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so this kids just making shit up lmao



when you refresh and get blessed by the three drops


bro's a child and already has a higher body count than me... Wait what


WHO in the shadow??


overlord but cringe main character

Vensen Granville

Here for all this glad u didn't draw the 2 seasons out

Vianta Roa

cid the goat

Devin B

Cid is basically the Ainz of this world. He makes stuff up but it works out for him.

Alexander Fields

Cid is basically following common anime troupes that just happen to be true in this world


Patreon gotta fix this buffering thing keep refreshing but keep getting pixels LOL

Gabby Boakye-yiadom

Pretty much the whole show. He's basically an even more self aware Ainz. Cid makes things up turns out his BS was right on the money. Guy is accidentally 5 steps ahead everytime and he just rolls with it.


Except he doesn't know, he stil thinks the cult is not real 🤣

Pan Cakes

he has the power of clownery ,

zILovePelmeni _

yeeahhh sheera? are you writing the show? how did she figure it out ?


This first 3-4 episodes can be a little tepid, especially if you're confused, but 4+ it takes off. Hope you guys don't lose interest before then but loving the reactions nonetheless. I myself was having pretty much the exact same level of hype you're at right now. Almost actually dropped off of it but then the hooks came in fast and loose.

Samuel Wynne

In the sword fight with his sister he let her hit him, the slow mo was him showing how many ways he could have cut and killed her without her knowing. too sick


show in a nutshell: This guy makes anything and everything up to play his part as the npc who's secretly (and absolutely is) OP and badass.......turns out everything he makes up is real, and he's the only one who doesn't know that, he assumes those around him who knows he's OP play along because he helped them lol Edit: it's mad fun though, love this show lol

Fernando Perez

Yeah. Cid is basically capping but what he doesn’t know is that the BS he’s spitting is actually what’s going on. He just doesn’t believe it and assumes that his gang is just humoring him by playing along.

Danny Ly

homie is mad strong but he hides it when he's not shadow to upkeep his background character persona


Cid already has your guys brains going smooth, you guys cant predict what he'll do and its hilarious watching you react to it. this one doesnt follow the isekai formula youre acustom to

Taveon Staten

cid is like ainz from overlord the things he say ends up becoming true pretty much even tho he dont know what he talking bout and he is so much stonger than his sister he could of cut her multiple times but he wants to stay in the shadows so he has to lose to her its hard to tell cause cid is younger so he cant make his voice deep but hes making his voice high when hes cid but he deepens it when hes shadow thats why he sounded goofy when he lunge at his sister hes playing the weak brother


youll be confused until around episode 4 or 5 just gotta let it cook. its a long season but once it takes off it doesnt stop with the shenanigans

Maroki R6

Nah so he’s not actually like a god, where whatever he thinks is actually true. This guy just has Coincidences and luck 100.


Some of the theories y'all throwing out are wiiiiiiillld lmao


This show will simultaneously make you overthink then oversimplify within the span of 15 seconds 😂😂. Basically this is if “This is Cid’s world and we’re just living in it” was an anime


When he was fighting his sister the sword to the neck was just showing that he could destroy her if he wanted to but let himself be beat to keep up his background character facade. Also I’m pretty sure his sister isn’t the girl from episode 1, it’s just a coincidence they look similar


Alright so whatever he says or makes up isn’t becoming true, it just so happens to be true and real. With the sparring against his sister, what was shown was his true speed or power if you will and what he could’ve done but obviously chose not to in order to maintain his background character act


I think first reaction is to think of Cid as Ainz but really he’s just Saitama. OP af but really kinda stupid lol. He isn’t like dictating what will happen in the world he’s just like that friend who constantly accidentally pulls the right answer out of his ass. So fun to watch

Donovan Doyle

Forsure only half right, can tell you off reading the light novels that it's not as if what he's bullshitting becomes true like some kind of god magic, it's just his bullshit always ends up being true or yielding favorable results for shadow garden, perfect example of this is he never said anything about the stuff with alpha before hand but she had already been cursed by the cult

No One Important

ALREADY EPISODE 2!? I should’ve subbed to patreon forever ago

Devante Vickers

Nah, He just go luck over 9000. Don't be sticking to that idea that he is actually creating everything. He is just BSing.


Y’all are overthinking this show 😂

Fernando Perez

I think like that’s kinda the drawback of going into it completely blind. If you know it’s a comedy and what the main premise is going into it, it makes it a lot more enjoyable. I feel like they expected it to be serious and are already overthinking things a bit too much. Hopefully they’ll enjoy it more in a few episodes.


I’m 90% sure when he’s dueling his sister he was just flexing and actually did all that to her and could of cut her neck but it just happened so fast she couldn’t see. And then he just went back into position. This is basically OPM fantasy edition cid is way to strong hahah

blue snivy

he is basically saying a bunch of cliché BS which is funny because they turn out to be real LOL


Damn brother, you could've put a comma in there or something.


Yeah, if you have an ad blocker try turning it off when using patreon, helps out for me


regarding the sparring with his sister, what happened was he (more or less) showed us what he could have chosen to do, but instead, due to what kind of character he wanted to portray himself as, he instead took the brash of her sword instead of countering, but even so, his sister is smart so she kind of "felt" that "killer-instinct" presence in what shadow could have chosen to do. hopefully that makes sense


so that spar with his sister he was just fast. he did all of that and stop at her neck and returned back to the position to make it seem like he didn't move. like you all said he is all about hiding his powers.

Asian Watermelon

When him and the sister were sparring he did that to flex bc I think he doesn’t wanna show his true power


I love when Cid speaks english lol

Ryujin (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-10 00:39:25 So funny thing is Cid just has some really good luck cause everything he thinks he’s making up is actually true in some way
2024-02-10 00:39:25 So funny thing is Cid just has some really good luck cause everything he thinks he’s making up is actually true in some way
2023-04-06 02:58:49 So funny thing is Cid just has some really good luck cause everything he thinks he’s making up is actually true in some way

So funny thing is Cid just has some really good luck cause everything he thinks he’s making up is actually true in some way

Devin B

Especially when he says I am ______, the way he says it gives me chills

Devin B

He was actually moving that fast though which was why his sister felt like there was something close to her neck for a second. All those cuts was just him stopping short every time.


Hes just making stuff up and it happens to be real just pure luck nothing else :) Nothing crazy like building the world


There will only 2 episodes per week, so you get 2 episodes every 7 days.


the show has alot of satire so u dont gotta overthink everything

Naturo Zero

Slight misinterpretation on the sword fight scene, he did actually move and slash at her, but kept all his blows short on purpose, and then intentionally moved back in place to take the hit. He had internal dialogue after it, and it was showing the audience that he is magnitudes ahead of her, to the point she couldn't even see him moving, but he still 'lost' the fight to maintain his 'cover' as a relatively regular guy


Unfortunately it doesn't much matter now, but the seiyuu's voice that Lupa heard was Koyasu Takehito-san the voice of Dio in JoJo and Nikoli in Bungo Stray Dogs latest season. I was honestly bummed out that his character died so fast cause he is a great villain! 😎


yes bask in the cringe. I love it because Ainz will cringe at himself all the time, but Cid, naw, he leans into it and it makes him stronger


Basically he wants to be super edgy and since he is a chuuni, he just makes shit up and its a super huge coincidence that everything he says is correct. That's part of the comedy of this anime.


Yeah, this show isn't serious at all. Dude has the Aiz Ool Gown level og lucking out to his advantage. Only thing is, he makes stuff up by saying cliches and just turns out they're true. Nothing about his words becoming reality, he's just one lucky mf.


Hes the voice of the Emiya kiritsugu and the leader of bunguo stray dogs


Should clarify now that they have masks in the manga/LN so that's why they aren't recognized as easily


So Cid is making shit up when he talks to all the girls, they believe that all the stuff he’s saying is 100% true and by coincidence it is all 100% but the only person who doesn’t know it’s true is Cid who believes that everyone is just playing along with this makeup fantasies. In the manga you get to see a lot of him going “Man they are such good friends for playing alone with me” or “I’m gonna do this just because it’s fucking cool”

Invader Rin

I like this one comment someone used to describe this show, it's Gaslighting the Anime.

Devin B

He's in a world where his delusions has a possibility of happening so when he tries to make things up to fit the narrative it actually works out.

Jacob R

This is why people tell you to fake it till you make it.

Wilson Nguyen

i think u guys are reading into it a little too deeply right now, cid basically justs makes shit up and coincidentally its all true. and his sister is literally his real sister in that world not somebody reborn like him. for now you guys should just take the info they give u straight up theres not too much you have to overly think about


I'm caught up on the manga but behind on the novels and I'm still hoping for a Haruhi situation here lol. Maybe towards the end of the story the twist is that when he died he created a whole ass world where he's god but he doesn't know it and he wills everything into existence.


im gonna be honest tho like this episode is fire even tho i see everyone saying its mid


i dont get how with 3 people they al misunderstood that but not an issue and i need to calm tf down its no biggie lol. that seen just got me so hype when i first saw it and thought it was well done

Sauce Sorcerer

MC isn't creating a world or bring things to reality, it just happens that the things he's saying ends up being true. He's 100% bullshitting, his clownery just ends up being the truth. He also thinks his Shadow Garden crew is just playing along with him, he doesn't know they fully believe what he's saying. That's why he said Beta was putting on a good performance when they were trying to find his sister's location.

Oax Al

I'm only gonna watch their reactions to this show, since the story doesn't interest me enough to turn to the manga. For isekais based in reincarnation my theory on them is that most are escapism bait, but the interesting ones are about a dying person's death DMT journey into accepting that they have died. Atleast that's the vibe I get from the genre. Maybe that's just me though.

Mathew Green

But he is taking some inspiration from the stories about the three heroes as the foundation of what he is making up

nami (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-10 00:39:25 Cid is a troll. The scene by the river with the sister he couldve easily done all of that but hes just playing his role
2024-02-10 00:39:25 Cid is a troll. The scene by the river with the sister he couldve easily done all of that but hes just playing his role
2024-02-10 00:39:25 Cid is a troll. The scene by the river with the sister he couldve easily done all of that but hes just playing his role
2024-02-10 00:39:25 Cid is a troll. The scene by the river with the sister he couldve easily done all of that but hes just playing his role
2023-04-06 05:57:33 Cid is a troll. The scene by the river with the sister he couldve easily done all of that but hes just playing his role

Cid is a troll. The scene by the river with the sister he couldve easily done all of that but hes just playing his role


12:15 Sheera attacking Roshi They are parents too after all.


yh, the show is pretty bad but good and everything is as is. He bluffs and it coincidentally turns out to be true. He's overpowered so the slow mo, stopped time sequences are him actually moving around (@Lupa). And the dialog can get cringy at times. No indepth/mind boggling plot lines (that is hinted at for the season's entirety at least). For these reasons, probably more, the show is badbutgoodlol since I cant help but find it to be a really sporty show especially with the flaws


Ultimately, the show is about the most robust finesse ever XD Don't overthink it


Btw Cid is more than capable of doing what you saw at the river with his sister lol


the fight with his sister that's what he could've done but he doesn't want to show his true strength.


That doesn't even sound remotely close to Dio's VA

Random Guy

i really hate patreon player so much.... i have really good internet but for some reason they till manage to make my video look blurry af. They need manual settings.

Emiliano Ruiz Chong

Also, You might notice here and in the upcoming episodes, Cid being a chuunibyou, he made up all that story about the cult and in the end it all turned to be true. But in the whole series, his squad and everyone take it seriously while for Cid it only matters for his plot. It was very confusing for me in the first couple of episodes.

Emiliano Ruiz Chong

Also, regarding the combat with her sister by the river, Cid did all that, all those movements with great speed and precision, but again, for the sake of his plot, we went back to his previous stance and just followed through with the play. He is ultra overpowered, but he hides it from public eye so he can stay deceiving everyone as a mob character.


Cid is leagues above his sister. He was just playing a scenario in his head and lost on purpose

Alexander Szabo

It’s that Cid just makes shit up on the fly. But the world doesn’t form itself to fit his script. It just so happens to fit. It’s a freak coincidence.

Emiliano Ruiz Chong

By the end, the squad just said a temporary goodbye to Cid. It can be easily misunderstanded. The squad is ready, so they will go the the capital first since Cid cannot go there yet for training or age reasons. he said he will go there in 2 years.

Alexander Szabo

A lot of isekai is a self-insert scenario, yes. But Cid isn’t a self-insert mc. He’s delusional. So most people wouldn’t be able to self-insert. That’s one of the reasons it’s entertaining.

Alexander Szabo

Lupa was the one who sparked the misinterpretation. But it seemed to me like they shortly after understood that he’s nerfing himself to keep up his ordinary image


Dio's VA talks to perv asshat later in the season

alex amyot

yes but he does assume that they means that they are done playing pretended.


When I saw this ep I believed he roll a d20 to bullshit about the cult and world had to make it all true.


PLEASE don't overthink it.... but we know they will, because they don't pick up on stuff like this. Facial expressions, audio cues, visual cues, and other nuances all go over their heads lol. This is what I was kinda worried about with this reaction.


He could have killed her but he doesnt want to, it was just to show of his power


or just let them watch the show??????? Why do y'all feel the need to explain things that will LITERALLY be explained in the show.

Darion Wilson (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-06 15:04:47 these next 17 episodes, jus take it for what it is, don't be over thinking.
2023-04-06 15:04:47 these next 17 episodes, jus take it for what it is, don't be over thinking.
2023-04-06 15:04:47 these next 17 episodes, jus take it for what it is, don't be over thinking.
2023-04-06 15:04:47 these next 17 episodes, jus take it for what it is, don't be over thinking.
2023-04-06 12:26:51 these next 17 episodes, jus take it for what it is, don't be over thinking.

these next 17 episodes, jus take it for what it is, don't be over thinking.


That time I gaslighted everyone in the alternative world


Just embrace the cringe

Shinobu Oshino

Bruhh there so used to isekai having a reason or a basis. Only for this show to come in like I'm just role playing. I don't blame them I thought the same when I first watched it. Then u realized he's just bullshiting his way through the events and scenarios.

Camari Selvy

its not like what hes thinking comes to life its literally all just coincidences

Mad4Life (edited)

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2023-04-06 18:11:47 Not sure why Lupa always so quick to chalk his own takes and agree with Sheera all the time. Lupa you were right. Cid is like Ainz. He's bullshitting and just getting lucky. He's not creating some world subconsciously or whatever. This anime is just clown shoes.
2023-04-06 15:37:42 Not sure why Lupa always so quick to chalk his own takes and agree with Sheera all the time. Lupa you were right. Cid is like Ainz. He's bullshitting and just getting lucky. He's not creating some world subconsciously or whatever. This anime is just clown shoes.

Not sure why Lupa always so quick to chalk his own takes and agree with Sheera all the time. Lupa you were right. Cid is like Ainz. He's bullshitting and just getting lucky. He's not creating some world subconsciously or whatever. This anime is just clown shoes.


preeeecisely but sheera does indeed have an insane track record when it comes to predictions.


I wouldn't say she has an insane track record. She makes a lot of predictions and tends to switch up a lot when it looks like she could be wrong so of course she's bound to get a lot right. I know Lupa gets a lot wrong but just agreeing with Sheera just because she's saying it isn't going to help him get better at predicting. Like Roshi will disagree with Sheera all the time and will at least think about it first before agreeing with Sheera, Lupa just immediately disregards his opinion and just goes " yeah your right". Like damn bro have more confidence in yourself even if you're wrong it's not the end of the world. I know people in the comments including me like to clap Lupa when he's wrong but it's not like we're going to literally kill him. Most of us, at least I hope are just messing with Lupa.

Danger Tomato

Yall some spoiling ass miscreants


plot twist: he's in a coma and subconsciously controlling his dream

God Mage KI

It’s a little different. Like, Ainz just pretends to know what he’s talking about while his subordinates come up with all the schemes; on the other hand, CID actually comes up with a lot of the schemes, they’re just kinda on accident lol

Daniel Borrego

it took me like 5 or 6 episodes to get the jist of whats going on. mabye in the manga or light novel its described a bit better.


I have yet to see any spoilers here. Just ppl explaining what has already been heavily implied in the first two episodes.

Daniel Borrego

the only problem is that cid also goes on killing raids with them so him thinking its some kind of game doesnt really make any sense.


He can recognize that the people he is attacking are bad people, typically bandits or thugs. The game part is when he claims they are members of the cult, since he doesn’t recognize that the cult exists. He thinks he’s just killing some random evil mobs not actually stopping the plot to resurrect the demon lord

Arsean Wilbon

No he didnt predict it, he did all that for practice then went back to his original spot to not throw his sister off

Hasnain Khan



My first thought after this episode was "Is this some Jacob's Ladder shit?" Im not sure if ill be happy or mad if thats what it ends up being.


Yeah, idk why they thought he wasn’t capable of doing these sword strikes. Was pretty obvious that he’s holding back on her lol


It always amazes me how confused they make things because they try to look too deep into something that is supposed to be simple


Sheera throws out shit and hope she gets it right. Not all the time but majority of the time and then they prop her up for the times she gets things right but she ignores and downplays the things she gets wrong. Its annoying that Lupa brings up his own take but then throws it away because sheera thinks something else


@Trey No she does not. She almost gets as many things wrong as she gets right. I been watching them since before they made a patreon. Sheera gets things right but with as many things as she gets wrong she downplays it and acts like it never happened.


They really tried connecting the girl in episode one to being his older sister


Shadow is basically Isekai Haruhi

Daniel Borrego

well she does look exactly the same and they made a big deal about her the first episode. its only natural.


I understand that and its understandable when you put it that way but they never ever gave any type of hint saying that the original girl died and got reincarnated. The even showed her talking about the MC's death. Sheera originally said that he got reincarnated into her family which doesn't make any sense at all because this is an entirely different world that he got isekai'd into. Why would she be the older sister when he died and she is still living in the original world. Its just none of it makes any sense besides the fact that she looks a little similar to her.


Y’all will have an easier time trying to predict/theorize what happens if you just keep it simple for this one lol and Cid is by no means a hero lmaoo


Yeah that was confusing to me too as Cid just said he’s in a world of magic now lol


There is no series more goofy than this one. It's great. Don't think about anything too much, it's just extremely dumb fun. Embrace the cringe. This show has peak r/im14andthisisdeep energy.

Daniel Borrego

its also possible that reincarnation isnt instant. so years could have passed. it just seemed instant from cids perspective. its more then likely just a red herring but its easy enough to work around.

mason brown

not only is he pulling this out his ass but its actually happening, just hella "oh that worked energy"

Luna Lupus

yeah its more well described in the other adaptations, since the MC straight up tells you whats happening


There is a reason in the light novel he was able to guess this whole situation but If they left it out of the anime it is what it is.

Peacefinder Simply

you need to watch more series, because there is a ton of animes that are more goofy. Btw there is actual plot in this show, so its still fun to theorize.

Johnny Test

When is episode 3 reaction coming out


you guys are over thinking this show so hard its actually making it annoying lmao. Cid's not a hero thats the point he's the dude in the shadows taking out mofos because its cool. In the scene with his sister it was showing hes so fast and powerful he could easily kill her but he fakes being weak while messing with her. She kind of gets the sense of what hes doing because claire is actually insanely strong herself so. The story isn't completely made up the story he told Alpha is real its just considered a folk tale for the main religion of this world, Hence the book he held up called the scriptures. he just happened to guessed right there is a secret cult lol that's the part he made up cuz it sounds cool. He has no idea what hes doing his entire motive is to flex his power and seem cool AF while also living a double life as a background character. He doesnt even know shit about shadow garden except for the original 7 and he only thinks they are playing along with him for fun. The entire anime basically boils down to Cid is HIM and his entire motivation is just to be HIM regardless of everything else lol. Also he literally DIDNT save his sister. Thats the funny part you guys missed lol he just went to fuck up the bandits for fun because he's a combat junky and wants to flex he left his sister there to rot and she crawled back on her own days later lmao


Yeah, it does have a plot. Doesn't change the fact that there's not much to think about. The show is still clearly a dumb fun isekai. And that's not a bad thing.


i like how you say this as if they had any prior background on the show. You're acting like they would know everything about cid after watching 2 episodes. Things will most likely get cleared up as they watch more episodes since it becomes much more apparent as the show went on.

Peacefinder Simply

not comprehending the power of hindsight. Idk about you but most people are lost on this show for first few episodes. It jumps around so much and don't know whats a joke or real yet.


I will say for the protagonist of this anime, in the words of one of my favorite youtubers 'he's dedicated to the bit' - Smi77y


yall seriously overhyped the fuck out of this anime


Bro it's just an an anime. Chill out guys and let them enjoy it.


half the season, yall made it sound like it was the next chainsaw man, just for it to be another low budget generic show about a op mc

Will Crawford (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-09 07:52:08 I love this show, its just pure fun power fantasy. Already confirmed season 2!
2023-04-09 04:21:31 I love this show, its just pure fun power fantasy. Already confirmed season 2!

I love this show, its just pure fun power fantasy. Already confirmed season 2!


@chocobo u clearly haven't seen half the season stop... Talking about generic but them talking about generic shonen #27483 chainsaw man.... and this guy talking bout Boruto gotta be trolling 💀

Random Guy

its only overhyped for people who dont like it, which is clearly not the majority since thats the reason why they show got picked up.


Its easy to hate on this show cause of the content, but of all the shows that do this trope I think this one puts on a show at the very least


@2Random Guy imagine thinking that just because the majority of people like something it means it has objective quality. If anything it means that just the majority of you clown mofos that like this show have trash tastes.


Just gonna say Claire is not Nishino.


In the manga (not sure about the book) Claire is way more aware of Cid's abilities (if only instinctually) than the anime shows.


Cid's plans are like Ainz Ooal Gown's plan, where his subordinates make all of the plans for him and then ask if he thought it through but have no fucking idea what happened🤣