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Thats obviously a snake



I love this opening so much, im pretty sure in my spotify wrapped it was like 2nd place, absolute banger.


What happend whit Banana fish?

Smash Bran'Discootch

Roshi: "What are you doing legosi? How is that supposed to help? She's into you bro!" Okay, but like....how are Juno's feelings in any way Legosi's responsibility? It isn't like Legosi lead her on or was toying with her feelings. He didn't respond to any of her very overt advances. I get where you're coming from because it's sad and you wanna empathize with her. But why should legosi have to treat her with kid gloves? If anything, Juno is being the asshole by basically trying to guilt trip him into a relationship. "I told you my feelings and you just left me there. Is it because you hate your own kind?" Juno is trash, my man. I get her feelings, but the way she's gone about the whole thing is just really shitty.


Nah I gotta ask now what kind of water bottle brand you use cause that water looking good to sip

Yagi di Hoshi

Fun Fact: This episode is where Legoshi becomes actually aware that Juno had fallen in love with him (internal monologue from him missing from the manga)