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Who said this arc was boring??? this continues to be some heat!


William kimura

Fact's one of the best arcs of manga Ive ever read. Shit only gets better 🔥

Mozart Waddell

I just know if Fox so happened to stroll by and see buddy broken jaw he would've given Thorfinn a nod of approval. He'll at the same time be grateful he didn't share the same fate.

Destiney Marie

I agree with you it’s heat. But i’ve seen so many people disagree. I think it’s mainly because season one had so much action and this is a completely new concept. But I love character development so I’m excited🙌🏽.


this player keeps switching qualities and lagging for me

Henrique I. Pereira

Just a quick note: MAPPA put out a quick 2:36 minute video on their channel that is basically an extra scene that ties to the start of this episode! Worth watching: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSwWYEUhIYc


Farmland Saga is peak ngl. I never thought I’d get mad over some wheat

Devin B

The concept of season 1 was more about focusing on the overall story without developing Thorfinn's character but this season is the complete opposite so far. They're taking their time to develop Thorfinn's character and they give us glimpses of how the story is moving.


Lupa's an Aggretsuko fan!!!!!


fun fact einar is the tallest character in the series besides thorkell

Destiney Marie

You explained better than I did😭 but yes I know season one was a prologue and wasn’t really meant to develop Thorfinn’s character but to set for this season of development. I’m loving it so far!


Honestly, we are getting all the character progression for Thorfinn we didn’t get season one. Which is why I’m all in on it.


People who say "Thorfinn DID'NT look at Askeladd "LIKE" a father figure" are wild. BUT I also find it MORE wild to say that "Throfinn wouldn't have killed Askeladd". Like I understand Roshi is constantly trying to defend his position about Throfinn seeing him as a father figure, which I agree with to an EXTENT. But to somehow equate that to Thorfinn not wanting revenge and in the right scenario wouldn't have killed him is just as wild. Their is no indication that he WOULDN"T have killed him. Him seeing him as a father figure and him STILL wanting revenge ( and would've done so in the right circumstances) aren't mutually exclusive. TLDR: Thorfinn while seeing Askeladd LIKE a father figure, would still have killed him.


Akeladd basically taught Thorfinn stuff so of course he was somewhat of a father figure to Thorfinn BUT Thorfinn would have DEFINITELY killed Askeladd if he was able to

Daniel Robb

Holy shit... there's a reason MAPPA is top, they never miss and always go above and beyond.


He’s mad at askeladd not because he lost another father, but killing askeladd became his reason for living. With Askeladd dead, he has no reason to hate him anymore which is why he feels empty. Roshi we get Askeladd was like a father figure to Thorfinn but you’re pushing it too far. Thorfinn would have always killed Askeladd if he as given the option to when he was younger snd there was nothing that indicated he wouldn’t.


“pushing it too far” its just his opinion i wouldnt say its a push too far, the communities for askelad has always been split like this tbfh


I like this but my brother called me and said “Why are they farming the whole time? Where is the killing?”


When I say “push to far” I mean hems overstating the relationship between Askeladd and Thorfinn


I think Thorfinn would have severly regretted killing askeladd if he ever got to.


Not ashamed to be role playing as Thorfin in stardew valley right now lol.

Theo Vorster

It's less that Thorfinn was/would have intentionally spared Askeladd, but more that Thorfinn's mental state whenever he fought Askeladd would never allow him to be able to best Askeladd in a duel (at least until old age would cause Askeladd to become physically decrepit). Askeladd basically said as much in episode 22 of season 1 (chapters 46-47 in the manga)


Sure, I'm also leaning towards him probably regretting it. But NOT regretting it because of "Damn I killed my second father figure". More of him regretting it because he would come to realize that him killing Askeladd didn't help his emptiness at all, and it was pointless. What he had with Askelead was a toxic relationship, it was a trauma bond to the max. Did he care for him in some twisted way? Yeah I would say so, but he still would've killed him without hesitation in the right circumstances.


Only people that expects shonen find this boring. From episode 1, they been consistent that fighting is bad. Thors walk away from the battle and lived his life. Even at the end of season 1, Askeladd in his final moments said to Thorfinn to go beyond what Thors aspire to be. I guess people who finds battle to "be all and end all" could never comprehend where this story going. The Omniman meme would be appropriate here. "Think, Mark".

Theo Vorster

For those who are interested in reading along with the manga, this episode adapted the entirety of chapters 68 to 69. In regards to the passage of time (the manga is sometimes more explicit about the dates) during this episode it’s supposed to be winter now and Lent soon (as Sverkel indicated), so it’s probably meant to be around February-March of 1016, i.e. another few months have passed since the previous episode. A little bit of trivia, the very opening scene of the episode (where Thorfinn is staring at a child version of Einar) is an anime original addition/scene. And to be clear, child Einar in Thorfinn’s dream is just symbolic of the types of people Thorfinn used to pillage and raid as a Viking, as Thorfinn wasn’t directly involved in either of the times Einar’s village was raided in the past (the first time was done by English soldiers, and by the second time Thorfinn had already been sold into slavery as punishment for attacking Canute). Also unfortunately ruining the retainers' wheat fields isn't an option for Einar and Thorfinn to get back at them either. As the retainers don't actually own any farming land themselves, they only work on land that Ketil owns.

Devin B

Thorfinn wanted to kill Askeladd as a warrior because of how his father went out. He even had the opportunity to end Askeladd's life after Canute stabbed him but he was holding himself back not because he saw him as a father figure (which he does) but because he didn't want to kill him that way. Even though Askeladd was a father figure for him that doesn't change how Thorfinn felt when he took out his dad and that feeling is always going to outweigh what Askeladd was to Thorfinn.

Theo Vorster

It's less that Thorfinn was/would have intentionally spared Askeladd, but more that Thorfinn's mental state whenever he fought Askeladd would never allow him to be able to best Askeladd in a duel (at least until old age would cause Askeladd to become physically decrepit), which was the only way Thorfinn wanted to kill Askeladd. Askeladd basically said as much in episode 22 of season 1 (chapters 46-47 in the manga)


Fun fact, MAPPA produced an anime original "dream" sequence for Thorfinn called "Episode 6.5" I believe. Also, u right. The timeline doesn't add up. Thorfinn never met Einar before the farm, he subconsciously used child Einar as a representation of the lives he ruined while working for Askeladd.


absolutely loved the music in this episode


One of my favorite arcs in Manga ever so glad y'all are enjoying it and takin in the story. It only gets better from here though but next weeks episode is bouta be crazy.


Nah Thorfinn would’ve killed Askaladd, even if he was some kind of father figure to him


"how quickly your jaw will get cracked." Well I for one didn't see it coming... Lupa activated foresight for that one lol Dude's jaw literally sustained a fracture


I think the lady that was pulsing in and out of focus was the one that helped him hide in her village before he signalled the others by burning houses... i think


saw y’all wondering about a scene happening during the fight! basically after thorfinn got hit with the shovel (or whatever the hell it was lmao) and was on the ground, the flashes he was getting of that old woman in red were actually a callback to season 1 episode 6. it’s been a while since season 1 so it can be hard to remember, but in ep 6 thorfinn had already become a teenager and was still rolling with askeladd’s crew. he shortly spent time in an english village as a spy, and was taken in by an old lady and her daughter. the old lady treated him like her son, and even lied to an english soldier that he was her son so he wouldn’t get hurt, even though she didn't know him. basically she was super kind to him in a time where he hadn't experienced that since he was home. but in actuality, thorfinn was just there as a spy so he could give askeladd’s crew the signal to pillage the village. he tried warning the old lady and daughter to run away, but the old lady ended up witnessing him kill a bunch of english soldiers. shortly after, askeladd and the vikings raided the village, and it was implied she died with villagers. so the old lady he was seeing during the fight in this current episode was her. i think this ep was meant to tell the viewers he’s still haunted by the fact that he’s killed so many innocent people, hence why the ep started with thorfinn having a nightmare in which he murdered an innocent family like einar’s.


roshi yall gotta remember for 11 year thorfinn had one goal on his mind always and it was to kill askeladd because that fueled his existence and he wanted to do it in an honorable way like his father would have fair duel. but that goal was always on his mind and he would have definetly done it if the chance came. like think about you working for a promotion hard as hell for 11 years and this new kid gets the promotion and you get fired


Yes, Askeladd became a father figure to Thorfinn. No, Thorfinn would not have passed up any opportunity to kill that man😂😂. Yes, Thorfinn would have felt empty after avenging his father.

Drake Chuckle

The show's great. This season is one of the most appealing things I've seen in awhile.


Damn roshi and gang are really forcing the dad theory on Thorfin lmao


Next episode is one of my all time favorite manga moments. I hope they do it well.

Albert Poole

Ignore my dumbassery if it doesn't apply or you (fairly) don't want people trying to read into you and shit, but if it so happens that sheera is having a bad day or just bad moment, I truly wish her the best, whatever is going on. Had some heavy struggles with PTSD and near death recently, and you guys helped me through it all in a way you'll probably never know, so i mean the good wishes for real. If none of this applies, fire content ya'll as always, keep up the good work, and y'all appreciated.

Ron H

I’m ready to box over some damn honey wheat


Yup, thats exactly who it was. I had just finished binge watching all of S1 the last two days before this one dropped, so she was instantly recognizable.


really? this season isn't bad but it's far from good, farming for like 8 episodes with trivial hints of anything else happening inbetween. this seasons sucks so far in my opinion compared to the first at the very least, it needs to make moves cuz otherwise i'm definitely over what used to be one of my new favorite animes......if this was season 1 i wouldn't have watched passed one or two episodes, im only putting up with it because season 1 was so good im praying it goes somewhere cuz this is some trash otherwise lol ive got 2 or 3 episodes left before i just don't care anymore unless something happens


Ok calling Askeladd a father figure is something i get, but thinking thorfinn back then wouldn't have killed askeladd is wild. This ain't no shonen shit, mf was out for blood and would without a doubt slit this man's neck if he was skilled enough to do so


2:10 It's been said at length but no, Thorfinn was not one of the people that raided Einar's village. That was done by England and Thorfinn was raiding with Danes. It's just a parallel ... he raided countless people and contributed to mass death.


8:18 I'm ngl i think this perspective on Askellad and Thorfinn is a mistake. It's true Thorfinn viewed Askelad in a specific way and their relationship was complicated and but ... the primary motivating force was an immense hate. He is honest when he tells you that. Thorfinn WOULD have killed Askelad if the circumstances worked out that way. Let's not create revisionist history. People try to paint their relationship as if Askelad was some loving father to him lol .. again it was complicated I acknowledge that but still their relationship was by no means caring or loving. In a sense Askelad guided him but Roshi acting like the "thing" is that Thorfinn viewed him as a father doesn't make much sense. He didn't lose his other "dad" he lost his purpose. He tells you that himself. Sheera has it correct. The dad narrative is meh.


Askeladd called him out for this very thing. Everything about Thorfinn said he was willing to kill Askeladd except for his actions. During their final duel he told Thorfinn to his face that his subconscious was the only thing holding him back. Thorfinn's abilities weren't what held him back from getting the dub, if he really wanted Askeladd dead he would've been dead within 2 episodes of Thors' death.

Jigga Man

Askatree bro I had a fucking heart attacks 😂😂😂

Zazies Beret

Wasn't it already touched on that Thorfinn could have killed Askeladd many of times if he wanted to? So, there was obviously complicated emotions interfering with Thorfinn's revenge plan. That's why he had such a visceral reaction to him dying because not only was he losing his purpose for living, but in some way on a subconscious level he had some type of attachment to Askeladd whether that be as father/authoritative figure. It was kinda giving Stockholm Syndrome imo, not sure why people haven't picked up on that.

Gabriel Jimenez

Well, I think you are in the minority on this one William. Don't get me wrong, I can see why you aren't enjoying it, but it's trying to tell a bigger story rather than just mindless entertainment.

Bad Karma

Yup. They misread/misremembered why Thorfinn reacted sadly to Askeladd's final moments. The "Father/son connection" is more just that Askeladd has been Thorfinn's entire driving motive and now that he's gone, he literally has no purpose. The "familial bond" Thorfinn has to Askeladd is simply that he is the reason he keeps on living and the "sadness" Thorfinn felt at his death was not mourning the man, but rather it was the realization that his own life is literally nothing without Askeladd. Yes, he does learn to forgive and appreciate Askeladd's lessons as if he was a father later on; but, during his service to Askeladd, young Thorfinn 100% wanted him dead by his hands and considered him an enemy, not family.

James Thompson

Ngl this arc had some cool themes and all but it is low key boring. I just miss the action scenes tbh


@William Vinland Saga is simply not a story about full sending it with action, it is not a shounen


Next episode is about to be kino.


That's cause you're expecting a shonen from a seinen.


Stupid mf go watch some power rangers or something bot ass comment


the writing for this show is too good. It is about maturity and sometimes people find maturity to be boring when it is all about character development


Ngl literally nobody gives a fuck if you dont have an attention span


thorfinn boutta go crazy


Iirc, Thorfinn lost every battle that he had with Askeladd. So I dont think he came close on killing him at all. Askeladd beat him barehanded the last time they fought.

James Thompson

All y’all kindly stfu I never said I didn’t like Roshi and them, I’m on their Patreon. And obviously I liked the show or else I wouldn’t be on season 2 😂 I said so far THIS season’s been boring TO ME cuz that’s how I feel. High key every last one of y’all are bitches in real life y’all just feel comfortable being a screen 😂😂 fucking pathetic. Smd

Erica Collins

My thing with the whole Thorfinn saw or didn't see Askeladd as a father figure debate is that both have valid points. I personally don't think that Thorfinn saw him as a dad or grieved him as losing another dad when he died (he was just mad he wasn't the one to kill him and in the way he wanted to) but I understand why people think that and I agree to a certain extent but Askeladd being labeled as a father, I don't agree with that. To me Askeladd wasn't a father and I don't think he deserves that label. Like Sheera said, they had a trauma bond but not a father son bond imo. I interpreted their relationship as Askeladd filled the role of being the next strong male figure in Throfin's life who taught him valuable lessons. It's that simple. There's nothing familial about it. It's weird because I agree with what everyone's saying about the father figure thing just without the "father" part 😂 Also I agree with everyone in the comments when they say that Thorfinn would've 100% killed Askeladd when the time came (and vise versa) and I don't think he would've regretted it because he wanted to do it in a way his father would, he had a lot of hate for the man, and that was his goal in life. There was no letting that go even tho they spent a lot of time together

Tyrese Marshall

He would have killed Askeladd if he could, but he couldn't and if Askeladd was weak he would have even tried


It’s because thorfinn wanted to fight Askeladd as a warrior like Thors instead of a dishonorable way like how Askeladd killed Thors.


Askeladd called thorfinn out because he didn’t slit his neck in his sleep like Askeladd did to his own biological father for revenge. I’m pretty sure there was a scene about that as well, but thorfinn wanted to fight him properly, it’s why he always asked Askeladd for duels instead of trying to sneak him when his back was turned.


Technically you didn’t say “To me” your comment seems that you stated the arc is overall boring. Let me cut the chase for you also. If you think this arc is boring and u miss the action than drop the anime. Because Vinland Saga is going in the oposite direction of what Attack on Titan has.


This right here, like it was a trauma bond and he was a child when he traveled with him, of course he’s gonna feel SOMETHING when he passes. But to call him his father is… madness💀

Omari Hill

He's about to flash out in this Bih in a second

Erica Collins

EXACTLY. I'm over here thinking if I watched the same s1 as everyone else because that is not that boy's daddy lmao 😭😭

K. Unknown

the thing is somebody can be or feel like your dad and still be awful and you hate them but struggle with weird mixed feelings about it. source: my life, many other people's lives, lol


No fr lmaoooo, like they didn’t show ANY bonding moments with him. No moments where I could maybe SEE where Thorfinn starts to care for him, but nope🤣


It doesn’t work like that when you ACTUALLY had a good father. Ther was no comparing his father and askeladd, idek how he started caring for him, there was NO love 💀

Erica Collins

@K. Unknown Yeah I definitely understand that. It is a complex situation and emotion that people go through irl but from what I've seen/remember seeing in Thorfinn's circumstance I just never got that vibe between the two of them. There's no moment with them together where Thorfinn expresses a sense of "This guy is like my dad or I see this guy as my dad" maybe a "this guy is as strong as my dad" but that's just talking about physical strength

Erica Collins

@Eliana This is what I'm tryna figure out like where is the "father" thing coming from when there is no father son bonding moment between them? He treated him like crap and sent him to battle as a child which resulted in him getting the trauma that we are seeing now. Is this not Askeladd's fault?? The only good thing that man did for him was teach him life lessons that just so happened to not be trash lmao and that's enough for him to be considered his father??? If that's the case Einar might as well be his dad too 😂


I think you need to rewatch season 1. They absolutely have bonding moments, but they aren't sweet and cheerful. A lot of shit can bond people, you just don't think bonding moments can be through awful things. He didn't intentionally see him as a father figure but he absolutely imprinted on Askeladd unintentionally as a sort of parent or guardian.

Erica Collins

I'm specifically talking about a father son bond. I know they had moments when they bonded which is why I said that they had a trauma bond but I think that it's only that and nothing more. It's just odd to say that he acted as a parent or guardian when it was shown that Askeladd could care less about Thorfinn which is another reason why he sent him into battle and I'm pretty sure Thorfinn knew this. Askeladd didn't care if he came back alive or not


It's funny because I never said Askeladd acted like a parent guardian, I said Thorfinn imprinted on him and viewed him as one. This isn't about Askeladd's feelings or views, this is about Thorfinn.

Erica Collins

You right lol my bad, I misread and misinterpreted but I'm curious to know which moments from s1 makes you think this. Do you remember?


decisively NOT mid


Technically there was. The manga and anime implies that through the years Thorfinn was with Askellad. Askellad and his men always try to have a companion ship with Thorfinn. But Thorfinn was there to kill Askellad. Thorfinn would even got his fair share off goods after raiding places or doing a mission. Plenty things that Thorfinn learn in the battle field and as a Viking warrior learn them from Askellad and his men. People probably see it as a father son bonding I like to thing it was a master and pupil bonding, enough to respect and care.

Erica Collins

I actually like the thought of it being more of a master and pupil bonding. Now that type of relationship makes a lot more sense because Askeladd is the one like you said, who taught Thorfinn all of those things like a master/teacher does, even tho it wasn't the traditional kind. This is a cool new perspective

Kenisha & Kim

askeladd isnt a father figure in my opinion if anything i would see him as the fun uncle who is annoying like thorfinn legit hated his guts until the last episode of last season the only reason why he doesnt hate him anymore is because he realized that shit isnt as black and white as it seems like thorfinn was like damn in his own way he is trying to protect me from myself cuz he doesnt want thorfinn to end up like the rest of them so in reality i think that reminded him of his dad then tht lead him to feel empty cuz his dad is gone askeladd is gone so no more revenge and askeladd ended up not being the worst human being to thorfinn anymore so rn thorfinn is confused af like damn everything i believe in went to shit basically like i wasnt honorable and i wasnt a good warrior taking wht i want so what now


fr 😂 lowkey has me doubting whether i watched the right first season aha


she has also showed up like 7 times throughout this season already


Bro he wasn’t loving or anything in the like he didn’t teach Thorfin anything he literally learned on the battlefield how to fight which askelad made Thorfin fight to his own benefit Thorfin could’ve died and askelad would have shed no tears he gave him a lil advice in the end and people are like yea he was a dad Tf is wrong with them lmao


anyone else having issues with vid quality on patreon?

Zazies Beret

I understand where you're coming from because that's very valid, but don't you think there's some cognitive dissonance at play because Thorfinn is literally pillaging villages and aiding in the murder of men, women, and children. The whole "honor" thing was kinda null and void after a bit. I feel like it was legit in the beginning, but was eventually used as a "crutch" per se.


Their relationship was no love or any positive affection. Yes Askeladd was a father figure to thorfinn but their relationship has always been complicated even for Askeladd because he's annoying for doing the same thing. Thorfinn who blindly obsessed about askeladd EVEN after he was killed.


Manga basically confirms Askeladd was a father figure and it makes sense when he taught him the most, more so than Thors did who was his own father.

Darren Banks

Sheera "Now they think you're pushovers!" LOL Sheera! THEY ARE SLAVES! Come on, sis....

matt B

Well yeah he was not honorable, but he is dealing with the person who killed his Father. I think he wants to beat him in a fair fight not because it's honorable even though he says that, but because him beating him in a fair fight would be the best revenge for Thors because he wants to be like his honorable father

Drake Rage (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-01 06:08:38 Askeladd was a complex character sure, a lot of greyness which is great, but like... I love Stain for his complexity but Askeladd.. fuck that guy he was a trash human being, even if he was complex. He sent Thorfinn on suicide missions all the time, he had shown plenty of times that he didn't give a fuck if Thorfinn died, and Thorfinn obeyed him just so he could get a 1v1 with him as a "reward." Askeladd basically groomed and took advantage of Thorfinn, there is some complexity there about him teaching Thorfinn some stuff, but get that father-figure shit outta here, Askeladd doesn't deserve any amount of respect because he has done a whole lot of evil shit in his life and a lot of evil shit against Thorfinn too, lmao.
2023-03-01 05:02:39 Askeladd was a complex character sure, a lot of greyness which is great, but like... I love Stain for his complexity but Askeladd.. fuck that guy he was a trash human being, even if he was complex. He sent Thorfinn on suicide missions all the time, he had shown plenty of times that he didn't give a fuck if Thorfinn died, and Thorfinn obeyed him just so he could get a 1v1 with him as a "reward." Askeladd basically groomed and took advantage of Thorfinn, there is some complexity there about him teaching Thorfinn some stuff, but get that father-figure shit outta here, Askeladd doesn't deserve any amount of respect because he has done a whole lot of evil shit in his life and a lot of evil shit against Thorfinn too, lmao. "He filled his father's place" ma'am that sounds nice and all if it wasn't him that took Thorfinn HOSTAGE and killed his ACTUAL father, like... if this was real life, how wild is it to explain how his father's murderer became his new father-figure... even if we ignore the fact that he sent Thorfinn on literal suicide missions expecting him to die and being surprised that he came back alive... I can't... Like yes you could argue there is a single thin strand that can connect Askeladd being a father-figure because he gave him some advice about life... but does Askeladd deserve it? Even if there is the tiniest part within Thorfinn that sees Askeladd as a father-figure, is it a valid emotion if the man groomed you and abused you into being useful for him? and sent you to die countless of times? is it valid? hell no, Thorfinn was just a huge victim of his ACTUAL father's murderer. Askeladd had Thorfinn from when he was too little to even be able to lift a sword and was groomed into becoming useful for Askeladd, to become a strong warrior... because Thorfinn woulda died a long time ago if he hadn't become strong. Putting "your" son through hell, where he has a 99.5% chance of dying does not make you a father or a father-figure, lol. Also... don't forget that Thorfinn did not receive anything from Askeladd, not even food or shelter... Thorfinn had to scavenge for his own food, slept outdoors, etc...

Askeladd was a complex character sure, a lot of greyness which is great, but like... I love Stain for his complexity but Askeladd.. fuck that guy he was a trash human being, even if he was complex. He sent Thorfinn on suicide missions all the time, he had shown plenty of times that he didn't give a fuck if Thorfinn died, and Thorfinn obeyed him just so he could get a 1v1 with him as a "reward." Askeladd basically groomed and took advantage of Thorfinn, there is some complexity there about him teaching Thorfinn some stuff, but get that father-figure shit outta here, Askeladd doesn't deserve any amount of respect because he has done a whole lot of evil shit in his life and a lot of evil shit against Thorfinn too, lmao. "He filled his father's place" ma'am that sounds nice and all if it wasn't him that took Thorfinn HOSTAGE and killed his ACTUAL father, like... if this was real life, how wild is it to explain how his father's murderer became his new father-figure... even if we ignore the fact that he sent Thorfinn on literal suicide missions expecting him to die and being surprised that he came back alive... I can't... Like yes you could argue there is a single thin strand that can connect Askeladd being a father-figure because he gave him some advice about life... but does Askeladd deserve it? Even if there is the tiniest part within Thorfinn that sees Askeladd as a father-figure, is it a valid emotion if the man groomed you and abused you into being useful for him? and sent you to die countless of times? is it valid? hell no, Thorfinn was just a huge victim of his ACTUAL father's murderer. Askeladd had Thorfinn from when he was too little to even be able to lift a sword and was groomed into becoming useful for Askeladd, to become a strong warrior... because Thorfinn woulda died a long time ago if he hadn't become strong. Putting "your" son through hell, where he has a 99.5% chance of dying does not make you a father or a father-figure, lol. Also... don't forget that Thorfinn did not receive anything from Askeladd, not even food or shelter... Thorfinn had to scavenge for his own food, slept outdoors, etc...


LMAO Thorfinn 100% would kill Askeladd if given the chance. He hated him so much that he spent a decade of his life trying to get revenge it's just that he wanted to beat him in combat. Ya'll really think Thorfinn written like he's some shonen protagonist.

Azusa Rin

That’s incorrect though. Askeladd didn’t take him hostage. Thorfinn chose to follow him. He got on the boat behind askeladd’s crew and chose to follow him for revenge. He wasn’t groomed into becoming useful either. He was given the choice and wasn’t forced to do it, he just chose to do it as a chance of getting a chance to fight him. Keeping in mind that for them dying in battle is supposed to be a warriors death or something, it could be understandable that it wasn’t really as bad of a thing to do in the first place. Askeladd didn’t care about him in the beginning, he told his crew to let Thorfinn do what he wants and if he dies, he dies and if not then so be it. He grew up to be strong throughout the journey with him and Askeladd had many times where he tried talking sense into Thorfinn and Thorfinn chose to ignore it and keep chasing after him.

Drake Rage

The hostage part was for when Askeladd took him hostage to kill his father. Thors let himself get killed because Askeladd had put a knife to Thorfinn's throat. Thorfinn was a literal child who was too little to even lift an actual sword, that is why he practiced with a dagger as his weapon. The "he wasn't actually forced" is not valid because he was too young to take responsibility for his decisions/actions, he was just a child that saw his amazing father die because he got taken as hostage... remember Thorfinn sneeked onto the ship, so he wasn't supposed to be there in the first place when Askeladd ambushed Thors... the child had an immense amount of guilt for getting his father killed and he had a justified need for revenge which made him follow Askeladd.

James Thompson

Lol bro who are you? No way you read my comment and came to that conclusion. Go to sleep 😂

Drake Rage

I was shocked as well when I found out Askeladd actually has a big fanbase within Vinland Saga fandom, it makes ZERO sense to me, lol. Askeladd has the tiniest bit of complexity in an otherwise evil ass man, I don't see how he got so many fans.


by your logic thorfinn should also have zero respect... the whole point of this arc is for thorfinn to know his many sins, and overcome them changing for th e better. thorfinn is a horrible person in his own right... do i need to go down a list of things he did in the prologue. thorfinn is suffering because of the sheer weight of guilt and sadness caused by what he had done. everyone in vinland has done unforgivable things... its not about where you start, its about how you decide to finish. If thats your opinion of askeladd then you should also have zero respect for thorfinn. dont try to bring up how everything thorfinn did was askeladds fault bc then you run the argument of well askelads upbringing and father are the reason he became how he did. askeladd is a major influence on thorfinn especially his final words, that is all.

Drake Rage

Askeladd is a hell of a lot smarter than Thorfinn, he knew full well the evil shit he did while doing it, lmao. It is absurd to say Thorfinn is just as bad as Askeladd so I must have 0 respect for both of them.... but you know what? I actually was really mad at Thorfinn for a while, I was mad that Thorfinn had basically become a loyal dog to Askeladd because he wanted to kill him in a 1v1.. so Askeladd gave Thorfinn evil and suicidal missions to do so that he could "earn" a 1v1. So yea, evil acts are bad quite obvious, but Thorfinn's evil acts were entirely due to Askeladd grooming him and making him do all those awful things to "earn" a 1v1, it was just an evil man abusing the hell out of a guilt-driven child looking for revenge against his father's murderer. Askeladd murdered entire villages, allowed his men to rape and pillage, the viking way, do you think Thorfinn will ever be capable of that? The sheer amount of guilt, like you said, that Thorfinn has to deal with, means he is a hell of a lot more respectable than Askeladd that actively and casually did those evil things on a regular basis.

Drake Rage

Yeah it really doesn't make sense to call Askeladd a father-figure, the most he has ever done was give Thorfinn some advice. The fact that Askeladd regularly sent Thorfinn on suicidal missions where he expected Thorfinn to die, but was surprised that he kept coming back alive from those missions... nah that is absolutely not someone you'd call a father-figure, lol.

Moisty Justice

fr he would have but Roshi has the idea he wouldnt?sure he made of thought of him like father figure but he would have killed him for sure

Erica Collins

Yeah I was shocked too. I get why people liked him. People love villains but I definitely wasn't expecting so many. I am one of the rare people who didn't like him. Pretty much hated him just like Thorfinn did 😂 And I was really shocked when people were sad & even cried over his death. I was only upset because I really wanted Thorfinn to get revenge but other than that he got what he deserved and I wasn't sad about that


That is objectively incorrect. Bjorn took Thorfinn hostage, and not even under Askeladd's orders. Also, Thors didn't die because of it. It was already OBVIOUS he was willing to die for ANYONE on that boat, hostage Thorfinn or no hostage Thorfinn.

Drake Rage

Do you mean it is technically incorrect? because objectively the end result is the same, Askeladd lost the 1v1 with Thors so they took Thorfinn as hostage, and Thors was forced to surrender so that they would let the rest of them go.

Sofia & Chill

I think Thorfinn would have killed Askeladd, but also after doing so he would have felt a void or emptiness in a similar fashion. Askeladd, in a twisted/obsessive way, really was his sole motivation to keep going.


I think you might have misunderstood what they were saying when they said he was like a father figure...they weren't saying he was a DESERVED father figure...only that Thorfinn, in a messed up, complex way, saw Askeladd as another father figure. Not a nurturing one, but a guidance to his life. He was a father figure of hate instead of love. Hating him was all Thorfinn had. THAT is the point they were making and that the show is also making. NOBODY disputes that Askeladd was really shitty.

Drake Rage

I guess that is a little better but Roshi and Sheera saying Thorfinn would never kill Askeladd, and Roshi saying "aww" when Thorfinn hallucinated Askeladd among the trees for a split second... its like no sir, not aww, lol.

Jayson Stuart

Calling Askeladd complete trash as a human doesn’t make sense to me. He never forced thorfinn to do anything and everything he did was to save his homeland in the end. Thors was going to die regardless whether askeladd let him go or not and he knew that already. He gave thorfinn fair chances to kill him multiple times and he never owed him that at all. I think you’re taking too much of the responsibility off of thorfinn. He made his own choices and that’s why he’s suffering like he is now. And if askeladd was trash so is Canute at this point.

Jayson Stuart

And we gotta remember most of these characters are Vikings who don’t have the moral compass we do. Thors didn’t get like he did until after his child was born so he wasn’t the greatest guy either.

Drake Rage

Askeladd murdered Canute's actual father-figure in order to manipulate him, yet another impressionable child, into doing his bidding there too, lol.

Drake Rage

Yea they are vikings, and Thors was their Hero, basically a living legend, and he gave it all up, gave up his way of life for family. Askeladd says how much he hates the viking way of life, how they rape and pillage, etc... while leading his own little viking group and letting them do exactly the things he hates about them... and being smart but evil/twisted enough to manipulate tons of people into doing his bidding. Murder, massacre, even genocide is cool with Askeladd so he really cannot be compared to Thors and Thorfinn who were just another one of his countless victims. Didn't they say how Thors was only fine with killing actual warriors during war? Askeladd and his little gang were even shown on screen killing babies. Yea most of the characters have killed people, but Askeladd was the only dude we have seen so far that is extremely smart and successfully manipulated important characters so many times, sure he has a goal, to save his country I guess, but the stuff he has done is absolutely not justified just because he might have had a "noble" goal in mind. He was a hypocrite doing things just as bad and arguably much worse things than the vikings he hated. Basically the viking way of life is crap, but people like Thors and Thorkell had honor, so they followed a code, Askeladd has no code, no honor. That is why Askeladd's actions can be seen as evil, like when he kills entire families and villages for some money while Thors and Thorkell enjoyed fighting on a battlefield against other warriors, at least the old Thors used to.

Jayson Stuart

Whether or not Thors and Thorkell enjoyed fighting warriors doesn’t negate the fact the they participated in murders and massacres which let the other Vikings around them pillage and rape. Thors understood none of his killing was justified which is why he left.So like you say even if you have an “honor code” you’re still murdering people. And askeladd showed he’s honorable when he let everyone go after Thors died. He didn’t manipulate that situation Thors was just unwilling to kill and that put him in an unwinnable situation. At any point or another any of these warriors have done evil acts or been part of a group that does evil acts so I don’t see him as any worse than any other character just because he’s smart about how he did it.

Jayson Stuart

And I don’t see him as a hypocrite because he never said he wouldn’t do the things Vikings do, he just hated them. He even says he hated being around them but he’s doing it to save his country. He’s willing to do something he hates for a bigger goal, so I don’t see that as hypocritical


Nah, 100% agree with Roshi and Sheera. In the end, Thorfinn wouldn't be able to kill Askeladd. Thorfinn was just living on hate and anger to keep him going. It was the ONLY thing keeping him going. Though once Askeladd died, So too did his anger. He realizes that he saw Askeladd as more than just "Someone he needed to kill". He was a father-like figure that Thorfinn didn't understand he saw him as until it was too late.

Magical Drinking

Maturing and growing up is realizing that the farm arc in Vinland Saga is fire.


Also really glad everyone seems to be enjoying this season. It was a great read and my biggest worry was that people were gonna say "Ah man, its just TALKIN! WHERE THE PUNCHES!?" but worrying over nothing. Also NEXT EPISODE HYPE!!!!!

Magical Drinking

Speaking of Askeladd, in season 1 when he asked Thorfinn "how will you live your life after I'm dead?" That shit hit me like a ton of bricks just like it hit Thorfinn cause I hadn't thought about it either. Absolute masterpiece.


Same fear, I actually enjoyed this arc more than the previous one. really get to know the characters


God, that shadow of a smile that Thorfinn had after Einar did his impression of a "warrior" and saying "you're probably on your way to becoming a better person right now" ...breaks my damn heart. He hasn't had a genuine smile on his face in over 10 years. And then to come back to the trampled wheat, and try to be the voice of reason to Einar's rage. Give my man a break.


I disagree, askeladd was a father figure but their relationships was based on obsession for thorfinn and meawhile askeladd wants thorfinn to move on from it. which is why he's so obsessed with him being alive so he can have his revenge. Their relationship was not fatherly bond but rather a near a syndrome that kept Thorfinn alive. Thorfinn would kill askeladd for that which is why he said he doesn't hate him anymore


@Drake father figure is the definition of those who's looking out for you. What Thorfinn sees with askeladd isn't what you son and fatherly love but in a sense their relationship is complicated rather than just simple direction of it. But either way thorfinn would still have killed askeladd even though they had complicated relationship even with thorfinn having obsession over him.


Bro what? He was a garbage human being. They PILLAGED VILLAGES ffs did you not watch ep 14 from s1?


people who said its boring are just action junkies. this is one of the best arcs in anime. thorfinns character development is insane

Kwame Hasani Salmon

Ayo Roshi, imma needa borrow that hair style real quick, thanks. 🔥💯🚫🧢

Markus Antonius

One the best quotes/character developments coming up next episode!

Levi Blair

@James Thompson I don't see anyone here acting up half as much as you, no reason to get your panties in a bunch after some "bitches" made fun of your attention span and understanding of a show. I understand missing the action scenes but the show was pretty clear from the start that fighting wasn't the focus so finding it boring after the part that isnt the focus slows down begs the question why watch in the first place when it is apparently the only or main thing you wanted.

this is one long ass username (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-14 06:14:25 Bro Sheera explaining every obvious detail whilst we all can see and hear it clear as day unfolding is sooooo annoying
2023-03-14 06:14:25 Bro Sheera explaining every obvious detail whilst we all can see and hear it clear as day unfolding is sooooo annoying
2023-03-14 06:14:25 Bro Sheera explaining every obvious detail whilst we all can see and hear it clear as day unfolding is sooooo annoying
2023-03-14 04:31:21 Bro Sheera explaining every obvious detail whilst we all can see and hear it clear as day unfolding is sooooo annoying

Bro Sheera explaining every obvious detail whilst we all can see and hear it clear as day unfolding is sooooo annoying

The GoDKing 27

Thorrfinn falling down the cavussy


Then go watch the show on your own normally lmao. I actually like the commentary and clearly so do other people

Dark Danny

Thorfin would kill Askelad the problem is that killing him is what he spent most of his life doing. anime characters that spend their whole life obsessed with vengeance don't know how to live once its over. even if he was the one that killed him he would still fill empty


(late but) def debatable. i mean at the very end after askeladd was stabbed, he even told thorfinn to take the chance and finish him off, but thorfinn didnt. at that point, it felt pretty clear to me that thorfinn had lost his original will and was pretty much only driven by his and his father's pride to not just return home without having killed his father's killer.


Ion like Thorfinn this season at all