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Lupa is broken lmao 



Watch "MHA S6 Ep 8" on Streamable.



NO idea what his powers were but Majestic looked raw as fuck. Mans out hero the most fabulous Elden ring mage in the game. RIP the goat. I hardly knew you mister disco wizard


oh yea because a show about unrealistic powers being gifted to regular people totally isn't out of the ordinary........ :|


I feel like everyone had the same reaction watching this my mom was like “SHUT IT OFF IM MAD”

Ren Lichtfoot

nah, in the manga, Deku's hit landed and broke his jaw. They just didn't want to show something so graphic, so they did the bite thing.

Damarcus Miller

Let’s fxcking go! Let me go Re-heat my food😭 y’all the best! 🐐


Shigaraki on demon time , ngl first time seeing a man who has completely lost it.


I think it is very interesting how the fight is portrayed. Tomura is damn near on death's door and getting jumped. The way he is fighting all of them while pushing his limits can be seen as heroic and inspiring. It really is crazy. Tomura is def a top-ten antagonist for me.

Earphone Jack


Mozart Waddell

Momo with Howlitzers was clean

Devin B

Gran Torino and Aizawa were the two most clutch heroes and Shigaraki got rid of both of them in one episode.

Hasnain Khan


Trey Milliner-Williams

in the manga Deku took some teeth with that hit it was wild. also Deku being more clutch and faster than Mr Death murder explosion just idk it feels good after so many seasons of fuckery from Bakugo.


that 100% Deku landed broke and bloodied his jaw in the manga. They heavily censored it in here.


All those shots and still misses


Yo that man Rock Lock really couldn't take one for the team and just tank the bullet?


Yeah they censored the hell out the Wyoming Smash in the manga it was a lot more graphic Deku broke buddy whole jaw and knocked out a few teeth. Chapter is 281/282 in case anyone wants to see it


Ive been wondering for awhile, how did invisible girl get past the UA entrance exam?


Yeah but they had to given the shows time slot in Japan, censorship will still happen


Yea Mr Compress with the pocket debris is OP


Fr, in the panels you can see his jaw muscles/cheek skin stretching and ripping + his teeth shattered or popped out

Daniel Robb

It was literally a still frame, when deku brought his arm down and Shigaraki ate it... Maybe they show it in the next episode, no need to spoil.


I've seen interpretations where she snuck up on the robots and pulled cords and stuff to shut them down and get points, but I'm not really sure what canon is.

Trey Milliner-Williams

lol what? the moment in the manga is literally this episode like the scene is literally in this episode. like the entire sequence was in this episode lol


the robots can be deactivated by switches, letting kids with "trap" types of quirks get points (also how Mineta passed, and probably others like Sero and Koda)


there are a few missing shots of Deku's smash pushing people back + Bakugou destroying the deleter round in Shiggy's other hand

Ranginald Vagel

They really let Tomura get back on his feet bc he was talking. I know talking a free action in anime but my dude literally abused the mechanic to recover.


"Like a dog. What do you have in your mouth!?" 💀

CJ Evans

But if that’s the case why didn’t they censor Mirko’s injuries? Seemed pretty gruesome to me, unless it was worse in the manga.


Pocket Concrete truly is the most dangerous. It’s a good thing Cementoss is on the heroes side.


They censored Shiggy's decay the entire series with gray dust then decided to show it uncensored when he used it on his family/dog so *shrug*. They've been inconsistent the entire series so no doubt it'll be inconsistent again. Can't wait to see how they're gonna censor some future scenes that are like literally impossible to tone down or hide unless u have the anime girl censor fog pop up lmao.


they're all recoiling from Deku's attack kicking up a bunch of dust- and since Shigaraki kind of just flicked the bullet, there wasn't a gunshot

Drake Rage

I literally have no idea how they can stop Shigaraki now if he was already almost brushing off all their attacks without using any Quirks... How are they going to manage not getting massacred after Aizawa loses his Quirk????


I mean, they'd also have to animate him talking with that shattered jaw +in the b/w manga, Horikoshi can show a really bad wound without getting really detailed by upping the crosshatching until the injury is solid black, which the in-color anime can't do


Red riot rushed that fast to save his love interest with his chivalrous spirit, that's why he's my favorite character


To be fair though he helped take down an executive of the Villain Association, so that's a big W

The GoDKing 27

How fucking strong can the bio engineering make someone’s muscles. Even his durability is unmatched without his quirks.


Ya I really got no clue how they get outta this one tbh. without Aizawa they just all die dont they? Was totally sure Manual was gonna eat it for him cause i mean come on bro ur quirk definitely the weakest there. unless they pull some bullshit like hes immune to the drug or it doesnt "activate" or something. not sure how it works exactly maybe they can give him the hershel treatment only thing i can think of


Sad about the censorship with Deku's Wyoming Smash and the missing scene with Bakugo, but I'm super excited for the next episode as things about to get even more wild


idk if ya'll need a new site to watch from or I do but these sub translations feel more off to me


they watch on CR but 9anime take subs from b-global

Zen Reacts

No thoughts head empty during these reactions. Shigi didnt bite Deku, Deku shoved his arm into his mouth to try and pull his head back


Yall have unrealistic expectations of how fast regular humans can move compared to a bullet shot with super strength

Mervyn Larrier

The next few episodes Lupa might as well bring a washcloth lmao he gon be SWEATING 🤣🤣

Andres Holguin

can someone explain, i'm confused as to how what yaoyorozu is illegally doing?

Jermaine Johnstone

Because she's a student and only has a provisional license, there are some things they aren't allowed to do.

Drake Rage

Think of Heroes as cops, "sedating" criminals is illegal because of how easy it is to kill someone when giving them the wrong dosage. That being said, some of these KNOWN AND DANGEROUS Criminals should definitely be hit with LETHAL force... like Shigaraki, Gigantomachia, and other well-known members of the Villain League. To sedate someone, you need to take into account their gender, height, weight, etc. You can bet that people will get the dosage wrong and accidentally kill people if it was legal to sedate potential criminals.

Drake Rage

They had given an explanation on how it works, back during Overhaul's arc. The drug was made using Eri, they said it is basically a better and more permanent version of Aizawa's ability. Aizawa temporarily disables people from using their Quirks, but the Drug basically destroys the genes that produce Quirks, so they can't use their Quirks anymore since their body will be like "you don't have a Quirk," lol. Eri better master her ability quick, since she can reverse their bodies to when they still had Quirks, so she can bring back Mirio and Aizawa's Quirks.


In short, drugging up Gigantamatecha is illegal. Might be more of a Japanese thing, but torture and drugs are inhumane acts for law enforcement.


next episode (watch the preview if u wanna know)


NGL I was shouting at the screen to Deku to rip out Shigaraki's throat or claw out his eyes. He is a kill by any means necessary villain


So is destroying a city and killing its inhabitants. But it’s MHA with their “muh law”.

Jalani Abdul-Aziz

At this point I’ve literally forgot Gigantomania’s real name 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Laura is right. The anime kinda did Deku, Bakugo & Shiggy dirty this episode

Jalani Abdul-Aziz

this prolly bout to sound dumb but can rock lock stop a person from moving all limbs or just one? and. if it's all limbs WHY ISN'T HE TRYING TO TOUCH Shigaraki??? i'm sure they can get a different person to help Aizawa


I think he could have potentially locked him down to one spot (like not being able to move his feet off the ground) but buddy was airborne most of the time, and zipping past people the other times. Rock lock rushed at him once and had his ankles broken, So I'm assuming he'd never be able to touch him anyways.

Pussy Bacon

I don’t think it’s very clear with the way it just pans from scene to scene

Zen Reacts

Its really not plus in the manga panel you can see a bunch of shigis teeth breaking

Matthew Tigue

Actually, I'm pretty sure Shigaraki caught Deku's smash, not that Deku shoved his arm into his mouth because even he was surprised that his arm was inside of Shigaraki's mouth. Also in the manga, you could tell that he caught Deku's smash because it almost took off his jaw and mangled his teeth.

Matthew Tigue

Manual biting it for Aizawa is a big mistake since he's the only reason Aizawa isn't blinking and giving Shigaraki a chance to use his quirks. I'd say Rock Lock should be the one to take the hit since besides helping move Aizawa, he isn't of much help.

Matthew Tigue

In the manga, instead of Mirko's left arm getting twisted to oblivion, it's just completely ripped off with a mangled stump at the end. Also, her side injury is much bloodier and more graphic.


What the fuck are these trash Cringeass subs???? Also now that Erasure is gone, do you think Shiggy can just fuck em up like this w/ the nuke-finger Quirk? https://youtu.be/RwUHhiQ6EOk?t=41

Jalani Abdul-Aziz

Ah facts you right thank you. It’s just annoying cuz they’ve got him pinned once or twice with each time Deku did grant it it wasn’t for long at all but at least get an attempt yk?


i think the subs that we see in the reactions are different to what they are reading.

Jay rellim

why couldnt mushroom girl put some mushrooms in all the villains' lungs during that initial attack when giganto was down and kaminari was trying to zap them? i thought they'd be close enough and she has the power to control the range they grow in


Tell Lupa weird ass, it's easier said then done. Bruh. Lmao!


Endeavor was also taking the time to rest, it’s stated multiple times he’s at his overheating limit and his attacks are getting weaker

Devin B

There was no way they would be able to react to the bullet coming at them. Everything was happening so fast that Manual and Rock Lock was focused on moving Aizawa and then all of a sudden he got hit.

Devin B

Deku was coming straight down at Shigaraki's head, he definitely wasn't aiming to put his arm in his mouth. Shigaraki just reacted to his move and caught it with his mouth.

Julio Morales

i wish they didnt censor it as much. fyi for those that didnt know, deku actually slammed his arm on shigis mouth its wasnt just caught. so in the manga, shigis mouth/jaw where essentially unhinged to bite deku, and his teeth where fucked. from taking a full 100% punch to the mouth while it was bitting onto deku's arm

Zen Reacts

Rock Lock cant lock living things in place guys

chris dacon

I think they may develop it more in the beginning of the next episode because they tend to do that. Like the ice guy vs cement and mount lady beind developed later in another episode compared to the start of that fight.;) heres hoping


Tomura fr stopped all might level basic smash from deku with only his teeth…. I feel like he can go toe to toe with all might with no quirk at that point..


Honestly, i now understand tomura’s completely op nature. He is the end boss, and we have completely op heroes like full potential eri, full potential deku, full potential murio, full potential todoroki, full potential bakugo, and, well, aizawa already at full potential that would go against him at the endgame of the shigaraki tomura arc or something


@drake rage It's easy to accidentally kill someone if you punch them in the wrong spot on the head or chest too but MHA doesn't regulate punch strength.


@kollie123 Endeavor I get but everyone else stopped too. Aizawa's eyes out there fighting for their lives while Gran Torino stopped for story time 🤣


To get past Dabis intense fire is pretty dope

Jason Williams

I really liked the subversion of expectations with the OST music in that first scene. First it started off with "United States of Smash" which abruptly cuts off just before the song's best/triumphant part when Kaminari got hit with the debris. Then the super-popular "You Say Run" starts when Kirishima is climbing, only to cut off before it's best/triumphant part with Gigantomachia's transformation. It was as if to say as bluntly as possible "this ain't gonna have the happy ending you're used to"


Deku should have use his strength to rip his head off after he bit his arm


Why is he so hard to kill with his quirks deactivated?

Greg Harrison

Remember that supernomu in S1 that all might fought? Shiggy went through nomu surgery so he's super strong/tough even when quirkless


He was keeping Eraser heads eyes open that's why he wasn't trying to stop Shigaraki


mt lady and homegirl were gonna get fucked up regardless off fumbling the vial, the sleep serum is not instant.

Drake Rage

@morgan Using Quirks is not a problem because Heroes go through extensive training to have accurate control over their abilities and the rest of the "citizens" are not allowed to use their powers. That is why this war happened with the "Liberation Army." They wanted people to be free to use Quirks as much as they want. Basically "punches" are regulated since the Heroes go through extensive training to control their abilities but using Drugs on criminals is illegal, which makes sense since it has more to do with medical knowledge than law enforcement/Heroes.


my whole thing is they had at least 100 of those things. they landed 1. it would take HOURS for that to even remotely effect him if at all. Like an Asprin

Kumi Chan

because even with no quirks, he still has super strength from the machine he was in


Lupa reaction had me rolling lmaoooooo love yall!!!


I felt that about holding the info in roshi lmaooooo


Rock Lock's quirk doesn't work on living things

Matrim Hall

Btw, he didn't bite Deku, that was Deku breaking his jaw

Charlie Hall

“We can fuck him up tho, that’s legal” 😂😂


Anychance of sorting out the blurryness of the MHA vids?


Lol i remember that flashback for ashido and kirishima a long ass time ago and the subtitles literally said gigantomachia when he was talking


A week late so you probably won't read this lol but it actually isn't all that much more graphic, it's really more "suggestive"- the pen strokes suggest shapes that imply a lot of gore and your brain fills in the details


True tbh a lot of people feel like they censored a lot but I think it’s just fine


This episode made me want to drop the show. I can't with this bs anymore


Just to explain how strong he is , when he first goes toward deku and he’s “flying” thru the city that just him jumping , he can even change where he’s going with a swing of his arm

by chances

why, you think these heros can just somehow instantly kill that monster and just peace out? damn what a good plot lol.

by chances

lol lupa at the end