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Fushi is busted



Roshi visibly cringing at Kohaku's over-the-top thirst got me dead 💀💀


He literally did the same thing to evade Hayase when she was about to r*pe him in season 1. He left the boy's body and became the mole then into the boy again immediately. Then to be fair in that case he transferred from the boy the the mole, as opposed to creating a corpse like he did this ep.

Angelic Haven

I like the parallel between Bon and Todo/Iris hiding their secrets to protect their good fortune. Also I’m pretty sure she was brought back to life bc her ghost/spirit was nearby and entered in


Ayo 😂😂😂


Fushi my favorite androgynous sentient orb in anime

Devin B

Fushi was thinking of making a copy of Gugu after he left the old man's house but when he made the crab the Black one told him if he made a living thing it would just be a lifeless corpse. He technically didn't lie to him but he held out information on reviving people maybe because he wants Fushi to keep those forms to himself.


when bon was saying that something was talking to him, i'm pretty sure he was talking about the ghost of the girl before fushi recreated her body. the translation is just weird.


So note that the original boy that Fushi usually transforms into isn't actually following Fushi around as a ghost, and this ties in to how Gugu and March specifically declined moving on to paradise. They noticed Fushi wasn't there and decided to stay in the world of the living to follow him. In contrast, the boy was quite happy moving on. We also don't see Parona's ghost either.


Seeing how Bon's mom is opposed to women coming into Bon's life, it's probably for the best that Iris didn't reveal her identity.


At 11:43 they translated it as 'he,' but the Japanese was more ambiguous so 'they' would've been a more accurate translation. This also refers to most likely the recently deceased girl's fye. Bon is saying her fye disappeared as soon as a 'healthy' body of hers was created, resulting in a successful body transfer from a sick and dying one to a new and healthy one.


If Fushi did, for whatever reason, decide to revive the bear, would it come back to life with all those spears sticking out of it? Would Tonari still have those nokker veins? Or would those wounds go away like Anna's illness? I'm looking forward to learning more!!


From what I can tell, it's just March, Gugu, Tonari, the bear, and the bird. Everyone else seems to have moved on or been reborn.


Unsure considering the girl woke up healthy yet seemed to die of a disease/infection. Maybe it'll just return them to the age fushi saw them at, but the new body is healthy?


Ok so for fushi to bring someone back they cant have passed on,meaning the ones following him, so he can bring back March, Oniguma, Tonari and Gugu but not Rean, pioran, paron, Gugus brother, tonaris friends or Booze man, He doesnt need them to be following him to Turn into them but he does to bring them back. The crab obviously doesnt love fushi so it wasnt following him around which is why it doesnt revive the few times hes produced it. The girl in this, Anna, had just died so her Fye hadn’t passed on


Fushi has to turn into them and then recreate his own body out of them, when he turns into them he regenerates their wounds, except for the bear unfortunately


Fushi like the doll because he can relate to it

Greg Harrison

Why are you guys just spoiling? The show will reveal it all later

Cameron Robinson

Possible spoilers I guess if I’m right but I have a prediction that Fushi is basically a giant USB for the world and the Black One wants Fushi to gather all the date of the world and maybe restart it or recreate the world after a catastrophe as Earth’s thumb drive.


Fushi's love for the doll is probably a child-like love for a toy. He's just discovering love and its many forms and his love for the doll reflects his love for March and wanting to give her a toy. That's just my personal interpretation.


That’s what fushi thinks it is but its not, fushi is currently really gripping with the idea of whether or not he is a person or a tool, thats why he empathises witch a lone doll sitting on a chair lifeless, just like the boy in episode 1

Drake Rage

Remember in the scene after the Princess died, Bon said "There was someone here but they went somewhere" I think that was the Princess' Ghost that went back into her body. That is why she came back to life since the Spirit was right there. Fushi could bring back the people whose Spirits are around him, since they can go back into their bodies. The Bear could be revived if they take out all those things piercing it, since Fushi said that he goes into "Frenzy Mode" when he turned into the Bear because of all those arrows and branches piercing him causing him to be under immense pain all the time. The Bear literally bleeds through its eyes and nose... feel so bad about the Bear living life under hellish pain.

Emiliano Ruiz Chong

He didn't exactly get an ability upgrade, it is just a fact that he didn't know. The way it works is he gets to know a person while in life and he then gets that information. After that he can create that stuff, but in case of a person, it is just an empty shell if he is connected to it. He needs to separate himself from the shell so that the soul can reenter the body and come back to life once more.

Valentino Garay

Parona loved making dolls for March That’s why Fushi (in Parona form) felt so connected when he saw a beautiful doll in that town

zILovePelmeni _

the problem is once bon dies fushi can transform into him and see all his friends again as ghosts and then he wouldnt even think about having an ability to revive them

Erica Collins (edited)

Comment edits

2022-11-26 10:30:29 Kahaku is so annoying with trying to get Fushi to love him like bro please stop. Let him fall in love with someone naturally & it's so sweet how much Bon cares about his soldiers
2022-11-22 12:47:02 Kahaku is so annoying with trying to get Fushi to love him like bro please stop. Let him fall in love with someone naturally & it's so sweet how much Bon cares about his soldiers

Kahaku is so annoying with trying to get Fushi to love him like bro please stop. Let him fall in love with someone naturally & it's so sweet how much Bon cares about his soldiers


Wait a fucking minute.... is Iris the girl Bon fell in love with????? the one that gave him the handkerchief?????


I don't think it's a big deal. I came to the conclusion that Fushi can revive only the ones who follow him/didn't move on, without reading the manga.

Erica Collins

That's what I was thinking but how?? It doesn't make sense bc that girl was dead. Now I'm thinking that was her sister bc they look like they could've been related


Yeah.. and then she grew up to not be his type anymore XD


Bon a real leader for sure

zILovePelmeni _

the girl wasnt dead it just seemed like it because the lighting in the scene was bright, and she made a handkerchief and sneaked it into his room a ghost wouldnt be able to do that

Devin B

But what if they want to be revived again, you never know some of them probably don't want to stay a ghost. They can easily tell him about it.


Thanks for the spoiler... it gets revealed later ffs


Damn I was not expecting that at all. Now I wonder where the story is gonna go with this


Imagine Fushi in the future just flying over a city and coping a nuke. Also pretty fucked up i know but the "Black Guy" said Fushi can have children, but if he was pregnant as a woman and transformed would that be an abort? So many questions

L Jeans

it would defintnetly not work. he always resorts back to his original form

Alvin Smith

I feel like the story is gonna go in a direction of Fushi might be selfish and question if he should bring them back and they'll just die from old age, or just keep them and they stay with him forever. Idk just a theory though

Immoral Mortal

i imagine he could bring them back because their spirits are still there with him and have not moved on yet

Immoral Mortal

at least that is how i am thinking it would work until i get more information


Why'd you think she was dead? She wasn't transparent or anything.


So what about when he created an "empty husk" of the white haired boy in s1, when hayase captured him?


I love Bon as a character because he's so damn perceptive, and actually goes to bat for his people, but he also has a nuanced selfish side. His motivation is ultimately to become the king, and he's using Fushi toward that end, but he doesn't feel good about it, even while being determined keep on this path. Such a well written character trojan-horsed to us as a goofball.

Damian Czeszek

The boy went together with the spirits of his family and didn't stay with Fushi. The girl probably was still around since it's only been a short while since she died.

Matrim Hall

Before you judge Fushi's new relationship, remember our shapeshifter has experience being inanimate objects.


I really loved this episode


He tried with a person already. I think it was March? That he tried with. He created a body of her and it stayed dead. I think this time it is different though. Te difference here is that he transformed into the person first and then released out the person’s body while transformed into them. Basically taking that soul that he was using inside and transferring it to the body double. This is an interesting anime 🤔


Nah, fushi has never reproduced a human body before. This was his first attempt.