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Chao was MVP


Jason I.

I think Sheera was right in why Chao was uncooperative with the Fung Hai at first. If he was with them right away, it would've seemed suspicious to Zing, so Chao was trying to act how he normally would. It just happened to not work out for him here (though he got what he wanted anyway so maybe this was the best strat, who knows).


If I know one thing in this life, is that its all Bill's fault


"Fuck Bill" is the new anthem. Hope this nigga survives till the end though. he's entertaining asf


all i could see is vinland saga in that wine field lol. thorfinn? also yall need to research mongolian culture lol yall over here saying eww and its just milk lol mongolians drink mares milk which is horses milk


“TO THE ITCHIEST MOTHERFUCKERS I KNOW” bro gave em a farewell toast 😭😭😭


Mai Ling needs that Buckley treatment, Leary had that man puking from stress.

Christian Acosta

Some of the older, iconic Western films in the 60s were actually filmed in Italy and with Italian actors/directors, hence “Spaghetti Western.”

Metweet .c

Look, Leary is a racist ass but I get why they're blowing up factories. Chaos is literally the only way politicians can't ignore the issues that they've created. If they would have actually paid their workers a proper living wage instead of bringing in cheap labour and causing a divide between the immigrants and citizens this could have been avoided. Its not like their losing jobs when they blow up these places...they don't even hire the locals anyway.

Thulani Mason

Once again, I love this show, but I cannot stand most of these characters. lol and they knew to give sophie a break this episode.


"Would it kill you to not be racist for three" destroyed me lmao

Devin B

I think it makes perfect sense that Chao tried to stand up to Zing even though he had a plan cause from his background of being a slave the one thing he wants the most is to not be controlled by anyone and stay independent. If he just took the money he would probably feel like that's a loss to him personally and he wasn't going to have that. It definitely wasn't smart but it's understandable why he did it.

Hasnain Khan


Mike A

The crew giving Ah Sahm a pass for this beef with the sister, when the whole situation is a result of Ah Sahm's ego. As a kid his actions caused his sister to be married off to a warlord who beat and raped her. She leaves for America, starts a new life, he comes to "save" her, she repeatedly tells him to leave, but he refuses cause he thinks he knows better. A fight to the death between the tongs takes place, she asks him to bow out, but he refuses, then gets his feelings hurt when he's almost killed. This whole thing is because of Ah Sahm.

Devin B

It wasn't a fight to the death though. The condition to win the fight was to take the sash off the other fighter so she could've just told Li Yong not to kill him. Also to some degree Ah Sahm's ego did cause the situation but her ego escalated it. She basically wants to be the head of everything and she keeps stepping on people's toes when she doesn't have to do it.

Reckless Company

Nah all she got to do is tell father jun thats her brother and his gonna fuck him up lol


Ah Sahm gonna be up against some Mortal Kombat typa motherfuckers in that tourney.

Justin Neason

Wait am I the only one who FULLY got the vibe? I made a joke about it in my head but I thought I was just wylin LMAO

Zachary Shepard

25:50 this an is homage to a Bruce Lee film.


I don't know, I was getting vibes from the whole Ah Toy thing, slight vibes

Bri & KJ

Bro I stg I knew she was gone kiss her idk just the only white woman we seen in the show so far that cared for other I was like what If she sees herself differently too as they view them because it’s seem secret