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Season 1 was solid!

Hanamonogatari episodes will be up tomorrow, sorry for the last minute switchup


Peachie Mellow

My mans said CccCa CA CAPTAIN PICARD! Lmfao 🤣 😭😭😭

Evan Jenkins

Yeah, the "Chinglish" thing and the bickering between Revy and Shenhua is not racism so much as a cultural clash. Revy is basically an Chinese-American ex-pat now (more like a woman without a nation) and Shenhua's way of speaking triggers her. One of the reason this show is so amazing is the way it deals with race and culture clashes. It's sometimes ugly, but always feels real. In the end, it's money and friendship that matter in Black Lagoon.

Evan Jenkins

I like how Rock's superpower is actually the ability to stay cool and even talk cool with a gun in his face. In the criminal world, that's for real one of the best traits you can have. They play it off as kind of a joke at first but then you're like, "wow, I guess that it keeps saving his ass over and over...huh."

Evan Jenkins

You can also see how pissed she is that the CIA goon is basically blackmailing her and yet when Rock comes over and talks to her she goes back to being "fun Revy". In earlier episodes she is way more dark for longer periods of time (Dutch almost has to merc her ass for it at one point).

Bri & KJ

Luppa eyes low😂😂




God I forgot how much I love Shenhua 😂🤣

paladar blade

Can't help but remember that Revy told Rock she wouldn't save him if he got kidnapped like the garcia kid in the previous episodes yet lo an behold she did.


She willingly held Garcia at gunpoint when she saw that the maid was pointing a gun/umbrella at Rock.

Saint Vakos

S2 too or not ?

Asad Khabir (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-25 00:11:59 So a few points: 1- Shenhua (the chinglish girl) calls Revy a Twinkie. It's a slur for East Asians who are well-assimilated Asians in Western societies who forget their roots. Twinkie being yellow on the outside and white inside. In this case Revy is a Chinese American who spent her childhood in the US. 2- Roshi is kind of right. Leigharch (the irish guy) was definately not smoking weed or at least had some other stuff mixed in it. In fact in the manga the substance was actually cocaine. He later dies of an overdose (offscreen).
2023-11-25 00:11:59 So a few points: 1- Shenhua (the chinglish girl) calls Revy a Twinkie. It's a slur for East Asians who are well-assimilated Asians in Western societies who forget their roots. Twinkie being yellow on the outside and white inside. In this case Revy is a Chinese American who spent her childhood in the US. 2- Roshi is kind of right. Leigharch (the irish guy) was definately not smoking weed or at least had some other stuff mixed in it. In fact in the manga the substance was actually cocaine. He later dies of an overdose (offscreen).
2023-11-25 00:11:59 So a few points: 1- Shenhua (the chinglish girl) calls Revy a Twinkie. It's a slur for East Asians who are well-assimilated Asians in Western societies who forget their roots. Twinkie being yellow on the outside and white inside. In this case Revy is a Chinese American who spent her childhood in the US. 2- Roshi is kind of right. Leigharch (the irish guy) was definately not smoking weed or at least had some other stuff mixed in it. In fact in the manga the substance was actually cocaine. He later dies of an overdose (offscreen).
2023-11-25 00:11:59 So a few points: 1- Shenhua (the chinglish girl) calls Revy a Twinkie. It's a slur for East Asians who are well-assimilated Asians in Western societies who forget their roots. Twinkie being yellow on the outside and white inside. In this case Revy is a Chinese American who spent her childhood in the US. 2- Roshi is kind of right. Leigharch (the irish guy) was definately not smoking weed or at least had some other stuff mixed in it. In fact in the manga the substance was actually cocaine. He later dies of an overdose (offscreen).
2023-11-25 00:11:59 So a few points: 1- Shenhua (the chinglish girl) calls Revy a Twinkie. It's a slur for East Asians who are well-assimilated Asians in Western societies who forget their roots. Twinkie being yellow on the outside and white inside. In this case Revy is a Chinese American who spent her childhood in the US. 2- Roshi is kind of right. Leigharch (the irish guy) was definately not smoking weed or at least had some other stuff mixed in it. In fact in the manga the substance was actually cocaine. He later dies of an overdose (offscreen).
2023-01-13 02:25:08 So a few points: 1- Shenhua (the chinglish girl) calls Revy a Twinkie. It's a slur for East Asians who are well-assimilated Asians in Western societies who forget their roots. Twinkie being yellow on the outside and white inside. In this case Revy is a Chinese American who spent her childhood in the US. 2- Roshi is kind of right. Leigharch (the irish guy) was definately not smoking weed or at least had some other stuff mixed in it. In fact in the manga the substance was actually cocaine. He later dies of an overdose (offscreen).

So a few points: 1- Shenhua (the chinglish girl) calls Revy a Twinkie. It's a slur for East Asians who are well-assimilated Asians in Western societies who forget their roots. Twinkie being yellow on the outside and white inside. In this case Revy is a Chinese American who spent her childhood in the US. 2- Roshi is kind of right. Leigharch (the irish guy) was definately not smoking weed or at least had some other stuff mixed in it. In fact in the manga the substance was actually cocaine. He later dies of an overdose (offscreen).


You guys don’t know how happy you made me by reacting to this show! I hope season 2 is on the way, and the OVA. Y’all are amazing!

Devin B

Shenhua has the craziest dialogue but I like her for it. The fact that she's a dope fighter is a bonus too.


Was hoping for mono but I’ll take black lagoon anyday


I think he's still alive in the anime (at least the dub dialogue) but still only referenced, not seen again

Jake Thompson

I'd love for Jormungand to be on the docket for replacement show once they're done with Black Lagoon. Same vibe, same great action.

Hasnain Khan



Anyone know if Shenhua's hard accent is actually part of her character or is it an English dub quirk? I only listened to a short clip of her JP dub voice and given her tone, she sounded very foreign even in the Japanese dub so this thick accent seems to actually be her character quirk and not just the English dub being edgy with the choice.


when you write a scene about being stoned, but you've never been high or around heads before


I was in the same head space as Lupa I thought the guy was on PCP or something cause ain't no way he got that high off of weed

Devin B

What dude was smoking had to have been laced with something else


Lupa: "you have a gun to your head sir" Me: (Checks last 11 episodes) He has had a gun to his head for a while now you know?😅


I think its mentioned in the Japanese sub he does.. other drugs.. and smokes weed to "Relax" after binging said other drugs.. unfortunately "Relaxed" usually means out of his mind. I think he gets brought back up later in the anime that elaborates a bit more.


still dont know why they left it out of the dub, it makes it seem really stupid lmao.

Big Daddy Dre

Part of her character became she an Asian who doesn’t know English well it just came off kinda racist because her VA isn’t Asian 😂😂 also just found out her VA is the voice of gohan and kid goku for the original dragon ball


Fun fact Shen Hua (the Chinese woman) calls Revy a Twinkie, which is the Asian equivalent of calling a black person an Oreo. It's because Revy is Chinese American and Shen Hua is Taiwanese.

Alexander Joseph Cruz

Just to point out, Rock wasn't on a contact high, revy actually passed him the joint. He was high high

Jake Thompson

Shenhua mentions he took something along the lines of bad acid and had a mental break so he's in an asylum somewhere.

Jamie See (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-14 02:36:29 This episode and ep 11 show how Revy is starting to really care about Rock. Since she took the documents out of the briefcase at some point and had the documents on her when rock got captured she could have literally just left him. She really just saved him not for the documents but for her own feelings towards him. The fact that when Rock thanks her and then she at first is cool and then acts all tough saying she won't help him next time but we all know she will and low key is happy he is safe adds on to the relationship the two of them currently have. And it's just going to continue developing from here.
2023-01-13 07:43:11 This episode and ep 11 show how Revy is starting to really care about Rock. Since she took the documents out of the briefcase at some point and had the documents on her when rock got captured, she could have literally just left him. She really just saved him not for the documents but for her own feelings towards him. The fact that when Rock thanks her and then she at first is cool and then acts all tough saying she won't help him next time but we all know she will and low key is happy he is safe adds on to the relationship the two of them currently have. And it's just going to continue developing from here. EDIT: I watched again, and you can see Revy is worried about Rock when he is high because he becomes depressed it seems like when revy says he usually is positive and shakes things off. You can see the concern in her face.

This episode and ep 11 show how Revy is starting to really care about Rock. Since she took the documents out of the briefcase at some point and had the documents on her when rock got captured, she could have literally just left him. She really just saved him not for the documents but for her own feelings towards him. The fact that when Rock thanks her and then she at first is cool and then acts all tough saying she won't help him next time but we all know she will and low key is happy he is safe adds on to the relationship the two of them currently have. And it's just going to continue developing from here. EDIT: I watched again, and you can see Revy is worried about Rock when he is high because he becomes depressed it seems like when revy says he usually is positive and shakes things off. You can see the concern in her face.

Hans Wurst

Revy shot the two henchmen and not the Japanese guy because they were holding guns, he had none. Simple quick elimination of real threats followed by getting the f out of there.

danial javady

black lagoon just simply does not pay attention to this kind of realism. bro could've just taken his homies guns or had one holstered.

Rufus May

It's actually because he stepped behind the other two as they were getting hit and dropped with them to keep himself alive.

Faiz Khan

fuck type of weed this guy was on bruh


Are they still doing season 2? I really want them to reach the Roberta OVA's.


That ain’t weed bro lmao


if they liked offensive humor this much then the Ghost Stories dub would absolutely destroy them 😂

Tyler Cauthen

ghost stories dub would be a funny ass watch


Ghost Stories dub, maybe?


In the manga Mr. Irish's drug of choice was cocaine, they changed it to marijuana in the anime.