normal to be confused if two people have the same facial features, hair style, body type.