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these the worst gangstas ever lmao



First tho


cant wait to see takemitchy get beat up

Devin B

They had to have used some flimsy ass wood to make those pews cause ain't no way someone is just casually tossing those like that.

Mozart Waddell

At this point Takemitchy needs to just start quoting scripture to Taiju in hopes he backs off.

Devin B

The one thing I'll give Takemichi credit for is how optimistic he is cause he really said that his plan was to beat Taiju's ass and tried to give him the fair one thinking he would do something.

Saint Nexus

That Jesus comment made me freaking cry my ass off. I haven't laughed that hard in a good ass minute 😂😂😂😂😂 And sometimes I like to think of who would survive in Black Lagoon... Nearly everyone in that room wouldn't last a week

Devin B

If Taiju is beating people up in a church on Christmas I don't think a scripture or two is enough to make him back off.

abdulrahman fahad

this gave me an idea what if they had time they react to bad shows animes tv or movies man that will be hilarious


Watching takemitchy get beat up is the most satisfying thing ever tbh never loved watching a MC get beat up as much as takemitchy doesn’t fail to crack me up how things are so over exaggerated around him


Roshi it because he a realistic normal person that get his ass beat by fighting ppl who stronger than him. There no power of friendship or power boost to this MC


Can’t really take realistic into consideration in an anime that 15 year old gangsters survive after getting hit by a metal rod on the head




Jesus can’t even save you is wild Lmao next episode finna be good for us manga readers😭

Mozart Waddell

😂 eh it might not stop him but it might just earn Takemitchy a lighter beating 🤷


This dbz broly shit, all the z fighters getting there ass kick tryna fight broly while vegeta/hakkai just standing there trembling 😭

chief green

Just wait takemitchy finna turn up I believe in him


Tokyo Revengers might be the funniest show out rn and it’s not even intentional


LOL i hate you guys, that Jesus joke TOOK ME OUT LMAOOOO 😂😂😂😂😂


20:15 That Sht was so funny😂


Mannn Takemichi is one of my favorite characters but y’all had me crying at these jokes 😂😭

Earphone Jack

They really cuttin’ up inside the church! Also listen…I got to hand it to Takemitchy. He stay getting his ass beat but he never gives up. And that declaration he made at the end…woah. I wasn’t expecting that at all.


Huh? what are you on this anime is far from realistic

Elizabeth Darby

It’s worse in the manga😭😂


beyond garbage


lets pretend this ep didn't happen. wow. not the reaction, but i regret watching this episode. something is wrong with the writing dear lord.


garbage ass series


@Sparky - The metal pipe is what did it for you? What about the freaking time travel? lmao

Syukor Kirito

Takemichi needs to talk to Naruto cause his talk no jutsu is trash. His talk no jutsu makes me wanna punch him even more


In all seriousness, with regards to people getting whacked by metal pipes, this series is wildly inconsistent. Unless I'm mistaken, we've now seen Mikey's brother, Mikey, Kisaki, and Mitsuya all getting piped. I almost think Kazutora did, too, but I can't remember. Mikey was knocked unconscious before pulling a zombie Jesus, Baji broke Kisaki's glasses, Mitsuya got a concussion, and Mikey's brother was murdered by a 12 year old.


True but there not much they can use as weapons since Japan don’t allow guns


They did Yuzuha dirty with that random panty shot. I'm assuming it was in the manga, too, but it feels so unnecessary. Nothing says "the stakes are high" and "take this seriously" like a split moment panty shot. I'm not usually disturbed (or excited) by fan service, but this one definitely made me cringe.

Gyomei Himejima (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-21 04:02:52 THROW THE DAMN TOWEL!!!!
2023-02-21 02:52:38


Throwing in the towel means almost certain death, though. I suppose they could try to run, but Hakkai is frozen in fear, Yuzuha is out cold, and Mitsuya has a concussion.


ngl this ep was just clown shoes


Y'all should check out durarara

Clrissa young

yall make this funny, if i was anime only id probably be going crazy atp lmfaoo


lupa had me crying at the heinz ketchup joke

Erik De La Cruz

Please react to The Eminence in Shadow! Pleaseeee its such a good funny action show, I honestly believe all three of you would enjoy watching it. It has great fighting scenes and the MC of the show is honestly so great.


Nah I would have just called the police and an ambulance 😭


Still think the Mc from re:zero has it worst than anyone but bro here is a close second


This is such a stupid series, but i can't stop watching this train wreak

Leandro Da Silva

“I know this is supposed to be a sad and serious scene full of suspense but heres a panty shot because we didn’t fit our Fan service quota”

Taveon Staten

yall bout to like the next few episodes


Show turned into a whole comedy.

John Strickland

Bro this show is jokes with how bad it is😭😭😭😭


ain't no way we spent 20 mins watching everyone affiliated with toman in this episode getting their ass beat one-sidedly 😭

Mozart Waddell

Lupa commentary was pure comedy this reaction 😂

Smash Bran'Discootch

Okay so I mean, I like a little fan service as much as the next dude. But like yeah, that was definitely unnecessary. Chick just got DUFFED and you're flashing me her panties? Just a weird move. I mean, is it enough to cause a fuss about? Nah, just noting the weirdness.


The man was on fire, a whole stand up comedian lmao


Isn't Takemichi a captain now from last season? Why they make him a captain and he cant fight.


yooo i almost passed out laughing omg. taiju is a fucking monster im about to send roshi the bill after i end up in the hospital omg lmao. ive never seen so much hilarious ass beating. tbh jumping this mf wouldnt have done shit. idk why the rest of the black dragons showed up. he dont need back up. jesus cant stop taiju!!!


You mean peak from last season ?😤

Smash Bran'Discootch

I would have loved it if they showed the Mary statue again but this time she had her face turned away. "Ayo Takemitchy, what's that grey stuff leaking out of your nose and ears?" I get it now. The plan is to tire Taiju out and then piss him off so much that he has a heart attack!


This season has been a pretty big let down, but your reaction videos get me through it! This video had me rolling more than any other lmao

Kumi Chan

The reason why no one could step in was called of the truce they made, but even then the truce was long broken when Taiju beat the brake out of everyone


“Jesus can’t even save you” Lupa kills me everytime😭😭


Is it just me or do y’all think Takemitchy is supposed to die in the past usually when characters time travel back into a certain time is cause they were supposed to die in that past to save certain characters idk maybe I’m just crazy I’m just tired of him getting beat up


I dont even think the quality dropped or anything. I still think the storyline is good. But i still agree w/ u purely off of takemichi fatigue😂

Lofii Lee

As funny as it is, I give credit when it’s due. Cause at least my boy still standing 😂


Bro the IG live had me dead lmao


Literally every Shounen Protagonist ever lol


Subaru a regular man holding his own against an infamous vampiric assassin. He's duffing Taiju's shit in.


This is easily one of the funniest Tokyo revengers episodes just clown shoes 🤡 the whole episode 😂


never ever forget you guys thought this clown is better than subaru lol


Im fucking telling y'all dont sleep on Takemitchy, yall aint ready.


nah the mangaka never seen some real gang shit 😂 they just taking breaks mid-fight and not helping the homie… like yeah?


Bro he was in a gang fr, just Google Ken wakui. Gangs in Japan musta been different


it's petty but in a situation like this. why can't they hit the villains in the nuts?

lakewood145 .

I dropped this series 3 eps back and reading the last 3 titles I'm glad I did


this is the point in the manga where i was like alright this shit too much lmao

plug-in panda

This shit is terrible but I can’t stop watching lol

plug-in panda

How’s it good. They want to kill them but let them rest and talk. they sit and watch mitsuya struggle and get clubbed. Mitchy with full knowledge of the future still can’t figure anything out and does everything the same. This series had a promising story at first but it’s off the rails now lol

Asher Ealey

He also gave everyone superpowers(Superhuman strength and durability)

Asher Ealey

Ain't gonna lie, Takemichi might be the worst MC that I have seen. Bro is more useless then pre timeskip sakura

Oax Al

At this point I'm watching for the jokes. Bruh 2 whole ass seasons and he hasn't learnt to fight. You're supposed to be a 20 something year old how slow can this "man" be.

Jalani Abdul-Aziz

nah yall got me legit crying laughing over here gotta be the funniest episode/ reaction in this series hands down


Yea like the manga falls the F**k off after this arc with just stupid decisions from the mangaka


honestly this episode was clownery he's sturdy I guess but that's his only positive trait


Lupa has me crying in pain from laughing

Derek Warren

I haven’t laughed this much on a reaction in a long time Them niggas are the worst gangsters ever lmaooo 🤣🤣🤣🤣


When we unlock guns?


The whole time I am screaming at the fact that they were always turning their backs on the enemy and casually talking with no care for their surroundings. Literally got Mitsuya hit by a Japanese Oh Sangwoo


youre getting a glimpse next episode but trust me, the next two arcs gonna be nuts.


Should’ve dropped this back at the end of s1.


Ayo, shouts to Mitsuya's VA, aka Inosuke from demon slayer 😆 ngl... I never looked into dude before, but he's a LEGEND! He's always been Kirito/Kazuto (sao) and he was also Soma from food wars. I only looked it up because he has a couple Inosuke like grunts in this episode that made me go "Inosuke?" Lol. Dude has amazing range and has been in a TON of shit these past 10 years.


Can we drop this show or is it to late😂😂

Emman Reed

me not realizing that its about time travel and not the smoke this whole time.


This ain’t a “battle shounen” maybe that’s why some of you guys hate it takemitchy so much lol


Difference is, he’s a regular dude unlike the majority of shounen mcs


Realistic or not, it very well established that takemitchy is WEAK so far. There’s no “power ups” that we have seen so idk what you’re expecting expecting? Takemitchy to get a Zenkai boost?


You miss my whole damn point. I wasn’t expecting him to do shit


@Ougi his ass was probably part of some friendship gang then…


I’ll probably drop the show before I “become ready”. Show is lame as hell


with how long they stood around talking Taiju would've had time to film, edit, and upload a reaction to his own live

DeAndre Woodruff

I swear this shit went by way faster in the manga


It’s so hard to watch when the MC get his ass best constantly 😭😭


I'm starting to look forward to Takemitchy getting fucked up lol


They made this WAY FUNNIER then it should’nt been lmaooooo omgg I haven’t laughed so hard in my entire life


Ngl I'm only watching this through yoshi and it's been hilarious.


Bro Lupa was COOKING with the jokes this episode


watching this in the future, this really could've been a good episode, like the beats are all there but its like the studio doesn't know how to connect them so nothing lands properly with the audience

Colin Boehling

on his hands and knees crying again... how do people watch this shit lolo. lifetime of a loser