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waiting for Loid to finally catch on to Anya lol





Y’all NEED to check out this show on Amazon Prime called Pantheon! It’s art style is like Invincible but it’s a sci-fi plot and the writing is INSANELY good for an animated show, I think y’all would dig it


Have you and Sheera chosen what show is Going to replace Golden Kamuy Roshi ?


You guys didn't notice the shadow move at 8:04 of this video?


I ain't gonna front, I think Lloid is probably the most inconsistent character in the story. He's either the smartest guy in the room OR completely clueless whenever the plot demands it.


Love this show but I am ready for them to dive back into operation strix Predictions I’m having: 1. the hospital said they’re gonna start looking into psychic research. Hopefully that’ll be the tie in that clues in Loid to Anya. 2. Don’t know why but I think Yor’s shopkeeper is Handler


Pretty much yeah lol. He is literally such a smart character besides when it comes to anya and yor simply because the plot doesn't want him to know that yet. If loid used the same deductive ability he used when figuring out yuri was a cop with anya and especially yor he would instantly catch on and start researching lol

Devin B

I think it depends on the setting. When it comes to actual spy stuff and things that requires critical thinking he's smart but when it comes to the simple things like his home life he overthinks things.

Omar Bautista

Frankie got lucky because he was about to meet Chris Hanson's Grandpa

tiana britton

It’s called exactly what it is…a sand tray…so close! It’s used a lot in play therapy for kids!


If you look in between the lines you can see a glimpse on how Anya has been experimented on when she asks where the brain manipulating machine is, also in the sand box that was a literal representation of how her mind is, its really sad tbh

Hasnain Khan



Fun fact : Guns silencers don't make that "pew pew" sound like in the James Bond movies or Metal Gear games. It doesn't sound like a gunshot but it still is very audible by anybody around. Kinda sounds like someone slapping something.


roshi bout to make me act up, mr. lucious lips lester


One of my favorite things about these reactions is definitely lupa's sound effects. He's really good at replicating the sounds perfectly. It's hella funny

Jake White (edited)

Comment edits

2022-11-26 10:30:14 Sheera really just be misinterpreting shit and then running with it forever lmao. Loid never said he was “giving up on her getting Stella’s.” He said that he was “giving up on the prospect of her receiving all 4 Stella’s for high performance on her midterms” lol nothing even close to just giving up on earning Stellas for good now
2022-11-22 18:00:58

Jake White

Could be wrong about this but back in the first few episodes when Yor took a phone call from the ‘Shopkeeper,’ I’m pretty sure I remember it being a man’s voice on the other end of the call.

Jake White

Plus, Yor has been working for this ‘Shopkeeper’ ever since she was a kid and she always talks about how her work makes her feel like she’s helping out her country by removing traitors and shit like that. Considering that Loid and Handler are from the enemy nation to Yor’s, I don’t really see a reason for why Handler would be helping out an enemy nation by contract assassinating their more scummy and untrustworthy figures

Omar Bautista

The "What John Wick silencers sound like" is to hilarious because of the echo of the room and no one noticing them


i mean he basically said it would be impossible for her to earn 8 stellas for acadamic performance and that winning multiple stella's for community service type shit would be too sus. so i'm pretty sure it's heavily implied that he's given up on that plan. which is why he's always at anya's school trying to figure out a different angle. ya'll always hate on sheera so much geez. we're all human, it's anime, it's not that deep

Joey Zero

In a world where superpowers don't exist, it would be insane to assume someone, especially a 6-year-old has mind reading abilities. Loid isn't oblivious or ignoring the signs, he's just being logical and chalking up the weird happenings to Anya being a child.

Cameron Eldridge

"he did not say no he said, nah that shit basically impossible but I will keep all options open" lmao u getting WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY to technical Jake holy shit yall will really deconstruct ANYTHING to try and sound smart IM DYING

Memento Young

Exactly. People act like kids just can't say some of the most off the wall stuff for no reason in real life. Like to compare fictional kids of the same age, Anya is basically on the same level of Lilo in terms of how she would look to an average adult who doesn't know she's a telepath.


Not sure if Lupa remembers, but in episode 1 or 2 Anya watched a man get shot in the head after being kidnapped. All over a toupee.