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Fa Jin goes brrrrrr





Roshi how far had you gotten in the manga again? I forgot but I feel like you mentioned you had read some


Indeed it does.

Mozart Waddell

Stunning manga to anime fight adaptation. Everything was perfect animation, lighting, colors, and soundtrack. Best scene was All Might never needing to throw hands with villains he just menacingly intimidates them. In the manga Midoriya states Nagant's bullets were faster than a Howitzer shot which is on the low end 684 m/s. It's safe to theorize that Deku reaches hypersonic speeds.




pretty sure he’s somewhat caught up. like he knows that ___ got clapped by shigaraki in the current arc.

Benny T

Random fact, the voice actress for Lady Nagant voices Anya from Spy X Family.

Daryl Hollonquest Jr

This was my favorite arc in the manga damn near other than MVA.

Devin B

It makes sense though cause with Fa Jin he's basically able to propel himself with the speed of OFA at 100%. Imagine he's able to use more than 45% and with Fa Jin he can easily surpass Prime All Might in speed.

Jojo Banzai

Lol Roshi forgot how Fa Jin worked in the beginning when Deku was squatting

Hasnain Khan



i like how this was a pretty heavy and serious episode and yall talking about shaving balls and laughing thru 70% of it lmao.


I'm... pretty sure he's referring to Bakugou's 'Howitzer' shots when he breaks the sound barrier, someone comments on it


Overhaul put his boss into a coma because he was against the Eri plan, and now that he can't use his quirk, he can't bring him out of the coma. He wants to see his boss one more time to apologize and tell him he was right about the plan all along.


WOO! Yeah baby That's what i've been waiting for That's what it's all about. WOO!

Jojo Banzai

You guys missed it during Nagant’s backstory, but she wasn’t just assigned to kill villains. She was sent on missions to assassinate ANYONE who disrupts the faith and hope the people have in public pro heroes. Meaning she’s killed vigilantes, civilians and other heroes that threatened that peaceful view of hero society. She even was assigned to kill people before they even acted out any crimes with no arrest. Basically she’s one of the hero assassins that do the dirty work of society to keep the faith in heroes at an all time high. Secret government brainwashing type stuff

Julio Morales

not that she was number 2.. she had the same life as him. raised by the government/recuited at a young age to be a killing machine. thats why he always aimed to kill like twice

Jojo Banzai

She snapped from keeping the false peace and killed the chairman of the HPSC cuz he threatened to kill her for wanting to resign from the organization

Luke Jenkinson

Chisaki’s boss isn’t dead, just in a coma. Chisaki used his quirk to put him in a coma when the boss pushed back against his plan to use Eri to make the Quirk-destroying bullets. After he had succeeded he was gonna fix him but since he was stopped and then had his arms decayed his boss is stuck in a coma permanently. He wanted Nagant to take him to his comatose boss so he could apologise. So, it’s not that he’s asking Nagant or now Deku to kill him. He is just asking for them to bring him to his boss


and that open is why Gran Torino said Stain reminded him of Toshinori lmao


Ladies and Gentlemen, Yutaka Nakamura the goat


Overhaul’s boss is in a coma. Not dead. Overhaul put him in one.

Silver Delgado

Roshi bout to look at the comments and see the clappin from thinking chisakis boss was dead

Dan Coatesy

from memory chisaki puts his father into a coma however he is the only one who can wake/heal him or use eri, but without his arms his father is a good as dead


him saying he wants to see his boss is not him saying someone kill me plz lol he just regret (somewhat) the outcome of his actions and wants to apologize to his dad If i remember correctly he and his dad had different views on some things... correct me if im wrong


Guys Chisaki's Father/Boss is not dead lol he's still in the coma that Chisaki put him in.

Shirley B

Boss is still alive, he’s just in a coma (due to Overhaul’s doing).

Earphone Jack


AlexXis Amadeus

I take back everything I said about this being a mid adaptation. This whole sequence was FIYAA. Love the look on Deku's face when he talked to Chisaki, they totally captured that thousand-yard stare.


Ah. Makes sense. He has that Presence to him.


No. They are talking about the actually artillery. Because Nagant amped up her gun for that last shot, making it even faster than normal.


I assumed he was putting on an act for the others.


Yo, Overhaul was not being suicidal at all, the boss is still alive, he was taken away during the aftermath of the Shie Hassaikai Arc. Overhaul just wants to get back to him

Daryl Hollonquest Jr

I definitely thought Chisaki's dad had some type of coma effect put on him by Overhaul. But now that his hands are gone, he can't help fix him. I didn't think it was metaphorical "take me to pops".

Jojo Banzai

Chisaki’s boss/Pops is NOT dead 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Jojo Banzai

He’s in a coma on a hospital bed cuz Chisaki used his quirk to put him in that state so he can carry out his plans with Eri. Now he wants to go back to him and apologize lol


his dad is not dead he's in a coma because of overhaul disassembling part of his brain that's why he was saying eri can rewind and fix him.


Clapped in the comments 🤣

Jojo Banzai

Just finished the reaction. Overall it was awesome! Sucked you missed some details of Nagant’s backstory and y’all are gonna get clapped in the comments about Chisaki being suicidal 🤣 can’t wait for next week’s reaction! 🔥

Darren Banks

Nagant was using that wall glitch from COD4 back in the day to get to scope from the top of the map 😭😭😭

Kenny Ace

Is the old man (overhauls father figure) dead?? I thought he was just in a comatose state, they (the heroes) just put him in a proper hospital at the end of the overhaul arc no? I remember overhaul putting him into the coma state just until he could find a way to pay him back for taking him in.

Asyo Kouu

*Repeated* movements, stack [kinetic] energy. Jabbing, wing chun chain-punching, stuff of the like


Not roshi a manga reader but still getting clapped for thinking his dad was dead

Jojo Banzai

Nah Roshi look genuinely shocked why he was squatting and when Deku revealed Fa Jin lol


"always aimed to kill"? he only killed twice after giving him half a dozen chances to stand down lol Hawks has done shady shit, but he wasn't a designated assassin (or if he was, Horikoshi has been uncharacteristically vague about it)


AND ummmm i pretty sure Chisaki's boss is alive


I wish they animated an “aura” like they did with stain in season 2 when he said all night was worthy. It’d be a great parallel

Ara Araragi

AFO sneaking in a failsafe explosion-type quirk into Nagant isn't even a new trick. We saw something similar when Toga fought the Meta Liberation Army and Curious used her Landmine quirk to turn her followers into walking bombs.


I think Overhaul's father or grandfather is still in his coma I believe.


no, the shot he compares to a howitzer is the one he catches early on- he says "a howitzer is nothing compared to this!"


Deku got the blank panther suit pretty much

Mozart Waddell

I swear I've seen this argument three times before it's a common mistake but they're definitely referring to the military artillery that @BZD mentioned. If you read the manga you might've seen MHA reference other military terms.


I’m with you lupa I would of said kill that nigga idc and rocked her shit her but why me cuz like a great man once said this Roshi justice😭🤣

Ginger Dwarf

Chisakis father definitely not dead. He's just in a permanent coma cause of Chisaki's quirk. Roshi spittin mad cap.

Cameron Robinson

All for One probably took or copied the Overhaul Quirk right? I don’t remember it being mentioned later on but I just thought why wouldn’t he take it since that quirk is busted and Chisaki can’t use it.


He has no plan on killing overhaul his father figure is still very much alive


He compares catching the curving bullet to a howitzer, and he hasn't dealt with catching an actual military howitzer to compare them. I've read the manga, he breaks the sound barrier in a recent chapter by using a new power, and Mirio comments on the sound being delayed

Ginger Dwarf

Roshi's cap made them think Deku is gonna kill overhaul? xD Deserved clappin inbound.


How you gonna threaten someone who has the strap in their elbow?


the aura was an anime thing, but the manga did use the same effect/framing in their panels- one foot stomp forward, their opposition fall over themselves trying to back away, then a ton of action lines emanating from their "GRRR" face


Damn, so when Deku gotta bust a nut privately Fa Jin gonna be there too to give him a hand on the quickie?? 🤣🤣

Jojo Banzai

HPSC Chairman was reaching for a pistol in his suit jacket. Ofc Nagant would shoot him out of self defense lol


I still can’t get over how in the preview midoriya didn’t say plus ultra at the end he said I’ll be fine

Darren Banks

Lupas my favorite cause he spends so much time making us all laugh with jokes, that he misses plot, only for that turn around become another joke, and the cycle continues... I love it here 😂


Roshi getting clapped in the comments cuz he said Chisaki’s boss is dead is hilarious😂😂😂

Mozart Waddell

Lupa's empathy is a breath of fresh air.


Yall.. Lol Overhaul broke and rebuilt the boss in a comatose state. He was planning on restoring him after he finished with his quirk erasure plan, but he lost both arms so he cant rebuild the boss anymore

Daniel Robb

Lmaooo chisakis boss isnt dead 💀🤣


Overhauls boss is till alive he just put him in a coma when he ain’t wanna go along with his plans in season 4 with his quirk. He was supposed to take him out the coma but we’ll mr. No hands can’t do that anymore

The GoDKing 27

Roshi gonna get 👏👏👏👏👏 to death in the comments. 😈🤣🤣


Wow bro they missed out on that entire message of the episode about how deku wants to save or understand all of society which includes heroes and villains and instead they came to the conclusion that Deku is willing to kill chisaki after he apologizes to Eri as if he didn't just save his ass from a bullet. Besides the reaction to the fight and animation this entire episode just flew by their heads. wow lmao


For reference sheera said near the end of the episode that Deku is willing to kill chisaki and he would do it. After he went through the trouble of saving him from a speeding bullet

Damarcus Miller

Bro don’t call them out whatever you do 😂😂 Mfs gone try to cancel you lmao I just gave up.. don’t even criticize them, just let them think whatever because it’s pointless saying anything at this point lol

Damarcus Miller

Bro it’s kinda annoying sometimes.. he does that bs wayy to often, bro looks away from the screen & closes his eyes everytime it’s crazy 😂😂😂


I am already known for being a "hater" anyways even though I been supporting them since they started reactions to dragonball super years ago. They can't cancel shit lmao. This ain't twitter. I pay money to be here I can at least make some criticism about their reactions.


Someone definitely gonna say something tho. They always do lol

Roronoa Zoro

So chisaki doesn’t want to die. His pops isn’t dead. Chisaki just put him on permanent life support. Deku for sure isn’t killing chisaki. If he won’t even kill shigaraki why would he do it to chisaki? Chisaki can definitely see his pops alive just not well

Roronoa Zoro

You definitely right bro. This episode they kind of forgot the entire conversation deku had with the other users


I try to be understanding when they forget stuff cause they watch a ton of shows and animes so it's a bit more understandable


So it was implied that Nagant killed both villains AND heroes right? Since there was corruption on both sides (moral of this episode)? I believe Hawks did as well being her successor and all?

J. J.

Bruh the boss ain't dead he's been in a hospital bed which is why he wants eris quirk to heal him yall trippin

Jojo Banzai

Don’t worry L.C. you’re completely right for calling out what they missed. I always usually love their jokes cuz they’re hilarious as hell but it does suck they miss key points of character development at times like this


bruh I just watched that part and im like uhhhh


brother this reaction sucked ngl lol. Wasn't a fan at all


its crazy how one episode changes so much, the bandwagoning is crazy


I mean to be fair to Roshi I feel its pretty easy to not remember a mangas representation of motion that you read 2ish years ago.


Damn its kinda crazy how in 94 comments there isn't a single comment to be seen on the status of Chisakis Pops I guess nobody knows or cares enough to give the answer

Dude Man McGee

i'm an anime only. i never had a reason to hate all for one, i was just waiting for shit to shit the fan. but after being introduced to the Lovely Lady Nagant and seeing all for one set her up? this guy has to be stopped.

Joshua Burns

Oh yeah it’s clapping time in these comments 👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿🤣🤣


The Great Clappening has begun 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽🤣


He hit us with the "I'll be fine" and I was like 😳


Nagant definitely did kill corrupt Heroes (working with villain groups, inciting civilians, etc), that's outright stated- Hawks is a bit less clear. He was definitely burdened with dealing with the "dark side" of society in having to go undercover as a villain for ~4 months, but imo his hesitation wrt Twice makes it looks like his first kill


Overhaul's boss isn't dead. He's in a coma.


bro sheera just says shit sometimes. They hyped her prediction skills up to the point that now she always acts like she saw things coming. It can get mad annoying

Jalen Holmes

I already know ppl said but just in case, Overhaul boss/dad is still alive just in a coma or something

Zen Reacts

Damn this comments section like a stadium with this level of clapping

Jacob The weird

Bro the amount of clapping making me think sumn sus going on 😂

Jason Williams

They're gonna get clapped SO hard on this for what they missed (joking and missing details on Nagant's backstory about her not only killing villains) and misunderstood (Overhaul isn't suicidal. His boss is in a coma that he put him in, not dead), that I honestly wouldn't even put it on youtube. Folks over there aren't gonna be half as forgiving as we are lmao. In particular, Roshi's extreme confidence declaring the Boss dead and Lupa's "oh, she was the number 2" in response to Nagant saying Hawks was her successor had me grinning in anticipation for the absolute flame coming in the comments.

Arkan Matlub

Man Idk that manchester smash animation was very great but the only really cool part was when he was preparing to attack on the rooftop, but the attack itself was kinda weird. The afterimages aren’t ”hard” to do and the breaking of nagants barrel was extremely static after it broke. Just says weak budget at that part. Wish they put a lot of time into the entire part. However it was awesome the first time I saw it

Jason Williams

I agree about Hawks's hesitation. One would assume after what happened to the old members of the commission that their replacements became way more careful about ordering a new overpowered hero to go around killing without remorse

Jayden Holder

Damn yall getting clapped in the comments, but fr imagine how fast deku will move when he's at 100%

Jayden Holder

Imagine tryna bust a nut, but u using fa Jin, the nut gon fly off

John Endaya

All Might got them clapped with his spiritual pressure

Overlord Saber

Bruh its the fact that she can make her bullets have speakers on them.

Omar Bautista

You guys think well see Japanese Spider-Man help out deku one of these days


its insane! this past season has just been getter darker and darker.... i love it


i know other people have said this but Deku not saying plus ultra in the preview is just stunning (i think it's the first time EVER). it shows the deterioration of his mind that parallels with the dark narrative of the story and illustrates how the death of lady nagant really pushes him over the edge, especially considering the fact that at the start of the season the heroes were basically destroyed and the weight of the world is on deku's shoulder to defeat shigi and AFO.

Morgan Prophet

oh ya lupa nagant wasn't the number 2 hero she was killing villain's and heroes for the hero commission


ye she prob did kill villains but also heroes who were dirty and stuff like that


Bros never satisfied, just enjoy what you get lol go and animate the rest for us

Drake Rage

Fuck.... That All Might intimidation at the beginning, it is literally the same as when all the Heroes froze in fear when Stain gave his speech. If that is any indication of how good this episode will be then it will take me hours to complete it because I am going to keep replaying the dope scenes, lolol.


How my nigga Overhaul so fucking ripped after being in slammer???


It liked they saved the budget for this arc lol 😅😅😅


ngl.. i was a little underwhelmed by how thry did this

Preston Bryant

That’s what I thought thanks for confirming that it seems to be vague enough that it could mean both things


THe boss chisaki wants to see ain't dead lol. hes just in a coma. Overhaul put him in one with the plan to restore him once his plan had succeeded

Kevin Kovacs

Oh boy.. Roshi got clapped so hard right now in the comments about Chisaki's "boss" being dead. 🤣🤣 I LOVE IT!!!


Big fan of y’all: Overhaul hospitalized his father figure, and he is the only one who can repair him but he needs his hands.


It’s funny cuz everyone knows the Endeavor has been #2 to Almight for over a decade if not 2 lmao

Weiss Schnee

Are yall watching the intro next ep? Don't think theres any noticeable spoilers anymore

Drake Rage (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-28 17:38:33 The whole reason why Chisaki getting his hands cut off was so impactful was because he had used his power to put his "Dad" in a coma. He was going to fix him after making the "Mafia great again," but when he lost his hands that meant that he would not be able to use his power to fix his Dad back, which is what broke him, he was screaming and crying when he lost his hands because he was thinking about his Dad being stuck in a coma.
2023-02-28 16:27:47 The whole reason why Chisaki getting his hands cut off was so impactful was because he had used his power to put his "Dad" in a coma. He was going to fix him after making the "Mafia great again," but when he lost his hands that meant that he would not be able to use his power to fix his Dad back, which is what broke him, he was screaming and crying when he lost his hands because he was thinking about his Dad being stuck in a coma. Yes Eri could save the Dad/Mafia Boss since she can reverse the time on his body to before he was put in a coma.

The whole reason why Chisaki getting his hands cut off was so impactful was because he had used his power to put his "Dad" in a coma. He was going to fix him after making the "Mafia great again," but when he lost his hands that meant that he would not be able to use his power to fix his Dad back, which is what broke him, he was screaming and crying when he lost his hands because he was thinking about his Dad being stuck in a coma. Yes Eri could save the Dad/Mafia Boss since she can reverse the time on his body to before he was put in a coma.




Fa Jin probably one of my favorite quirks


Glad you explained this here. Overhaul is just speaking nonsense trying to fix what he still "has" and sounding like a lunatic 💀

Gunny (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-28 21:18:56 bro gotta be a social experiment, cuz ain now way you wake n decide to be a robot bum everyday
2023-02-28 20:07:07 bro gotta be a social experiment, cuz ain no way you wake n decide to be a robot bum everyday

bro gotta be a social experiment, cuz ain no way you wake n decide to be a robot bum everyday


Can eri grow back arms and legs? Overhaul and Aizawa can be great additions to the fight! Edit: YEH she reverted her fucking dad to a fetus! She can do it!

Dougie Fresh

So this episode was basically for us to know, that Deku can move as fast and as hard as 100% without using 100% One for All. That was the 'faux 100%" part. With Fa Jin, he can make up the difference. Imagine him mastering OFA and THEN adding Fa Jin.. I always wondered how Izuku was gonna surpass Prime Almight, I guess this is how and it doesnt feel like its plot it feels natural.

Vel (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-28 23:17:31 Lol, Deku now has the power of stored long-term energy stored short-term energy
2023-02-28 22:12:11 Lol, Deku now has the power of long-term stored energy and short-term stored energy

Lol, Deku now has the power of long-term stored energy and short-term stored energy

Kevin Campos

We went from: The Fappening to The Clappening


I think that was a mistranslation tbh and she only killed the head/president/commissioner/whatever his title was- that's how the manga's official translator read it, anyway


Two and a half, actually lmao He made #2 at 20 and he's 46 now, so 25/26 years depending on if you count him being #1 from All Might's retirement or by the official rankings


Her horn is tiny now after rewinding Mirio like a week ago in universe, so that would have to wait a while


The yakuza boss of overhaul isn’t dead, he put him in a comatose state, he’s still alive just needs to be cured if overhaul had his hands back 😅. That’s why he says he wants to see his boss


didn't know this thanks. no one else pointed it out.


Agreed 😂 I read the manga and the moment she blew up I was PISSED. Omg killed off my new favorite instantly :’)


I dont think AFO lost that quirk. He has a quirk that allows him to copy quirks. He could easily be capable of copying a a quirk and giving it to someone while keeping the original quirk. Remember the doctor gave AFO his regeneration quirk and AFO let him keep a copy of it so they can both live eternally

Abel Arteaga

Roshi really just compared All for One to the PC in Pokemon lmfao. Peak content


overhauls pops isnt dead, hes just trapped in that coma that only overhaul can release him from


“Deez Nubs” - Sheera

Malcolm Hughes

AFO put a logic bomb in that quirk


The Shie Hassaikai boss isn't dead, he's in a coma.


Boss was put into a coma by Chisaki so he could take over. Initially Chisaki could reverse it but with his arms gone that's not possible without Eri. Deku also no has an expression similar to that of All Might while enraged at All for One. Deku's normal green eyes are now All Might's swirling blue. Does make me wonder if All Might's rage might be passed down as well? More likely a thematic choice for this moment though.


If you want to be overwhelmed, just put your standards for mha low. Knowing how trash the animation has been I didn't expect much so this was pretty hype for me.


@JC he ain't wrong tho, mha animation trash this season. Can't really enjoy when it obviously can get better. It was still hype for me tho.


@Trandon thats what happens when you make 25 episodes in a year, JC aint entirely wrong even when Bones tries its just never enough, and there were definetly many well animated moments in the first half as well as the second half

Gmac paddiewac

lupa she wasnt #2 she was at the safety commission before him then went awall and he took her place

Tina L

Using my headphones for the first time in a while. I forgot how hard Yoshi's opening goes.

Rishad GB

She actually held back ...she couldve killed deku at first shot or she couldve aimed at chisaki she didnt