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Overall great episode, just had my own issue with a specific part



Joel: We can make it Tommy: Was like Nintendo Wii?


I understand Roshi's point about his one issue. My only thoughts are that in the game when those moments happen it's very "Video Gamey". Like Joel gets wounded in the gut but then proceeds to take out like 15-20 dudes without bleeding out which is totally unrealistic but it's a video game and makes for fun playing. In terms of a television show, it has to be more grounded. I don't think it had anything to do with budget more so the fact that it has to be more realistic and the show can't put Joel in the exact same scenarios because TV Joel can't get shot 5 times and just wrap a bandage around his arm and be ok and TV Joel can't just reload a save. That's what I love about this show so far, I feel like they are doing a great service to paying respect to the source material and certain scenes while keeping it grounded and realistic in terms of live action TV. Just my opinion


random question, but why the random race swap of maria?, they could have easily introduced a new black character.


Attack on Titan march 3rd bro. Don’t forget😭


joel: "its a prank bro"


Everyone doing such a good job this show the acting is amazing so much emotion in each episode


13:14 you could see the film crew on the bottom left 💀


We seriously got a bloater last episode. I’m fine that it’s not really action packed this episode. I like the break between action and drama.

Drake Rage

Completely agree with Roshi, since they do want to focus on the drama, they really should have made Joel getting stabbed scene a bigger "event." That scuffle was so quick and now Ellie is literally alone not knowing what to do or where to go, but it is not impactful at all because it seemed like you blinked and now Joel is on the ground bleeding out. Wait it woulda made sense if it was Netflix but HBO made this?? Where that budget at??


I've been pretty okay with all the changes and condensing they've been doing so far........until this one. Happened way too quick and didn't have nearly enough impact

zILovePelmeni _

why is the audio quality for tlou reactions always trash? your voices and the show sound like its been recorded with a microwave


Am I the only one that feels like them dumbing down Joel's character was way too much? It's like I'm not some meathead that just wants action non stop or some John Wick type shit. But come on show that Joel survived this world for 20 years for a reason, have him be able to kill a few people. Yes them adding some sad shit was well done compared to the game but I feel they still can have both Joel showing more emotions and have him keep that same vibe he gives off in the game, like he can fuck people up if needs to.


I don't like how Joel just flipped like that, but at the same time, I'm sure we've all changed our minds before after a night's sleep. I mean that's why the saying "sleep on it" exists.


Idk if it's just me but the player for this video keeps freezing every couple of seconds

Julian Vargas

That cup Ellie had is for her period, it’s reusable


None of y’all know what a diva cup is? Damnn


the TV MA rating and the logo to the left of the video with the transitions goin on. Clean af hats off to the editing.

Tuny kun

Lupa out here saying "What are contraceptives?" lmao. Same man. Same.


Ok roshi I understand you want more action but lets be honest, joel is an old man and the video game is really really reaaaalllly unrealistic if you put it in a normal perspective, all the shooting etc is part of the gameplay and you kinda need that for a game to not only be some telltale game type beat, obviously in real life (what the series tries to show) nearly every encounter with hostile humans is a close life or death situation surviving a 1v5 gunfight or smth like that is goofy ass hollywood stuff like it was obvious the show will tone it down a ton. In the game he is impaled and casually deletes 4 or more raiders while barely beeing conscious, trust me it would look silly af and this would be some all of us are dead thing where characters randomly turn into super soldiers and this would ruin the entire feeling of the show so far.


Listen people if you’re ever impaled by an object DO NOT pull it out.


LUPA My guy you cant be serious omg help this man


The older couple used to be on this old tv show called ‘Northern Exposure’. I used to watch to watch it as a kid. It took place in Alaska, so it was snowy and icy. I think this was a little shout out to that.


I’m pretty sure that was a menstrual cup, it’s so she doesn’t have to keep changing her pad/tampon and there’s no smell until she tosses it.

Antonio Williams

How did all three of y'all get clapped by a menstrual cup?

Jigga Man

Wait.. that's a real death? Joel just died in that scene?

Cameron Robinson

When I first saw the menstrual cup scene, I was the first annoyed like why do they have to why bringing up menistration again we already saw the earliest to grab tampons and how they probably are a really rare commodity. Then when I remembered that most menstrual cups, as far as I know, are reusable, they would be a great commodity to women in the apocalypse. It reminded me of the importance of reusable things, and how a society based on planned obsolescence would fucking hurt a whole bunch of people if an apocalypse ever happened.


Annoyed at a hygiene product? Do you get annoyed when you see soap too 🙄


If you haven't played the games then you might not want to ask spoilery questions lol

Malcolm Washingon

I get the disappointment about the action because this is one of the bigger and more fun encounters, but I'm inclined to be more forgiving because I believe they are saving budget for the town fight scene. that's as vague as I can make the reference without spoiling it but if u played game you know what VERY important thing happens next. And they NEED to get that right. So I guess conversely if they fuck that up I'll be super disappointed. Also isn't this where we should've gotten the giraffe? I'm sad that wasn't included, that scene was beautiful in game. Tho since they cut the infected and raider parts of university from ep I guess the scenery wouldn't have hit as hard


Poll for beastars and black lagoon?


Man the show sets Joel up to be this capable survivor who is feared in the QZ and more than capable enough to take on a 2300+ mile journey through a country filled with infected, raiders, FEDRA, slavers, and other groups. I'm having a hard time buying this narrative of him with the way they're handling most of the action in this show

Hasnain Khan



The way this is going im like 60% sure the ending isn't going to hit as hard as the game nor will the second season be a thought provoking as the games. Im okay with changes but Joel as a person not being a capable survivor doesn't really fit how the actions in later scenes turn out. Either its going to be a subdue set of action pieces or Joel will magically be more vicious like his game counter part and it will have a strong sense of "where was this?" Energy. And no one is going to tell me cause he cares about Ellie. Cause a person who don't give a shit about no one is just as dangerous as a father protecting a child. And can we talk about how they really aren't letting Ellie mature as a survivor either? Like she would have been pumping rounds in people by now. She ain't killed a single person. But that could be me just hating kid characters in the apocalypse that get babied and I mean ones outside of settlements like Jackson.

Jazmyne Mattucci

just FYI, the 'cup' Ellie had after the shower is a menstral cup for periods. better to use than pads and tampons since pads n shit are scarce in that world


cocaine bear reaction when? 👀


I like that they make the show more like a show. Save the video gamey action for something like Arcane, where they can make it unique and fun (which is easy because it’s animated). All the action in TLoU is either shooting things or shooting things in a slightly creative way. I’m also looking forward to the winter stuff the most. That’s a lot of people’s favorite part of the first game so I really hope they can stick the landing there as well.

Jonathan Reyes

Wow, lupa didnt catch that was Dina lol


Loved the reaction guys, keep up the good work!!!!! This episode was great, but I feel like Joel is more emotional in the show compared to the game, I don’t really mind that they made him like this, my only regret is that they made him more fragile “physically” like being slower and too old. In part one of the game, despite his age, Joel was a complete beast that couldn’t be stopped by anyone….Not gonna lie, I wish we could see the savage Joel that runs around with bricks and shivs going crazy taking down enemies left and right lol…I feel that it’s unfortunate that there isn’t as much action, but the emotional scenes make up for it just enough for me to still feel satisfied and excited for the next episode

LeHarlequin .

Somebody else might have said so already, but that thing Ellie was looking at after her shower was a reusable period cup.


Pre 2004, I'm pretty sure the best you could find is some sort of So-Be 😆 You know, before they ruined their entire product like


There's three whole episodes left in this season They're not gonna change the story that radically and kill off one of the two main characters in episode 6.

Chelsea Avila

never seen three people so confused over a menstrual cup before


Thats as secure as you would want the rope in that situation. The horse is trained so even if it pulled itself free it mostly wouldnt leave probably just walk around chewing grass. Also you want it to be like that so if you have to haul ass and get on the horse and get out quick you dont want to have to untie it


The 2 people at first in cabin are natives let me tell you they did a good job it was funny watching them was even more funny since when i watched it with my family we were just laughing since were also native and are quite happy to see natives in the show was quite nice to see. the kokum's or aunties are the quite welcoming to strangers and always offer some food or bannock witch is always good.


Those raiders pulled up not even armed with guns. Both Ellie and Joel could've clapped them lmao


This episode didn't really seemed earned in my opinion. The relationship between Joel and Ellie feels more abrupt rather than natural. Sure, we've seen them have some back and forth dialogue on previous episodes. But we haven't really seen anything that would indicate how strong their bond seems to be (on this episode in particular). I know that the show alludes there's always a little bit of time skips between episodes, but it would have been great to see their relationship grow more organically than what seems to be just rushed. This episode could've worked better as episode 7, while episode 6 could've focused on their bond more. All in all the episode was decent, I just personally think that the game did their bond way better.

Drake Rage

I was not happy with how they totally brushed over the fact that Ellie knew the kid was bit but didn't tell anyone, which resulted in an even bigger tragedy the next morning, last episode. I think Ellie is acting like a typical teenage girl instead of showing some form of darkness/fears/vulnerability due to growing up in a post-apocalyptic world, first time leaving the city walls, facing all kinds of dangers.... all of that could have been used to create a closer bond with Joel and her, but I think Ellie has been a bit too carefree, almost like they were on a fieldtrip. Maybe they will give her more depth later? but yeah there is a lot more they could have done with developing the relationships here, especially since they are focusing on the drama rather than action, so they need to do the drama well.


I disagree. They could of just let him reach out and tell Joel he's okay and living his life now. Tell Joel he can't tell him the location because of the rules. Joel felt abandoned by his own brother. I get both sides tho.


What I think they're trying to do is actually show Joel's age. In the game they have him being a one man army which is dope and all but not 100% realistic. I think that they are building up to what he does at the end for the non game players to be more of a shock because till that point its only been word of mouth of what he's capable of but doesn't look physically up to it. It'll be the audiences first time genuinely seeing what he can do and did to people in his younger years. He may even show it in the next ep if they follow the exact events. Joel has now been given a complex of being a loser who is constantly losing things he cares about over and over again so what do you think he's gonna do when something or someone else comes along and tries to take something he hold dear again? Bro is gonna most likely snap. We even saw a hint of it at the very beginning with the fedra soldier he bodied. I could be wrong but is just an Idea.

Mikaele Rosecrans

51:50 that gave me goosebumps literally like the scene


I don’t know how anyone can feel like this episode wasn’t one of the best of the series thus far. Pedro and Bella are amazing. Every episode literally has scenes almost one for one from the game. There’s never been a video game adaptation this good

Daniel Robb

They show Shimmer as a baby 🥹


The rubber cup thingy is a Diva Cup. It is a reusable menstrual aid that takes the place of pads and tampons. It collects the blood, then you take it out, dump it, clean it, put it back in. No waste. An AMAZING gift for a teen-aged girl in the end-times. My wife used one for years and swore by it.

Alejandro Rodriguez

I gotta disagree w Roshi on the radio town thing he could've just said "I'm safe I'm not coming" back or something simple. Joel had a right to be mad. This whole thing w Tommy was what he worked a ton for, and partially the reason Tess died all for nothing.


It's not even like they are issue free for everyone, but in the post apocalypse they are a god send with no risk of toxic shock syndrome.


Sheera: "yall just now saying get on the horse? I woulda been 'we need to get the F outta here'. " Mam. What? Did you not see them trying to get on the horse before getting attacked and stabbed?!?! LMAO


Love how me and Lupa had the same question, where did they get those horses for Joel and Ellie? 😂😂


Dude, I don't know if anybody has posted this in the year+ since y'all put this up, but Roshi mentioning Red Bull made me curious and I went to Wikipedia to look it up. Apparently Red Bull has been around since the freakin' 80s, man. I had no idea, but that's actually pretty interesting to have learned. Thanks for stroking my curiosity button, Roshi!