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not a fan of how this season ended personally



Yeah the ending made no sense. How is Legoshi so against eating herbivores that he not only decides to eat meat but also his friends leg?????

Rustle Tasmania

Yeah the ending for season 2 was extremely rushed. Like it was good but from the manga they kinda sped through some things in this part in the anime. Personally I really felt like they should have done more than 12 episodes and with Season 3 being the final season there is A LOT left to cover so I know they’re gonna do more than 12 episodes. But yeah I feel like if this season was more than 12 things would have been flushed out. Especially the stuff with Ibuki & Louis.

Drake Rage

This got toooooo unpredictable, lmao. I am not a fan of having Legoshi eat Louise's foot either.


Replace this with devilman crybaby. Its only a 10 episode story but its amazing and youll breeze through it quick


The manga does a lot of this. There's a lot of moments that make zero sense and honestly I don't know what the mangaka was dealing with at the time of writing it but scenes like the end feel rushed and not thought out.


killing riz would've been worse. legosi would have end up serving longer time for killing someone albeit it was a murderer he killed which is understandably so and after that most likely the story will end there. No more Season 3.


Imagine thinking it didn't make sense that Legoshi remained in character and stuck to his ideals at the end. Lmao. Imagine thinking that an entire rest of the fight was just one punch to the stomach. Did you not see the whole couple minutes before that? He was actively fighting lol. He would've actually been dead if he hadn't eaten Louis' leg. Man, such shallow thinking. "He's gotta do this, or this, exactly how I envisioned it, or else it's disappointing."

Belt Cedd

As a huge fan of the series and finished the manga so let me tell you I 100% agree with you Roshi. The ending is kinda booty.


Hoping for Oregairu next


It doesn't make sense I guess. But I think it sort of shows how nothing ever goes how we think it will because individuals are unpredictable. Riz was more complex than just a crazy meat eater. Legoshi has been shown to be a weird one too. But I understand wanting Louis sacrificing his foot to mean something physical (since he physically ain't got a foot anymore!) instead emotional or mental. This all really makes more sense in the manga imo, as you read on. But yeah, the snake did get dropped and I do not understand that.


total respect for ur opinion on the ending but i would say it made complete sense to me. like, i think the anticlimactic outcome of the fight is what made it great. sure the police could have come and broken it up but that wouldn’t have resolved anything thematically in the story and characters. i think it just shows that a series doesn’t need a huge awesome brawl in order to have a satisfying ending for the characters. for example, riz, legoshi, and louis were all running away from things the whole season. riz was running away from his sun and guilt by persuading himself that his actions were out of love and friendship. legoshi was running away from his carnivore nature by trying to become a saint. louis was running away from his weakness of being merchandise and his relationship with carnivores. but the end of the fight perfectly had all three realize their own flaws v poetically. in the middle of the fight when riz and legoshi talked, legoshi realized that riz wasn’t the monster he thought he was previously (i think this was when he realized he didnt need to demolish riz). legoshi realized riz was the same as him. and that’s why louis offering his foot was perfect. for louis, it freed him and made him confront and accept his weakness. and for legoshi, it made him accept who he was and not run away from it. he wasn’t gone make excuses like riz did w tem, he straight up told louis that he would eat because he wanted to. instead of trying to become something he wasn’t, he accepted himself as a carnivore. this obvi then showed riz was a true friendship between a herbivore and carnivore is. he too faced his sins and admitted his guilt. so that’s why it didn’t need to end in a huge brawl (in my opinion). they all came to reflect and accept themselves which made a very satisfying ending for me. sorry this is so long and prob confusing lol! i still believe u are able to have ur own opinions but these are just my thoughts. have a nice day!

Danger Tomato

Been telling yall this is mid


Yeah imo this was a disappointing ending for me. I feel like where louis and lego ended up resulted in a lot of their char development not hitting well. The idea that lego had to eat loui at the end, felt forced and kinda out of character. Like i get the extra level of restraint it adds to lego, but they could of and should of just mob'd the dude. Shit loui had a gun not too long ago and he KNEW where he was going and what was happening. Their team up could of been used as a more understandable coming togeather with loui's appreciation of lego's restraint as a carnivore and lego's respect for louis' struggle while being a herb. And they can still put down rizz while understanding that he is just like lego but he didn't have that willpower to resist the devouring, nor someone there to help him and if he had things could have been diff.


I remember when this season was airing, that it felt rushed. I felt like the manga definitely did this season way better. Hopefully season 3 won't be rushed.


Disnt watch the reaction yet, I hope you noticed the extended ending. That is more like the Manga.

Theo Vorster

The anime having to cut a number of smaller scenes also brought down the quality of the anime’s adaptation of the ending of this arc (I also think cutting out part of Legoshi’s backstory with his grandfather that was revealed in the manga during this arc was another mistake too). But I also have to admit that the statement “I get the symbolism/themes they were going for, but that was kinda stupid” is kinda an inherent flaw of the Beastars series in general (including the manga). Also IIRC another reason why Ibuki had his death by Free set up wasn’t just because Ibuki didn’t want to live without Louis in his life (and didn’t want to revert to his old self), but also because Ibuki felt the need to give Louis a “justified excuse” for leaving the Shishigumi (since Louis is basically trying to leave the Yakuza/Mafia/Mob, and people can’t just do that with no consequence) as well. Thus Ibuki threatening to devour Louis gives the latter a public “excuse” in the eyes of the black market/underworld that can easily be accepted.


This reminds me of the whole Envy and Mustang narrative they had in FMAB and how it ended. Sure, it makes perfect sense with the themes of the show and narrative. The way they didn't want mustang to kill envy because of the over reaching theme of redemption and revenge. However, that didn't make it any less dumb and melodramatic for me. Just like Sheera pointed out, it made perfect sense how season 2 ended of Beastars. The whole theme of herbivorous and carnivores living together and what Legoshi and Louis were willing to accomplish. So basically it all makes sense in a writing stand point, BUT I still found the conclusion dumb and melodramatic lol.


Oregairu would be great if they looking for a romcom


Almost like people said this show was kinda ass

The Anime Dude

Would love to see Oregairu

Dougie Fresh

Yeah, nah, no flack for you here bruh. You're 💯 roshi. It all feels.. trivial. Like none of it really mattered. I wish certain actions in this season had been more decisive. Like a death or two besides the Lion. Maybe Legoshi on the run from killing Riz and everyone hates him because they don't know the truth yet, something like that would've been a good next arc.


yeah the ending seemed contradictory. Like isnt the whole point of Legoshi's character is to prove you can love and like herbivores without having a hunger to eat them. Doesnt eating Louis leg make Legoshi and Riz guilty of doing the same thing. According to Riz, Tem offered himself to him the same as Louis offered himself to Legoshi.

Jacob Albers

The anime really dropped the ball on this arc, it left out SO much stuff in the middle that makes everything feel way more satisfactory. It took one of my favourite parts of the manga and made me kind of hate it.


Damn this really won against oregairu in the poll? Lets just hope we get it next i guess


It was more of a fight of ideals rather than the fight itself. Legosi didn't really win the physical fight but he won the mental fight and Riz basically accepted his L that his way of thinking is just entirely wrong. The only thing I really have a problem with is Legosi eating Louis's leg, that seemed pretty contradictory to Legosi's character especially since he's been fighting the urge for meat this whole season to be a protector of herbivores.


oregairu would be a great duo and the eminence in shadow would be perfect for all 3 of you after black lagoon I would say


i think its part of his character to be a hypocrite and violate his ideals in order to do the right things, especially since its a parralel to riz consuming tem as this was an actual consensual devouring that had meaning for both legosi's and louis' character.


Damn riz got rizz

joshua rosario

dont forget the many ep of Legois training to not eat meat


the act of legosi eating louis' leg is, i think, a great conclusion to the arc that they've been setting up for both characters. the entire season they were walking down two different paths of light and darkness while both trying to justify that the way they were doing things was the only way. but through meeting riz, and other incidents with carnivores they realize that there are other ways of going about the things they want to do and, in the end both realize that they were wrong. this is portrayed through the gruesome act of eating louis' leg and he has been freed from his past and legosi has come to terms with his true nature instead of fighting it. I understand that the conclusion with riz was a bit upsetting as he understands that he also was in the wrong, but i think that hes also just a highschooler and doesnt deserve to die for the life he lived, but definitely some jail time. the whole leg eating thing was definitely more symbolic than a typical shonen power up, as after all this is a seinen.


ngl im glad someone like roshi made the same comment on how it ended like why?

Oax Al

My head canon ending would have been the same up until the leg eating. After the Louis power up, Legosi fights Rizz but clearly gets molly whopped. Why? Because Rizz is a fucking grizzly. As Rizz is about to finish Legosi you get the Louis cheering on Legosi and the new year's boat honking resulting in Rizz hesitating, reflecting the way he reflects in this episode. At which point the cops show up, everyone gives testimonies, Legosi has a post fight talk with Louis and ending on his little moment with Haru.


nah I'm with you on the ending the only thing is this way Riz reflects and stops his delusions instead of just being a psycho holding on to a grudge and ends up being muscular 2.0 xD


To be fair, in the manga there was a more developed buildup towards this ending. A lot of stuff was cut out. Still, it isn't my favorite ending by any stretch.


na the ending was shit tbh and the whole Louis thing after the whole him doing mad shit talking big to hes dad just to go back and then loosing hes leg so legoshi can get a power boost instead of eating meat from the black market naaa


Honestly what was the point of the snake


They should do a reaction to the movie RRR. If they haven’t already seen it.


Legoshi's goal was to rehabilitate Riz. He was trying to approach the whole thing like Gohin.


How about we just forget this entire episode and focus on the future poll?


yeah but him eating Louis is the exact same thing Riz did to Tem.


Now that this is finally over lets hope Oregairu doesnt get shafted on the next poll again.

Nick Vaughn

Buddy Daddies would be a nice option for you two to watch. It’s cute and fun. Nice replacement for Spy x Family


Would like to see Tomo-chan wa Onnanoko on the next poll

Real Kest

Quintuplets next ?

JD Watkins

The way it ended helps set up the world building and motivation for the next arc of the story

rickie woodson

one show down one more to go. #warriordoubledropapril

Orlandez Malone

I love Beastars but this is one of the few times the anime really fuck up in my opinion. I know it gets better but Damn. What a terrible sequence of events. Disappointing episode


What makes you think so? I read the manga and i don't really see anything different. Yeah they rearranged some events like Ibuki giving his gun to Free, removed a little bit of Legoshi's backstory (saving it for season 3 i think) and changed some scenes a little bit (Riz shower fight) but i don't think any of these changes is that big I do think most changes are a bit pointless, and maybe make the story a little worse, but nothing that would make it terrible. I did read the manga a while ago though, so i may be missing something.


Can we get that Ancient Magus Bride duo reaction?


Horimiya / Golden time / Oregairu

Yagi di Hoshi

The manga was better than the anime cramming 30 chapters into the last 5-6 episodes. ALSO nearly zero emotion pit into Ibuki's death here by comparison. That is sacrilege imho. The Last 10 chapters in this arc were my favorite in all of the whole story, and it all mostly felt empty here. Not to mention the lack of hype thanks to Netflix. Like, f this, dude


for nth time: horimiya pls? :')

DeAndre Woodruff

I feel like they crammed the end of the arc into the last 2 episodes

Pom Poko

Honestly I agree with Roshi. I understand what they were trying to do with the symbolism of the leg but in the end the fight ended up pointless. They couldn't decide if they wanted to treat Riz like one of Gohin's patients that just needed reforming or if they wanted to paint him as an irredeemable monster. They tried to do both which is what messed it up. Spent the whole season watching Legoshi conquer his desire for meat and become strong in a new way only for him to eat Louis' leg and become stronger than ever before basically irradicating the whole damn point of the training arc

Red Ted

The show could had ended differently if Legosi and Louis used their brain/ communicated more to devise a plan. For example, Legosi could had made their death match at the black market where he could had received help from panda kun or Louis with the shishigumi. I agree that they had all this build up with Louis leg being eaten leading to nothing, and Riz just giving up. It doesn't make any sense why Legosi couldn't just contact the police for help but ended up with a criminal record.

Sinsinchi Bomba

I think I finally understood this ending a bit more. I don't think legoshi eating the leg was really about killing or finishing Riz than it was about Louis wanting Legoshi to survive. Nor do I think Legoshi would ever become the type of person to take it that far. And let's be honest, even with his power up, Legoshi wasn't gonna win. it's not like that punch to the stomach actually fazed him. I think the fact that Riz didn't actually kill Pina was a sign that he didn't have any actual murderous instinct. Yeah he lost control but the dark market shows us that it's actually kind of common. Don't get me wrong, it's still an odd ending to me but I get why certain lines weren't crossed. It was the same for Legoshi and the Tiger bill how they could fight but still stick together in a way. Riz made his mistake and now he's accepting what he did. I think that's mostly what Legoshi wanted. It wasn't a chapter of vengeance rather than being a chapter of coming to terms in a way. You could also see it during the fight that Riz wasn't necesarrily just looking to outright kill legoshi. I didn't think it was going to have that climatic of a finish to begin with.