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I built this, BRICK BY BRICK!







Favorite quote of the entire show.


W line, W drop


Franklin slowly turning into the goat mc he is 🐐😂

Anna Anthony

Yayyyy thanks for the content as always but isnt it Ep 9??

Anthony Ramsey

was praying you dropped this before i had to clock in🤣


Also title says 3x8 instead of 3x9


Waited on this episode for this exact line 😂

Clapsumch eeks

Yooooo yall been coming early recently

Dalvin Williams

Perfect description I been waiting for this moment 😂

Israel Perez

i still be saying "park the car" whenever someone pulls over lol 😂

Devin B (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-25 19:19:16 As if Franklin couldn't be even more of a boss, he had to let Leon know that he built this shit and isn't going to let anyone tear it down
2023-08-25 17:18:19 As if Franklin couldn't be even more of a boss, he had to let Leon know that he built this shit and isn't going to let anyone, not even him, tear it down and waste all his efforts

As if Franklin couldn't be even more of a boss, he had to let Leon know that he built this shit and isn't going to let anyone, not even him, tear it down and waste all his efforts

Paul Reyes

That brick by brick scene is so iconic


I need some help if anyone can, I'm using the Patreon Android app and the video is just black and won't unpause does anyone know how to fix this?


One of the greatest lines in tv history

Aniki Pft

I feel like the scene with Franklin in that hot ass car is him going through a mini panic attack. He's seeing the little girl and her father which could probably remind him of Mel and Andre, he's realizing he took away someone's father and it can never be undone. Or I could be wrong asf

Muscle Butt

Franklin a real ass homie for calling Leon out in private

The Endless

I always thought it was very unreasonable to say that she could put together that Franklin was the one to do it from the window that SHE, the crackhead, kept open so she could sneak in and out. A real stretch, a bit of bad writing but I figured they had to make it work for later on.

Delinda Arts

the famous "brick by brick" scene is the first of anything i saw of snowfall. Just stumbled across it on twt a few months back

Hasnain Khan



small mistake, it's ep 8 in the title instead of ep 9


Franklin had lupa sweat this whole episode

Devin B

You're kind of spoiling what kind of episode it's going to be


you mean the same window she knew franklin would come visit her at on a regular basis? crack doesn’t erase your memory my guy lmao it ain’t that hard to figure out


This Ep Franklin was impersonating Lupa


Next episode... keep an open mind... but my favorite version of Franklin is coming up next season omg!

The Endless

But that still doesn’t give enough to definitively know. Plus how would you figure it out based on the window YOU leave open on a consistent basis. This was PURELY a hunch bc how would that sound bringing it to the police. “Oh I believe my childhood best friend did it bc I used to sneak him in my room”. ohhhkay do you have anything else to go with that? It’s ludicrous. Theyres nothing tying Franklin to it in the first place so excuse me if I don’t believe a crackhead of all ppl would have the proper investigation skills to come to that conclusion. Like I said lazy writing.

The Endless

She def woulda been with her dad then. Andre had to go, he kept pushing the envelope and even threatened to never give up. What kind of sense it make to keep an enemy who’s a constant threat AND knows your secrets alive? HE shoulda took the offer Franklin gave him to leave and shut tf up. You and sheera need to get out ya feelings.

Devin B

It's more about process of elimination than reasoning, she couldn't believe that Andre killed himself so the next possible conclusion to come to is that someone killed him and when you think of the person that had the most to benefit from killing him it would be Franklin


I forgot this episode had that ending thought it would happen in the season finale

Devin B

But you know these guys aren't watching the previews of the next episode, it's whatever at the end of the day though

Art of Trolling

That Brick by Brick Scene was epic and I’m glad Franklin did it when it was nobody else around. My only problem with Franklin was that he should have kept Leon away from Manboy in the beginning. Having him around that nigga in his crew was always gonna cause problems

The Endless

@Devin B That would work a bit better if he wasn’t a cop that the majority of neighborhood didn’t fuck with. Who would want to kill a cop? that list isn’t short. It would be more understandable if she kept her window locked and Franklin knew how to jerryrig it or something and she saw it unlocked but between the sneaking out and the crack I just can’t buy to this day that she saw the window latch open and could be like “yeah it was him”. (plus is it’s not far assume that a regular intruder could’ve came in that way, they literally do it all the time) Especially with how much Franklin had been helping with her lately. I could see her accusing him but for her to be so determined and finalized on it, that’s def not a regular crackhead or character she must’ve read the script lol

Devin B

It's ironic how the officer told Franklin that Andre wouldn't let anyone get near him like that unless it was someone close to him and Franklin got caught lacking because of how close he is to Mel, his guard would've been all the way up with anyone else

Erica Collins

Why is it so fun rooting for the main character's downfall 😭 I'm over here happy af seeing franklin get shot tf up and then he had the nerve to say "baby" like SIRRRR eat these bullets mf


Wouldn't they test for GSR on Andre's hand which would then make it seem less likely that he shot himself.

The Endless

😭😭like literally, talking the HEAVIEST of shit with the blick in ya face? I stg he actually DID wanna go bc who that crazy?

Franklin wasn't getting away with 35mil scott free

Andre was a good cop doing what good cops do - fighting crime. You say I'm in my feelings but you're over here defending someone destroying his community and the lives of everyone around him because he's the main character. Franklin has only caused harm, he might have enriched his family but he's also implicated them. Mel was backed into a corner surrounded by snakes and murderers and did the best she could with no power WITHOUT stooping to their level. If I had the ability to adversely effect the life of a man that murdered my father, or turned by daughter into a crackhead I wouldn't hesitate.

Erica Collins

THATS WHAT IM SAYING lmao but I guess she thought in the back was enough. I mean it is still a lethal spot

Courtney Alexis

Great reaction as always. I kinda forgot about the ending. I don't know why I thought it happened in the finale instead lol. Oh and Roshi and Sheera don't worry, you guys will see more of Louie and Jerome next season. I had always heard about the scene in the car with Lee and Franklin before I started watching the show so I was really excited to get to that part when I did start watching. Love Damson lmao. Anyways, excited for the finale and Season 4 reactions!

One & Only

LMAOOOO and people last post tryna tell me franklin gonna be up now after Andre died😭 only worse from here

Dalvin Williams

That’s a good description I agree 💯 and also he knew Andre since being a kid so he probably use to pick them both up from school

Alfredo (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-25 20:41:38 Once again a smart character pays for their own stupidity. Andre got himself killed, but Franklin should've had more tact, why not have your goons watch Andre and tail him to Texas, and then have him smoked on his ride back in a far away state? You gonna shoot this mf in his own crib and he's a cop?
2023-08-25 18:38:21

Dalvin Williams

Straight respect. And it doesn’t cause problems like sheera thinks cause ultimately he told Leon to stop and leave his corners therefore he fixed it


Franklin's actor is so good. Especially when you realize he's not even American. He's British lol

Drake Rage

These last 3 episodes have been so damn stressful, my god.

Dalvin Williams

At the end of the day the whole white police force didn’t care about no dam crack in a black neighborhood so you should really be made at the cops which Andre was so at the end of the day he tried to be a good cop and life was kicking his ass at that point. He should’ve thought better about his own life and did way more to help Mel 🤷🏾‍♂️. Crack recipe is out so even if Franklin stopped it’s still in the fucking neighborhood 😂


Not saying I like Franklin getting shot but then bullets we’re made for him

The Endless

You’re speaking from an omniscient pov of the audience. The characters in the show wasn’t gonna put that together(ofc only if they need them too tho like with Melody)

Erica Collins

Right lmao went from having that boss speech with leon to bleeding out on the floor like a bozo 😭

Devin B

In the words of Thanos, you should've gone for the head

Devin B

I agree it felt like her deduction was too spot on just based on the window being open but also you have to think who's clever enough to make it look like a suicide and just based on the people she knows Franklin fits that description. Either way I wish they made it more reasonable how she figured out it was him.

The Endless

@Gyasi. A good cop by disabling and breaking/entering a house, by turning his police work into a personal vendetta, by letting the white men he work with/for continue to abuse their power and his own ppl? Yeah I will say he was trying to do his job but you not finna try to morally highroad an argument against what’s objectively logical. And Jerome literally said this episode that if he didn’t wanna do this, he wouldn’t so that bit about causing harm may be true but they signed up for it. I don’t feel bad for them they’ve done their dirt too tf? Everything isn’t solely on Franklins head. If Andre wanted to be a better coo, he could’ve done it without talking shit WITH A GUN TO HIS HEAD. Lastly once again, SHE HAD NO PROOF so she Didn’t “know” anything bc if it wasn’t him then what? S/N: also wasn’t it the dude at the party she was with who peer pressured her into crack? You can hate Franklin but it’s a fact that not everything is his fault and there are things out of his control.

The Endless

@Gyasi What makes you think i revile her or crackheads? They can’t help what they are anymore even though it is originally THEIR choice. Or maybe you thinking that person at the heart of it must be going around forcing pipes into ppl hands? He’s responsible for giving access yes but dude is trying to make a living so throw away the puddle deep fake morality that show spoon fed to you. He not nobody momma or daddy. Plus if you wanna be technical, Teddy, is the heart of all this. Franklin is just an asset. If he wasn’t running this operation crack might’ve not even been a thing for probably another decade or two

The Endless

@Davin Williams FUCKING LITERALLY. Mans was on a personal mission and paid for it. When that shit went down he should’ve been thinking more about being around to help his DAUGHTER than whatever vendetta he had to the man with gun to his face.

Alexis Sullivan

Yall gon learn to stop doubting Sheera's vision. She be tryna tell yall

Dontsop Keran

Lmao y’all don’t know shit abt how goated franklin is💀. We nowhere near close to the downfall

One & Only

Ah yes goated to where he gets popped 3 times in the back, and gets a gun pulled on him by the white cop. I seen what happens and he may have some ups later on but this is the cause you can't deny that


This show is fucking S tier!!


The meme 😂. Damson Idris is a phenomenal actor.


Blud just had to throw the crackhead away. Lot of dumb moments for people in such a dangerous business.


that sniper sound by lupa was crazyy lmaoo sounded real af.


Franklin is officially super black man 🤣

Asante Upshur-Benson

That brick by brick scene is when niggas started comparing him to Denzel Washington even tho he ain’t at that level yet lol

rickie woodson

the show: everyone is sweating. them: only see franklin sweating "he is mad nervous". me: nah they all shiny. probaby dont have central ac and it is the summer. show: confirms a heatwave. ahhhhh sweet vindication

rickie woodson

im with sheera. tie that crackhead up! i dont care what you use, just do it. everybody got some duct tape laying around. her skin'll grow back.......

Elle E.

LMAO the panic at 9:44 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

rickie woodson

that was a good scene. i've never been a denzel thumper (dont see the hype) outside of fences he's never impressed me as an actor, so as an unbiased third party: i can see his potential. there was some passion/fire missing in his eyes, other than that, emmy nomination worthy. will be interesting to him franklin's actor in movies now that the show is over. he would be a great icon, val zod or new t'challa. he has that x factor most definitely


The underground crack road


Omg I’ve been waiting for this episode

Kwame James

He put the gun in his hand and a recently fired gun will give off some GSR transfers

Bona Fide

wtf is going on in this show and where was everyone after all those shots?

Kwame James

Two things it was less that Mel wanted to kill him and more that she wanted him to suffer if you remember it was shown that she knew how to shoot


Huh??? That ending? Bro?

rickie woodson

we know she has gun boys. the show made a point to show us her training with her dad at the shooting range. she wasnt looking frantically enough to be on drug time

rickie woodson

i liked what they did with the lights this episode as well. and that ending....i was hoping the rage would give her the motivation to get clean so she can plot and scheme to get revenge but with it over with i dont know if sobriety is in her future.

Franklin Saint

Fr bro is a menace to society I love his transformation in the beginning to the end


I was not expecting that ending. I completely forgot she practiced shooting with her dad. I'm surprised she didn't sell the gun for crack tho


Lupa saying „the community“ kills me, He’s always so worried about the community.


Andre got shot because he let Franklin get to close Franklin got shot because he let Mel get to close the love he had for her was the reason he got shot

Franklin Saint

It’s crazy how Franklin been to prison and got shot

Elle E.

he's immune to getting shot bc he's been to prison???

Franklin Saint

If you really think about it’s really more messed up of Franklin to killed Andre someone who help raise Franklin since he was a little boy when his father step out of his and mom life and pretty sure kept them safe before he became a drug dealer since he live next door

Franklin Saint

What??? I never said he’s immune getting shot I’m basically saying last season he first experience what it’s like being behind bars, then experience getting shot in the following season

Jahari Fields

34:38 that shit was hilarious

Edd R

Surprised Mel ain sold the gun for some rock


I never fucked with Officer Nix. Pretty sure he even called Andre “one of the good ones”. Nix did not give a fuck about him


roshi: "dying? oh suicide" the way i cackled 😂

sotonye ogan

Might as well call him "50 Saint" HAHAHA. Get it?


I’m kinda on both. She got him with them hot ones and it was both deserved and satisfying to see. But also every time Franklin go through some shit like this he turns even more to a demon, so I’m mad excited to see what he does next. Unfortunately Mel will most likely be the recipient of his wrath but hey ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Nita - Kento's Widow

Damson Idris is a good actor cause he had that 'I just killed someone' high strung energy the whole episode lmao Really like how they portrayed anxiety and stress from both Franklin and Teddy here though.

Devin B

I just assumed when people compared the two they were talking about how similar they are because Franklin definitely gave me Denzel vibes in that brick by brick scene.

Devin B

The first time he killed with intent and not only did he take a father away from a daughter but it was someone close to him that he did it to. It'd be weird if he didn't panic like that.


I don’t fault Franklin shooting Andre or Mel shooting franklin


Yea the window being left open being the key indicator for Mel makes no sense because Franklin said that's how he got into the house.. meaning the window was already open when she left. There is no scenario where the window would have been locked and Franklin still got into the house. A bit of a plot hole but we'll let it slide.

Aniki Pft

@Devin B 100% agree. Plus this was his real first kill too.


Also that car scene is just the beginning cause this nigga Franklin be ranting like a mfer.


Bro had no choice fr it was either big problems with Andre down the line when he comes back and knows there whole operation and teddy and get it over with now he tried to let ‘em walk


24:10 "C'mon honey that's a Crack truck" 😂💀

Jaren Kelly

“Drive mf” saint turning into a true menace to society

Franklin Saint

Nah I get it he would be a problem down the road but I’m just saying it’s still mess up

Kaiser Spiral

Y’all niggas ain’t ready for season 4

Asante Upshur-Benson

One thing you gotta realize about that Manboy scene. Saint can’t show any sign of weakness in front of him or Manboy would try to use that against him.

Tyrese Marshall

its crazy how we are willing to put ourselves in the mindsets of a villain, like we all support Franklin killing Andre, despite all him wanting to do is clean up his community


So the one thing she didn't sell for crack was the gun? Pretty convenient lol. But overall the season was dope, not a big fan when shows do the whole skip forward in time kind of thing. But I think it was handled pretty decent. I remember back in season 1 when I didn't give a fuck about the Teddy plot line, but shit now I'm pretty invested in that too.

Devin B

I wouldn't say we support Franklin killing Andre but that we understand from his perspective why he killed him. Andre made it clear to Franklin he wasn't going to stop and Franklin even gave him an out to step away and leave him alone but after Andre said no he felt like if he wanted to continue his business he had no choice.

Devin B

She was quick to sell the necklace her mom gave her though


next episode is one of my favorites of the series


Nix wasn't the cop that one-of-the-good-ones'd Andre, right? I don't want to keep stressing out about this adoption.


Yes because it’s just a show. Lol nothing is crazy about it.

Louis Kalman

She probably isn't that stupid she's going to sell a gun probably registered to her to some criminals. Not going to get much crack if she's in jail because someone got murdered by a gun with her name on it.

Caleb Exama

7:28 yooo I never peeped before, but Avi hired a lookalike to sit by the window in case he gets sniped again lol. He's wild for that

Aniki Pft

I lowkey felt like Nix kinda fucked with Andre, but again there isn't anything greater than the dollar.

Aniki Pft

@Tyrese Why do you act so surprised to find out people are going to support the main character even if he's a villain. Like no shit he's the cause of the downfall to his community, but we've seen Frank at his lowest. It's like a fucking broken record but I doubt anyone condones these actions, it's a television show lmao.


Y’all should react to the blacklist is a really good show

Marquist Simms

The heat wave caused the blackouts


Ehhh they were already showing her be a crazy crack addict, already doing countless stupid things like breaking into her job, etc. So not selling her gun because she isn't "that stupid", doesn't really make sense.

Sentinel Kab

34:40 lmfaooooooooooooooo


@EmoBurrito well I mean to be fair crack heads can have moments of (lucidity) I don't really agree with the other guys reasoning . But its possible she kept the gun because either she might of been thinking she might need it to rob some fools. Or to protect herself from people trying to hurt and take advantage of her. And trust me bro, there are plenty of crackheads that own and keep there guns.Even after getting hooked on that shit lol


Typically that happens to me when I go fullscreen. Then I hit the back arrow to get out of fullscreen, try going full-screen again and it's good

varus ez

Next episode is a filler you guys should skip it

Bobby Robinson

Mel was literally like just hold on one moment cause you got me fucked up 😂😂😂😂

Michael Pamon

Roshi when Lupa wants to lead the intros: “I built this shit! ME! BRICK BY BRICK!!”


30:06 guys, I don't think you understand that cia operatives don't just kill each other off like that. if it happens, it's under extremely special circumstances. there's no reason for julia to be killed lmao if teddy did that the agency would hunt him down as a rogue agent. like, why do you think he didn't kill lorena immediately even and tried to bring her on? because killing feds, even if you're cia, brings way too much heat. let alone another cia agent.


On another note Sheera's Franklin impression is seriously underrated lmao


not to mention Leon is indispensable relative to other people - especially their peers. like franklin not goin to let MANBOY punk Leon no matter what ... that's his right hand man / shooter


@ Tyrese it's really pretty damn easy to support our mc vs supporting a literal cop


he liked him because they preyed on black folks together, so he considered andre one of the "good ones." there's a reason people call black cops "traitors"


The famous brick by brick scene lol. Also lowkey, that scene with Manboy, Leon, and Franklin is one of my favorite from the show. They all captured the tension between them so well and Melvin Gregg did a great job portraying the anger Manboy must of felt without over doing it.


I hate how memes have made it impossible to take anything seriously anymore

Michael Martin

This episode Is labeled 3x8 but Its 3x9

Marshall Lee

i LAUVVVEEEE the way damson says “ANATHA NIGGA TAWK.” its so good idk what he does w his voice there its js good